Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 2041: Fear of being close to home

Looking at the dirt road sloping into the mountain from the official road, Li Yan took a deep breath. When he left, it was on this dirt road that Uncle Guo Xin's carriage sat with the crying Li Shan and Li Yu. After leaving the place where he was born and raised, Li Yan's ears seemed to hear the rumble of a carriage and the cries of his mother and fourth sister in the wind.

Seeing Li Yan standing by the roadside in a daze, the two girls couldn't help but look at each other. The three of them had put away their magic weapons when they were hundreds of miles away from Daqing Mountain. There were already hunters coming and going from there occasionally, which was not good. Flying through the air.

After falling, in view of Gong Chenying and Zhao Min's stunning appearance, Li Yan didn't want to cause trouble, so he asked them to transform into bamboo hats and green gauze to cover their faces, and then walked out of Daqing Mountain, and it was already noon. On the official road of Qingshan Pass, walking on the pipeline, the three of them were dressed like this. Li Yan and Gong Chenying were still wearing dark green robes, and Zhao Min was dressed in white. The three of them were very eye-catching, but they also attracted a lot of attention. On the way, business travelers and passers-by looked sideways, but fortunately, at noon, there were not many people coming and going here. After walking for about ten miles, we came to the entrance of the small mountain village.

They walked all the way, and according to the cultivation level of the three of them, they couldn't even break a sweat. Gong Chenying and Zhao Min also talked less, but Zhao Min walked in the middle of the road, but he had a strange look on his face and looked at the roadside from time to time. The flowers and plants and the passers-by who occasionally looked at them sideways, their eyes full of curiosity.

Although there is spiritual energy in this world, it is almost negligible. All she smells in her nose is the earthy smell of natural vegetation. No one she meets has any spiritual energy fluctuations. Occasionally, a carriage passes by. , according to her consciousness, she could easily see clearly that inside the large carriage on the carriage, there was an old woman dressed elegantly, with her gray hair combed spotlessly. She leaned against the wooden wall of the carriage and moved her body in front of the carriage. She was swaying slightly as she walked, half-squinting her eyes and pretending to be asleep. There was a maid beside her gently shaking her fan. There was a large low table in the middle of the car. There were several beautiful women beside the table. While they were teasing each other, you said, "Hong'er, this is It's time for Sichun, it must be the eldest son of the Liu family who handed you the brocade handkerchief..." She said, "Second sister, you are so tongue-tied, I just saw you wrapping a sachet and walking out from behind the courtyard gate a few days ago..." " up, let me not tear your little girl's mouth apart..." The girls made a fuss while laughing, and from time to time they picked up the watery grapes on the table and put them into small mouthfuls of cherries. Among them, the old woman pretending to be sleeping half-closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep, but her face was full of smiles. The carriage rumbled away amidst the sound of the coachman's soft drink...

Those words fell into Zhao Min's ears, and her jade-like earlobes suddenly burned with red clouds. She felt an unknown emotion in her heart about something she had never experienced before. Thinking of those women, she She couldn't help but think of Gong Chenying, who had been with her when they were young. Even the two of them were practicing every day at that time. They couldn't say a few words for several days. They were not as casual and carefree as the girls in the car just now, and they couldn't help but feel sad.

Just thinking about the loving tones spoken by those women again, Zhao Min's heartbeat couldn't help but accelerate. Remembering that she also had the sachet in her arms that her mother had given her when she was a child, she couldn't help but look at Li Yan who was walking in front of her through the green gauze.


At this moment, Gong Chenying seemed to accidentally hold her jade hand from one side, which shocked her. She felt like someone had peeked into her mind, and her hand was being held. She couldn't help but tremble slightly, and her face turned a little red. Gong Chenying also looked back at the carriage that was going away, and her heart was also filled with waves.

Along the way, Zhao Min met various people. There was a young couple holding farm tools. When he saw the three of them, he stared at the three of them with strange eyes. He seemed to be shocked by the otherworldly temperament of the three of them. They looked envious, and then slowly walked away while whispering to each other...

