Five Elements Heaven

Volume 1 Chapter 126 I am the wind of the North Sea

Zhou Xiaoxi was anxious. He flew in the air at the fastest speed. He knew that everyone could not hold on for long. Want to read a book

Every two hundred miles, he would stop and chop down a tree to see if the blood poison had spread to this place. The number of disappointments continued to increase. He had flown halfway through the Wansheng Garden, but the hearts of all the cut down trees were red.

He couldn't imagine it, he was terrified.

In his eyes, the vast Wansheng Garden had turned into a boundless sea of ​​blood.

Wanshengyuan was eroded by blood poison, and his body was also eroded by blood poison. The blood poison was like a monster, constantly devouring his Yuan Power and growing crazily.

He gritted his teeth and flew with all his strength, but he found that the cloud wings were getting weaker and weaker, and he was flying slower and slower.

He felt sad and a little self-deprecating. If the brothers in the ministry saw him like this, they would definitely laugh loudly. Zhou Xiaoxi from North Sea Wind turned out to be slower than a turtle one day.

Staggering, like a bird with a wounded wing, losing its balance, he flew lower and lower.

His body passed through the canopy of the tree, and the dense branches slapped him, but he felt no pain.

When was the last time you flew this low? Twelve years old...

In front of him, he seemed to see a young boy who was clumsily putting on a cloud wing that was obviously much larger than his body. Those were his father's cloud wings. He had coveted them for a long time and dreamed of flying in the sky like his father.

Wearing Yunyi for the first time, the young man was very nervous. He pursed his lips, activated his energy, and staggered off the ground. He had no time to cheer. He was like a drunk bird, screaming and jumping headlong. Enter the dense foliage of the big tree in the yard.

The feeling of branches and leaves hitting my face is the same as now.

The figure of the young man, with the sunshine of ignorance and longing, is so beautiful.

The unbalanced body fell heavily into the soil, and the splashing soil and rotten leaves blocked the sky. A warm and nostalgic smile appeared on the corner of Zhou Xiaoxi's mouth.

Struggling to get up, he leaned under the tree and took out the bamboo tube from his arms. Take out a help leaf and insert it into the trunk of the tree.

He stayed for ten seconds as he watched the light of the distress leaf dimming little by little.

He carefully covered the bamboo tube and hid it close to his body. Without hesitation, he turned around, took steps, and stumbled towards the direction of the induction field.

Breathing became harder and harder, his body temperature became higher and higher, and he felt his strength weakening. Losing rapidly. Well, in fact, I have no physical strength anymore, and my legs are like lead.

Fortunately, Fairy Cui didn't see her in such a miserable state, otherwise she would have been so embarrassed...

Dizziness and tinnitus made his head dizzy.

I must look very ugly now...

In a daze, he seemed to see Cui Xianzi smiling at him. He tripped over a branch under his feet, fell down and gnawed on the mud, and hit his forehead on a stone. Blood snaked down.

On the contrary, he became more awake, and he gained strength from nowhere. He got up from the ground and struggled forward.

Stumbling, stumbling, and feeling groggy.

His body was like a cooked shrimp, all red, and his body temperature was astonishingly high. He felt like a volcano was churning inside his body.

The blood on his forehead exuded an alluring sweet fragrance.

In the grass not far away. Behind the bushes, there was rustling, and pairs of scarlet eyes lit up.

Yet he no longer felt fear, like he had no idea how long he had been trekking. Numb pupils. The blood that snaked down his forehead was soaked and stained red, and his vision was blood red.

My breathing felt like roaring in my ears, my heartbeat felt like a monster roaring, and the world was moving away.

Is this what death feels like...

He wanted to pull his lips, but he had no strength left and fell to the ground.

The beasts were slowly approaching from all directions. Their red eyes are full of greed and desire.

Behind the blood-red tree crown is the blood-red and deep sky. It is so beautiful. I don’t know when he started, he has loved the sky deeply, longed to conquer the sky, and longed to soar in the sky.

Who told himself that the last thought before death was his favorite thought?

What nonsense...

Is it the bamboo tube that I love so much? Hahaha...

Remember in the future, don’t cover the bamboo tube so tightly...well, no more.

The trembling bamboo tubes and pine needles were scattered all over the ground.

He couldn't distinguish any of the bright red vision and colorful pine needles.

Eyes soaked with blood can lead to color blindness...

The red tears just flowed down, and he didn't know whether they were tears or blood. They dripped on his clay-covered palms, just like the shape of a heart.

Fairy Cui, you have to survive!

He mustered up the last bit of strength, grabbed a handful of pine needles, and like an endangered beast, rushed towards the nearest tree!


A handful of pine needles mixed with soil were inserted into the trunk of the tree.

He stared blankly, a spot of light getting brighter and brighter.

He wanted to laugh, to laugh out loud, but no sound came out.

