Chapter 363 Smart

On the way, Ying Sisi found out about Lu Xiaoxuan’s family situation through chatting.

 Grandma is still alive.

 Her parents work in a food factory, and they have two brothers. The eldest brother is already working and married, the second brother has just started working, and she is a student at a normal university, in her sophomore year.

Lu Xiaoxuan said: "I have said so much, you should tell me yours, right? If you ask me at home later, it will be easier for me to deal with it."

“There’s no need to tell you your home address, you already know it.” Ying Sisi only revealed the basic demographic information of her husband’s family.

 “Where are your parents?”

Ying Sisi pursed her lips and said, "My mother died in childbirth when she gave birth to me."

 “I’m sorry.” Lu Xiaoxuan ended the topic.

"It doesn't matter."

 The two of them didn’t talk for a while after they arrived at their destination.

Ying Sisi’s eyes fell on the cigarette factory not far away. Lu Xiaoxuan’s house was less than a hundred meters away from the factory, and it was at an intersection, which was very convenient for her to do business. She pointed to the south with her little hand: "I posted the notice over there. Your home is here, how could you see it?"

"My classmates accidentally saw it that day. I went home and told my parents. They saw the address you wrote and said it was a family home of a public institution. They thought it was reliable and asked me to contact you." Lu Xiaoxuan replied truthfully.

 Ying Sisi: "That's it." By saying this, she took advantage of her husband's family. She glanced at the door: "Why are there so many holes in your door?"

“We’ll talk about this later.” Lu Xiaoxuan opened the door: “Although we moved out, we often come back to clean. The house is well maintained. There is a well in the yard, which is easy to use, and the open space can be used to grow vegetables.

 This is the kitchen house. Look at these two large pots. One is used to boil water to steam rice, steamed buns and buns, and the other is used to stir-fry vegetables. You can make a cupboard when you move in, and you can pile firewood and coal here, which will be enough. There are two rooms in the main house, a living room and dining room, and an accommodation room. We have moved all the furniture inside. "

 “Is there no toilet?”

“The public toilets are most crowded around seven o’clock in the morning. If you rent here, you have to go to the toilet in advance. And this place is too close to the cigarette factory. Unless there are thieves, people who deliver goods often come to ask for water.

The holes on the door were there when we were not at home. Neighbors said they were smashed by people who couldn’t borrow water. There were holes in the doors of several neighboring houses. My house was the most serious at the intersection. "

Ying Sisi secretly rejoiced that this place was simply tailor-made for her.

 She is very receptive.

 You can overcome the problem of not having a toilet. When she first moved into Song Hanmei's house, Song Hanmei disliked her for coming from the countryside. She often deliberately stayed in the bathroom and refused to let her use it. She only took a shower, washed clothes, and used the public restroom.

 “What do you think?” Lu Xiaoxuan asked anxiously.

"Not bad." Ying Sisi was very satisfied: "You are too honest, tell me all this. You don't have to worry about thieves and door-breaking. I will keep a dog to watch the door. You guys can't enter here after renting the house to me." It’s a house. Because I’m married, I have to take my parents-in-law’s feelings into consideration, so I won’t live here every day, but I will be here every weekend. You can come here at this time to collect rent.”

Lu Xiaoxuan simply agreed: "Okay. Do you want to rent now, or will we discuss it someday?"

"Renting now, have you brought your household registration book and receipt?" Ying Sisi was very cautious.

“Bring it with me.” Lu Xiaoxuan took out the household registration book and receipts from the bag she carried with her.

Ying Sisi took it and checked it, specifically looking at the seal on the household registration book and the title corresponding to the name Lu Xiaoxuan said.

After studying again, I studied the words.

The rent is paid every three months. The house is not allowed to be modified during the period of residence, and the yard can be used as desired.

 Lu Xiaoxuan smiled and said: "You said you haven't read much, but you don't behave like it." In her impression, nine out of ten beautiful girls are stupid. The one in front of her is careful and prudent, showing shrewdness in every aspect. "Have you finished reading?"

Ying Sisi thought it was okay and smiled: "I've finished reading." She signed and pressed her fingerprint and paid the rent.

It was the first time that Lu Xiaoxuan received such a large sum of money. Her hands were shaking with excitement and she handed over the key tremblingly: "If you change the lock, don't throw away the existing one. Give it to me next time we meet." "good."

“If I have nothing else to do, I’ll leave first.” Lu Xiaoxuan felt uneasy with the money and wanted to go home and put it away quickly.

"Hmm." Ying Sisi locked the door and left. She was not in a hurry to go home, but wandered around the cigarette factory. Large trucks came and went at the door, pulling cigarettes one by one.

 Are cigarettes so easy to sell?

She wanted to inquire, but the people selling goods were all men. They stared at her when she got close, which made her feel uncomfortable.

 Let’s go.

 She turned around and left.

I was caught up by a driver midway and started chatting with him: "Girl, where are you going? Do you need me to give you a ride?"

Ying Sisi tilted her chin sideways. She was a young man in his twenties or fourteens, with dark skin, small eyes, a big nose, and thin lips. The facial features are not beautiful, but the combination is quite harmonious. She said: "Didn't you see me riding a bicycle?"

 The sound of the car engine was too loud and the young man could not hear clearly: "What did you say?"

 Ying Sisi repeated it.

The other party still didn’t hear clearly, so he simply stopped the car.

Ying Sisi’s car didn’t stop, so he called after her: “Girl, what did you just say?”

Ying Sisi stopped slowly and took the trouble to repeat it again.

The young man said: "There is a place behind my driver's seat, and your car can fit in it."

Ying Sisi still responded slowly: "How can this be done? I don't know you."

 “Don’t you know me now? My name is Li Ba.”

 “I am your mother.” Ying Sisi walked away angrily.

 “Hey, why are you swearing?” Li Ba was angry and started the car to chase her.

 When a truck passes by, Ying Sisi feels even more stressed.

"You are so pretty, why are you speaking so harshly? My surname is Li, and I am the eighth in the family. What's wrong with you?" Li Ba repeated his name, as if he knew why he was scolded: "My surname is Li, and I am the eighth in the family. Eighth. Li Ba, not your father.”

Ying Sisi couldn't help but smile when she heard his thick accent. It turned out that she had misunderstood. She stopped the car again.

The other party also stopped: "Did you hear that clearly?"

 “Well, I was sorry just now.”

"Your ears are quite good. This car makes a loud noise and you can't hear anything when it drives. Are you a local girl? Have you said we're engaged?"

Ying Sisi raised her head and said, "I don't even know you, so why am I telling you this? Where do you take this stuff? How much money can you make in one trip?"

"In Sendai City next door, I work for the transportation team in that city. I get a fixed salary of one hundred and sixty a month. Plus the bonus from the unit, I can get more than two hundred. Including the private work I usually do, it's three hundred. I will definitely support you. Enough." Li Ba was very confident when talking about his salary.

 He is the favorite among the older girls.

How many matchmakers introduced him to people, but he didn't take any fancy to them.

Ying Sisi already knew the monthly salary of drivers from her father-in-law. Drivers in Yanjing were higher than this, and she was no longer interested in the salary situation. She asked: "Is there any evidence?"

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