There are also powerful people from all walks of life galloping past with their horses and whips raised, their whistles bringing up dust and rolling away...

There was also a strong man in coarse cloth and short sleeves, with a three- or four-year-old child riding on his neck. The child's buttocks kept rising and falling, and he called out in a childish voice, "Drive, drive, drive..." The strong man couldn't help laughing and scolding, and raised his hand to pat the child's buttocks. "Do you think I'm that beast? Damn you..."

The business travelers were also traveling in a group of carriages and horses, and they looked extremely wary when meeting people. From time to time, knights and horses were running around the carriages full of goods, but their eyes were looking sharply around. When they saw Li Yan and the three of them, they were also very wary. Nong, seeing that the three of them had no intention of approaching, they followed the caravan and drifted away after a few glances.

Zhao Min had never heard of or seen all these things, and her beautiful eyes flashed continuously. Even Gong Chenying's mood was touched in some way after seeing these, and the long-standing fake elixir realm was actually a little looser, which made her I couldn't help but be surprised and doubtful.

Li Yan was eager to return home, and he was used to this. When he traveled between the Military Advisor Valley and Qingshan Pass City, this kind of thing happened every day.

Standing at the intersection, Li Yan took a deep breath while his thoughts were surging. He looked back at the two women who had been silent. He smiled slightly, then took a step forward and stepped on the path. But when he stepped on the path At that moment, given his cultivation level, he actually felt his hands and feet trembling.

The mountain road is winding, with a mountain wall on one side and green grass on the other. The three people walked into it. The sounds on the official road behind them gradually became distant. After a few turns, only the silence of heaven and earth, the sound of the three people stepping on the ground, and the wind blowing on the mountain wall were left. The foxtail grass that grows all over the sky makes a rustling sound.

" lived here when you were a child?" As Li Yan was walking, a clear voice sounded behind him. Li Yan was startled. This was Zhao Min's voice. She had basically never spoken to him during the journey. Most of the time, she whispered to Gong Chenying. Most of the time, Li Yan was meditating alone. Gong Chenying felt that he had neglected Li Yan several times, and occasionally took the initiative to say a few words to Li Yan out of apology.

Li Yan's mouth curled up a smile, turned his head and said with a smile, "This place is not far from the mountain village. Just turn four more corners ahead and you will arrive. I used to come here often when I was a child. I went to the wild with my third brother and friends in the village, went fishing in the river, and climbed trees to catch birds. I have walked all over the area. This place can be considered as one of them. But every time I come out, it is not necessarily this place as the target. It may be other places, but when I am in the mood to play, I will go everywhere, or come here from another direction." Li Yan said so, even Gong Chenying was a little envious. She also remembered her childhood. Although she also lived in the mountains, she had no playmates like Zhao Min. There was only the rules of the clan and the constant competition between bloodlines, which forced her to keep practicing hard. "Oh, is it fun to catch fish and birds every day?" Zhao Min looked at Li Yan with some surprise. After hearing this, Li Yan couldn't help but smile bitterly and said, "Cultivators can capture animals through the air with just a wave of their hands. It's easy. We are all mortals. Besides, there is fun in slacking off. It's a kind of fun of waiting for the right time, success and failure coexisting. You can also use ground traps or seal off a section of a small river. The process is the happiest. Climbing a tree to catch birds is also..." As he was talking, Li Yan frowned suddenly and looked up at the top of the mountain on one side. At the same time, the two women behind him also raised their heads. "Why are there cultivators here?" Gong Chenying's voice came over. The three of them had originally restrained their spiritual consciousness after entering the official road, but their powerful cultivation made their spiritual consciousness still circling around the surrounding area. Li Yan's face darkened. What was the purpose of the cultivators appearing here, and so close to his home? He swept his spiritual consciousness forward and backward and found that there was no one else on this mountain road at this time. His figure flashed and disappeared from the original place. Gong Chenying and Zhao Min also became blurred and there was no trace. On the top of the mountain, two monks in black robes stood up from their cross-legged positions and looked around hesitantly. Just now, three people appeared in their consciousness, but suddenly the three people had lost their breath.

