"Master! Miss Sun Baiwei is here, saying she has something to do with you!

Ai Wen whispered while helping Jiang Feng organize her clothes.

"Sun Baiwei? What's wrong with her?""

Jiang Feng asked curiously.

"She said she had to talk to you face to face!

What is this chick doing?


Take the elevator downstairs.

Sun Baiwei was already waiting in the office.

"I came a little early, didn't I disturb your good dream?"

She smiled and shook hands with Jiang Feng, as if she meant something.


Jiang Feng coughed lightly and quickly changed the subject.

"I don't know what's the important thing, it's worth letting Miss Sun come over early in the morning?"

Sun Baiwei pouted, but did not continue to entangle.

"It's nothing, just send over what was promised yesterday! Here, there are 100 volumes of magic manuals in this box! In this bag, there are 20 primary talent stones! Please count them!

"You move fast! Get your stuff ready in one night!

Jiang Feng nodded.

He lifted the lid of the box and looked at it, then picked up the bag and glanced at it.

Quantity is no problem!

Sun Baiwei smiled and said: "That's necessary! You don't know how much my father attaches importance to you! He sent people to Li's and Fang's homes to pick up things overnight, and he even asked me to deliver them in person! 99

"Hehe, thank you old man for me! I will definitely come to see you another day!" Jiang Feng said with a smile.

It was just a polite word.

I don't want to, but Sun Baiwei took over.

Ask: "What day is it? h


Jiang Feng was choked for a moment.

Sun Baiwei didn't give him steps, but looked at him playfully.

"Then... next month?

"What date is next month?"

"On the 15th, I will definitely come to visit!

Jiang Feng sighed and had to set a time.

"Ok, I will wait for you!

Only then did Sun Baiwei stand up with a smile and wave goodbye to Jiang Feng.

"This girl, it's really hard to deal with!

After seeing her out of the door, Jiang Feng breathed a sigh of relief.


He always felt that Sun Baiwei looked at him strangely.

Something seems wrong.

However, he didn't think much about it.

Back in the office, Ai Wen has sorted out all the spell scrolls.

100 spells in total!

Not only water, fire, wind, thunder, light, darkness, earth, ice and other common spells are readily available.

Even rare natural spells, there are several!

Ai Wen was delighted by this discovery.

Because she can learn natural spells too!

Take Ai Wen downstairs.

Qin Bei and Bai Jie were already waiting below.

Come to the table and sit down.

When Bai Jie put the food in front of Jiang Feng, she saw the marks left on his neck.

Can not help but smile.

Jiang Feng noticed her gaze.

He hurriedly coughed and stretched out his hand to pull the collar.

This kind of thing was discovered by the former teacher.

Somewhat embarrassing.

He quickly called Lao Jia over.

While eating, explain things.

For the next period of time, he will stay on the floating island.

Things on Blue Star's side can't be left behind either.

The first is to connect with the official and take over the land that has been encircled.

The second-order fruits that were shipped yesterday still have leftovers, so it is time to settle the account.

Avoid tossing back and forth!

After taking over the plot, construction begins.

According to Jiang Feng's plan.

The first batch of construction projects are the mosquito factory and the computer manufacturing factory.

Mosquito factories are well understood.

Totally for the big flower sisters!

When it is fully put into production, it will be able to produce at least 100 million high-quality mosquitoes per month.

The strength of Dahua will grow rapidly.

As for the computer factory.

It is for Xiaoxi and Lao Jia!

They are artificial intelligence though.

However, as long as there are enough computers and continuous synthesis, progress can also be made!

Xiaoxi is a second-class literate and intelligent brain.

strong ability!

But in the face of the intricate environment of the floating island world, as well as all kinds of extraordinary life.

Somewhat overwhelmed.

Jiang Feng is going to help her level up.

If it can be upgraded to the third-level civilization level, I believe it will definitely play a greater role!

Old Jia is the same.

He is Jiang Feng's agent at Blue Star, and many things require him to come forward.

It also needs continuous improvement.

Except for the two of them.

In the future, Jiang Feng also plans to create more artificial intelligence to help himself handle various things.

Even alone!

They are more capable and more loyal than ordinary people.

Of course Jiang Feng has to make the most of it!


Whether it is a computer factory or a mosquito factory.

It can't be built overnight.

It takes a lot of time to build a house, buy equipment, recruit and train workers.

Official production, at least several months.

During this period.

He is going to place orders with other mosquito factories or computer manufacturers first.

Let them help with production.

Except for these two factories.

Jiang Feng is also planning to build a large seed warehouse and a large animal breeding center.

The seed warehouse is responsible for collecting and stockpiling various crop seeds.

Planting on floating islands later.

Animal breeding centers are similar to mosquito factories.

It's just that the scale is bigger and there are more species of animals involved!

Jiang Feng handed Lao Jia a list.

Let him buy peacocks, monkeys, turtles, elephants, tigers, lions, bears, cows, snakes and other creatures with a lot of money around the world.

Do your best to help them reproduce and expand the size of the population.

These animals have one characteristic.

That's what happened in myths and legends.

To some extent, they all have "`"divine"!

If it can reach a certain scale, then proceed to synthesis.

The upgrade potential is definitely far more than ants and mosquitoes!

Jiang Feng (gets well) starts the layout now.

Hope to see that day coming soon!

Except for these things.

Others are like buying various equipment, electronic components, minerals, rare metals, etc.

It has been included in the routine work, and there is no need to explain it specially.

These resources, whether they are needed now or not, must be hoarded in large quantities.

He has money anyway.

Hundreds of billions of funds are piled up in the account, and it is a waste not to use it!

Being backed by Blue Star is undoubtedly a big advantage of Jiang Feng.

From here, various resources can be continuously obtained to develop their own floating island servants.

At least for a long time.

He couldn't do without the big rear of Blue Star!

"By the way! Help me find out the location of Zhang Yuan's house on the floating island, and the movements of the Koreans!""

"When this time is over, I'm going to give them some surprises!

Jiang Feng ate the last bite of bread and stood up from his seat.

"Yes, Master!"

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