Five Elements Heaven

Volume One, Chapter 139: The Sound of Swords and Weapons

Ai Hui happily held the Dragon's Back Fire.

What a great sword!

It feels heavy in the hand and weighs up to two hundred and twenty kilograms. Demonic night sandalwood is a material used to make heavy weapons. It has the heaviest texture, and the swords produced are also extremely heavy. If Ai Hui had not mastered the [Copper Skin], it would have been difficult to lift the sword. Now that he was swinging it, it felt too powerful and heavy.

Even if the sword is not pointed, if it hits someone with a stick, it will break the bones and muscles.

What a good thing!

For Ai Hui, the more brutal the weapon, the better the weapon. His moves are all scattered, and the powerful weapons that have unique effects are very limited in his hands. Only such a crude and simple weapon is the most suitable weapon for him.

What's more, this Dragon's Back Fire didn't cost a penny!

A weapon that costs nothing is of course a good weapon. Even if you give him a straw sword, he will think it is a good weapon.

The weight of two hundred and twenty kilograms was swung around, and the sound of the wind was low and frightening.

If it weren't for the group of guys following behind him, Ai Hui would have eagerly started testing the sword along the way. Now you are like a rabbit, so you need to be graceful!

Ai Hui opened the dojo door, but before he could speak, his nose twitched twice and his eyes immediately widened.

fragrance! Yuantang!

Rushing in, the sharp-eyed Ai Hui saw the fat man holding a plate and licking the bottom of the plate, and he suddenly felt evil.

However, Ai Hui did not get angry on the spot. He just smiled sinisterly at the fat man and kept it in mind. Brothers are brothers, grab my yuantang. This account cannot be ignored.

Loulan saw Ai Hui. His eyes lit up: "Ai Hui!"

He immediately saw the man following Ai Hui, who was carrying a big pot and herbs. His eyes flashed yellow: "Luminous grass, lingshui, bamboo stone, and fisheye, do you want Ai Hui to extract mucus silk?" ?”

Ai Hui is already familiar with Loulan's abilities. Loulan is good at medical treatment and is very familiar with various herbal medicines.

"Yes. Has Lou Lan also done research on this?" Ai Hui asked Lou Lan while instructing the clerk to put down various materials.

"There is not much research, but the principles are similar. Ai Hui, the formula of this herbal medicine is not very good." Lou Lan said.

The clerk gave up after hearing this and shouted: "The formula is wrong? Impossible! This is a standard herbal formula for softening mucus cocoons!"

"Shut up!" Ai Hui looked at the guy with an unkind expression.

Ai Hui has always been partial to his own people and has no choice but to listen to others.

Lou Lan said honestly: "But if the proportions of the formula can be adjusted, the effect can be even better."

The unconvinced man continued to speak, but Ai Hui's Dragon Backbone Fire had already appeared on his shoulders. His shoulders sank, and when he saw Ai Hui's gloomy expression, he suddenly trembled and did not dare to say a word.

Ai Hui glanced at him. Take back the dragon spine fire. He said calmly: "Put down your things and you can go back."

As if he had received an amnesty, the man went out in despair.

Ai Hui turned around and smiled at Loulan: "Leave these herbs to Loulan!"

Loulan was very happy to hear that he could help Ai Hui: "Okay, okay, leave it to Loulan."

After saying that, he started to get busy.

The fat man who had finished licking the plate came over and said: "I really don't know how to look at faces, but let me tell you, Loulan is really a good sand puppet. Where did you buy it? I will go bankrupt to buy one. Such a good sand puppet is really rare. .”

I saw the fat man shaking his head and feeling extremely happy. Ai Hui sneered in his heart, but his face was pleasant: "Is the soup delicious?"

"It tastes great!" The fat man's eyes suddenly lit up: "I have never tasted such a delicious soup. Is this Yuantang? It tastes so good. One sip will warm your whole body. If you have one bowl every day, you will die. value."

A bowl a day...

Ai Hui was so angry: "You really dare to think about it, Lou Lan, how much did that bowl of soup cost just now?"

Lou Lan tilted his head and said: "That is a fire-based oil soup, which is most suitable for his fire element physique. The material is 170,000. It has many benefits for his cultivation."

One hundred and seventy thousand...

Ai Hui's expression froze, and he was so regretful that his intestines turned blue. Why didn't he tell Lou Lan when he went out? Lou Lan was still too honest.

The fat man smacked his mouth, his face full of aftertaste: "I wonder why this tastes so good. Feelings are so expensive and delicious. It's so delicious!"

Seeing the slump on the fat man's face, Ai Hui's eyes were cold: "One hundred and seventy thousand is on your account. Didn't you listen to Lou Lan and take the time to practice? Did you finish practicing the Butterfly Step last time? Then let's do the Hundred Flowers Step. Just now. After drinking the soup, you still have some strength, so let’s do five hundred sets.”

"Five hundred groups?" The fat man's eyes suddenly widened, as if he had heard some horrifying news.

"Too few?" A spring breeze-like smile appeared on the corner of Ai Hui's lips: "Then add another two hundred groups."

"Seven hundred groups of Hundred Flower Steps? I'm afraid it's not enough to absorb all the medicine." Lou Lan said honestly from the side.

"Then nine hundred groups? Let's make it a thousand groups?" Ai Hui asked Lou Lan with a smile on his face.

"About a thousand groups." Lou Lan nodded repeatedly.

Ai Hui caught a glimpse of the fat man's trembling legs from the corner of his eye. He sneered in his heart and his face became more kind: "Loul Lan, if you haven't completed your cultivation, is there any punishment that won't cause physical damage and will leave a deep impression on people?"

