Chapter 345 The real first pot of gold

Ying Sisi: "Originally, I planned to retire here, but she is not used to it and wants to go back all the time."

"I'm used to living in the countryside, but I'm really not used to the city. I don't even know anyone when I go out, and my expenses are high. Even though Yan Ci has been admitted to college, he hasn't received any subsidies after all. It's like your parents-in-law are supporting you. The couple plus your grandma are under great financial pressure.”

Ying Sisi didn’t explain, just smiled: “Yeah.”

The transportation captain was confused. In-laws?

 Have a partner?

 Damn girl, you don’t know how to blush when you lie.

 Fortunately he was not fooled.

 The more beautiful a woman is, the less trustworthy she will say next time.

He drove with a temper and braked suddenly when he reached the destination designated by Ying Sisi.

Ying Sisi sat very securely, paid before getting off the car, and said thanks: "Brother, this is the fare, I will give you an apple to quench your thirst, please excuse me."

 “Humph, you said you were single when you were married.”

 Ying Sisi accepted the blame and did not dare to reply. Deliver goods silently.

"Where do you live? Do you want some help?" The captain saw that she was a woman, carrying big and small bags, and there was no one around to help. He also took other people's money, so he should unload the goods.

“No, you can just look after it for me, okay?”


Ying Sisi felt relieved and easily walked through the alley carrying the sack and went around to the shopping mall warehouse.

 Have someone do the counting.

 Then return to the unloading area.

 The captain is still here.

Ying Sisi smiled and said: "Thank you, you are such a good person. If I have the goods tomorrow, can I contact you? I can add money."

 She said as she stacked the boxes.

 Captain: "." Damn it! This Niu Jin, whoever marries her and dares to disobey her will not be able to behave like a grandson if he punches her. "Our transportation team doesn't accept all jobs. If you have a partner, let's say goodbye." He got into the car neatly, started and left.

 Ying Sisi: "."

 Ying Sisi moved the boxes to the place.

Director Ye was surprised: "You are such a strong girl."

 “Please take inventory.” Ying Sisi said.

Director Ye counted the quantity and randomly checked the quality: "The quantity is right and the quality is good. Your product should be packed in a regular carton."

Ying Sisi was very tired and her voice was unsteady: "You wanted it in a hurry, I didn't have time to pack it."

 The cost of wholesale cartons has gone up again.


 Use money everywhere.

 “Forget it this time, make sure to pack it next time.”

Ying Sisi agreed wholeheartedly.

Director Ye calculated it for her together with the account of the trial items that were put here last time: "It's a total of three hundred and thirteen yuan. After deducting the fraction, I'll give you three hundred and one."

 “Okay.” Ying Sisi didn’t want to argue.

 Received the money and counted it again.

 My heart has already flown away.

 Earn money.

 The money I earned before was a gift from God.

This time is the real first pot of gold.

She did not go back to the courtyard with the box in her arms, but took a car to the old lady's house.

 “What are you sending?”

 “An empty box for you to put your things in.” Ying Sisi happily shared her business.

The old lady was happy for her: "It was impossible to tell at noon, but it will be fine now. There will be a way for the car to reach the mountain. It is true at all. The box is exactly what I need, to put the nutrition sent by your father. Taste."

Ying Sisi: "I see that you don't eat much of this food. Can I sell it for you and make some money?"

"How embarrassed am I if your father finds out?" The old lady disagreed with the sale: "You can take it and eat it."

"I have them at home." Ying Sisi thought of the nutritional supplements at home, which were sent by her father-in-law, but many of them were packaged the same as the old lady's.


 Or did he ask his father-in-law to send it to him? “Sisi, are you hungry? Can you stay here for dinner?”

"I'm hungry. I haven't eaten lunch yet. I want to eat the fish pot stickers you made." Ying Sisi said.

"Okay, the young man downstairs in our house often fishes outside and keeps it at home. I'll exchange it for noodles." The old lady took the noodles and went out.

Ying Sisi rested on the bed and fell asleep at some point.

 When I wake up, the aroma of food fills my nose.

 She opened her eyes and it was already dark outside.

 The lights are on in the house.

 The old lady is sitting on a chair, wearing reading glasses and doing needlework. She stood up and called: "Grandma."

The old lady turned around and smiled kindly: "Are you awake? I see you are sleeping soundly and I don't have the heart to wake you up. The meal is ready, come and eat." She put down what she was doing and opened the lid of the pot: "Let's eat around here. When the pot stickers are served, they taste half as good.”

 “Okay.” Ying Sisi looked at the time and saw that it was already six o’clock. After washing, she sat next to the stove and started cooking. She put down her chopsticks when she was full and said, "I'm so full. It's time for me to go back."

 “Are you still leaving now? Can you get a ride?”

 “Let’s go back on foot.” As soon as Ying Sisi finished her voice, there was a knock on the door from outside.

The old lady opened the door and Qin Yanci stood outside.

Ying Sisi was surprised: "Aci, how did you know I'm here?"

"I just know." Qin Yanci returned home and found that the box containing quilts and winter clothes was missing.

 There is not a can left in the closet.

Going downstairs to inquire, he met two ladies on the same floor. They asked him if he was looking for Sisi. They said that when Sisi passed noon, the same driver loaded several large boxes of things to visit the old lady, and that's when he found her.

 “I haven’t eaten yet either,” he said.

The old lady scolded: "If Sisi doesn't cook, you won't eat. What kind of person are you?"

 Qin Yanci lowered his eyes to accept the criticism.

 “You wait, I’ll cook you some noodles.” The old lady said, but she took care of him in her actions.

Ying Sisi should put away the dishes and wash them in the sink.

Qin Yanci followed, and when he arrived at the place, he said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Have you taken action on the hair growth cream in the cabinet?"

"Yeah, I got this number." Ying Sisi put down the bowl and plate and made a few strokes.

 Qin Yanci was happy for her.

Ying Sisi focused her eyes on his face, recalling Li Yuwei's words, she said: "What will you do if you don't get into college?"

Qin Yanci thought seriously: "I haven't thought about it in detail. Maybe I will follow Lao Qin's arrangements? With my temper, I will probably pack up and go home after working for a long time. If I hadn't met you, I might have accomplished nothing. Only after I met you can I Lucky."

 The daughter-in-law is optimistic by nature and is also an activist.

Bold but cautious.

 Being with her can make him feel at peace and find the goal for his struggle.

Ying Sisi once again confirmed Li Yuwei's words. She was much calmer and smiled: "How can I be that good?"

“In my heart, it is the best.” Qin Yanci said sincerely.

Ying Sisi's smile became brighter and brighter: "Then you must repay me well."

 “Well, I’ll repay you after the menstrual period has passed.”

 “You’d better not repay the favor.”

ˆ “.”

 Ying Sisi washed the dishes and returned.

The old lady had just put the noodles into the pot and asked, "Is this enough for the banquet?"


 Old lady: "What have you been busy with recently? Are your eyes not afraid of light anymore?"

Qin Yanci's eyes averted for a moment: "Yeah."

 Old lady: "You look good with glasses and look elegant."

 Qin Yanci’s face turned dark, what does it mean? Is he ugly without glasses? Appearing uneducated?

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