[Hahahahaha that's enough for actor Gu, is it interesting to lie to children? ? ? 】

Closer to home.

In the afternoon, several children received different tasks, and the program team was also doing something. In the winter season, a group of little radish heads went to the street to sell roasted sweet potatoes.

"Alright, alright, alright." Ye Sang, who had no energy at all, his eyes lit up when he heard these words. Instantly jumped up happily, and happily agreed.

Gu Sheng took a deep breath, stretched out his hand to hold her little head tightly, and couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said, "What a fart."

How old is the little girl in front of this weather?

Going to the street to sell things, thanks to the group of idiots in the program group, they figured it out.

Ye Sang's voice gradually weakened, and she couldn't understand why this cheap father was angry again.

She thought about Ma Ma saying that men are prone to early menopause when they are angry, so she shook her head and closed her mouth.

Because the children found that as long as they don't talk, these cheap dads are usually easy to talk.

In the afternoon, several dads discussed the location, and finally decided that the location was to go to the game city.

There is usually a lot of people there, and children and couples abound, even selling things is easy.

Ye Sang has been here before, she held her small face in her hands, blinked her cat eyes, she was wearing a white skirt, as white as a ball.

It stands to reason that the game city is not allowed to set up stalls, but the other party is a celebrity, and the person in charge communicated with the director for a while before the venue was vacated.

"Uncle~" Seeing the familiar person, the little guy shook his head, his cat eyes were shining.

Seeing Ye Sang, the person in charge couldn't help laughing, and joked, "Little friend, are you here to earn money to support your family again?"

Ye Sang pursed her lips and nodded embarrassingly.

"Pfft, it's so cute." The person in charge smiled and squeezed her chubby face, clearing the venue.

The tasks were divided into two groups, namely Yin Yin and Ye Sang, and the remaining two little boys.

Gu Sheng remained silent with a sullen face, watching the people coming and going on the street, and lowered his peaked cap expressionlessly.

Except for Bai Fan, they are all actors, and the best way to prevent being recognized is to watch the child sell things without saying a word.

The two little girls, Ye Sang and Yin Yin, discussed it, but they still stood at the same place at a loss, with their round eyes open, they saw the two little boys on the opposite side selling things in an orderly manner.

Seeing this scene, Gu Sheng thought it was a little funny, he stretched out a finger, lightly poked the little girl's forehead, and said, "What are you looking at?"

The little guy looked at Gu Sheng with his mouth flat and his eyes wide open.

The other party was unmoved, and even sneered: "Do you think you can sell it with a few blinks of your big Kazilan eyes?"

Ye Sang: "..."

Bai Fan next to him could tell that the little girl was easily shy when there were many people, and the boys next to her shouted vigorously. The adults saw that they were both delicate and cute, and there must be many guests.

But the two little girls on their side are also cute, especially Sangsang, who said a few sweet words in a small milky voice that melted the hearts of adults.

Yin Yin plucked up his courage beside him, and couldn't help shouting:

"Sweet potatoes are on sale! Who wants sweet potatoes?"

After a while, someone came over. The people who came were a couple. Seeing that Ye Sang was cute, the woman couldn't help teasing her a few words: "The little girl is so cute."

Gu Sheng snorted coldly in his heart.


Then you probably haven't seen her speak.

As expected, the child covered her little face shyly, and said in a solemn and soft voice, "Sister, you are also very unique looking."

The woman was slightly taken aback, unable to laugh or cry.

Small, small things?

Don't be...chic?

Does this describe a woman?

Looking at the guests who were stunned in place, Gu Sheng took a deep breath and quickly covered Ye Sang's mouth, and said in a low voice, "Shut up."

Good boy.

Why does this mouth look like it has been smeared with poison?

It's hard not to choke to death, right?

【噗嗤hahahahaha the little thing looks quite unique】

【Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha do you watch too much TV? ? ? 】

[Good boy, it’s a pity that you opened your mouth hahaha, you’re still cute if you don’t speak]

Gu Sheng gritted his teeth, seeing Ye Sang struggled a few times and wanted to speak, he quickly said: "They are all from us, can you stop talking?"

Bai Fan also couldn't laugh or cry and said: "My own people, if you have something to say, say it well."

Scaring the two of them like this, the lethality is no one else.


After failing to attract customers for the first time, Ye Sang felt guilty, so she stood up and thought about buying sweet potatoes.

Gu Sheng next to her watched her hurrying back and forth with her short legs, and the corners of his lips could not help but twitch.


Still pretty cute.

Sensible and sophisticated, although the brain circuit is a little more magical, it is surprisingly not annoying.

Children are extremely sensitive to people's emotions. Although Gu Sheng's face didn't fluctuate after getting drunk last time, he had to admit that this child Ye Sang was really unusual.

At least more likable than other kids.

Just as he was deep in thought, Ye Sang and Yin Yinhe next to him managed to get a customer.

The happy eyes of the two little guys turned into crescent moons, and there were sweet smiles on the brows.

Looking at it made me feel better for no reason.

The boy stopped in his tracks, seeing that they were two children, he immediately teased with a playful smile, "What's wrong with my little sister?"

Yin Yindao: "Brother, do you want to buy a sweet potato? It's very cheap~"

The boy took a look and was not interested, and he didn't want to hurt the child's heart, so he found a reason and said: "Forget it, I lost the chicken just now, I'm in a bad mood, and I don't want to buy anything."

The little guy habitually held his soft little face, and said depressedly: "Then how can brother be happy?"

Seeing her cuteness, the boy couldn't help pinching the little guy's face with his hands and feet. The soft touch was red because he didn't pinch it lightly.

"I'm very confused now, I don't know what else to play besides eating chicken?" The boy deliberately teased her, so he asked back with a smile, "If you make me happy, I'll buy a few more sweet potatoes."

I'm not happy about losing at the chicken...


What confuses the children's little heads is why they still lose after eating chicken?

Ye Sang pursed her lips, and couldn't help but softly whispered, "My lord is so troublesome."

I don't feel happy eating chicken.

The boy looked at her with a smile for a long time, and seeing that the child's head had successfully crashed, he immediately stretched out his hand to pinch the chubby face again.

Gu Sheng watched coldly from the side for a long time, and after seeing the little girl's face was pinched red, he frowned slightly. Seeing that the boy wanted to continue to fight, he couldn't hold back after holding back, half bent down and stretched out his hand Xiaotuanzi was pulled into his arms.

He stretched out his hand to look at the little guy's pinched and flushed face, sneered slightly, and interrupted Ye Sang's thoughts with a cool voice, "Isn't it fun to eat chicken?"

"Then you can go eat shit."

Begging for a monthly ticket QAQ crying, it’s almost the end of the month, vote for it, the one who said that the update will stop, the update will be in the middle of next month, don’t worry

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