Flooded Star Road

Chapter 658: The composition of air luck

As for why there are three religions instead of four religions?

That's naturally because everyone followed the convention and excluded Western religion.

Eastern things,

How can you allow Western barbarians to intervene.



After the Three Religions gained the position of the three emperors, the Taiqing saints personally descended to the world to teach the human emperor Fuxi.

The identity of the emperor is noble, but the Taiqing saints are the saints of the heavens, and the spokespersons of the heavens. Such an identity is noble enough to be fully qualified to be the emperor's master.

After Emperor Fuxi, he was the Emperor Shennong.

But at this time, in order to protect the wild world, all the saints have left the wild world and went to the chaos outside the sky.

In the absence of the Heavenly Sage, Xuan Qing came forward and took the emperor as his disciple.

Although the status of the earth emperor is noble, far more than Xuan Qing. And Xuanqing is far from being comparable to the Taiqing saints. But in the final analysis, the earth emperor is also of human origin.

Xuan Qing, on the other hand, is the immortal master of the human race, the teacher of all the immortals of the human race, and is enshrined by the entire human race.

Therefore, as long as the earth emperor is still a human race, he will call Xuan Qing Yisheng teacher. With this status, Xuan Qing is naturally qualified to be the teacher of the emperor of the earth.

There are Taiqing saints in human education, and Jiutianxianzun in Jiutian, but they can explain and teach, but there is nothing.

Although all the Twelve Golden Immortals are extraordinary, their achievements are extremely limited. He hadn't even touched the threshold of Da Luo Jinxian, let alone become the teacher of the emperor.

Moreover, because of the outstanding performance of Fuxi and Shennong, the personality of the emperor changed, from the emperor of the original family to the emperor of ten thousand families.

Therefore, the emperor has become more noble.

In this way, to explain and teach the twelve golden immortals that are less than the Daluo golden immortal, what qualifications do they have to become the teacher of the emperor?

Are you not afraid of backlash from heaven and earth, and fall into reincarnation on the spot?

Knowing that he was not qualified, even if his disciples were unwilling, they had to make changes. The plan was changed from being the teacher of the emperor to help the emperor to unify the prehistoric.

In this way, although the merits obtained are less, at least they will not return empty-handed.

After all, no matter how you say it, this is also an opportunity that Sanqing has finally won for them, and it can't be wasted.

If you can fish, you can fish more.


What the Twelve Golden Immortals thought was very good, but no matter how they overestimated their own strength.

In the war between Xuanyuan and Chi You, instead of reaping the benefits, they were trapped in a robbery, and they were caught in a robbery.

If the Taoist priests hadn't fired in time, they were afraid that they would be killed and turned into ashes.



After a great battle, he didn't get the benefits, but almost got his disciples in. How was Yuanshi Tianzun not angry?

And this is not what makes him the most angry.

What irritated him the most was that because of his body's tribulation, he explained that his disciples would have to go through the tribulation in the future to wipe out the tribulation.

Otherwise, I am afraid that I will have to go through reincarnation.


It was a good chance that the Yuanshi Tianzun didn't get angry on the spot, and it was considered good.

In short,

Regarding the emperor,

Yuanshi Tianzun suffered a blood loss.

After the three emperors, they are the five emperors.

Since the Three Emperors are Sanqing, the Five Emperors are naturally theirs.

However, the three emperors are too strong.

With the power of the three people, they leveraged the boundless general situation and abruptly elevated the person's emperor's personality, causing changes in the subsequent five emperors' personality.

Once succeeded to the throne, he will be the master of ten thousand races!

With such an identity, the remaining disciples of the three teachings are not qualified to be their teachers at all.

Strong behavior,

It will only end up being backlashed by luck.


In this way, Sanqing's plan for Human Race was broken in an unexpected way.

And the failure of the Imperial Master Plan had undoubtedly a huge impact on Sanqing. Because this led to their subsequent series of plans for the human race, all of them could not be carried out.

The reason why Sanqing values ​​the position of emperor teacher so much is not because of its merits. How can those merits be able to make Sanqing's heart move with the heaven-opening merits.

What really moved their hearts was the luck of the human race.

Having mastered the position of the emperor, they can use it as a foundation and cannibalize human luck at every step.

Without the position of the emperor, Sanqing would lose a means to cannibalize the luck of the human race. In this way, how can their faces not be black?

