Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 204: Small Mountain Village

Li Yan looked at the scenery around him, reached out and patted his waist. A jade slip appeared in his hand. It was the map on the jade slip. After his consciousness sank in, he raised his head and observed the surroundings again after a moment, and gently Smiling, he turned back to look at the two girls, "Master Bloodleaf is right. We are only thousands of miles away from Qingshan Pass, but there is no teleportation array nearby. However, we can fly very quickly from now on."

Thinking about the teleportation in these days, it only takes half a day to teleport hundreds of thousands of miles, and it takes half an hour to teleport tens of thousands of miles. The speed is really incredible to Li Yan, but the amount of spiritual stones consumed makes Li Yan Yan was horrified. The sect's hundreds of thousands of miles teleportation array could not activate the low-level spiritual stone replacement. Six medium-level spiritual stones were needed to do it. Li Yan had known this for a long time, so he also exchanged eight of them in the sect before coming. He spent nearly 80,000 low-level spiritual stones, and his net worth shrank by half again. Fortunately, the master and senior brother gave him another 40,000 spiritual stones.

In the end, Li Yan's six intermediate spirit stones were consumed in the teleportation from Laojun Peak.

What Li Yan didn't expect during the rest of the journey was that the Demon Sect was so respected. Although those three second-rate sects did not have teleportation arrays of hundreds of thousands of miles, they had teleportation arrays of tens of thousands of miles. It also required thousands of low-level spiritual stones to be consumed, but these three sects did not collect a single spiritual stone. This made Li Yan realize for the first time the benefits of being in a super sect.

Later, these third-rate sects and families did not collect the thousands-mile teleportation array from small sects. Although it was only nearly a thousand low-level spiritual stones at a time, it was actually extremely luxurious for small sects, but Li Yan was helpless how to give it But they also gritted their teeth and refused to give up.

"Thousands of miles away, even if there is no teleportation, with Min'er's green gourd speed, it will probably take more than half a day to arrive." Gong Chenying's cold voice came from behind Li Yan. As he spoke, the two clouds of mist dispersed, revealing two photos of the arrival. There was no need to cover the faces of all living beings when they came here. Zhao Min looked around curiously. The spiritual energy here was thin, but it gave her an extremely fresh feeling. She had grown up in a place with strong spiritual energy since she was a child. This is my first time experiencing this kind of place.

She took a deep breath, and there were bursts of earthy and grassy smell in her nose, which made her fair face show an expression of interest. The face carved like an ancient goddess had a jade-colored luster and extremely black beauty. The eyebrows spread out on the smooth forehead, creating a strange and neutral beauty.

After Zhao Min looked around, he blinked his beautiful eyes. Looking at Li Yan who was looking at her and the two of them with a smile, his pretty face couldn't help but feel a little hot. Then he waved his hand, and the green gourd was hanging in the air, next to Gong Chen. After looking at each other, the two girls stepped onto the gourd again. Li Yan also stepped on it. After circling, the green gourd turned into a ray of light and shot towards the sky.

In May, Daqing Mountain is lush and lush, with layers of green vegetation spreading from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain as in previous years. Wild flowers are dotted among the bushes and thorns from time to time, some yellow, some blue, some red, some white, dotted like stars among the beauties. The smile makes the undulating mountains exude the spring of May.


A rich aroma of late summer and early early summer.

At the foot of Daqing Mountain, a small village is located, surrounded by layers of terraced fields. The wheat in the fields has turned yellow, and the rows of trees on the field stalks are shaded. The midday sun dissipates, and the mountains are spacious. The breeze blows, causing waves of wheat. Ups and downs, rustling leaves, there is not too much heat in the mountains in May, but there is a slight coolness in the breeze, which complements the sunshine shining on the body, making people feel comfortable.

At this time, in the terraced fields, among the patches of wheat, you can occasionally see silhouettes of people. It is the harvest season, and stacks of wheat have been piled up in many fields, waiting to be brought back to the threshing ground.

