Flooded Star Road

Chapter 659: The Budo Tianbei appeared, and the immortal way was shaken!


"The times have changed!"

"If the way of the gods and demons cannot be changed, it will become inevitable to be abandoned by the times."

"Never mind,"

"Anyway, I have nothing to do recently, it is better to spend more time on the path of gods and demons to simplify it and become like a fairy path, suitable for the general public."

In a moment of thought, Feng Zichen had a decision in his heart, ready to modify the way of gods and demons.

The threshold for cultivation is too high, and it is by no means a good thing for a path, especially a path that is ready to prosper in the world.

If the threshold is too high, just wait if the majority of the creatures are rejected. But in this way, even if you can give birth to amazing masters, what is the use?

There are too few people to support a avenue.

Not to mention competing with other orthodoxy for the fortune of heaven and earth.

Whether a path is prosperous or not has nothing to do with whether it is the strongest, it has nothing to do with whether it is the most suitable for sentient beings.

Compared with the Way of Gods and Demons, Immortal Dao is indeed weaker, but its threshold is extremely low, and almost everyone can get started. And this is the advantage of Xiandao.

In this world, sometimes there may be no Tianjiao born. But ordinary people, that is never lacking.

The weakness of the Way of Gods and Demons is that they rely too much on Tianjiao. If there is no Tianjiao born for several successive lifetimes, isn't the way of gods and demons going to be broken?

Therefore, Feng Zichen would change the way of the gods and demons.

If you want to compete with the Immortal Dao, the first thing that the Dao of Gods and Demons must do is to lower the threshold.

Otherwise, there is no need to compare, the way of gods and demons has already been lost from the very beginning.


That's it, Feng Zichen was immersed in the way of revising the gods and demons. And time, just passing by inadvertently like this.

In a blink of an eye,

Ten thousand years have passed!


On this day,

There was no movement in the heaven for a long time, suddenly huge fluctuations spread, and a huge phantom stone tablet was seen, looming in the sky above the realm.

For a while, the aura of terror permeated, and in a flash, it spread to the entire prehistoric world, like a mountain, pressing on the hearts of all sentient beings.

"What happened?"

Such movement naturally aroused the great supernatural powers who were cultivating, so they raised their heads one after another and looked at the place where the breath burst.


Terrifying gaze burst from the eyes of the great supernatural powers, piercing through layers of void, and soon came to the sky above the heavenly court.

As far as I can see, I see a huge stone tablet standing between the sky and the earth, exuding endless majesty.

The body of the stele was engraved with mysterious characters, as if it recorded the most lofty truth in the world, surrounded by endless Taoist rhymes and abnormal mysteries.

Facing such a mysterious stone stele, if ordinary people take a glance, they may be tempted to indulge in it, and recklessly realize the great principles inside.

But those with great supernatural powers from the Xuanmen are different. At the first sight of the mysterious characters on the stone tablet, a strong desire for destruction appeared in their hearts without warning, urging them to destroy the stone tablet.

It seems that the existence of the stone stele can shake the foundation of their standing, giving them a very dangerous feeling.

It was this feeling that made their hearts unstoppably the idea of ​​destroying that side of the stone monument, lingering.

Almost instinctively, the great magical powers from the profound door unconsciously raised their palms, and they were about to blast a magical power against the stone monument.

But at this moment, a huge roar suddenly rang out from the world, like thunder, which blasted into everyone's ears, regaining consciousness.

Then, above the sky, endless golden light fell, rushing crazy toward that side of the stone tablet.

That is--

Golden light of merit!

"What's the origin of that stone stele? Why just look at it and make Pang Dao unable to help but give birth to the idea of ​​destroying it?"

At this time, the profound magicians who had recovered from their senses looked at the stone monument with a look of uncertainty, completely wondering why this happened.

If these great supernatural powers were just panicking, then the one in Zixiao Palace was already shocked and speechless.

