Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 645: Something out of nothing, with a vicious reputation

Of course, the security of tokens cannot be absolutely secure.

For example, monks above the Nascent Soul stage who have mastered the laws of space and time can still delay the use time of the token by controlling the dissipation speed of their spiritual consciousness.

But when they really reach that level and cultivation level, there are so many ways for them to enter the formation, so there is no need to waste so much time and effort.

When each Fengliangshan monk enters the formation with his token, the guardian monk at the core of the formation will know where someone is entering.

Normally, out of trust in this formation, I would not go there to search for it. However, now that the war has begun and the alert level has been raised, Li Yan's entry will immediately attract the attention of the core guardian monks of the formation.

They would immediately send a message to the patrolling monks nearby. Li Yan also knew about this, so he was not surprised.

Of course, these patrolling monks also know the function of the token, and they can probably guess that this is the return of monks who went out to fight or perform other tasks.

It's just my responsibility, so I still have to be careful and cross-examine.

Li Yan was also sizing up the patrolling monks on the opposite side. He immediately felt the tense atmosphere here just through the increase in the number of people on the other side.

In the past, the patrol team consisted of twelve people, all composed of foundation-building monks, but this time it was directly led by two golden elixir monks, with a team of twenty people.

"Li Yan of the Qing Sixteenth Team, returned from a mission!"

Li Yan raised the token in his hand and let a few rays of divine consciousness fall on it.

"Hahaha, it's you. I saw you at Tonggui Ridge a few days ago. Are you out on a solo mission? The other members of your team have all returned early!"

A few rays of consciousness turned to Li Yan after sweeping the previous one. The token was naturally real, so they focused their attention on Li Yan himself.

Among these several spiritual consciousnesses, in addition to the spiritual consciousness of the two golden elixir monks, there were also many patrol members. Regarding the monks of the same level scanning him like this, Li Yan just let it go without any dissatisfaction on his face.

As soon as one of the golden elixir monks' spiritual consciousness fell on Li Yan, a message came over. He was one of the golden elixirs who participated in the "Tonggui Ridge" battle four days ago, and was now ordered to stay at Fengliang Mountain.

He was deeply impressed by Li Yan. In the "Tonggui Ridge" defense station, this kid killed about ten monks of the same level, and they were all demonic cultivators.

So when he was patrolling and passing by the peak of the Qing Sixteenth Team, he used his spiritual consciousness to scan it, but he didn't find Li Yan's existence.

At that time, he thought that because of Li Yan's identity, he might be protected by Wei Zhongran alone.

He never thought that this kid would dare to go out on a mission during the war, which really surprised him. With the current situation outside, even the Golden Core cultivators did not dare to go out alone.

This kid just rode back from the outside alone. I don't know if it was his luck or the ignorance that is fearless, but he was really lucky and was able to return to Fengliang Mountain alive.

This golden elixir


Naturally, Li Yan didn't know what he was thinking. Even if he did, he probably wouldn't have any other explanation other than a wry smile.

This time, for the second time, he was targeted by a Nascent Soul monk. He circled the gate of hell several times and was just short of stepping in with both feet.

After confirming Li Yan's identity, two Jindan monks led twenty people and flew to a stop ten feet in front of Li Yan.

"Senior Qi, I did accept a task from Master three days ago. However, after completing the task, this place has turned into a battlefield, so I stayed here until today before quietly returning.

The outside was already a scorched earth, and he didn't know what was going on inside the formation, so he had to find a remote place to enter. "

Li Yan bowed respectfully to the two golden elixirs.

One of them, who had a golden elixir-like beard and looked very powerful, was looking at Li Yan with a smile on his face. He was also the one who spoke just now.

Li Yan didn't notice that when he briefly mentioned the situation of the outer formation, many of the foundation-building monks' eyes flashed with curiosity, but no one asked.

Next to the bearded Jindan monk was a serious white-robed monk, with a sword box on his back.

"Sword cultivator, can Shibuyuan also participate in the battle here?"

This was the first thought that occurred to Li Yan.

After listening to Li Yan's explanation, the bearded Jindan monk understood that Li Yan chose to enter from here out of caution.

With the formation's core guarding monks, Li Yan's move was not about sneaking in, but had other intentions. This was a move to prevent outsiders when Fengliangshan knew it very well.

If this place has been captured, either the formation has collapsed, or there are still monks inside to resist.

With the methods of the four major sects, of course they will not leave a large formation that can withstand Nascent Soul attacks to the opponent.

Therefore, if this place has become a battlefield, at least the other party will not easily discover Li Yan if he sneaks in, which can be regarded as a kind of protection for himself.

The bearded golden elixir monk's lips moved slightly at this time, but no sound came out, while the white-robed sword cultivator on the side began to flash his eyes.

He just kept staring at Li Yan, and finally, a look of boredom appeared in his eyes.

Li Yan felt a little uncomfortable about this. He had obviously confirmed his identity. Why did the white-robed swordsman look at him like this? His eyes seemed to be filled with contempt and disgust.

Among the monks behind him, some of them smiled and nodded at Li Yan. Li Yan had met those people in Fengliang Mountain before, and they were considered acquaintances.

The rest of the people were nervous, thinking that a new group of monks had been recruited.

When Li Yan took over the Qing Sixteenth Team, the teleportation array in the back mountain would keep flashing with light every day, and a large number of recruited monks would often be teleported over.

, it is normal not to know these people.