"This... is this a monk?" One of them looked around vigilantly.

The other black-robed man was using his consciousness to the fullest, but in his consciousness, except for the villagers in the distance, there was no breath of the three people just now. He couldn't help sweating on his face and couldn't help but shouting in a low voice.

"Who is sneaking here?"

His voice made the black-robed man who asked the question before feel cold on his back. He knew that this senior brother was a master in the sect. Seeing the sweat on his forehead, he didn't notice the other party at all. He also shouted softly, "Who is it, fellow Taoist? Please show up."

As the two asked questions, they couldn't help but reach for the storage bag on their waists.

"If it were me, I wouldn't think of taking out the magic weapon." Just as the two black-robed men touched the storage bag, a cold voice suddenly sounded from one side. Then, as the two were terrified, a figure suddenly appeared two feet away from them in a slightly distorted space. This figure appeared so abruptly that there was no sound at all, and it was so close to them. Just as the two were horrified, another bone-chilling voice sounded behind them, "Are you disciples of the Blood Leaf Sect?" This voice made the two feel like they were falling into an ice kiln. They turned around and found that there were two people wearing green gauze hats standing there. It sounded like a woman. However, the aura of the three people who suddenly appeared made the two of them weak all over, as if they had met the ancestors of the sect. Among them, the black-robed man who first shouted lightly, after hearing that the person who asked the question seemed to know their sect, he relaxed a little, and made a half-circle arch to the three people with a stiff face, and spoke hurriedly. "Junior Xu Shi from the Blood Leaf Sect, Wang Wuyi greets the three seniors."

"As expected, you are from the Blood Leaf Sect, what are you two doing here?" Li Yan narrowed his eyes. He just noticed that the two were wearing Blood Leaf Sect uniforms, so he didn't take action immediately. Moreover, after seeing the Blood Leaf Sect uniforms clearly, he had thought of some possibilities.

"Three seniors, we are ordered to wait for the family of a cultivator here. This cultivator is a cultivator from the Wuliang Sect." The cultivator who called himself Xu Shi spoke hurriedly. The two of them were masters in the sect, and their cultivation had reached the ninth and eighth levels of Qi Condensation respectively. However, the three people in front of him had terrifying auras. He felt that the other party only needed a thought to take his life, so he hurriedly said it, and was afraid that the three people were cultivators passing by here, and would take action before he could explain clearly, so he hurriedly brought up the Wuliang Sect.

Gong Chenying and Zhao Min looked at Li Yan with a strange expression. Li Yan was relieved. It was just as he guessed. But he still said coldly, "Family of the Wuliang Sect cultivators? Why do you need to wait here?" Xu Shi continued to ask, and he also heard the easing of Li Yan's tone. He felt relieved and thought that he was lucky to see the opportunity and said the Wuliang Sect, otherwise it would be hard to say. But he still did not dare to raise his head, and continued to answer respectfully with Wang Wuyi, "This is the order of our sect's Master Xueye four years ago from three cultivators of the Wuliang Sect, asking us to wait here in turns with one sect and two families nearby, and not to allow the two dynasties on the border to harm this place."

"Oh? What's the name of the person you're waiting for in this mountain village?" Li Yan's words became softer.

"This... all the villages in this mountain have the surname Li, but this monk from Shangzong was originally from the Qingshan Pass Army and joined the Demon Sect four years ago." Xu Shi heard Li Yan's voice softening, and felt more relieved. It seems that no one dares to mess with the name of the Sprite Sect, but it's just a strange question.

But he didn't know that Li Yan asked the question deliberately. With his carefulness, he seemed to be casual, but he deliberately casually confirmed the truth and falsehood of what the two said.

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