As for the direct reference?

Then no matter how high the human luck is, it has nothing to do with them.


It's not completely unrelated.

After all, there is an indispensable blood feud between the two, if the human luck is too strong, it is not a good thing to attract Zhunti.

In the future, we still need to find an opportunity to weaken the strength of the human race.

Otherwise, if the human race is too strong, it should turn to attack the Western religion.


The chaos outside the sky, completely different from Sanqing's black face, is that the joy on Nuwa's face is almost unabashed.

He was so happy.

No matter how he fantasizes, he will never think of the acquired race created for enlightenment. Today, he has achieved something that even the Lich Clan at its peak had not done, and became the protagonist of the prehistoric world.

That is the protagonist of heaven and earth, a powerful race that has mastered half of the prehistoric luck.

Although the human fortune is not completely controlled by Nuwa, as the creator of the human, as long as the human is not destroyed, he will always control a part of the human fortune.

This is the unique welfare of the creator of the human race, others can't envy it.

This part of luck,

About one to two percent.

The remaining human luck is more complicated. Because of the immortal Dao, Xuanmen controls two to thirty percent of the human luck.

Immortal Dao is the foundation of Xuanmen, after which several cultivation paths such as the Dao of Alchemy and the Dao of Refining Tools have been expanded.

As long as someone from the human race cultivates these avenues, a part of the human luck will inevitably flow into the profound door.

There is no alternative.

to be honest,

The reason why Xuanmen was able to dominate the prehistoric world, apart from its own strength, was because immortality became the mainstream of prehistoric cultivation.

Fairy road,

It is the foundation of the immortality of the profound door.

In a sense, anyone who practices immortality is regarded as a member of the profound sect.

This shows how powerful the profound door is!


The luck of this part of the human race belonging to the Xuanmen is not unique to the Sanqing, but shared by the Xuanmen disciples. However, Sanqing occupies more, about 90%.

After Xuanmen, Heavenly Court also mastered the luck of a part of the human race, but it was not much.


As the ruler of the prehistoric world,

His luck was not born out of thin air.

When the Heavenly Court was formed, all the existence of the Primordial Land, whether people or things, as long as they were in the Primordial Heaven and Earth, had to separate a ray of luck and converge in the center of the Primordial Land.

And this is the luck of the heavenly court, and it is also the sign of the heavenly court's dominance of the great famine.

As a member of the prehistoric world, the human race naturally has a ray of luck in the heavens.

Heavenly court has it, and Yin court naturally has it.

after all,

Countless people die every year in Terran.



Excluding the air luck in the hands of outsiders, the real air luck in the human race is only about 50%.

This is a lot.

Coupled with the luck in Nuwa's hands, it is almost 70%.

This 50% of the luck belongs to the human race, belongs to the human race, and is not in the hands of a single person. However, although this part of Qi Luck is shared, not everyone can use it.

no doubt,

Feng Zichen has the greatest priority in the use of this part of Qi Luck.

After that, there were three emperors and five emperors.

After that, there are those who have high status in the human race.

Don't underestimate the luck of these five people!

You know, the luck of the human race is half as much as that of the great luck. Its strength has reached an incredible level, even a saint, and dare not say that it can compete with it.

Even if it is only 50%, if it can be completely concentrated on one person, it can also create an existence comparable to a saint out of thin air.

However, it is a pity that, unless it is a last resort, otherwise, the human luck will not all converge on one person.

After all, human luck is not all in one person.



"Fifty percent of Qi Luck is not too much to say more, but not too much to say less. But for the Human Race, it is already the bottom line, and it cannot be less. If it is less than 50%, the Human Race is in danger of losing its dominance."

In the chaos outside the sky, Feng Zichen secretly pondered.

The human race only holds 50% of the luck, which is an extremely dangerous signal for him.

It should be noted that luck is not static.

If someone holds a fortune that surpasses 50% of the human race, then if this person wants to do something to the human race, Feng Zichen can't stop it at all.


Fifty percent luck is the bottom line of Feng Zichen.

But this,

It is far from enough, He needs more.

Only if more of the human luck is in the hands of the humans themselves, then the humans can truly grasp their own destiny and will not be reduced to others' puppets.