This is his cry for help, and the induction field can detect his mark. Among the dry food and medicine he handed to Cui Xianzi, there was his Beihai token, which can be used to find Cui Xianzi.

He raised his head with satisfaction. In his blood-red vision, those beasts were extremely ferocious.

So ugly...

At this moment, he just wanted to shout, to Fairy Cui, to the sky he loved so much, shouting loudly with his pride, and let his name echo in the wind.

I am the North Sea Wind!

He fell straight on his back.

Three days have passed under the mound, in the darkness.

Last time, after the ferocious beast left, Ai Hui asked Duanmuhuang to drill a few small holes with blue and white vines.

The air that these small holes can introduce is very limited. Fortunately, everyone knows how dangerous it is outside. Even the delicate female students can only endure it at this time.

There was chaos outside, with all kinds of unknown ferocious beasts roaring more and more, one after another.

Even inside the mound, everyone was terrified.

The mound is being reinforced these days. Ai Hui is responsible for guarding it, while the earth cultivators are responsible for controlling the soil.

The mounds are getting thicker and thicker, but no matter how thick the mounds are, they can't block the penetrating power of these beasts' roars.

When will support come?

"Can we survive?" someone asked in the darkness.

"Definitely!" Master Xu said decisively: "Such a big movement, the induction field will not sit idly by. Everyone must believe in the induction field and trust us."

"Master Xu is right." Cui Xianzi also said at this time: "We have to believe in the induction field. Wansheng Garden is a bit far away, and it takes time to mobilize power. But in any case, the induction field will not turn a blind eye to such a situation. .”

The students relaxed a lot.

Fairy Cui finished speaking. Silent in the darkness.

She thought of Zhou Xiaoxi, and her palms involuntarily grasped the bag that Zhou Xiaoxi threw to her. It's been three days and there's still no news about that guy. Did something happen to him?

Thinking of the blood poison in Zhou Xiaoxi's body. She was even more worried.

That cynical and flattering face kept reappearing in her mind. Thinking of his shamelessness, it made her so happy that a smile appeared on her lips.

That guy is much more interesting than the masters in the branch...

I remembered Zhou Xiaoxi asking her for her contact information. It's so corny to say that I will write to her in the future. Don't you know that writing letters is no longer popular nowadays?

If you don't write a letter by then, you'll be doomed...

In the darkness, a blush appeared on Fairy Cui's face.

But in the blink of an eye, all the distracting thoughts turned into worries.

She looked at the injured student who was tied up tightly and knocked unconscious, and she felt even more worried.

No matter what, you have to survive!

Ai Hui actually wanted everyone to stop talking, although everyone kept their voices low. But he likes to tell everyone that there are many beasts with very sensitive hearing.

But he didn't say anything because he knew that if he remained silent, everyone's emotions would completely collapse.

He was used to the dark and didn't feel any discomfort.

He glanced at the fat man, who was leaning against the stone and actually fell asleep. In fact, sleeping is the best choice in this situation.

Ai Hui didn't dare to sleep because he had to pay attention to what was going on outside. His hand almost never left the grass sword.

Compared to others. He was less optimistic. He didn't blink for three days. He knew best what was going on outside.

The situation is getting worse!

Everyone could feel that the beast roars were becoming more and more frequent, but only Ai Hui. Just counting silently in my heart,


Over the course of three days, he heard twenty-six different beastly roars. This precise number is the best evidence. Ai Hui discovered that these ferocious beasts would not roar like this casually.

Each beast makes only one sound.

He guessed that this roar was coming. It must contain some special meaning. But now he has collected too little information to decipher the secret of this roar.

But one thing is certain, only dangerous beasts will roar like this.

Twenty-six completely different but dangerous beasts make everyone tremble in fear.

In Ai Hui's opinion, this was the spread of the blood poison, or in other words, the incubation period of the blood poison had passed and now it was entering the explosion stage. Blood poison has an incubation period, which has been verified.

The person who helped Ai Hui verify was the student bitten by the red rabbit.

The student's energy disappeared and his whole body was hot. When he woke up, he was irritable and aggressive. If Ai Hui had never left the sword embryo state and had noticed it in advance, it is estimated that half of the people in the mound would have been injured by it.

The body of the student with a hand injury is undergoing amazing changes, such as his skin becoming harder. His eyes were bloodshot, glowing with a strange red light, and his strength became much stronger. The head became thicker. In just three days, this guy's head actually grew a lot.

The wound on the palm has healed, leaving no scars and is extremely smooth.

And Ai Hui noticed that the student did not completely lose consciousness, but that he could no longer control his emotions. It was as if something in other people was irritating him.

For everyone's safety, the practitioner had to be tied up tightly.

But Ai Hui was always observing him secretly, just like he was observing those wild beasts in the wilderness.

What Ai Hui is most worried about is, if it goes as he expected, will the induction field be able to deal with the blood poison that has entered the explosive stage?

Thinking of the lax security in various courtyards, he could only smile bitterly. (To be continued.)


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