Chapter 372: Talking with fists

Ying Sisi spent half an hour rushing to the area near Aunt Jin’s house and gave an aunt 50 cents to find out about Aunt Jin.

 Learning that Aunt Jin stole tobacco and alcohol from her employer’s house and spread rumors about her employer’s son has spread all over the world.

As soon as I go out, I will be criticized by others. I haven’t seen them all day.

 Ying Sisi is so happy.

Soon I began to worry again. If I haven’t gone out for a day, I can’t stand other people’s comments and commit suicide collectively, right? She only planned to teach Aunt Jin a profound lesson, and had no intention of forcing them to a dead end. She said: "If Aunt Jin doesn't go out, she won't be talked about by others and will kill herself, right?"

“Haha, you really think about it. I just saw smoke coming out of their chimney.”

Ying Sisi calmed down a lot after hearing this.

"Hey, let's talk about Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here." The aunt raised her voice: "Sister Jin, come and sit here."

"I won't sit down anymore." Aunt Jin buried her head low and left.

Ying Sisi said goodbye to her aunt and followed her quietly. In a place with few people, she said, "Aunt Jin, have you been having a good time these two days?"

Aunt Jin turned around sharply, and Ying Sisi was right behind her. She was frightened and took two steps back: "You did it?!"

"Hmm! Aunt Jin, do you know the consequences of offending me? Do you know why you didn't dare to say anything after the previous aunt left?"

A thin layer of sweat broke out on Aunt Jin's head: "I, I have no choice but to do it."

"Who forced you? Did someone else force you to do something, or did they force you to spread rumors about me and A Ci?" Ying Sisi didn't let others openly say that Aunt Jin eavesdropped on their bed, which was already considered a favor to her.

"You have so much good cigarettes and good wine sitting there and not using them. What's wrong with me taking a few of them? What happened between you and your partner is also true. I heard it really and truly, and I can do it. Why don't you dare to let others talk about it? Aunt Jin said loudly: "Do you think my life has been easy these days? My husband's family said something about me, my mother's family said something about me, and others criticized me. I almost don't want to live anymore."

Ying Sisi originally did not dare to go out because of the criticism that Aunt Jin’s family had received, and she felt guilty.

At this moment, I want to slap myself in the face.

How can she sympathize with evildoers?

She crossed her arms and said in a condescending manner: "Then why don't you die?"


Ying Sisi raised her eyebrows slightly: "What am I? Did I say something wrong? Your family's money is being saved for no use, can I use it to use it? If you can do what you and your partner are doing under the covers, can I also do it? Can you go out and tell the story? Do you believe that I will find a storyteller tomorrow and make you a character in the story and become famous in Yanjing?"

Aunt Jin became mute and was stunned for a long time. She sat down on the ground, slapped her thighs and howled:

 “You’re such a bully, why is my life so miserable?”

 Her behavior attracted the attention of passers-by.

Ying Sisi got on her bicycle and said, "You shout as hard as you can, I will always take back what you owe me."

"You, you, you dare! If you make me anxious, I will tell you that you are someone else's illegitimate daughter!"

Ying Sisi's eyebrows were filled with anger, and she stared at the other party gloomily.

 Aunt Jin suddenly became afraid.

 Swallowed: "You, what do you want to do?"

"Don't you know what I want to do?" Ying Sisi clenched her fists.

 Aunt Jin backed up with her hands on the ground: "You, if you come any closer, I will call someone."

Ying Sisi threw the car and punched the opponent to the ground.

 Then sit on the other person.

 Speak with your fists.

 Aunt Jin screamed for help.

There were many people watching, but no one could hold back the fight.

 Until I heard the patrol’s voice:

 “Hey, what are the people gathering over there for? Disperse immediately!”

Ying Sisi immediately jumped up, picked up the cart with lightning speed, got on the horse and ran away.

Caught by the patrol, she could only ask her father-in-law to ransom her.

She can't afford to embarrass anyone.

When the patrol came closer, Aunt Jin was already being helped up by the crowd. Her eyes were dull and confused.

  Obviously frightened. From everyone’s mouths, they knew that Ying Sisi was the perpetrator.

 “What does that man look like?” asked the captain.

"She is a very beautiful girl, around 20 years old. Her skin and facial features are as if they were painted on someone. Even when I hit someone, I can't hold it back at all. Her strength can't be compared to that of a big man. They are all big.”

 The patrol asked Aunt Jin.

 Aunt Jin’s mouth opened and closed, but she couldn’t say a word.

 The patrol team sent him back.

 Ask his family members whether Aunt Jin has offended anyone recently.

From the stumbling retelling of Aunt Jin’s husband, we learned that she stole things from her employer’s house and spread rumors about them. Perhaps she was retaliated for this.

The patrol team left directly, they did not want to get involved in such noisy matters.

Ying Sisi did not go home directly, but went to the west of the city to find an aunt who would help her publicize Aunt Jin’s behavior.

 Pay the other half of the remuneration.

 The aunt happily took it and said, "The check was settled so quickly."

“Well, it’s almost done.” Ying Sisi beat Aunt Jin, which relieved her a lot.

                                                                                           shall be made in a merciful place and should be made merciful to others.

 Aunt Ruojin will be a good person from now on.

This matter will be revealed here, if the other party bites her and refuses to let go.

 She fought against it to the end.

“Next time you need me, come to me at any time,” the aunt said.

“No need to do it next time, I still have a mission here.” Ying Sisi told the aunt about Li Yuwei’s bad behavior: “When you go to the door of her unit, tell everyone what she did.”

“I don’t dare to make any mistakes at the entrance of a public institution.” The aunt retreated.

 She doesn’t make any money.

Ying Sisi: "Don't be afraid, you are not making rumors, they are all facts. Just tell others like gossip. If you don't believe it, you can ask." She said the name of the street.

 Auntie believed it.

She is familiar with this street, and it’s not a random name.

Moreover, the girl’s family is kind and she pays readily.

 What you say should be true.

 She should do this.

Ying Sisi paid and left.

 Back to the courtyard, it was completely dark.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, Qin Yanci walked out of the side room. "Si Si, where have you been? The matter is done."

 “Hmm!” Ying Sisi summed up what she had done in a few words. Qin Yanci laughed out loud after hearing this: "In my life, this is the first time I've heard of someone specializing in helping quarrels and spreading rumors."

"I just heard about it not long ago." Ying Sisi said: "I will go back to my hometown early tomorrow morning. Please take care of yourself."

“Why don’t you get close to me before we leave?” Qin Yanci was looking forward to her agreement.

 “It’s not convenient for me to take grandma with me.” Ying Sisi refused.

Qin Yanci was helpless, her reply was wrong.

 What is the connection between taking the old lady with him and being intimate with him?

 Avoid getting close to him openly.

 Is there such a thing as a wife?

 “When is it convenient?” he asked.

 Ying Sisi: “When it’s convenient for me.”

Qin Yanci's depressed mood suddenly cleared up. Did her words imply to him that she did not resist him?

 Please vote~~

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