Five Elements Heaven

Volume 1 Chapter 138 Dragon Spine Fire

After some calculations, after paying off Master's wife's debt, only 2.6 million was left. ♦,

But looking at Lao Li's face, Ai Hui guessed that the goods in his hands were not ordinary, otherwise he would not have such a stern expression. It was a lie to not be curious. As a veteran, Ai Hui knew very well how important a good weapon was. The previous sawtooth sword was broken, and now the military straw sword borrowed from the manor guard was used.

Ai Hui finally couldn't stand it anymore: "Don't fool me with ordinary things."

Master, Master and the others felt that the situation would not get too bad, but Ai Hui was a little worried. The blood poison outbreak was too fierce, and the response of the induction field was too slow. Ai Hui, who had been struggling with danger for a long time, had a keener sense of danger.

The poisonous insects he encountered on his way back deepened Ai Hui's worries. If he goes by his previous guess, it won't be long before those large carnivorous animals complete their transformation, and the situation will become even worse.

The roars of beasts that shook the sky he heard in the mound made him feel afraid. He had seen many wild beasts, and ordinary power had no effect on him, but when he heard the roars of those beasts outside the mound, he couldn't help but feel fear and fear.

He didn't know if anyone in Songjian City could deal with them.

Ai Hui had no hope of receiving support from the Five Elements Heaven. In a city with so many induction fields, who can be saved in a short while?

If this was a conspiracy, Ai Hui admired the mastermind of this conspiracy. The most peaceful induction field is also the place with the most relaxed defenses. The Five Elements Heaven is a ferocious giant beast, so the induction field is its soft belly. The atmosphere here is free and the territory is vast. If you want to do something, it will not attract any attention. There are only weak students and inexperienced masters.

The thirteen divisions of Wuxingtian are all stationed on the front line close to the wilderness, and even support will take time.

Ai Hui felt that his mentality was a little dark. Who would arrange such a conspiracy? What good could such a conspiracy do?

The most likely possibility is that the master with an abnormal mind came up with such an evil thing. As a result, everyone was fooled.

There were many guesses, some good and some bad, but Ai Hui felt that he had to take a long time to judge the situation. Everyone is at risk. The period before the Thirteenth Department came to support was the most difficult and dangerous stage.

You have to close this first.

Ai Hui immediately stopped thinking about money. Money is useful only when he is alive.

"Of course it's not an ordinary thing." Shopkeeper Li smiled like Maitreya Buddha, and with this tone he was a disciple of the master. Thinking about the last time he borrowed 200,000 yuan to buy a straw sword, he was almost so shocked that his eyes dropped to the floor. This was the first time he had seen such a down-and-out master disciple.

Shopkeeper Li walked into the inner room, holding a long and narrow sword box in his hand after a moment.

The sword box is completely black with a red diamond pattern on it and a bat on each corner. Ai Hui is familiar with sword classics and knows that bats were the most common decorative pattern in ancient times and symbolized blessings.

Opening the sword box, a beautiful long sword lay quietly inside.

Yes, Ai Hui's first impression was that she was beautiful. The black sword body had no luster and looked like some kind of wood. The spine of the sword reveals seven small fiery red translucent diamonds, which look like inlaid rubies, and also like the raised hard bones on the back of the ancient wild beast Stegosaurus. The sword blades on both sides are light dark red, showing irregular wavy patterns that converge at the tip of the sword.

Ai Hui's eyes lit up and he carefully took out the sword.

"This sword is called [Dragon Spine Fire], and this sword grows out!" Shopkeeper Li said happily.

"Grown?" Ai Hui said.

Shopkeeper Li showed a proud look: "There are seven red crystals in total. These are not crystal stones. They are sea treasures fished from the Silver Mist Sea, remnants of the spiritual swords from the previous cultivation era. I don't know what they are. Material, but good stuff for sure.”

"What Hai Bao, don't fool me." Ai Hui dismissed it: "Don't bully me for being young. You talk about Hai Zha in such a high-end manner."

Yes, some people call it sea treasure, but more people call it sea scum.

The Silver Mist Sea is one of the Five Elements Heavens, and the entire land of Jinyuan is collectively called the Silver Mist Sea. In fact, the real Silver Mist Sea is an artificial sea at its core, or rather. It is a large artificial lake that existed when the Five Elements Sky was first built.

The purpose of creating the Silver Mist Sea is to obtain the power of gold and yuan.

At that time, the spiritual power dissipated and became extremely thin, and Yuan Power had just been discovered. In order to obtain the power of gold and yuan, the ancestors came up with a stupid bibimbap. They brought countless magical flying swords that had lost their effectiveness and dumped them into the valley.

Most of these magical flying swords are made of metal. Over time, the power of gold and yuan grew. The rich power of gold and yuan is like silver mist. Over time, the silver mist fills the valley, so it is also called the Silver Mist Sea.

Since its establishment, the creation of the Silver Mist Sea has never been interrupted.

Today's Silver Mist Sea is many times larger than before. It is vast and boundless and can truly be called a "sea". Up to now, there are still a large number of Yuan Xiu who go deep into the old land every year to find those unknown caves and paradises, and bring back cartloads of failed magic weapons and flying swords, dumping them into them. In addition, a large amount of smelted metal will be dumped into it.

