[Flourishing and in a trance, three sentences choke to death, as expected of you, Ye Sangsang]

The people in the barrage were laughing like crazy.

None of them caught the loopholes in Ye Sang's words.

In fact, it is normal for children to make slips of the tongue, even if they realize it, no one will care.

Gu Sheng took a deep breath, and was about to die of anger from these two.

The record of zero bars and ten games on the game page also deeply hurt the eyes of fans.

[Fuck shit, actor Gu, why are you so good? 】

[Brother, this operation is too much to eat]

[Hahahahaha haha ​​laughed at me, your grade record, you are fine, this is simply the smooth wind of Su Shen alone]

It goes without saying that Su Ye's side is four, and the KDJ team on the opposite side can become the last world champion. If the five of them are serious, then he will drag four pits by himself, and the game will probably be over in ten minutes.

However, the attitude of the opposite party is also more lax than the other, and even KFC's teammates even typed words to make fun of them.

Their key target is Gu Sheng.

[No way, no way, God Su, your teammate who has zero bars and ten bars will definitely not be able to do this kind of operation in ten years with brain congestion]

[There are four pits in the area, and it is not easy for children]

[A super god with zero bars and ten tricks who can still kill, Su Ye will see you this time for the world championship~]

Obviously, Su Ye brought Gu Sheng, a super god who can kill in a pit, this operation deeply impressed the opposing KFC team.

Someone Gu who was connoted again: "..."


Just chat when you chat, what is it to attack him personally every day? !

I have to say that Gu Sheng was so desperate to manipulate people, even Su Ye, a person who rarely overturned his car, couldn't bear it now, and came up with a sentence:

"Why don't you stay at home, I'm afraid you will die if you go out."

Gu Sheng: "..." Who is this looking down on?

Looking at the score of zero bars and eleven on the screen, Gu felt deeply insulted.


After fifteen minutes, the game was completely over.

As soon as the results of the five players were exposed, except for Su Ye, the other four were simply horrible.

A group of netizens on the barrage couldn't help laughing.

[Hahahahaha alone, Gu Yingdi silently chose to close the microphone]

[Autistic and autistic, except for Su Shen, each one is worse than the other]

[It's so embarrassing, Gu Yingdi, you are so embarrassing, are you worthy of us checking in three times a day to greet your family? 】

Looking at Gu Sheng who seemed to be almost mad with anger, Su Ye gloated a little, but he was so scrupled that he was in front of the camera, so he didn't dare to show it too thoroughly.

The director was even worried that the other party's mentality would explode, so he pushed the little girl in front and asked her to come forward to comfort her.

The little girl Ye Sang understood in seconds, and hurriedly rushed over with her short legs, biting her little milk voice, "Uncle, don't be angry."

Gu Sheng looked at her expressionlessly.

The child's tone was soft, and he said solemnly: "...We don't need to stay here."

Gu Sheng: "..."

[Hahahahaha shame ends the game, this club doesn't matter]

【Don't wait +1】

[Hahahahaha I laughed so hard, Gu Sheng threw his phone angrily, it's too humiliating, this club doesn't matter]

Looking around, the bullet screen is full of "don't wait" which is full of joy and laughter.

Su Ye suppressed a laugh beside him, and lazily echoed, "Indeed, this club doesn't matter."

Gu Sheng: "..."


After experiencing the ridicule in the morning, Gu Sheng kept his face dark all the time, looking at the father and son over there happily huddling together, and then glanced at Ye Sang who was stacking blocks by himself beside him.

Gu Sheng almost couldn't resist pushing down her pile of building blocks that looked like grave mounds.

What a mess.

The afternoon was spent in the club, which happened to be a period of time between HL after the game.

Because it was in front of the camera, Su Ye and the others, who had finally been idle, had no chance to find Ye Sang.

Bored, the man squatted down, looked at the happy team members, lowered his eyes lightly, and prepared to consolidate the plastic father-daughter relationship with Ye Sang.

He tilted his head slightly and asked, "What's in your pile?"

Ye Sang held her small face in her hands, looked at the building blocks in front of her brightly, and happily softly kissed her small breasts: "Uncle, you are so stupid, this is a house."

Gu Sheng's smile gradually disappeared.

He pointed at the building block in disbelief, and asked each word with a pause: "You call this a house?"

Are you sure it's not a tomb? ? ?

The little guy obediently pointed to the building blocks in front of him, with shiny cat eyes, and said little by little: "This is the home of Sangsang and Uncle."

Gu Cheng's smile disappeared completely: "...shut up, my house doesn't live on the grave."

After he finished speaking, his eyebrows twitched slightly.

Slightly raised his eyes, as expected, he saw the whole process of the little guy from being dazed to being aggrieved.

[Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha What kind of weirdness is this? God can't live on the grave]

[I seriously doubt whether Yingdi Gu will become a father. How did this child grow up so big? How the hell does this look like he's been a baby daddy for several years? Is it okay for the whole newcomer to take office? 】

[It's so cute hahaha, the little mouth is flattened into a duckling, and my sister's heart is melting]

[It’s good for the father to live with the baby, to be honest, this grave really made me laugh hahaha]

[Actor Gu is poisonous, right? ? ? Is this my dear father? 】

Zhou Wu was coaxing his son by the side, and when he heard the movement of the people next to him, the corner of his mouth twitched and he couldn't help being speechless.

Is there such a father?


The program group is currently divided into two stages. One is to shoot the first episode in the imperial capital, and the other is to go to the countryside. Originally, they were going to the countryside together, but Zhou Wu and others were not very happy.

After all, whoever leaves the villa will not stay there, and insists on going to the countryside to experience life.

The director simply divided the show into two episodes.

As usual, Zhou Wu’s next task card, Ye Sang and a few children are lying on the ground playing with the little train with a low milk voice, and she is very sensible to match the train with a voice "Didididududu"

Listening to Gu Sheng next to her, she almost wanted to slap her little train to the ground.

"Shut up and listen to the task." The man expressionlessly stretched out a finger to hold down the little train she was running on the ground, and seeing the little guy's expression that the sky was about to fall, he said calmly: "A little while Complete the mission and play again."

"You should be sensible as an older child."

Ye Sang thought for a while, and could only look away from the train, and sat upright solemnly, "The uncle remembers to give the train to Sang Sang later."

Upon hearing this, Gu Sheng lazily agreed.

And then... there is no more.

Ye Sang failed to get back her beloved little train until she left the club.

It was the first time for the little guy to be deceived at such a big age. She opened her cat eyes in shock, and stepped back three steps to look in the direction of the club.

It's like a watchful stone.

【Ye Sangsang: Pupil Earthquake】

【Hahahahaha my train is gone】

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