"Second issue." Someone in the ward was wearing a breathing tube and typing on the keyboard of a laptop with a smile on his face.

"Son, mom is going to a far place?"

The child sensitively grabbed his mother's hand, his big eyes filled with anxiety: "Will you come back?"

"Yes, wait for mom to come back and make sweet and sour pork ribs for you."

With countless instructions, the number of people recruited in the second issue broke the historical record.

500 people! !

At the same time, the journal that everyone in the world has been looking forward to for a long time has finally started selling!

"Bazel! Bring me a copy!"

The young man lying on the sofa said leisurely, and his roommate named Bazel turned white: "Cesi, you will die on the sofa sooner or later!"

"No, no, no, I would rather die in a woman's arms."


No one responded to his wonderful words, only the heavy sound of the door, the young man shrugged, slowly changed his posture, and looked at the book in his hand.

It was a scientific journal.

As a physics graduate student, he knew nothing about medicine.

But he was happy to follow the latest trend, and then complain about it on Twitter and get a lot of likes. This was the only value of the journal, and the value of the $57 he spent on it.

As he read leisurely, three hours passed. The light outside the window was a little dim, and the crows returned to their nests to feed the young birds that opened their mouths wide to beg for insects.

"Is Bazel entangled with some heroine?"

Ceci couldn't stand it and made a call.

"Bazel! Don't tell me which girl you made an appointment with!"

"You damn fool!"

Bazel on the opposite side was furious. He looked at the long line in front of him. No one imagined that there were so many people following the trend.

Even most of them didn't understand professional knowledge at all. They couldn't even recognize all the words in the journal!

But it was these people who robbed the journal.

The manager of the bookstore was already holding a loud speaker and roaring.

"Damn it! It's sold out. Don't ask me if he still has it! No!!"

"Don't talk to me with that stinky mouth of yours. How many days have you not brushed your teeth!"

"Get out of here! There's nothing you want here!!"

The long line was dispersed. After waiting for three hours, Bazel's face was as black as the bottom of a pot because he didn't buy it.

Damn it, I shouldn't have waited in line!

In his frustration, he was also ridiculed and accused by Ceci.

"Bazel, don't you ask someone who already has it to take a photo of you?"

"I want to see its contents." Bazel said domineeringly, but only received ruthless ridicule, "But you didn't see it, did you? You can only stand there alone."

Bazel silently clenched his fist. Just as he was about to put his fist on the skin of the other person, the sound of the postman's jingle came from outside the yard.

"Your mail!"

Accompanied by the package wrapped in brown paper, it turned into the yard and was covered with a layer of mud.

The two looked at each other, and Ceci suddenly realized: "I think I ordered it online."

"I want to beat you, man!" Bazel laughed fiercely, and the next second he pounced on him, and the two rolled into a ball on the sofa.

After the fight was over, the mud-covered package was finally brought in.

The two opened it with some expectation.

"Oh! It's so thick!!"

The thickness of an adult clenched into a fist, a full 251 pages.

Wells did not lie, he really left a full 100 pages for a Chinese paper.

"Oh my God!!"

Ceci saw the topic of the paper and screamed: "Bazel! Did you see it?! He turned out to be - anti-cancer drug discussion?!"

"I can't imagine! How many patients are starting to party again!!"

"Party? Ha, only rich people will smile." Bazel sarcastically said that the national conditions of the United States and China are different, and there is no drug supervision under control.

That is unimaginable darkness!

Bars Pharmaceuticals, a seller of anti-cancer drugs in the United States, priced its notorious drug at $23,000 when it was launched.

Ordinary patients simply couldn't afford it, and hundreds of anti-cancer doctors sent emails asking Bars to lower the price of the drug so that more people could afford it.

Unexpectedly, two years later, instead of lowering the price, he raised it!

The price reached a staggering $52,000!

A medical sanctuary for the rich, a hell for the poor.

This is the United States!!

A large amount of knowledge and data, if you are not a professional, you can't bear to read it. 100 pages quickly turned to the end, which was the self-introduction of the R\u0026D team.

Unexpectedly, there was no English name.

But three Chinese names.

You Yao, Xu Can, Pei Gangjie.

Even in Chinese, you can see that the team is small!

"Wow!! Basel!"

"Are there three people?"

"You read it right, Ceci, one, two, three!"

"There are only three of them!"

"You mean three people developed a new drug, even an anti-cancer drug?"

"Yes, that's what it says."

The two American youths looked at each other and screamed together.

"This is so magical!!"

Magic? !

A miracle - or a liar? !

The educational gap in the United States is reflected on Facebook, with countless accounts, and they discuss it wantonly. Some people send several flowers, indicating that China is a magical country.

The Koreans rushed to publish.

"These three people are from Korea! They are outstanding scientists from Korea!"

"The whole world belongs to Korea!"

There are many netizens who are rebellious and sarcastic, and there are many comments.

"I can't believe it, Wells must have done a fart deal! How could he let such a fictitious paper appear in a journal?!"

"I can't imagine such an outstanding research and development comes from three Asians, even from the backward China!"

"Wells needs to apologize to 19.3 million cancer patients around the world! You are irresponsible for passing on this paper! This is a scandal in the medical field, academic fraud by three people!!"

There is an overwhelming questioning on the foreign Internet, and even the media speaks out loudly. China used the worst fraudulent behavior, he let three unknown professors take the stage, and he didn't even care whether they had knowledge or not!

With the propaganda method that foreign countries have always used to expose China's ugliness, the media used it quite naturally.

The few people who purely praised and expected it were abused.

At Bars Pharmaceuticals, the marketing director shrugged and looked at the journal opened on the table.

"This method is indeed feasible. Maybe we will have an Asian competitor?" At this point, the marketing director couldn't help laughing, "But his medicine will definitely not be better than our recovery."


This is a new drug developed by Bars with a lot of money. The marketing director gave it a flashy name.

He even thought of the price.

"2.3 million US dollars!"

It only takes one injection every 6 months, and it will take two years!

The patient will be cured! !

He couldn't believe how many rich people would come to his door in person when the news was announced.

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