Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 613 Tonggui Ridge (11)

Bro's right hand also made a stroke, and the moon-shaped silver plate was like a rotating full moon, and it cut into the other person's neck with a sharp roar.

The monks on the left and right who attacked Bro at the same time should be from the same sect. They wore the same clothes. Even when they lost their minds, they still cooperated very well.

Obviously, this awareness of offense and defense has already been deeply rooted in the two people's blood.

The sturdy monk on the right roared, and the huge pestle stick in his hand suddenly stood up. There was a "clang" sound, and the sharp edge of the Yuehua Silver Plate that was whirling suddenly cut into it.

During the continuous rotation, a series of sparks exploded from the pestle rod, and then after hearing a heart-wrenching sound, the upper end of the pestle rod was cut off into two pieces.

The longer part below was still firmly grasped by the strong monk. He hurriedly shrank his neck and hid his head, avoiding the moon-shaped silver plate that was cutting towards his neck when Qian Jun fired.

The monk with a tall body on the left side instantly shot out two red talismans in his hand. The talismans also rose up in the wind. One of them turned into the size of a door panel and collided with the gold brick.

With a "boom", a dazzling red and white light burst out between him and Bro, causing the nearby monks to feel dizzy.

Another red talisman turned into a red hill and hit Buro's front door hard. Before the talisman could reach his body, Buro felt a stinging heat all over his body, and his skin trembled.

"Fire poison!"

Bro was shocked. The monk on the left was an immortal cultivator who was good at talisman attacks. With only one of these two talismans, he could resist his "Dragon Falling Brick" without any loss.

This shows that this talisman is not only of a good level, but even when the opponent loses his mind, he still relies on instinct to estimate the attack power of his "Dragon Falling Brick".

The talisman that hit him arrived in an instant and covered him head-on. The space around Bro had already made a "click-click" sound, as if the space would shatter at any time.

Bro could imagine that as long as he was hit by this talisman, he would be crushed into a ball of flesh in an instant.

Moreover, there is a "fire poison" refined in this talisman. As long as he takes it hard, even if he is holding the magic weapon, his heart may be invaded and poisoned. By then, his internal organs will be burned to ashes.

He couldn't retreat to avoid it. The area of ​​the talisman had turned into a big wall, and it would definitely follow him like a shadow.

Everything happened in an instant. In a flash of thought, Bro's body rushed in front of the strong monk on the right. The monk was just repelled and there was a gap.

Seeing the strong monk shrinking his head and hiding his neck, Bro's silver plate of moonlight passed by in a flash. There was no time to block Bro. The monks exchanged blows so quickly. Bro's body had already pounced on him as he thought about it. .

Bro wanted to take this opportunity to distance himself from the two men and escape from the encirclement, but the moment Bro jumped out, a warning sign suddenly appeared in his heart.


A frightening breath of death spread throughout his body in an instant. Bro felt cold all over his body, and for a moment he didn't know what was going on.

As he jumped out, his shoulders instinctively swayed, and a bamboo branch suddenly appeared from the mouth of the bamboo basket behind him. The bamboo branch was glowing green and straight, with two large and three small green bamboo leaves growing on the top of the bamboo branch.

Circles of ripples visible to the naked eye spread out from the three green bamboo leaves, and Bro was immediately shrouded under the entire bamboo branch, as if his whole person was covered with a layer of green gauze.

At the same time, a yellow light flashed under Bro's feet, and a damaged oilcloth appeared under his feet. Bro's body, which had already been saved and could not be recovered, was suddenly pulled to the left by the damaged oilcloth under his feet.

Bro's body was tilted, as if he was about to fall over. His whole body was pulled sideways to stand upright, except for the strong monk on the right side who did not stand up.

When the tall monk on the left collided with Bro's "Dragon Falling Brick" with the first talisman, his body shook, leaving a gap half a man's width wide.

Bro was instantly pulled to the gap on the left and quickly moved away from the monk on the right. He only heard two "Puff! Bang!" and Bro let out a muffled grunt.

Before the tall monk on the left could react, he passed quickly past him, and his body was carried by the damaged oilcloth for more than thirty feet.

When Debro stabilized his figure again, his face turned a little pale. If he hadn't reacted half a minute faster just now, he would have been injured in two parts by now.

Just below his left ear, there was a blood hole on his face, which was gurgling with blood, and a white tooth socket could be seen faintly inside.

At this moment, just where he had taken a step to the right, a black crow was staring at Bro with a pair of sinister eyes.

The front of its pointed beak was still dripping with blood, and when its throat twitched, it seemed that a large piece of flesh had been swallowed by it.

Bro couldn't care less about the severe pain on his face, he was so shocked by the cooperation of these two monks who had lost their minds that he couldn't react.

Just now, he seemed to be attacking like a rabbit and a falcon, but he was still tricked by the other party.

The moonlight disc that Bro saw cut off a section of the pestle stick in the hand of the strong monk on the right side. The part that was cut off by him was clearly done intentionally by the other party.

The man's pestle club was somehow integrated with his own demonic beast after being refined, and the black crow was the small section at the top of the pestle stick.

After being struck by himself, he pretended to be cut off, and then flew into the air. This is normal in the eyes of any monk, it is just this small "cut off" pestle stick.

