Chapter 371 A plan comes up

"You don't need to worry about it, old woman!" Li Yuwei cursed and walked out: "Old woman, she is as bad as Ying Sisi. She has sores on her head and pus on her soles."

Ying Sisi grabbed a handful of dirt from the round stone table in the courtyard and threw it on Li Yuwei.


Li Yuwei felt a chill on her head and neck, and she screamed. Everything was mud to the touch.

  Turning his head, he met Ying Sisi’s murderous eyes.

 There was no time to get angry, and my heart was raised.

"What are you looking at? I've never seen a beautiful woman." She walked away quickly.

Ying Sisi said coldly and quietly: "Don't run away if you can."

"Who slipped away?" Li Yuwei kept walking. After turning around the shadow on the wall, Ying Sisi could no longer see her.

 When I went out, I met my next door neighbor Aunt Qian.

 “Aren’t you going to stay here for dinner?” Aunt Qian greeted warmly.

Li Yuwei had a plan in mind. She had a very good impression of Aunt Qian. In her previous life, she married into the Qin family. Whenever she had a conflict with Qin Yanci, the other party would stand by her. She even asked people from the Women's Federation to seek justice for her, without any fear of offending the Qin family.

 She considered him her own from the bottom of her heart.

 Ying Sisi would never dare to fight her when the other person was by her side.

She planned to let the other party publicize Ying Sisi's life experience and what she did to the Li family for her, and deliberately said: "Hello, Aunt Qian, I don't dare to stay here. Hey."

 “Don’t dare to stay? What’s wrong? Why are you sighing?”

Li Yuwei then said: "Auntie, you don't know something."

Ying Sisi appeared and interrupted Li Yuwei: "Li Yuwei, are you confusing right and wrong again? Auntie, let me tell you, why don't you keep her? She reported that I was doing business in the Family Court, and the people from the Supervision Office came directly to search. Because nothing was found, I was criticized by my neighbors, so I had no choice but to move back in. As for her, the supervisor issued a warning notice for causing trouble, and her work unit suspended her. If you don’t criticize yourself, come and find me.”

 She explained the reasons in detail.

Li Yuwei hated it so much that she only reported it after seeing it with her own eyes.

It must be that Ying Sisi transferred the goods in advance.

 Or maybe Qin Yanjun covered it up.

 “You are so slanderous!” she said angrily.

 Ying Sisi: "The heaven and the earth can be used as a guide, and the sun and the moon can be used as a guide."

“Swear if you can.” Li Yuwei pointed at her and said.

 “It’s your fault, why do you want me to swear?”

Aunt Qian’s look at Li Yuwei suddenly changed. Even if she wasn’t a mother, she was still a father, right?

He actually reported his own sister for doing business.

She responded to Si Si's injustice: "Aren't you using strong words? Si Si has such a good temper. If someone said that to me, I would have to spoon **** into her mouth."

 “Aunt Qian, you don’t know”

Halfway through Li Yuwei’s words, Li Junlu, who had already walked out of the alley, urged sternly: “Yuwei, why don’t you leave?!”

 When Qin Yanjun comes back, will he return the betrothal gift to him?

Li Yuwei was particularly impatient. At the critical moment of her confrontation with Ying Sisi, why did she call her?

 And today, wasn’t he sure that Ying Sisi would admit defeat?

The results of it.

 Nothing was accomplished.

 “Let’s go!” Li Junlu urged again and returned.

Li Yuwei had no choice but to move when she saw this. "Here we come!" She complained after meeting Li Junlu: "I was talking to my aunt about Ying Sisi. Why are you urging me?"    "Qin Yanjun is coming back soon. Ying Sisi has nothing to do with me. Qin Yan The army will demand the bride price from me at any time."

Li Yuwei: "Didn't you also give Ying Sisi a cabinet as a dowry?"

 “How much is it?”

“Ying Sisi lives in our house, eats and drinks from us, she should pay for it, right?” Li Yuwei said.

"Do you think Qin Yanjun will let you say it?" Li Junlu said: "I told your mother not to call her less, but if you don't listen, I can't even find an excuse now. That Ying Sisi is also a white-eyed wolf, Can she see her biological father without me? I really regret taking her to see Shen Yutian." Li Junlu regretted his mistake.

He should find out Shen Yutian's situation clearly before taking Ying Sisi to see him.

Li Yuwei also regretted giving up her marriage to Qin Yanci.

If she re-adjusts her mentality, just like Ying Sisi, she can take Qin Yanci and live a good life instead.

Now she also has a college student from Yanjing as a partner.

 Not Feng Shuangxi, the man who scooped up excrement.

Having said that, Qin Yanci is indeed difficult to deal with. I really don’t know how Ying Sisi subdued him.

She now wants to live a wealthy life with no worries about food and clothing, and the best shortcut she can take is to become Ying Sisi's stepmother.

 But Shen Yutian is that guy.

 She asked many women, and they all said that it is impossible for men not to be lustful.

  I absolutely cannot control the woman who comes to my door for free. Does she want to have a close-range hookup?

Aunt Qian here looked at Li Yuwei’s back and said: "She was not born to the same mother, but it is difficult to unite. Look at her like this, as if you owe her something."

"Hey, I can't do anything about her. Who told me that I was once her sister? It's right to let her go." Ying Sisi's words were very clever, not only clarifying the relationship between her and Li Yuwei, but also revealing the relationship between her and Li Yuwei. The breakdown of their relationship.

Aunt Qian echoed: "It doesn't matter if you don't recognize such a sister, your dad can't figure it out either. When you two sisters quarreled, he didn't dissuade you, but hid away. Is there something wrong in his heart? It stands to reason that if Yan Ci was admitted to college, he would also Even if I have benefited from you, I should treat you well. How can I be so virtuous?"

 “Who knows about him?” Ying Sisi said some bad words about Li Yuwei again. "Auntie, I have to go home and cook. Let's talk when we have time."


ˆ “.”

 After Ying Sisi separated from Aunt Qian, she went into the kitchen with the old lady.

The old lady looked around: "Have you found a cleaner at your house? The house is much neater than when I came here before."

“No, what are you doing? I feel bad that I have to clean such a big house by myself.”

"Yeah, it's okay to clean up once in a while, but how tired will it be if it goes on like this?" The old lady felt distressed. She had a sister in her family, and she couldn't live a good life because of her urination. How many days did she enjoy the blessings in the city? He took on another job. "You must ask Yan Ci to urge his parents to quickly find an aunt to replace you."

"I'm already looking for it. You reminded me of something." Ying Sisi took advantage of the fact that there was still time and put down what she was doing: "Grandma, I have to go out for a while. You can rest first. I'll have dinner waiting for you." Mother-in-law comes back to do it.”

 “How long will you be out for?” the old lady asked with concern.

“It will take an hour at the fastest.” Ying Sisi pushed the bicycle and left.

 Driving out of the alley, I met my parents-in-law head on.

 Both parties stopped to say hello.

Qin Yanjun: "Fetch your grandma."

"I've brought it back. There's something missing. I'll go get it." Ying Sisi rode away quickly.

"Hey, have you eaten yet?" Before Qin Yanjun finished speaking, Ying Sisi was already some distance away from him, and he complained: "This child!"

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