Five rows, but I traveled through time in Konoha.

Chapter 84: Big stick and sweet dates, the changes of Senju Hideki

After the four of them had taken care of the Shouzaki Lizard,

Asked quickly,

"How's it going, Shouzaki-senpai, are you satisfied with your meal?"

Shouzaki looked at his round belly,

I really want to say I’m not full,

However, there is really no such condition.

"What about that? If you have any questions, just ask them. My time is very precious."

Shigan Aburame spoke first,

He provided the food, so it was perfectly normal for him to speak.

"Senior Shouzaki, we want to know how to practice senjutsu."

"Oh, the magic is just breathing in and out, and you can do it naturally."

Shouzaki Big Lizard said it very simply,

But in fact, I am very disdainful.

Mere humans can't even learn such simple magic. What kind of magic is magic? Forget it, just fool them. For simple-minded species like humans, just say a few simple words and they will He will keep thinking about it, and finally he will regard me as a god, and then he will eat and drink well.

Oops, I haven’t done this process for decades, and I’m a lot unfamiliar with it. But I used to say things that no one could understand. Now times have changed. Shouzaki-sama, I have to keep up with the times. Let’s do the opposite. Routine, say something simple, the effect may be better.

While Shouzaki was daydreaming about the wonderful life in the future,

There are four people left,

After a little communication,

Hideki Senju: "Do you have a strange feeling?"

Hinata: "This feeling seems familiar."

Uchiha Kamito: "This big lizard wants to fool us."

Aburame Shikan: "How can you bear this? A small tree will not grow straight if it is not repaired. If a person does not repair it, he will tweet, come on, make trouble for him."

"Iwasa Nohu."

"Bagua·Breaking Mountain Strike."

"Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique."

Shouzaki just woke up from his fantasy,

Seeing the huge rock fist in front of me, a huge palm print and a dragon-shaped flame,

"Oh, I got so excited that I actually saw it, fuck, this is real."

What follows is a righteous three-on-one period.

This three-on-one is not as simple as the ordinary three-on-one.

This is,

A swipe of justice (I treat you well, but you actually take me for granted.)

Call of the Ancients (The chameleon is a lizard that makes you disown your ancestors.)

Honest shout-out (to make you brag, you have the nerve to mention ambergris, is a chameleon also a dragon?)


There are also exciting programs such as The End of Winter, The Appearance of the Strong, The Collapse of the Canopy, The Attack of the Hurricane, The Will of the Forest, etc.

Shouzaki, who was already bruised and swollen, couldn't help but ask, what do the following ones have to do with me.

(Author: You just say whether it’s good or not, bah, whether it sounds good or not, and whether it’s serious or not, that’s it. Then there’s another hidden part of the program’s author’s huge anger.)

After one hour, three minutes and twenty-seven seconds passed,

This time of justice is officially over,

Senju Hideki and the other three stopped their hands together.

You can't fight anymore. If you fight again, there will be nothing left if you die.

I have the big stick,

Now it’s time to sweeten the dates,

Aburame Shigan, the only one who didn't make a move, walked up.

"Um, Lord Shouzaki."

"You protect me, and I will listen to you in everything."

Shigan Aburame then had a very pleasant exchange with Shouzaki.

And the trio who just started,

? ? ?

Hideki Senju: "I feel familiar again."

Hinata Ri'an gritted his teeth and stared at the man and the lizard who were chatting happily.

"I said this feels so familiar."

The Uchiha Kamito remained silent;

You must not talk at this time.

If he speaks, doesn't it mean that I, Uchiha Kamito, have also been deceived?

And he will be reduced to the same level as Senju Hideki and Hinata Rian. No, this is simply the most terrifying thing in the world.

"Way, God, why didn't you say anything? Aren't you being fooled? It's not just once or twice. Just be more careful next time."

Senju Hideki said carelessly,

I don’t know if it’s a matter of over-cultivation. Now everything seems to be very simple. If you are fooled, you are fooled. It’s not a big deal. Things that were complicated before now seem to be extremely simple and pure.

Is this something beyond the five senses, super-intuition?

Have you become successful? ! !

(No, you just trained your muscles into your brain.)

Hinata Ri'an reacted,

Doesn’t that bastard Kamito want to draw a clear line between us?

Who is this boundary? Hideki.

Bastard, you actually draw a line between me and him, ugh, wait a minute.

"Hideki, please don't disturb Kamito. Some people will accept setbacks calmly, while some people will need a long period of recovery when facing setbacks. So, can we leave Kamito a quiet space? "

"Ah, is that so? We have to move away quickly to give him some space."

After Senju Hideki left,

There was a fierce spark between Hinata Hinata and Uchiha Kamito's gaze.

Hinata Rihan: "Young man, you still want to despise me. You are not even as good as Hideki, so what right do you have to despise others."

Uchiha Kamito: "As for you, I will suffer from this secret loss. You will wait next time."

Good day, Hinata: "We are waiting for you."


In the fierce collision of sights, there seemed to be electric current flickering.

As for why Senju Hideki became so careless,

This question,

a distant place,

His former teammates were discussing this topic,

Under the green shade,

among flowers,

A man and a woman are like a couple of gods,

Two ninja dogs, one big and one small, were running in the forest.

"Hideki, don't you think Hideki has changed a lot since he recovered from his injuries?"

Inuzuka Hariko asked while knocking off a certain hand that was moving erratically,

"It's changed a lot, right? He's still the same Senju Hideki."

Inuzuka Yu answered while saying,



"But, Yu, didn't you feel that Hideki became very careless after he recovered from his injury?"

"Are you serious? It's just that he doesn't act anymore."


Inuzuka took back his hand and stood up.

Inuzuka Haruko also tidied her shirt and stood next to Inuzuka.

"Hideki, he just doesn't want to play the role of the gentle, polite, and smart Senju Hideki."

"Why? Isn't Hideki like that very lovable?"

"Pleasing someone doesn't mean you want it."

After Inuzuka looked up at the sky for a moment,


"Actually, the few of us are very lazy people. If there is no one to push us, we will never take another step forward. And Yingshu is different from us. The person pushing us is at most It’s just some external pressure, but Hideki is also burdened with the expectations of his elders, the admiration of his younger generation, and most importantly, the revival of the Senju clan. This burden is on his shoulders.”

"The revival of the Senju clan? But didn't the Senju reach their peak in Konoha?"

"That was the peak of Konoha, not the peak of Senju. The first Hokage and the second Hokage were excellent Hokage, but they were not excellent heads of the Senju family. Their love was so broad that it extended to any member of Konoha. But their love is so great that no Thousand Hands can enjoy it.”

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