Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 646 Return to the Green Bat Camp (1)

Li Yan didn't know what the people behind him were thinking, but it was just a small episode to him and he didn't take it to heart at all.

He is different from the vast majority of immortal cultivators. Except for the fact that he almost died at the hands of Master Ji when he first entered the path of immortality, later on, everything went smoothly in terms of being taken care of by his master.

He is not as ill-fated as the Huchen Wuding he once met, nor is he like Ding Yushan who is always walking on thin ice.

Li Yan met a good teacher, and invisibly developed in his bones the pride of a child from a wealthy family.

Although Li Yan pays attention to his words and deeds on weekdays, he will not deliberately show this mentality.

But when he faced some monks who he thought did not pose a threat to him, even if the other party was higher than him in realm, he did not have the mentality to put the other party in a high position to provide salary.

Li Yan quickly flew to Wei Zhongran's cave halfway up the mountain, encountering two more patrols along the way.

But in every team, there are always a few people who know him more or less. He is the disciple of the leader of Fengliang Mountain. The monks who know Li Yan's identity will always introduce the situation here to the new monks recruited.

Some of these patrolling monks were even quite familiar with Li Yan. After Li Yan showed his token, they briefly chatted for a few words and then went on their own.

As soon as Li Yan landed on the platform, he knew that he might have arrived at the wrong time. There was no sign of the protective formation restrictions outside the cave being opened.

In the past, as soon as Li Yan arrived here, the formation restrictions would be automatically opened, but today there was silence.

After Li Yan stood for a moment, he still transmitted a few words to the cave, but of course there was no response.

"Master, is he still fighting with others outside? Or is he going to discuss matters with other elders?"

Li Yan didn't have much of a clue for a while. He could only pat his head and secretly exclaimed, "I'm careless."

Although he couldn't ask the bearded Jindan monk just now, he should ask other people he met on the road.

But just now he thought of coming over to inquire in person, so he hurriedly said goodbye to the patrolling monks, and those monks thought he knew about it, so how could they dare to take the initiative to mention a golden elixir.

After thinking about it, Li Yan decided not to go back to his cave first, but to go to the "Green Bat Camp" to have a look. He thought that Gong Yuantai and the others might be in the camp, so they wouldn't be able to ask questions by themselves. Empty.

After making the decision, Li Yan's body swayed and turned into a ray of gray light shooting towards the sky.

When Li Yan was approaching the peak of "Green Bat Camp", he couldn't help but feel a little frightened, because the previously calm mountain peak now seemed extremely lively.

In the past, the peak where the "Green Bat Camp" was located was due to the fierce battle. Only the monks who had just been recruited were left on the peak, as well as the troops who had returned from the front to repair the incomplete ones.

As Li Yan approached the mountain peak, he saw from a distance that from time to time there would be streaks of light flying into the sky from the mountain peak.



There were also some rays of light streaking across the sky in the distance, approaching one after another and then landing on the mountain peak. Then a monk walked towards the main hall.

Li Yan, who flew over, instantly became one of them. Looking at most of the unfamiliar faces, Li Yan was filled with doubts.

Because in the coming and going of Guanghua, there were some people that although Li Yan was not very familiar with, he had met them once or even several times.

The origins of these monks, if Li Yan remembers correctly, should come from different places in Fengliang Mountain, including the "Green Bat Camp" itself, as well as the monks from the "Dadi Camp", "Tiangong Camp" and "Chongfeng Camp" .

"How is this going?"

Li Yan landed in front of the main hall and looked around, feeling puzzled for a moment.

Some people who knew him, after seeing the fallen Li Yan, many of them smiled and nodded to him in greeting.

When they looked at Li Yan, their eyes were filled with surprise and even awe.

Others looked at Li Yan up and down several times, and Li Yan felt extremely unhappy when people kept scanning him.

But he usually kept a low profile in Fengliang Mountain, but he still had a smile on his face, nodding and greeting others.

Under this situation, he didn't want to waste any more time in front of him. There were more and more questions in his mind, so it was better to ask someone familiar to ask them.

After Li Yan returned the courtesy of several people, he walked directly through the main hall towards the "Qing Zhen Sixteen" courtyard at the back.

Looking at the unfamiliar yet somewhat familiar bluestone road under his feet, Li Yan already felt extraordinarily warm in his heart.

Only a few days ago, they set out from here and experienced a death journey with a group of people.

Then he almost died outside while performing a mission alone. After making a big circle, he returned here again.

Li Yan felt a lot of emotion in his heart, and a few days seemed like a lifetime ago.

The long courtyard wall on one side of the road extended into the distance, and the house numbers that occasionally flashed before his eyes made Li Yan feel at ease.

Although there is only an invisible magic circle in the sky that separates this place from the numerous Chuangyi outside the formation, they are two completely different worlds.

When Li Yan pushed open the ajar door of "Qing Zhen Sixteen", there were about sixty or seventy people in the courtyard, divided into groups of different sizes, talking quietly.

Li Yan's arrival did not attract anyone's attention at first. It seems that the monks coming and going here in recent days should be a normal thing.

But soon, someone noticed Li Yan. The man was stunned at first, then showed surprise and shouted hesitantly.