The human luck is 50% outside. Except for the more than 10% of Nuwa Empress's luck that cannot be changed, the rest of the luck is Feng Zichen's goal.

Qi luck is not immutable, and external factors have a great influence on it. If Immortal Dao is weak in the human race, then correspondingly, the human luck it masters will also be reduced accordingly.

At present, Feng Zichen's primary goal is to suppress Immortal Dao and weaken the influence of Sanqing on the human race.

And this,

Emperor Gouchen is already planning.



The line of sight returned from the chaos outside the sky to the wild land.

At this time, with Emperor Shun's abdication, everyone elected Yu as the co-lord of the human race, and took charge of the prehistoric land.

However, due to the end of the human emperor's fortune, Yu was only revered as King Yu, not Emperor Yu.

However, even if the emperor's luck is over, the emperor's energy is not weakened by half, and it still exists as a nine-clawed dragon, hovering over the ancestral land of the human race, exuding endless majesty, and shocking all races.

Perhaps, with the blessing of such a powerful imperial qi, an emperor purple qi will be spawned for the human race, making King Yu go one step further and become the nine emperors of the human race. It is not impossible.


"What a strong imperial spirit!"

"Perhaps, this is where Yu's chance lies. With this, he can take one step closer and achieve the great emperor's position."

"If this is true, the human luck will surely be more prosperous."

Above the heaven, Emperor Gouchen couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw the scene on the ancestral land of the human race.

That powerful imperial spirit can be said to be the foundation of becoming emperor.

As long as the Human Race can develop steadily in the days to come, and no major disturbances occur, then the matter of Yu becoming the Great Emperor of the Human Race is basically a certainty.

But things will obviously not go so smoothly.


There are only eight great emperors, the three emperors and five emperors, that Heaven has set for the human race. The extra one is obviously not within the scope of Heaven's Dao's plan.

And this is going against the sky, there must be countless catastrophes accompanying, to cut off the possibility of the ninth emperor of the human race.

At the moment, the prehistoric peace may not last long.

Because, today, Dao hasn't noticed that King Yu has the signs of becoming emperor, so Honghuang can continue to remain calm.

But once Tiandao is aware of something wrong, that endless catastrophe will inevitably come one after another, descending on the wild land to destroy the foundation of King Yu as emperor.



"Then let us fight to see who has the better means."

Thinking of the catastrophe that might happen in the future, the Great Emperor Gouchen thought silently.

He had already anticipated the calamity that King Yu would face when he proclaimed himself emperor.

After all, the birth of the emperor was never a simple matter. The birth of every great emperor will be accompanied by endless blood and fire.

As for wrestling with Tiandao, Feng Zichen is not afraid.


He is very proficient in such things as against the sky!

After all, too much work!

By the way, the current emperor Gouchen is already the **** of heaven. Soon after his enlightenment, Emperor Nanji gave up the position of Emperor of Heaven to him.


"Emperor Yu Cheng is not in a hurry, the most important thing right now is the matter of immortality."

After letting go of Yu's affairs, Gou Chen not only thought of the prevalence of the prehistoric immortal way and the decline of the way of gods and demons, he couldn't help but feel a little headache.

With the complete advent of the acquired era, what Feng Zichen was worried about finally happened.

The way of gods and demons is gradually declining, and the immortal way, which was suppressed by it earlier, is gradually revived.

In this regard,

Feng Zichen was also helpless.

The cultivation of the Way of Gods and Demons is too resource intensive. The current world environment can't support the cultivation of this monk at all.

I can't see the possibility of a step closer, who would stick to it stupidly?

Therefore, the decline of the Way of Gods and Demons ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has become inevitable.

It is not because the way of the gods and demons is too weak, on the contrary, it is because he is so strong that he is jealous of the sky and restricts its development.

From now on, the Way of Gods and Demons may really become Tianjiao's own place.

Not all tianjiao, who practice is the way of gods and demons. But it must be Tianjiao who cultivates the way of gods and demons.

Ordinary people can't even get started.

In this regard,

Feng Zichen was naturally unwilling.

But He couldn't help it.

The more powerful things are, the more they have to be restricted. What's more, the way of gods and demons can rebel against innate existence?

This is simply against the sky!

The way of heaven can let the way of the gods and demons develop for nearly tens of millions of years without doing anything, and it has not been restricted until today, which is enough to give Feng Zichen face.

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