But after only three or four breaths, he still had no intention of letting Li Yan leave. Li Yan began to feel dissatisfied, and he was about to ask "if there is anything else."

At this moment, the white-robed swordsman spoke for the first time, and his voice sounded like gold and stone clashing, which sounded a bit harsh.

"When you return from a mission, you can just go to the formal entrance ahead, why be so sneaky.

I heard that your killing methods are just eccentric, and you don't have any real skills. When you meet a truly powerful person of the same level, you may die a little faster.

After coming back, I quickly handed over the task and stayed in the cave honestly. Don't walk around randomly, you know! "

After saying that, he stared at Li Yan with a bit of contempt.

His words not only stunned Li Yan, but also the bearded Jindan monk.

He was just afraid that this person did not know Li Yan's identity, so he briefly explained Li Yan's identity and the methods he had used in the past few days. In his opinion, such juniors should be treated differently.

Unexpectedly, the person next to him said such words as soon as he spoke, and looked at Li Yan with an unfriendly look.

This was a big surprise to him, but he was also a man who had experienced battles for a long time, and he had already thought of a reason in his mind.

"What kind of relationship does this Jian Xiu Ding from the outer courtyard of the Shibu Academy have with the Sprite Sect?"

Although Li Yan was also stunned, he immediately thought of some reasons.

"This is looking for trouble with myself, but I don't know him. This is blaming the sect or other reasons on myself."

His face was calm, and he still answered respectfully.

"Thank you, uncle, for reminding me. I will obey your orders!"

He didn't want to have any verbal conflict with this kind of person, but he was already sneering in his heart.

He even dared to plot and kill a monk in the middle stage of the Golden Core. What's more, he was a monk in the early stage of the Golden Core. If it was unfavorable to him, he would not care about the "following violations" rules.

Li Yan still likes to take action directly. What effect can he get by taking advantage of words? It just makes him pay more attention.

You have Shibuyuan's backing, doesn't he?

Now was the time of the battle with the demons. This man had clearly had a grudge against the Demon Clan before, and he had been giving him disciplinary words. Li Yan no longer had any good impressions of this man.

After Li Yan finished speaking, he bowed to the bearded Jindan monk, "In the past few days, I would like to thank you, senior, for taking care of me on the battlefield. I will remember this in my heart.

The junior still had tasks to report, and there was no longer any time to delay the senior's patrol, so he took his leave. "

After saying that, Li Yan never looked at the white-robed sword cultivator again and flew into the air towards the mountain peak where Wei Zhongran's cave was located.

He has many things in his heart


I originally wanted to ask the bearded Jindan monk about the matter, but now it seems that I can no longer ask.

I don’t know what happened to Master and the others, or whether they have returned. I should go and ask first.

The bearded monk's lips moved, as if he wanted to say something to Li Yan, but he glanced at the white-robed monk with an ashen face beside him and could only smile bitterly in his heart.

The grievances of the four major sects have been accumulated from generation to generation. It is better for a monk from a small sect like him to get involved less.

The foundation-building monks behind him were even more arrogant and did not dare to breathe. They were also people with discerning eyebrows. How could they not see that the white-robed monk was not dealing with a junior.

Among this group of patrolling monks, I don’t know whether it’s because the white-robed monks are picky or for other reasons, but there isn’t even a single monk from the Sprite Sect in the team. Naturally, there won’t be anyone who feels sorry for the Sprite Sect.

The white-robed monk looked at Li Yan's retreating figure. There was a faint sound of swords in the sword box behind him. This junior's words seemed polite, but anyone could tell that he didn't take him seriously at all.

He thought that Li Yan would show an angry look, but due to his realm, he could only hold it in. He would take the opportunity to teach him a few words, which would make him feel more comfortable.

However, the other party seemed to be respectful, but was actually extremely disrespectful, which made his subsequent words choke in his throat, like a stick in his throat, and a feeling of hostility arose in his chest.

But after all, he did not teach Li Yan a lesson. If this person was really an ordinary disciple of the Demon Sect, although he would not kill him, he would definitely let him be punished.

However, the bearded monk had just told the origin of this person. This boy should be a core disciple of the Sprite Sect, and most importantly, a close disciple of that madman Wei Zhongran.

Among the four golden elixir monks, there are a few who are notoriously not to be messed with, and Wei Zhongran is the most difficult one among them.

He was just an ordinary Jindan cultivator from the outer courtyard of the Shibu Academy, and he was very familiar with Wei Zhongran's reputation. Even someone like the Sword King was unwilling to mess with him easily, and he didn't dare to do it openly.

Although he had an old grudge with the Demon Sect, he still squinted his eyes after careful consideration. The sword box behind him immediately became quiet. The bearded Jindan monk on the side finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

He was really afraid that this person would teach Li Yan a lesson. He was also worried about Li Yan's identity. He had heard of Wei Zhongran before, and he was someone he could not mess with.

And now he was even more unwilling to get involved. The impression that Wei Chongran, the fierce man, had left on him a few days ago was too terrifying. A fierce man who could fight with a Yuanying cultivator made him feel astonished and awed.

If this man from the Ten-Step Courtyard really took action, the bearded Jindan cultivator really didn't know whether to stop him or watch. He might hate him to the bone.

Who knew if Wei Chongran would find all the cultivators present, and he would suffer an unprovoked disaster. Now it seemed that this sword cultivator from the Ten-Step Courtyard didn't dare to provoke the fat man.

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