Chapter 486

 “Hey.” Ying Sisi responded politely.

"Where did your Qing An buy his clothes? They are quite nice."

Ying Sisi: "Xintiandi Department Store in the west of the city."

"so far."

Ying Sisi smiled and said, "I have nothing to do but wander around. Let's go now."

 “Okay, bye.”

After Ying Sisi responded, she took the child away. When there were few people around, the child said: "Mom, the clothes are obviously made, why did you say you bought them? Didn't you say you can't lie?"

Ying Sisi was speechless, thought for a while and said: "If I don't say buy it, should I give your clothes to your classmates?"

 “That’s not okay.”

Ying Sisi smiled and said: "That's it. You are my child. I can ask someone to help make clothes. The other children are not my children. If you don't buy them, who will make them for them?"

 “I understand, what you say depends on the situation.”

"Yes! What you say depends on the situation. Our Qing'an is so smart." Ying Sisi praised her from time to time, which made the child extra confident.

“Mom, can I get into college?”

“Just being smart is not enough to get into college. You have to work hard to learn knowledge.”

ˆ “.”

 Mother and son exchanged words with each other and went home chatting.

 After dinner, Ying Sisi took out her drawing book, drew the beautiful clothes she had seen, and called Zhu Qing to pick it up.

 Zhu Qingan only chooses clothes based on color.

 Pink, blue, red.

 The brighter it is, the more popular it is.

Ying Sisi decided to use these as examples.

 “Ah um.” The child yawned: “Mom, I want to take a bath and go to bed.”

 “Okay.” Ying Sisi mixed the water for him.

Aunt Ma said: "Sisi, please come out."

 “Hey.” Ying Sisi walked to the door.

Aunt Ma took out a box: "I found it when I was cleaning the door today. It says you can collect it, but there is no sender. I'm afraid it's something important that I dare not throw away. Do you want to open it and take a look?"

Ying Sisi took the package and shook it. There was a muffled sound inside, and a vague smell filled the tip of her nose, which made her want to retch: "Important things should be given in person, I guess not. What a good thing, it smells like dead mice, just throw it away.”

Aunt Ma was startled: "No way, it smells good to me."

"It's the packaging that smells good. It's definitely not a good thing after you open it. Just take a look if you don't believe me. I guess someone wants to mess with me." Ying Sisi retreated.

Aunt Ma didn’t believe in evil, so she took a knife and cut open the outer cardboard packaging.

 Open the box.

 It is really a dead rat. If you look closely, you can see densely packed white maggots on the surface.

Aunt Ma was so close that she could see clearly, her scalp was numb, and she almost felt like retching. "Who is so wicked?"

Ying Sisi also wants to know.

 There are too many people who have had trouble with her.

 Lu Yuechun, Zhu Jia, Miao Ling, Li Yuwei's family, Hu Niu and Yan's family.

 Lu Yuechun became much more honest after being driven away by her father-in-law.

 Zhu Jia is a college student. Although he is on summer vacation, he still has study tasks and has no time to deal with her.

Miao Ling has nothing to do except for the strange yin and yang.

 Huniu ran away when he saw her.

 Only the Li family and the Yan family. The former was not something to be afraid of, but she had to be careful about the latter. I heard that Shen Ru was having a hard time, and her husband and his two children were forced to draw a clear line between themselves and the family.

 In anger, it is not impossible to take revenge on her.

Aunt Ma said: "I'll tell my boss."

"Auntie, forget it, I know who it is but I can't find out who it is, and I'm still very scared. Don't pick up things of unknown origin in the future." Ying Sisi said.


 After Aunt Ma left. Ying Sisi returns to the bathroom, gets a towel for the child to wipe his body, and then sends him back to the house to rest.

 Qin Yanci was still reading in the wing next door, when Ying Sisi walked over and said, "Aci, aren't you going to rest?"

 “You’re not sleepy yet, you go to bed first.”

"Okay, you should take a rest early." Ying Sisi went back to her room to rest. After class the next day, she handed over the newly drawn clothes styles to the factory for typesetting. Considering the production schedule, she would go to work almost whenever she had free time in the following days. Stay in the factory.

 After getting to know the factory director, Ying Sisi also has a better understanding of the factory’s operation mode.

For example, how employees’ wages are distributed and their purchase channels.

"By the way, I thought about the matter of the fake salesperson later. If the fake name is found out by someone interested, I want to have something to say, so I took it upon myself to write a recommendation letter and help you apply for a job quota again. From now on, you will be a regular employee of our factory, with a salary, for sixty-one months." The factory director handed Ying Sisi a certificate.

Ying Sisi firmly believes that pie will not fall from the sky: "I have a salary, how can I settle my bills?"

 Factory Director: “It’s still the same as now.” Anyway, it’s all for sale, he only manages the operation of the factory.

Ying Sisi happily thanked her and promised that all future orders would be done with him.

 “That’s a good feeling.”

ˆ “.”

The days flew by to the end of the month, and Qin Yanci followed Shen Yutian southward.

Ying Sisi's clothing business was going well. She looked at the extra zeros in her bankbook and imagined the future in her mind.

 This afternoon she went to pick up the child.

 She always felt like someone was following her on the road, but when she turned around, there was nothing there.

 Maybe it’s because I’ve been too busy and too sensitive recently.

 She comforted herself in this way.

 At night, she had a dream. She dreamed that she was locked in a dark room with no sunlight, and she couldn't find a way out.

  While she was spinning around anxiously, a gentle female voice faintly came to her ears.

 “Si Si.”

 “Who?” Ying Sisi looked around but couldn’t see anything.

 “I’m my mother.”

“Mom.” Ying Sisi pricked up her ears: “Why can’t I see you?”

“I can see you, Si Si. You look so good. I really want to hug you. It’s your mother’s fault that you are suffering. She is too selfish. It has harmed you and your father.”

Ying Sisi couldn't hear clearly what was behind her and wanted to chase the sound beside her ears, but she woke up before taking two steps.

 The room was extremely dark.

She reached out to turn on the light and realized that she was sweating profusely.

 Thinking about the situation in the dream, she felt that the anniversary of her mother's death was coming soon.

The other party entrusted her with a dream and urged her to return to her hometown to visit.

 This was the first time she had dreamed about her mother since she was a child. Although she didn't see anything, the voice was similar to what she imagined. She decided to leave for her hometown tomorrow.

 Early the next morning, I asked my parents-in-law about returning to my hometown.

Qin Yanjun said: "Why don't you go back at this time? You are pregnant, how can it be convenient? Your mother and I will accompany you." Yanci was not at home, and if something happens to the child, he must not be eaten alive when he comes back.

 Mother of Qin: "Going back to your hometown with Sisi?"

 “What if? I just happened to go to Si Si’s house to have a look.”

Ying Sisi was embarrassed: "I have no home." After the house left by her grandparents was robbed, she lived with the old lady.

 “Do you have a place to live?” Father Qin.

Ying Sisi: "There is a place to live, but you have to squeeze in."

“As long as you have a place to live,” Qin Yanjun said, “I’ll go to the unit to make arrangements first. You pack your things, and I’ll get someone to pick you up later.”

 Mother of Qin: "." Listening to the wind is like rain.

 Can’t you leave tomorrow?

 She went back to the house to pack her things.

Ying Sisi told the child: "Qing An, pack two changes of clothes, a coat and trousers." In a few days, autumn will come, and it will be cold in the mountains in the morning and evening. Thick clothes are a must, and she also reminded her mother-in-law.

 Then go back to the house and pack your things.

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