Floating Island For All: Infinite Evolution Of The Farm

062 One catty of cucumbers, one acre of land

"Jiang Daozhu, the land you encircled is divided into two parts!"

"The first part is an unfinished industrial park, which has been connected to water, electricity, roads, and a simple factory building!"

"This part has a total of 3,000 acres, the conditions are relatively good, and the price is relatively high...

The consul took a large-scale map and explained it to Jiang Feng in person.

"How high is it?"

Jiang Feng asked with a smile.

Riesling next to him, for fear of scaring Jiang Feng, hurriedly interjected.

"Hehe, it's actually not expensive! If you pay with second-order strawberries, 3 catties of strawberries can be exchanged for one acre of land! 35

3 catties of strawberries per acre of land? Can it be calculated like this?

Jiang Feng's mouth twitched.

In this way, the land price per mu is about 70,000 yuan.

Not really expensive.

"Then what if I pay with a second-order pumpkin?"

"Pumpkin is better, eat it up! "One Twenty""

Riesling's eyes lit up, and he said quickly, "But you also know that the price of pumpkins is not as high as that of strawberries... An acre of land costs about 4 catties of pumpkins! 39


Jiang Feng agreed with a smile.

The 3,000-mu industrial park with good conditions was replaced with only 12,000 catties of second-order pumpkins.

It's a good business!

Hear Jiang Feng agree.

The Big Three couldn't help but exchanged glances, their faces filled with joy.

Jiang Feng doesn't care what the hell they do, as long as he doesn't suffer a loss!

"Cough cough!"

The consul cleared his throat and continued to introduce.

"The remaining part is 9,000 acres in total! It's all rugged wasteland, reeds, river beaches... By the way, there is a hill in it, more than 100 meters high! 35

"These fields are very cheap! One pound of second-order strawberries can be exchanged for one mu! 35

He also learned the way of Riesling, directly using strawberries as a unit.

Jiang Feng looked at the map.

It is far away from the urban area, very remote, and the geological conditions are not good.

The only thing that makes Jiang Feng satisfied is that the place is huge and can be used as desired.

Even building an independent kingdom will not be interfered with.

This is something the city cannot do.

"A pound of strawberries is too expensive, this land is not worth the price... A pound of cucumbers is about the same!

Jiang Feng made a casual counter-offer.

In fact, a pound of strawberries or a pound of cucumbers doesn't make much difference to him.

He just enjoys haggling.


As soon as the words fell, the consul agreed without hesitation.

It's too happy to promise, isn't it?

Jiang Feng suddenly lost the fun.

Do you even wonder if you are at a loss?

But the words have been spoken.

He is not ready to change.

The four quickly reached an agreement.

Jiang Feng used 12,000 catties of second-order pumpkin, plus 9,000 catties of second-order cucumbers.

In exchange for the permanent use rights of 12,000 mu of land in the suburbs of Yunzhou!

Both parties are happy!

After reaching an agreement.

The consul seemed unfinished and asked Jiang Feng if he wanted a villa.

You can choose any villa in the city center, and you can change a set of 50 catties of third-order strawberries.

Jiang Feng shook his head and refused.

He is not planning to stay at Blue Star, and buying a villa is also a waste of money.

The consul was very disappointed.

Jiang Feng thought of a building in the city center.

If you can build one in your own base, it will be much more convenient.

"What? Babel?"

The Big Three were all taken aback.

The speaker persuaded with a wry smile: "Jiang Daozhu, do you know how much it cost Yunzhou to build this Tongtian Tower? A full 600 billion! This is still the price 80 years ago!"

Is it so expensive?

Jiang Feng couldn't help but stunned.

Even with his current net worth, all of it would not be enough to build a tower.

It seems that I still think it is simple!

Riesling explained: "The core of the Babel Tower is the Void God Stone, and it must be an intermediate-quality Void God Stone! You know that thing, it's really hard to get! That's why it's so expensive!"

Jiang Feng heard the words and nodded.

Of course he knew about the Void God Stone.

You need to destroy the floating island to have a certain chance to get it.

However, by destroying the lower floating island, only the Void God Stone of lower quality can be obtained.

Intermediate Void God Stone can only be obtained by destroying the middle floating island!

There is no need to say how dangerous the middle-level floating island is, so the price of the intermediate-level Void God Stone remains high.

Jiang Feng thought about it for a while, but could only temporarily dismiss the idea.

Send the three out of the gate.

At this time, the guests in the hall had already left.

Jiang Feng swept his eyes and saw that the three of Li Qianqiu had not left.

Yan Qingshu was talking with them.

Jiang Feng walked over.

"Jiang Daozhu, today's auction is unprecedented! Li Mou is really eye-opening! Jingjing

Li Qianqiu shook the folding fan and said gracefully 0...

Seeing this, Sun Baiwei couldn't help but pouted.

This Boss Li, everything else is good, just a little love to pretend!

It's okay to pretend to be in front of others.

Pretending to be in front of Jiang Feng...Aren't you afraid of being laughed at by him?

Sun Baiwei coughed lightly.

He asked directly: "Little Shu told you just now, we want to buy some mutant fruits!

Jiang Feng looked at this petite but extremely hot girl with admiration.

He still likes to deal with people who talk easily.

"That's right! I do have mutant fruits, what are you going to exchange?"

Li Qianqiu was slightly displeased when he saw that he ignored him.

But for the sake of his own cultivation plan, he had to endure it.

Sun Baiwei said: "Is there a third-order mutant strawberry? We can exchange it with two 'ten-fold growth acceleration cards' or ten 'green troops summoning cards'!

She is asking for Li Qianqiu.

Hearing this, Jiang Feng's eyes lit up.

Ten times growth acceleration card? Green troops summon card?

It's all good stuff!

The three young people in front of them are really rich!

"The third-order mutant strawberry, I have it!

Hearing Jiang Feng's admission, Li Qianqiu immediately smiled.

But he continued: "I agree to exchange the two things you mentioned! Ten times the growth acceleration card and the unit summoning card, I want all of them!

As soon as this statement came out, both Sun Baiwei and Li Qianqiu's expressions changed slightly.

Fang Hu said: "Brother, you are not being kind! A third-order mutant strawberry is at most two or three billion! It is impossible to exchange two things 1.6 at the same time!

Sun Baiwei nodded again and again.

"That is, how can a strawberry be worth such a high price? You can't open your mouth!"

Jiang Feng smiled and said, "One strawberry is really not worth it, so what about two?"


When the three heard this, their eyes widened.

Jiang Feng clapped his hands.

Soon, Lao Jia held out a small iron box from the backstage.

Jiang Feng calmly opened the box cover.


"Is this fake?

"Mutant pumpkin! mutated strawberry! mutated cucumber! mutated tomato! How can there be so many mutated fruits?

The three Heaven's Chosen Ones were all stunned.

Jiang Feng looked at them and smiled without saying a word.

The three suddenly had a feeling.

Wouldn't he think of us as unseen hillbillies?

That's too embarrassing!

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