Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 612 Tonggui Ridge (10)

In the distance, a voice seemed a little excited: "You damn 'puppet', you want to block the uncle's way? Hey, what are those inhuman things hiding behind!"

It was Bro. He relied on his sharp magic weapon to kill a Nanhai monk who was lower than him in an instant. Now he was even more excited and moved faster.

It's just that he rushed too far forward, and the next moment, he was entangled by two Nanhai monks. The consequences of going deep into the enemy group were revealed, and he was the result of being surrounded.

Bro tried several times to break away from the fight between the two Nanhai monks, but instead he was in danger several times and was almost hit during the encirclement.

At the same time, several more Nanhai monks rushed towards him. Fortunately, they were picked up by other monks, but he still looked fearless.

Just when the female cultivator offered the black earthen pot, Wuye caught a glimpse of the two sides fighting each other. He was originally in the front, but now he was fighting from behind.

The monk who rushed past him prevented the enemy from coming forward, and for a while he was the only one left to fight with the enemy in this area.

Wuye's face was as dark as water, and he immediately thrust the bamboo stick in his hand down. Although the person was in mid-air, the bamboo stick was inserted into the air, as if it was inserted deep into the earth, standing straight in front of Wuye.

Wu Ye shouted in a low voice, clasped his hands on the bamboo stick, and then rubbed each other violently. The bamboo stick immediately started to spin wildly, and a wind pillar was immediately brought up in front of Wu Ye.

The wind pillars turned faster and faster, getting thicker and thicker, causing sand and rocks to fly within a radius of nearly a hundred feet. Many monks from both sides were fighting nearby, and their body protective auras kept flashing, and they hurriedly got out of the way.

But the female cultivator was not so lucky. Wuye originally attacked her, and his force was directed at the female cultivator. The two were very close to each other, and the wind pillar rotated before they were in front of the female cultivator.

Although the female cultivator lost her mind, she instinctively felt the threat of death. She did not cast any spells to resist, and wanted to leave the area with a little step of void.

But at this time, the suction force generated by the wind column in front of her grabbed her tightly and quickly pulled her into the wind column.

The wind column turned faster and faster, and the female cultivator felt the breath of death coming from the wind column. She couldn't help but scream in anger, and let out a scream that did not sound like a human voice.

At the same time, she pointed the flute in her hand toward the sky. The flute stretched instantly. After a "ding" sound, one end of the flute actually pierced into the black earthen pot still hanging in the air. The female corrector kept tilting her body into the wind column. It was also immediately nailed into the air.

When Wuye saw this, he sneered in his heart.

"Although the potential of these monks exploded under the restraint, there is something wrong with their brains after all. If they directly drive the black jar to attack them at this time, it will inevitably affect their spellcasting, and they may be able to escape. Gone, just now..."

The female cultivator's hand was full of spiritual light. She was about to take advantage of the spiritual power in her body to use it, but the mutation regenerated, and the rotating


In the wind pillar, two long thin bamboo hands suddenly stretched out.

The speed of the two bamboo hands was astonishing. Before the female cultivator could react, they had already grabbed the female cultivator by the waist and hugged her tightly. They were driven by the rapid rotation of the wind column, and the female cultivator's body was almost lifted up in one go. The body is stretched into a strangely curved slant.

The force was so great that before the flute in the female cultivator's hand had time to exert its force, there was only a "whoosh" sound, and the flute in the female cultivator's hand was stretched several feet. Then, her body was hit by the rotating wind column. Wrapped in.

The female cultivator's entire body immediately disappeared from sight, leaving only one wrist outside. She firmly grasped the end of the flute and stopped the rotating wind pillar.

Wuye's eyes flashed sharply, and he retracted his hands and rubbed the air hard again.

A scream was heard coming from the wind column, and then the wind column that was stopped suddenly made a muffled "buzz" sound and started to spin violently again.

Outside the wind pillar, a wrist dropped down out of thin air. It was a stump of a hand holding one end of a transverse flute. From the broken wrist, drops of blood fell like rain lines.

After Wuye saw this, he pressed the wind column in the air again, and the wind column quickly shrank in a crazy rotation, and then turned into a green and black light and shot into Wuye's hand. Wuye grabbed it, and it was still a A bamboo stick.

There was no trace of that female cultivator, she had completely disappeared from this world.

Wuye's chest rose and fell violently several times, and his face was a little flushed. Obviously, the spell he cast just now consumed a lot of money on him, and it should be one of the secret techniques he practiced.

As soon as he regained his composure, Wuye stretched out his hand, and the flute and black earthen pot, which had lost the control of their master's spiritual power, were taken into his hands and put into his storage bag.

With a sweep of Wuye's spiritual consciousness, he rushed to the other side. He didn't even bother to remove the half-broken limbs on the flute, and put them into the storage bag together.

Waste is not a good habit, especially for a casual cultivator. Even half a spirit stone needs to be fought for with life.

There was a loud "rumbling..." in the distance, and a ball of golden light exploded in the sky. Accompanying the explosion were several miserable howls of monks, but the howls were soon drowned out. In a huge explosion.

There, a huge golden ball of light soared into the sky, illuminating a radius of a hundred feet so dazzling that it was impossible to look straight at it. Around the edge of the light ball, there were many figures flying away quickly.

Those who flew away slowly were already affected by the side waves that dazzled the light column, and then several screams were heard in the distance. Several figures either staggered and continued flying outward, or fell directly to the ground.