In a field, a young man was limping and holding a bundle of wheat bundles towards the field. Although his legs and feet were inconvenient, he was not walking slowly. The young man's complexion was dark, and his brows bore a vague resemblance to Li Yan.

He quickly walked a few steps and unloaded the wheat bundle on his shoulder on the field, then lifted up the corner of his short-sleeved coarse cloth, wiped the sweat from his forehead, picked up the porcelain bowl on the field, inserted it directly into the bucket, and scooped up a large bowl of cold water. He drank it in a blink of an eye. He drank so fast that a lot of water spilled from the corner of his mouth and fell on the front of his chest, making the sweat-stained clothes a little darker.

At this time, with a "plop" sound, another sheaf of wheat fell on the ground, and an old voice came over, "Lao San, please slow down, the weather is very sunny these days, don't worry about harvesting."

"Hey, Dad, I know. It's okay. This leg has healed a long time ago." The dark-skinned young man put down the porcelain bowl and agreed. He looked at the old man beside him who had just unloaded a bundle of wheat from his shoulders. He saw that the old man was panting slightly and couldn't help but I felt a little sorry in my heart, thinking that I had promised my brother, but now I still let my father follow me around, and I felt apologetic. This person was Li Yan's third brother, Li Wei.

"Dad, you also said that the weather is fine these days, so you don't need to come. You can stay at home with your mother and take care of Xiao Wu."

The old man beside him was none other than Chang Bo. Chang Bo had aged a lot in the past few years, and his still straight back had gradually become stooped, and his face had more wrinkles, but he was still in good spirits.

"What nonsense are you talking about? You are the only strong worker in the family, but there are fifteen acres of land. How long will it take to harvest like this..."

Chang Bo still had a bad temper, but before he could finish his words, a clear child's voice came from far away, "Grandpa, grandpa, I...I...I've brought you food." As he spoke, the fields in the distance came. On the stem, a two or three-year-old child wears a green bellyband and holds a steamed bun that is bigger than his little hand in one hand. He is running over from a distance. As the child runs, his legs bounce and he still walks unsteadily. He looked like he was running, and his speech was a little bit broken while running and jolting, and behind the child, there was someone

The two women followed hurriedly. The old woman in front had trouble with her legs. Seeing that the children were running unsteadily and there were a lot of weeds and wheat stubble in the fields, she shouted anxiously behind her, "Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu, slow down, there are things everywhere." It’s wheat stubble. Don’t hurt you. Do you hear me? Slow down..." Behind the old woman was a young and dignified woman. She was holding a food box with both hands. She couldn’t walk fast. Seeing the child like this He ran hurriedly, but after calling out "Xiao Wu, walk slower", he followed behind with a smile.

Chang Bo was talking to Li Wei. When he heard the voices of children behind him, he couldn't help but turn around quickly. After seeing the three people coming from a distance, he even saw the children running up and down with steamed buns in front of them. A smile appeared on his old face. Even the accumulated wrinkles on his face have relaxed.

"Who do I think he is? It turns out he is my good grandson. Xiao Wu knows that he feels sorry for grandpa. Please come here slowly. Grandpa will try the food Xiao Wu gave him later." Chang Bo hurried forward to greet him and walked a short distance. Lu Hou held the child in his arms and loved him even more. After holding him in his arms, he gently pricked the white and tender arms exposed outside his bellyband with his gray stubble, which made the pricked child giggle.

The group of people came to the end of the field again. Li Wei looked at Chang Bo who was holding the child and teasing him, and couldn't help but said, "Dad, put Xiao Wu down. You have been busy all morning. I tell you, don't come over this afternoon." Now, just take care of Xiao Wu at home and let my mother cook. Xiaoyu and I will work in the fields. Now that you are here, Xiaoyu will not be able to cook at home and take care of the children, but it will take away the number of people. "

While talking, the old woman caught up with her breathlessly and said, "Xiao Wu, grandma doesn't like you being so naughty. What will you do if you bump into something?"