Lou Lan tilted his head and thought for a moment and said: "Should we emphasize psychological punishment instead of physical punishment? Then we can only find it in punishment. There is a kind of punishment, such as burying the prisoner's face in water and waiting until his breathing is almost over. Let him get up. It was used to torture prisoners in the past. The experience of near-death and suffocation is very profound."

Ai Hui was full of praise: "What a great method!"

The fat man's legs were no longer shaking, his whole body was shaking like a sieve. He looked at Loulan as if he were seeing a demon crawling out of hell.

What a poisonous sand puppet...

Ai Huiyun Danfengqing gave the final blow: "Fat man, before I complete a thousand sets of Hundred Flowers Steps, I will let you experience it."

The fat man, whose face had turned pale for a long time, howled like a brown bear with an arrow stuck in its butt, rolling and crawling to practice without daring to delay at all. He knew that Ai Hui would definitely do what he said, and he didn't want to experience it at all.

Lou Lan saw that Fatty had gone to practice. I also started to reconfigure the herbs. have to say. Loulan's movements in handling the herbs were like clouds and flowing water, which was very pleasing to the eye.

As expected, it is my big orchid!

Ai Hui threw these things to Lou Lan with peace of mind and ran aside.

Finally, I can concentrate on studying the sword pills and dragon spine fire given by my teacher.

At Shopkeeper Li's place, Ai Hui could only try out the feel, but he couldn't study it in depth and couldn't use it.

Yuanli is injected into the dragon's spine fire. Buzz, the sword trembled slightly, Ai Hui's palm shook and he almost lost his grip. The weight of the dragon's spine fire is really heavy, and even the power generated by its vibration is quite astonishing.

The low trill, like the roar of a Spinosaurus, is breathtaking.

The sword roars! Ai Hui was not surprised but happy, which was an excellent sign. It shows that his Yuan Power and the Dragon Spine Fire are in perfect harmony, which is why the sword sounds. Ai Hui guessed that it might have something to do with his Yuan Power, which was the sword's Yuan Power.

Surprised, Ai Hui calmed down and carefully experienced the flow and changes of his Yuan Power in the sword body.

Ai Hui could immediately feel the difference when Yuan Li first turned around.

The feeling of smoothness and roundness is like the flow of energy. It's all a pleasure. Ai Hui couldn't help but praise again, what a sword! Just the flow of Yuan Power can take away the grass sword he used before for countless streets. The obviously heavy sword seemed to be much lighter after the movement of Yuan Li, and it became more comfortable to swing.

Under the infusion of Ai Hui's Yuan Power, the faint dark red color of the sword blade seemed to come alive and flowed slowly.

He tried to use his energy to touch the dark red diamond in the sword body. But his Yuan Power is like a mud cow entering the sea, like a bottomless pit with no bottom. Ai Hui stopped injecting. He knew that his Yuan Power was too little and was not enough to stimulate these rhombohedral crystals.

His level was still too low, Ai Hui shook his head secretly.

The heavy sword of Dragon Backbone Fire is a really good weapon. It is estimated that ordinary Yuan Xiu would have to spend a lot of money to buy such a weapon. I guess I won't have to think about weapons for a long time.

There are all kinds of weapons today, but they all focus on long-range weapons.

When a local cultivator fights with a sand puppet, he must either consider protection or concealment.

Mu Xiu's weapons are varied, and pure Mu Xiu usually fight with the unique grass seed fruit. The two branches of Jinxiu, Tianfeng and Bingren, are two different styles. Tianfeng mainly uses knives, bows, and spears, while soldiers mainly use heavy weapons such as hammers.

The decline of swordsmanship, which has been the mainstream for millions of years, has never been a mainstream swordsmanship, but it has become the mainstream, which has to be lamented.

The reason is not surprising. The swordsmanship is complex and without spiritual power, it can only be stabbed, with limited damage. The sword skills are simple, mainly chopping. In the Yuanli era, the shortcomings of insufficient agility were covered up, and the advantages of simplicity and great power were amplified.

The brilliance of archery is also due to the changes of the times. It is the most powerful and easiest to learn long-range attack today. The Yuanxiu of the Five Elements all learn the art of arching, which shows how widely it spreads.

The weapon of Huo Xiu is a gourd-type container, which contains earth-fire lava that is collected from the depths of Huoliaoyuan and refined by them repeatedly. Ai Hui also saw Huo Xiu carrying a wine vat about as tall as a man, which was filled with the earth-fire lava they refined.

There are many benefits to walking with a fire cultivator. For example, when you go to a cold place, there is a human-shaped stove next to you, so it is not cold at all. The most convenient thing is to eat. The sliced ​​meat is placed on the outside of the wine vat and it is cooked in no time. Of course, those who are more particular will also add some oil and spices. This depends on whether Huo Xiu's personality is easy to get along with.

If there is a wood cultivator in the same group, it would be a perfect match. Mu Xiu will find many strange plant fruits, mushrooms, etc. in the forest that you have never eaten before. When paired with barbecue, it is delicious and not greasy.

Others, like Whip, are also learned by many people, especially Muxiu, which can be perfectly combined with Vine, but it is already considered a niche. There are also throwing knives, which are also very popular among niche weapons. Water cultivators are better at playing. They are good at flying. They know how to control the flight of flying knives and can fly in very weird trajectories.

Most of Shuixiu's weapons are cloud wings. The development of cloud wings has also changed from early flying equipment to an integrated offensive and defensive existence.

Speaking of Shuixiu, I have to mention a very unpopular weapon in the past, but it is Shuixiu's favorite weapon, the javelin. The heavy javelin thrown by using high-altitude dive acceleration and infused with elemental energy is one of the most destructive killing moves of water cultivators. Countless wild beasts have died on the javelin.

Well, swordsmanship is in decline, and swordsmanship belongs to Ai Hui.

Ai Hui honestly took out the sword pill. (To be continued.)

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