Five rows, but I traveled through time in Konoha.

Chapter 85: Does anyone really tell stories of heroes to their girlfriends on a date?


Inuzuka Haruko still wanted to refute,

But Inuzukaru quickly interrupted her,

"Princess, do you know? The Second Hokage once wanted to give up the name of Senju and disband the Senju clan."


"As a member of the Inuzuka clan, it's a bit hard for you to accept, right? Can you imagine what the Senju members who received this order thought?"

Inuzukayu paused,

"I'm afraid that's just the case if the sky falls."

There were already tears gathering in Inuzuka Haruko's eyes.

She couldn't imagine the Inuzuka clan disbanding.

"In the first generation of Hokage, no, let's put it this way, under the leadership of Lord Hashirama and Lord Tobirama, the Senju clan reached an unprecedented peak. They completely defeated the Uchiha clan, their ancient enemy, and established Konohagakure. In the village, two generations of Hokage were both descended from the Senju clan. At this time, no one could look down upon the Senju clan members. The Senju clan was also very serious about maintaining the reputation of the Senju clan. Therefore, during the establishment of Konoha village, That’s why there is such a saying, no one can hurt anyone in Konoha in front of the Senju clan.”

"The Second Hokage is too cruel and must disband such a good Senju clan."

"No, disbandment was indeed the best choice for the Thousand Hands Clan at that time. The high reputation also brought high casualties and pressure as heavy as a mountain."

"don't know."

Inuzuka Inuzuka smiled and touched the confused Inuzuka Tsuruko.

Said lovingly,

"You don't need to understand everything. I'll explain it to you slowly."


Two people sat down against a big tree.

Inuzuka Masaru hugged Inuzuka Puriko,

Speaking slowly,

"Because of the high reputation of the Senju clan, any dangerous mission is basically undertaken by the ninjas of the Senju clan. And when the mission fails, there is a choice of ninja after the end. If there are Senju ninjas, there is no choice. With one exception, there is a Thousand-Armed Ninja."

"But Senju Ninja and the others can't refuse?"

"Just saying that you are from the Senju clan can make any Senju ninja unable to say any words of rejection. They bear the name of Senju. They can die, but the name of Senju cannot be lost."

"This is not, Lu, the one you mentioned before."

"Moral kidnapping?"

"Yes, that's it. How can you morally kidnap a Senju Ninja?"

"No one kidnaps them morally or kidnaps their Senju name. Purinzi, you don't know how many people refused to do this in the early days of the village's establishment. People's hearts are all made of flesh. How can anyone I will always watch others pay for themselves.”

"Then why is this still happening?"

"The Senju ninja put the kunai on his neck and yelled at the other Konoha ninjas. If you don't let me cut off my queen, I will die here. Don't you believe in our Senju clan?"

"How come?"

Inuzuka Hariko took a deep breath.

How could such a ninja exist?

"This is not the most heroic. Some lost their arms and legs during the mission, and suffered too many casualties. If they were other Konoha ninjas, the Senju ninjas fought to save them, shouting not to give up or abandon them, but it was their turn. When I was a Senju Ninja, those who were lightly injured and could still move were left behind and killed, shouting, "I will die with the enemy"; those who were seriously injured and unable to move, they killed themselves one after another. Before they died, they said, "I can't." Injury to companions.”

Woo woo woo,

Inuzuka Haruko was already crying.

"Uuuuuuu, how can there be such a good ninja? The Senju clan are all good people, they are all heroes, uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"

Inuzuka Inuzuka hugged Inuzuka Puriko tightly,


"So the Senju clan at that time went to the battlefield just to die in battle, and no one could stop them."

"So, did the Second Hokage announce the disbandment of the Senju Clan?"

"Yes, during the village founding period, the casualties of the Senju Clan were actually greater than during the Warring States Period. It was simply unbelievable. So after the Second Hokage came to the throne, he quickly disbanded the Senju Clan and put the name of the Senju Clan on the mountain. Remove it from the Senju Ninja so that the remaining members of the Senju Clan can live peacefully in Konoha."

"Didn't they all agree?"

"They all agreed. The ninjas of the Senju clan can actually understand this. Sometimes they actually want to be cowards or not be so brave, but the name of the Senju family prevents them from being cowards and must be brave, so even if They were very reluctant to give up the name of Senju, but due to the pressure of cruel reality, they had to give up. However, the Second Hokage promised them that even if they did not bear the name of Senju, they were still members of the Senju clan, so the Senju clan. It was actually disbanded once during the Second Hokage period.”

"Isn't the matter settled?"

"If nothing else, it was solved, but something unexpected happened, and the second Hokage was attacked and killed by Kumogakure Kanegakure's team."

"Is it the first ninja war?"

"Yes, the Thousand Hands Clan took revenge in that battle, but the remaining main force of the Thousand Hands Clan is gone. There are only a group of old, weak, sick and disabled people left in the clan. It doesn't matter whether the Thousand Hands Clan can be disbanded or not. , because there are not many people left, and the Senju of the Forest, which represents the vitality, is heading towards a road full of death."

"At that time, was Hideki born?"

"How is it possible? He was born a few years ago."

"Then how could such a huge pressure be placed on his shoulders?"

"It's not pressure, it's responsibility. Hideki has to bear it himself."

Inuzuka Yu seemed to return to that night a few years ago,

He and Eimaru were running around after Konoha, exercising;

When passing by a house with a slightly vicissitude of life,

There was a young man, no, it should be a child, kneeling in front of a vicissitudes of life old man,

That childish voice is still deafening when I think about it now.

"If I am not worthy of the name of Thousand Hands, then I will work hard to be worthy of the name of Thousand Hands; but if I am asked to abandon the name of Thousand Hands, I would rather die."

I can’t quite remember what the vicissitudes of life old man once said.

But that look of tears streaming down my face,

Inuzuka I will never forget it for the rest of my life.

Think about it now

It turns out that I discovered something wrong with Hideki earlier than Shiqian, but why didn't I think of him as a time traveler at the beginning?

Maybe I also thought that the Thousand Hands clan should be like this at the time!

Inuzuka smiled helplessly,

First Hokage, you really missed the Senju Ninja and Konoha Ninja for a lifetime.

"Yu, why did Hideki take the initiative to take on that heavy responsibility?"

"For a hero, that reputation may be a burden, but for the descendants of the hero, inheriting that reputation will be the greatest honor. Purlin, have you heard this sentence?"

"What words."

"A hero will bring out a group of heroes, and a saint will bring out a group of saints. For a father and son to go to the same battlefield together is the greatest shame for the father and the highest honor for the son."

"It makes sense, but I think you didn't explain why Hideki became like this."

"Didn't I?"

"Absolutely not."

Inuzuka Hariko jumped up and said angrily,

She absolutely didn't miss a word of the heroic deeds of the Senju clan just now, and listened attentively.

"Hahahaha, I just like seeing you like this."

"I hate it, please tell me why Hideki is like this."

"Because he found a way, a way that he didn't know was right or wrong, but he found a way."

"Is it that simple?"

"Yes, it's that simple. Once you have a path, you won't be confused. And with some achievements, you will become extremely confident."

Rinzi is thinking seriously,

Inuzuka looked at Tsurugi who was thinking hard,

The little devil in my heart couldn't bear it anymore.

He grabbed it hard and kissed it hard.

Important things are emphasized three times,

Just a kiss,

Just a deep kiss,

Just a deep kiss.

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