After hearing this, Chang Bo stopped teasing the child in his arms, turned his head and glared, "You are a bitch, you have so many things to do. There are so many things about the boys in the mountains. The third and fifth children are not like this." Come here, scratch the surface, and you will cry so much that it makes people upset. How can I not know that I married a woman like you in the first place?"

After hearing this, Aunt Chang couldn't help but become submissive, but she still muttered unwillingly.

At this time, the dignified young woman also came over with a food box. She also heard Li Wei's words and said softly, "Dad, what my husband said is that my husband and I can just do the work in the field. You can take care of Xiaowu at home." , Just leave my mother's hands free to cook." Then he put the food box on the field stem.

After the young woman spoke, the strange thing was that Chang Bo didn't speak any more. Instead, he put the child down, opened the food box without saying a word, took out a plate of side dishes, and sat on the ground to eat with the steamed buns in his grandson's hands just now. got up.

After the young woman put down the food box, she went to Li Wei's side and helped tighten the wheat bundles on the ground. But then she only felt that there was no other sound behind her except Xiao Wu holding soil clods and throwing them into the distance. She couldn't help but look back. go.

But saw Chang Bo


Eating the meal in silence, the mother-in-law walked over and opened other food boxes with dark eyes. She couldn't help but look at her husband beside her with worry. She didn't know what she said wrong.

Li Wei sighed softly, patted the back of her hand, and whispered, "It's okay, Xiaoyu, dad mentioned the fifth child just now, which aroused his worries."

After hearing this, the young woman put her mind down. However, she was still curious. She had never met this uncle. After she got married, she occasionally heard Li Wei mention it, as if she had been a high official in Qingshan Pass. , but later the court urgently recruited him, and it was heard that his master, who was also a high-ranking official in the court, had gone elsewhere, and there was no news about his departure.

Li Wei wouldn't let her mention her brother-in-law at home. Whenever she mentioned it, the two elders must have been depressed for a few days. But it was the father-in-law himself who said it just now, which brought it to mind.

After Li Wei patted his wife's hand, he also limped to the head of the field, picked up a piece of steamed bun, and started eating with a bowl of green vegetables. He looked at his mother, whose eyes were a little red, and just gnawed with Mentou. Looking at his father who was holding a steamed bun, Li Yan also felt sad in his heart.

The last time Li Yan came through Li Shan four years ago was when he got a belt that was said to be given by the third army master. Finally, the village chief put it in the ancestral hall, and also brought a lot of silver. After that, there was no such belt. News about my brother.

After having no news for several months, Chang Bo anxiously asked Li Guoxin to go to the military camp to inquire. The last news he got was that Li Yan and his third division had been transferred elsewhere by the court a few months ago. Even Marshal Hong of Qingshan Pass had other people. Appointed and transferred elsewhere.

This happened suddenly and without any warning, causing Li Yan's family to immediately fall into panic. However, no matter how much Li Guoxin inquired about Li Yan's whereabouts, he could not find out the whereabouts of Li Yan at all. Under such circumstances, Li Yan's family had no choice but to wait patiently, waiting for a letter from Li Yan one day. It only took several years.

In the past few years, Li Wei also built a new house with the money that Li Yan had sent to his family, and also married a woman from another mountain village dozens of miles away. He also had a child in the next year. The birth of the third generation gave birth to a new family. The Li family brought joy and diluted some depression. Chang Bo personally named his grandson Li Wenwu, nicknamed Xiaowu.

Li Wei looked at his son squatting on the stalk of the field, poking ants on the ground with a strawberry, and smiled. He actually knew the meaning of his father's name for the child, Xiao Wu Xiao Wu, because he missed Lao Wu.

He could only sigh in his heart, "Lao Wu, Third Brother is lucky for you, this can be considered as starting a family, but where are you now?"


Just after noon, three people were walking slowly at the entrance of the official road outside the small mountain village. The leader was a young man with slightly dark skin, more than eight feet tall, followed by two women wearing veiled hats. They were standing on an official road at this time, looking at a small road that slanted into the Daqing Mountain.

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