"Li Dao...Team...Captain!"

that person

The sound was very loud. Although there were many monks here, they were all talking in whispers, which was relatively quiet. This sound immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Li Yan glanced at the man, who was gathering with six or seven other people to talk. They were very close to the courtyard gate.

This person was facing the door again. As Li Yan approached, he naturally looked up at the person coming.

His expression was stunned at first, and then he stared at Li Yan fiercely. After making sure that he had seen it correctly, he shouted uncertainly.

From his tone, it seemed that he was still not sure that it was Li Yan who appeared.

The monk's memory is very strong, especially as Li Yan is the captain of the "Qing Sixteenth Team", he must be familiar with his team members.

Therefore, Li Yan knew that his name was Tao Yishan, and he was a monk from a small and low-ranking sect within the jurisdiction of Shibuyuan. ??

This person's cultivation level was average. Unexpectedly, he did not die in the brutal battle a few days ago, and it seemed that he was not even seriously injured.

This made Li Yan somewhat surprised when he remembered Tao Yishan's origin.

As Tao Yishan's shout came out, voices ranging from surprise, disbelief, or plainness rang out in the courtyard.

"The captain is really back!"

"Hahaha, Fellow Daoist Li has just come back at this time, which makes us quite worried!"

"Oh, it turns out it's really Junior Brother Li..."

"Is he that Li Yan?"

"Is he the one who killed a dozen demon cultivators of the same level?"

"Li...Junior Brother Li, when did you come back..."

Suddenly, the originally peaceful courtyard was filled with sounds, and among these sounds, Li Yan actually heard the voices of Du Sanjiang and Bai Rou.

This made him look for fame and truly lost his mind for a moment. This was the "Green Bat Camp".

But he immediately returned to normal, glanced at everyone with a smile on his face, and first bowed towards Tao Yishan and the others.

"I just came back, so here I am. I still have some things that I need to understand first. I will catch up with fellow Taoists later. I will apologize for now!"

As Li Yan said that, he put down his hands and walked towards a group of people in the corner of the courtyard.

There were fifteen or sixteen monks there, including Gong Yuantai, Tantai Dongyue, Bai Rou, Du Sanjiang, Bu Luo and Wuye.

Most of them are monks wearing dark green robes from the Demon Sect. Only seven of them, including Bro and Wuye, are expatriate monks, but their cultivation levels are basically in the late stage of foundation building or above.

They are the strongest group of monks in this courtyard.

Among the more than a dozen monks, several women attracted special attention. In addition to Bai Rou and Tantai Dongyue, the other three women were all beautiful.


Two of them were wearing robes from the Demon Sect, and the other was wearing a pink palace robe. The three of them were all around 20 years old. Of course, this was just their apparent age.

As Li Yan walked towards Gong Yuantai, everyone he met returned the greeting, and then the courtyard slowly became quiet again, but the atmosphere was obviously different from before.

Many people's eyes were still fixed on him, but their words became very low and short, and they were quickly exchanging information with the people around them.

With a monk's ears and eyes, even if Li Yan didn't listen deliberately, some sporadic words were still clearly passed into his ears.

"Did he really kill more than a dozen demon cultivators, and only within a few dozen breaths? It looks like his cultivation level has just reached the level of fake elixir..."

"Yes, we have also fought against demon cultivators. Only one or two of us can defeat a demon cultivator. I still don't believe what you are saying..."

"Hehehe, I'm still saying the same thing. Did your Qing Sixteenth Squadron suffer heavy casualties after guarding Tonggui Ridge for half a day? That's why we give him the credit and then divert our attention..."

"Go away, give all the credit to him alone, what good will it do to our faces?"

"We suffered heavy casualties? It's not because of us. Now everyone knows that the other party has a powerful magic weapon. Whoever goes up will be the result of collapse.

After the destruction of the large formation, he was able to fight twice as many enemies with a hundred people, and he was led by a demon cultivator, and finally defeated the opponent. It is estimated that very few people in Fengliang Mountain can do this. "

"You have been here so many times in the past few days, don't you just want to confirm this information?

Being able to kill so many demon cultivators of the same level with your own strength will indeed make you feel unbalanced every day, hehehe..."

After hearing these words, Li Yan thought about something in his mind. It seemed that some people came here for the "Tonggui Ridge" battle a few days ago.

And just as he was walking forward, thinking in his mind, Bro had already stood up amidst the sound of hehe.

"Brother Li, you are finally back. I thought you had left here. Come here quickly!"

At this moment, the big hole on Bro's face has disappeared. Considering his background, the Zuo family's elixirs should not be able to deal with such flesh injuries.

The way he stood up to say hello did not surprise Li Yan. During the battle a few days ago, when the opponent's golden elixir demon appeared, he was the only one who sent a message to Li Yan, telling him to run away.

At that time, I could still think of others. Even if it was just a sentence, I could see some affection for the other person. Li Yan's senses were much closer to Bro.

Li Yan no longer thought about the meaning of those people's words, and quickly walked to the crowd where Bro was with a smile on his face.

As he approached, the group of people stopped talking and stared at Li Yan, who was approaching quickly.

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