Chapter 487 Cricketing my son behind my back

 After packing up the luggage, Ying Sisi rushed to the unit to ask for leave.

 On the way back after getting the leave note.

Two strong men appeared on the roadside, standing side by side, one on the left and one on the right, blocking her way.

Ying Sisi had no time to abandon the car and run away. She sat in the car and supported the ground with her legs, suppressing her inner uneasiness and calming down: "Who are you two? Why are you blocking my way?"

“Miss Ying, don’t be afraid, as long as you follow us obediently, we will guarantee your safety.”

Ying Sisi nodded: "Okay." She got out of the car, and one of the people helped her push the cart.

 Another one followed her.

Ying Sisi looked back at the other person up and down.

 The man had no expression on his face as he accepted her inspection. She put her hand in her pocket and the other man immediately grabbed her wrist.

Ying Sisi shook it off hard.

 The man was startled.

In a daze, he was kicked to the lower third corner with all his strength. He groaned in pain and squatted on the ground. Big beads of sweat broke out from his forehead.

Ying Sisi ran away after kicking her, and another person rode her car to chase her.

Her bike was small and she could handle it just fine, but for the tall man, the bike became a drag. The man abandoned the bike after two rides and chased after her.

 At this time, Ying Sisi had already gotten into the alley.

Relying on his familiarity with the surrounding terrain, he quickly got rid of the other party and came to the patrol team to tell him what he had just experienced.

 The men from the patrol followed her to the place.

The people and the car were gone.

 “Girl, there is nothing.”

Ying Sisi: "They were here just now." She reported her license plate number: "They must have robbed my car. Two eldest brothers, can you please take me home? I'm worried that they are hiding in the dark. ”


After Ying Sisi thanked her, she went home accompanied by the patrol team members on duty. At the door of her house, she invited the two of them to come in and drink tea.


 After the two left, Ying Sisi opened the door and entered the courtyard.

Qin Yanjun was already waiting for her in the house, resentment rising in his heart: "You started to go back to your hometown, and I bought the tickets, but you were holding back."

 “I almost couldn’t come back.” Ying Sisi explained what happened.

 “Stop someone and steal a car in broad daylight? Is there any royal law?”

 “Is the child okay?”

Ying Sisi: "It's okay, it must be the Yan family. I'll call Grandpa Shen."

"After you make the call, I will also call Yanci to come back." Mother Qin said.

Ying Sisi asked: "Why did you call him back?" He came back as soon as he left. Uncle Shen wouldn't ask why? Knowing that she is being remembered, is she still in the mood to work? If the work progress is affected, his superiors won’t blame him?

 This incident was premeditated.

The purpose is to use her to threaten Uncle Shen into doing things for him, in order to achieve his own goals.

 “I’ll come back and take care of you.”

"I don't need anyone to take care of me." After Ying Sisi's call was dialed, she was transferred and contacted Mr. Shen.

Knowing that it was Ying Sisi, he smiled and said: "Sisi, you have contacted me. Do you want to go home?"

 “I’m afraid I won’t survive.”

Mr. Shen's smile gradually faded: "What's wrong? Who in the Qin family has suffered for you? Is it that boy Qin Yanci? I told you that he was mentally ill and asked your father to help you divorce, but he didn't listen to me. "

Qin Yanjun: "Who is mentally ill? Old man, this is too much. My son is a prospective college student at Yenching University."

Mr. Shen: "." It was not a secret call. "Si Si, what's the matter?"

Ying Sisi briefly recounted the incident: "It must have been done by the Yan family. Those two people also took my bicycle away."

"No, the Yan family has been very honest recently. Have you offended anyone? I will find it for you right now." Mr. Shen said.

Qin Yanjun grabbed the phone: "Sisi is in our house, and I treat her as my daughter. As for you, you are cuckolding my son behind my back. If you don't give me an explanation, this matter will never end."

Mr. Shen rationalized: "I just said it casually, don't take it to heart, that's it." He hung up the phone.

Qin Yanjun put down the phone with force, raised his eyes, and met Ying Sisi's eyes. He glared at her secretly: "Are you still going back to your hometown?" Ying Sisi said: "It's half past nine, the train must have left long ago."

Qin Yanjun: "This is not necessarily true. Yanjing has recently built railways, and it is common for trains to be delayed. It's time to leave now." And it is safest to leave now. When she leaves tomorrow, those who miss her may have other ways to deal with her.

 “Let’s go.”

 A family of four came to the station.

As Qin Yanjun expected, the train was delayed by an hour due to road construction.

 They were just in time to check in.

 The soft sleeper ordered by Qin Yanjun entered the carriage.

Ying Sisi looked here and there: "The environment is much better than the sleeper berth A Ci and I sat in before."

Qin Yanjun: "You are not working, so why are you sitting there?"

 Ying Sisi: "."

“Mom, are we going to grandma’s house?”

 “Yo, how do you know?”

"Grandma Ma said, when will we come back? The teacher said there will be a singing competition next Wednesday." The child was worried about his studies: "The first place can get a kettle."

Ying Sisi: "I'll be back in two days. I won't delay your game."

Qin's mother said: "It's okay to leave the child at home." What a burden it is.

"I don't want to be at home, I want to be with my mother." The child hugged Ying Sisi.

Qin Mu gave her a blank look, she was not her biological mother.

 Mom all day long, mom, your mother doesn’t want you anymore.

 Morning is approaching, and the river is dyed with sparkling gold.

  After a long journey day and night, the family finally set foot on the road leading to the village.

Qin's father and Qin's mother looked at the rolling mountains with sad faces.

“Si Si, how far is it? The soles of my feet are so worn that they are about to burst into flames.” I really don’t know how my son spent that half month.

Ying Sisi: "Twenty miles away."

 Father of Qin and mother of Qin: "."

 "Qing'an, are you tired?" Ying Sisi hugged the child distressedly.

 “A little bit, but I can persist.”

Ying Sisi: "Let's take a rest. If you're lucky, you can take a ride on a fellow villager's oxcart to have a rest."

Qin's father said: "How did your dad find this place back then?" He actually fell in love with the girl here.

Ying Sisi didn’t answer anything.

Father Qin said angrily: "Shall we continue walking?"

Qin's mother was too tired to move: "Have a rest and eat some solid food."

Ying Sisi was indeed a little hungry, so she found a clean big stone to sit down on, ate half a piece of flatbread to replenish her strength, and then hurried on.

 At noon, the family arrived at the entrance of the village.

 At the entrance of the village, under an old tree, a group of women were sitting together to enjoy the shade. The east side was long and the west house was short.

“Look at those people, is that Si Si next to you?”

 “Who else could it be if it wasn’t Si Si?”

“Sisi is different when she marries into the city. She is becoming more and more foreign-style. Looking at her style, she looks like she is from the city.”

ˆ “.”

“Si Si is back, who are these two?” the fellow said hello.

 Ying Sisi: “My parents-in-law and daughter.”

"Daughter? How could you get such a big daughter just after getting married? Was it born to the woman in front of you?"

Ying Sisi: "I am getting married as an elephant head, and my daughter is adopted by me."

“You want a daughter, how about adopting one from my family, someone who knows everything about her?”

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