Three miles away, Li Yan was fighting with three people in a quick battle. His consciousness was swept away by the explosion.

"Just a dozen breaths into the battle, the demon cultivator has already detonated a Nanhai cultivator."

In the huge explosion just now, in addition to the Nanhai monk whose soul was gone, a Fengliangshan monk who was his enemy also died together before he could escape.

Accompanying them were two Nanhai monks and a Fengliangshan monk who were fighting nearby. They were also not spared and went to the Reincarnation Path together. ??

This Nanhai monk should be in the early stage of foundation building, so he was no match for the Fengliangshan monk who was in the late stage of foundation building. The magic cultivator decisively detonated the restriction.

In the early stages of foundation building, the self-destruction range of monks was approximately between 100 and 200 feet, so there were many monks around who were affected.

Although most of them relied on defensive talismans or spiritual shields to withstand the aftermath, there were still a small number of monks whose defenses were shattered and their limbs were blown away, or they fell to the ground with serious injuries.

Most of these Fengliang Mountain monks had just been recruited. Although they had long heard that the Demonic Cultivator would detonate the restriction, they were still less vigilant and forgot about it as soon as they fought against the opponent.

Unlike the people like Gong Yuantai, when they fight with someone, they either take the opponent into the air and stay away, or they open the distance from others sideways. They have long been accustomed to this.

There is a fight with others in the space of a hundred feet beside them. The degree of spiritual chaos here and the abnormality produced in the space are not something they can sense in time during the fierce fight, and they will be implicated.

After pulling the enemy away from others' fighting range, their attention is also highly concentrated at all times. If the opponent's spiritual power fluctuates slightly, they will immediately find ways to get rid of the entanglement, run away as far away as possible.

This is the life-saving experience gained by veteran team members like Gong Yuantai.

Just this time the magic cultivator detonated the restriction, and two monks from Fengliang Mountain died.

However, since the Nanhai monks outnumbered the Fengliangshan monks, they were basically in a situation where one person was outnumbered. Instead, three people died due to the impact.

Of course the demon cultivators at the rear knew the distribution of the monks on both sides of the field, but they didn't care at all. Anyway, it would be good if one more monk from Fengliang Mountain could die.

Today, a death order was issued from above. Either the monks from Fengliang Mountain died, or they died.

After detonating the restriction, the monks recruited from Fengliang Mountain suddenly became alert. In an instant, they took the Nanhai monks who had lost their minds and flew to higher places to fight, or moved in other directions to distance themselves from others.

The entire battlefield expanded five to six times in an instant.

But the various magical attacks of the monks will not appear sparse in this world because of the expanded distance.


Instead, they blossomed in a sky and underground, up and down, left and right, and the battle became more intense.

Angry curses, screams, the screams of various magic weapons, and the screams of spiritual beasts came and went, resounding throughout the world.

There were many people like Li Yan and Wu Ye who killed their opponents too fast. For a while, they didn't have time for the magic cultivator to detonate the ban.

But now the number of monks on both sides is extremely unequal. Some Fengliangshan monks are even surrounded by two or three Nanhai monks. In situations like this, the Fengliangshan monk is basically killed in a few moves. .

In just over twenty breaths, there are very few one-on-one situations. At least one Fengliang Mountain monk has to face more than two Nanhai monks.

Bro had already lost his excitement. When he just entered the crowd on the opposite side, he did use two magic weapons to trap a monk in an instant, and then used another magic weapon to kill the man in the lightning. .

However, the Nanhai monk was only in the middle stage of foundation building, so for Bro, there was already a level of suppression, not to mention the surprising number of magic weapons.

But the next moment, he was extremely happy and sad. Maybe he was too high-profile and had three magic weapons in his hand. As a result, he was targeted by a demon cultivator from behind.

The demon cultivator stared at the bamboo basket behind Bro with his eyes wide open, and immediately ordered two Nanhai monks to surround him.

Bro didn't pay attention at first, but when he felt something was wrong, he tried to escape from the encirclement. It was too late, and the two men were encircled.

If the demon cultivator detonated the restriction at this time, not to mention two monks besieging Bro, even if one monk was entangled at such a close distance, Bro would probably be in danger.

But the demon cultivator was also a knowledgeable person, and he could see the extraordinary quality of the bamboo basket behind Bro at a glance. He was afraid that the monk would blow himself up and possibly damage the bamboo basket as well, thus virtually saving Bro's life.

When the Nanhai monks had the upper hand, it was impossible for the demonic cultivators to detonate the restrictions like this, as that would not do them any good.

It is also difficult to impose a ban on Nanhai monks. It requires a demon cultivator of a higher level than the other party to do it.

The number of golden elixirs on the demon side is already very tight. Since the beginning of the war, golden elixir monks and demon leaders have continued to die, so there are fewer and fewer demon cultivators who can impose restrictions on foundation-building monks.

This meant that Bro was on the verge of death, and he didn't know it. He was blessed with great fortune.

Bro was flanked by two monks. He held a gold brick in one hand. The halo of light flowed on the gold brick. Bro shook his left hand and the gold brick came out.

The gold brick swelled in the wind, and in an instant it had reached the size of a basin. With a "woo" sound, it hit the head of the man on the left. Bro's movements did not pause for a moment, and another magic weapon was sacrificed at the same time.

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