This is normal in a fight, bad method

This is the case when a treasure is broken or exploded. The direction of the pestle when it rotated and fell was exactly in the direction of Bro, so Bro naturally didn't care.

Moreover, at this time, the monk Fu Lu on the left also attacked. No one would be willing to face the power of Fu Lu directly, so Bro focused most of his attention on his left side.

Being attacked by both sides, Bro naturally wanted to rush out from the gap in the right front where he was repelled. Anyone would think that this was the best route to choose.

Bro also made such a choice, but at the last moment, the super intuition that he had trained on the edge of death after being beaten by Zuo Qiudan with a lot of magic in the "Northern Demon Tower" saved him.

As soon as his body rushed out, Bro felt a fierce attack attacking his head. At the critical moment, Bro's flying body could no longer be retracted.

He had to desperately raise the bamboo branches from the bamboo basket to protect his body. At the same time, the damaged oilcloth that had not been used before also flashed out.

Li Yan was also very jealous of this torn oilcloth. Although its speed was slower than that of "Piercing Cloud Willow", it was not comparable to "Piercing Cloud Willow" in terms of flexible turning in a small range.

It could make a rapid detour at a very small and tricky angle.

The moment the torn oilcloth appeared, it made a very fast and small turn. This turn was made when Bro's body had already rushed out. It was something that a cultivator could not reverse by relying on his own strength, but the torn oilcloth did it.

In a split second, Bro turned to another direction with Bro, and Bro also unloaded most of the power of the black crow's attack.

However, because the opponent's attack had reached the surface of his body, Bro's face was pecked off a large piece of flesh and blood. Just when the black crow was about to take the opportunity to attack again, the green ripples emitted from the bamboo branches behind Bro finally covered Bro's whole body.

So, the black crow pecked at the layer of green gauze with a "bang!" sound, which made Bro's head buzz. He was about to faint, but he managed to hold on.

The cooperation between the two South Sea monks was almost perfect, which shows that when they were awake, they often did this kind of cooperation before, otherwise they would not be so handy.

"White-eyed corpse crow!"

After Bro saw the black crow clearly, he shook his dizzy head and exclaimed in a low voice with some horror.

"White-eyed corpse crow" is also close to the top 200 in the monster rankings. Although it is already outside the top 100, what kind of monsters are within the top 100? They are almost all ancient or even ancient monsters that have already disappeared in the mortal world.

So even if it is ranked close to the top 200, it is still a very powerful existence. It is rare in the Desolate Moon Continent. It likes cold and is poisonous.

Bro had heard of this kind of monster before.

It had appeared in the extremely cold land in the northwest of the Wild Moon Continent. Wherever it appeared, it was often accompanied by a large number of zombies.

The "White-eyed Corpse Crow" likes to hunt zombies for food. It often uses its sharp claws and beak to cut open the chest and abdomen of zombies, and then drills into those colorful things, or uses the zombie's body as a nest.

After slowly devouring a zombie from the inside out, it will look for another zombie's flesh body as a nest. It rarely goes out in its life. It is either looking for zombies or devouring zombies, so few people see it.

I didn't expect that this monk from the South China Sea would actually have this kind of monster as a companion, and he had already integrated it with the magic weapon in his hand to such a degree of fit.

But when Bro looked at it again, the monk holding the blue-black pestle had raised his head again.

But at this time, Bro looked at the pestle in his hand again, and it looked like a thigh bone from a zombie. At once, he understood many things.

The two cultivators did not give Bro a chance to escape. They just paused and rushed forward again.

Among the group of demon cultivators a few miles behind them, one demon cultivator uttered a "hehe" sound.

"That bamboo basket is really a good treasure. The rags, bamboo branches, and the magic weapon that appeared earlier are all good things of extraordinary grade. I will definitely take this kid!"

The other demon cultivators next to this demon cultivator also showed greed and cruelty in their eyes, but after hesitating for a while, they finally turned their heads to other places.

They had already agreed that the cultivator they targeted first would be theirs, and other demon cultivators could not intervene unless the demon cultivator gave up voluntarily or died.

So the other demon cultivators could only be dissatisfied in their hearts, but they were helpless at this time. This matter could only rely on luck, and they could not rob Bro as their goal.

Just as Wu Ye and Bro were fighting fiercely, the others also joined the enemy one after another.

Tao Yishan, from a third-rate small sect under the jurisdiction of Shibuyuan, is as notorious as Tao Yishan himself.

Tao Yishan is the leader of this sect and the hope of this sect. The only supreme elder is already very old and is not far from the deadline of 200 years of foundation building.

Tao Yishan succeeded in foundation building at the age of 50, entered the middle stage of foundation building at the age of 80, entered the late stage of foundation building at the age of 112, reached the great perfection of foundation building at the age of 120, and entered the false elixir at the age of 134.

As time went by, his cultivation became more and more smooth, which made the whole sect full of hope for him. With more than 60 years of cultivation time, maybe their leader can enter the legendary golden elixir.

By then, they can lead them into the ranks of second-rate sects. Although there are less than 30 people in the entire sect, this is also the greatest wish of the elders and leaders of this small sect.

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