Floating Island For All: Infinite Evolution Of The Farm

063 Hundred Volume Cheats, Private Cinema


Li Qianqiu looked at the two mutant strawberries in the box, and his face was full of excitement.

Although the mutant fruit is eaten too much, the effect will be attenuated.

But the first three effects are still guaranteed!

With these two third-order strawberries, Li Qianqiu quickly advanced to the silver level.

It's more important than anything!


He took out a space bag from his arms.

With a flash of white light, twelve cards appeared in his hand!

Two ten-fold growth accelerator cards!

Ten Green Troop Summoning Cards!

Jiang Feng took the card, looked at it casually, and handed it to Ai Wen next to him to put it away.

compared to these cards.

He is more interested in Li Qianqiu's space bag.

It is said that the space bag is also made of Void God Stone, and it needs to use the formation method.

So very precious.

It was the first time Jiang Feng saw space equipment.

Li Qianqiu was very happy to get the strawberry.

He bowed his hands to Jiang Feng: "Although everyone gets what they need, this strawberry is too important to me! I still want to thank Brother Jiang!"

"You are Welcome!"

Jiang Feng nodded politely.

It is said that many people are not 05 strange.

Now he has a little more affection for this aristocratic family who likes to pretend.

"It's my turn!"

When Li Qianqiu was finished, Fang Hu immediately jumped out impatiently.

"Brother, how do you sell this third-order mutant pumpkin?

He's a complete pumpkin lover.

When I see a good pumpkin, I want to get it no matter what!

Jiang Feng smiled, picked up the pumpkin and patted it.

"This third-order pumpkin can increase 20 points of strength after eating it! What price do you think it's worth?

"Priceless! Absolutely priceless!"

When Fang Hu heard what he said, the harazi almost came out.

I can't wait to hold the pumpkin in my arms immediately, break it into pieces little by little, and eat it slowly.

"This idiot!"

Sun Baiwei couldn't help sighing.

How can you bargain with him like this?

He had no choice but to say: "Jiang Daozhu, just say it directly, whether you need money or something else! Let's see if we can meet your request!


Jiang Feng clapped his hands.

"I'm actually not very picky! Apart from money, everything else, whether it's cards, gems, spells, rare seeds, floating island ruins, etc., can be exchanged!

The three listened to his request and began to discuss in a low voice.

Jiang Feng also has five mutant fruits: a pumpkin, two tomatoes, and two cucumbers!

All have very good properties!

Absolutely unbelievable!

Now that you have seen it, of course you will miss it, you must take it all!

The three discussed it.

It turns out that even emptying their coffers is not enough!

So I had to help my family.

The elders of the three families did not hesitate at all, and immediately agreed.


The three join forces.

I collected 20 primary talent stones, plus 100 volumes of spells of various schools.

To exchange for the remaining 5 mutant fruits!

The price is relatively fair.

Jiang Feng thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

Not to mention 20 talent stones.

After synthesis, it is enough to give Jiang Feng two advanced talents!

It was those spells that were collected through the efforts of the three families for generations.

This wave is definitely profitable.

Jiang Feng is satisfied, and the elders of the three families are even more satisfied!

With these mutant fruits.

At least it can save his own children a few years of cultivation time.

Definitely worth the money in the long run!

After the transaction is over, Jiang Feng is in a good mood.

He looked around the hall, and the guests were all gone.

Only Sun Baiwei, Yan Qingshu, and several company employees were left.

So he ordered Lao Jia to prepare a light meal, and he wanted to invite everyone to dinner.

"Hey! Then I'm welcome!"

Fang Hu was about to leave when he heard Jiang Feng's words and immediately sat back.

The lunch meal was delicious.

He hasn't had enough yet!

Sun Baiwei looked at him with disgust, and then sat back.

Li Qianqiu sighed helplessly.

He was the only one left, and of course it was not easy to leave.


Qin Bei and Bai Jie brought over the hot food.

Jiang Feng took Yan Qingshu and accompany them to eat together.

While eating and chatting, they quickly became acquainted.

Jiang Feng found out.

These three sons and daughters of wealthy families, although arrogant, are actually not bad at heart.

It's good to be a normal friend.

The three of them were also very impressed with Jiang Feng.

Especially Sun Baiwei.

When he came, he was aggressive, and he wanted to weigh up the person who took the third place in his rookie list.

As a result, an auction came down, and she was convinced.

Now sit and eat together.

He even glanced at Jiang Feng from time to time.

Jiang Feng himself didn't care.

Yan Qingshu on the side was watching.

I sighed in my heart: It seems that this plastic girlfriend can't be kept!

After the light meal, Jiang Feng sent the three to the door.

After leaving contact information for each other, they left.

"Is it a bit reluctant? After all, Sister Xiaowei is so good, I can't compare! 99

When the three of them walked away, Yan Qingshu said sourly.

Jiang Feng laughed secretly in his heart.

Holding his chin, he carefully looked at Yan Qingshu.

"Your legs are longer than hers! Body curves are more natural too! 35

"Okay, did you really see her secretly? You rascal!"

Yan Qingshu rolled his eyes at him angrily.

Feeling bewildered, he reached out and pinched him again.

"No, absolutely not!

Jiang Feng quickly shook his head in denial.

"Hmph, believe in you!"

The two were fighting, but it was the first time that they had a feeling of intimacy between lovers.

Laughed for a while.

Jiang Feng reached out and hugged Yan Qingshu's 123 waist.

"Let's go!

Yan Qingshu's body trembled, and she said in a panic, "Where are you going? It's getting dark..."

"Didn't you say that day, let me watch a movie with you at the end of the auction?"

Jiang Feng looked at her strangely.

"Oh, watching a movie... ok!

Yan Qingshu seemed to be relieved, and nodded quickly in agreement.


Jiang Feng took her upstairs.

Yan Qingshu asked strangely, "Didn't you say go to the movies?"

"This building is my property, there is a private cinema on it, and the facilities are very luxurious! Also, no one will disturb us!


Yan Qingshu suddenly felt a little flustered.

After the panic, there are some expectations.

"Okay then...I'm going to have a big serving of popcorn!

"No problem! Popcorn made from third-order corn can be eaten as long as you want! 95

The two came to the private cinema on the fourth floor and asked for a private room.

The facilities inside are really luxurious.

Especially the long sofa, which is very large, soft and comfortable.

the most important is.

This is Jiang Feng's site!

No one bothers.

There is no monitoring either.


Locking the door of the private room, the two of them watched a movie together on the sofa.

look at.

Somehow I played the game again.

It wasn't until the next morning that Jiang Feng walked out refreshed...

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