As the gold element grows, the original magic weapon Flying Sword will become crispy. The power of gold and yuan is hard and sharp, and the fine silver mist surges and washes away. These crisp structures will continue to be annihilated by flying ashes.

But there are always some things that the silver mist cannot corrode and eliminate, and they will lie quietly on the bottom of the silver mist. These things are called sea slag, which means the scum left behind by the Silver Mist Sea.

There are all kinds of strange things about sea slag, and most of them have unidentifiable origins. The weapon refining in the world of cultivation is extensive, profound and complex, and the materials used are also all kinds of strange. And even if you know the origin and name, it's useless. Now that the spiritual power has dissipated and Yuanli is in power, the physical properties of these things have already undergone great changes.

But being able to withstand the erosion of silver mist, sea slag always has unusual characteristics. As the Silver Mist Sea opens its gates every month, these sea debris will wash into the river. Therefore, a group of people have spawned a group of people who specialize in fishing for sea slag by the river and making a living.

Sea slag is like gambling. If you find the right use, you can win a lot of money. But more often than not, you get some useless things that are of little use.

Shopkeeper Li was not embarrassed after being exposed. Instead, he praised: "My brother is indeed well-informed! It was also a coincidence that my friend received a batch of sea treasures, um, sea slag. No more, no less, exactly seven, rare. They came from the same object. He planned to use them to make a weapon, so he used these seven pieces of sea slag as a guide and put them into the buds of the tall magic flower night sandalwood."

Ai Hui sneered: "So, I originally wanted to grow a heavy weapon, but I didn't expect to grow a sword. As a result, I have so little practice in swordsmanship, and the sword is so heavy that I can't sell it, right?"

Ai Hui knew the opponent's plan from the moment he heard Lao Li talk about Demon Flower Night Tan, which was a method of cultivating heavy weapons. Nowadays, vegetation-based weapons are in power, and the method of using plants as embryos to breed weapons is one of the most mainstream methods.

Shopkeeper Li said: "We haven't started selling them yet. I immediately thought of you, brother. How can the Sawgrass Sword be worthy of your status, brother? This Dragon Spine Fire is simply a perfect configuration!"

"I want my sword." Ai Hui said simply.

Shopkeeper Li showed joy on his face and gave a thumbs up: "Hourry! This is the style of a famous teacher and disciple! Brother, it's not expensive at all..."

Before shopkeeper Li could announce the price, Ai Hui interrupted him and said coldly: "Old Li, you made a lot of money this time. I took 30% and you took 70%. You see, I didn't even make half of your profit. Yes or no?"

When Shopkeeper Li heard this, he had an ominous premonition in his heart: "We agreed at the time!"

"That's right, it was agreed upon!" Ai Hui waved his hand and said earnestly: "You think this business has to continue, right? It's too difficult to get rid of rabbit hair. If I have some shortcomings, what will you do with your business? To ensure the safety of your partners, do you also need to invest a little? If you really don’t want to invest, just pretend that I didn’t say anything. I paid how much I paid for it, but in this business, there are always some surprises.”

When Shopkeeper Li heard this, he immediately knelt down, patted his chest with enthusiasm and said, "Brother, what you said is the truth! A sword matches a hero, and only a hero like me is worthy of this sword. I Looking at this sword, I think of my brother. Come on, brother, take it! Brother, please give me some thoughts! Brother, I still have to say something, safety first. How much money can we make just from these rabbit hair arrows? For this It’s a lot of money, but you have to pay attention to safety.”

Can it be unrealistic? Shopkeeper Li almost said it with tears in his eyes. He originally thought he could kill his enemy, but he didn't expect that the other party would be more ruthless.

Such a real threat cannot be resisted.

Fortunately, he got the dragon's spine fire at a low price. Swords are not easy to sell, and heavy swords are even harder to sell.

But when he thought about the money he made, Shopkeeper Li immediately woke up. He was really stupid. Why did he make such a low-level mistake? The old man in front of him wanted to please!

He felt more intuitively that although Ai Hui was Mingxiu's junior brother, his methods were more flexible and aggressive than Mingxiu's, and he was even more difficult to deal with. It's ridiculous that I thought the other party was a rookie, one of those young men who didn't know much about the world. Fortunately, they woke up early.

"Then I'll accept it. I can't let you down, Old Li." Ai Hui patted shopkeeper Li on the shoulder: "Old Li, you need to pay attention to your investment in a steady stream."

Shopkeeper Li's knees almost weakened when he heard this.

The water flows slowly...

rogue! What a gangster! The gangster is so confident that he can't refuse!

Is this guy really a disciple of the master? Why does it have such a heavy market atmosphere?

With tears in his eyes, he said from the bottom of his heart: "Yes, yes, the water will flow, the water will flow!"

"How's it going? Are the rabbit hairs enough?" Ai Hui achieved his goal and immediately gave him a sweet date.

Shopkeeper Li perked up and looked at Ai Hui longingly: "We are almost running out. Mainly because there are a lot of rabbit hairs that are not suitable for use. I am just waiting for you to come to rescue me."

Ai Hui thought for a while and said, "When the time comes, prepare the mujiao cocoons, herbs, iron pots, etc., and have them delivered to my place, and then send someone to collect them every day."

Shopkeeper Li had been waiting for Ai Hui's words for a long time and said without saying a word: "Everything has been prepared and delivered now!"

Ai Hui: "..." (To be continued.)

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