At the moment when the stone stele emerged, Hongjun Daozu who was enlightening the Tao of Heaven in the Zixiao Palace suddenly felt a heart palpitations and retreated directly from the enlightenment.

Immediately after,

Before he could understand the situation, he saw Xuanmen's aura as if he had encountered an enemy of life and death, shaking violently.

Under this force, even if it is as powerful as the Purple Cloud Palace, it will continue to shake.


The entire Zixiao Palace was shaking, and the terrifying Tao Yun spread, causing huge waves in the chaos outside the sky.

This sudden scene, with Hongjun Daozu's powerful mood, couldn't help but make waves and ripples.

Since the battle between the Dao and Demon, the Xuanmen’s Qi Luck has been in the dust, firmly controlling the prevalence, and suppressing the major forces one after another, and no one can compete with them.

It can be said,

Xuanmen is the Optimus Pillar of the prehistoric world!

With such a powerful existence, naturally no one can shake its luck.

But today, Xuanmen Qi Luck was unexpectedly violently shaken, as if encountering a life and death enemy, how could Hongjun Daozu not be alarmed?

This situation just happened in the ancient times, when the magic gate was at its peak.

Therefore, Hongjun Daozu's first thought was that the magic gate was revived.

But immediately, he felt wrong.

Under the combined suppression of the four emperors of the Heavenly Court, the Demon Gate has been abolished, and even the Demon Ancestor Luo Hui has been severely injured, and there is no possibility of a recurrence in a short time.

Therefore, it was definitely not the magic door that threatened the profound door this time.

Not a magic door, who can it be?

The performance of Xuanmen Qi Luck in this way clearly shakes the foundation of Xuanmen.

And what is the foundation of Xuanmen?

Naturally, it is immortal!


"Does it threaten the existence of immortality?"

While doubting in his mind, Daozu Hongjun couldn't help but calculate in his heart.

In a trance, he first saw Gou Chen's figure, and then saw a huge stone tablet emerging from his hands, extremely powerful, shattered endless time and space, suddenly came to the long river of fate, and fell down toward the profound door. With its outbreak of fierce duel.



"It's Gouchen!"

Shocked in his heart, Hongjun Daozu withdrew from the deduction, but he already understood the cause and effect.

"Budo, does it exist comparable to Immortal Dao?"

"Gou Chen, is this what you left behind for Human Race?"

"It is indeed a remarkable achievement!"

"But based on this, I want to deal with Immortal Dao, but I underestimate the poor Dao and Xuanmen."

"Xuanmen can stand on the peak of the primordial emperor for endless years and not fall, not only depends on the superiority of the immortal Dao, but also the immortal cultivator who has accumulated over the endless years and has almost occupied 90% of the primordial life."

"Faced with such a powerful force, why can only the newly born martial art be able to compete with the immortal Dao?"

After understanding everything, Hongjun Daozu just smiled coldly, Xuanshi fell into enlightenment again.

Even if he knew the existence of martial arts, he had no intention of attacking it.

For one thing, a new born in martial arts, with a shelter from heaven and earth, and blessings with boundless merits, others would not be able to destroy it.

Secondly, it is not necessary.

Yes, it is not necessary.

Just as Hongjun Daozu said earlier, when he was born in martial arts, he did not have the capital to compete with immortality.

Really think that the power accumulated over the endless years of the development of Xian Dao is just a joke?

It can be said,

With the passage of time, Immortal Dao has already penetrated into every corner of the world, becoming an indelible part of it.

In the predicament, almost 90% of the creatures have chosen to practice Immortal Dao.

This power, thinking about it, feels terrible.

The reason why Mo Dao was able to compete with Immortal Dao was only because everyone was on the same starting line. But now, Xuanmen has already reached the end, but martial arts has just started from the starting point.

The gap is so great, how can the two compete?

There is no comparison at all!

If in this situation, Immortal Dao was surpassed by Martial Dao, it can only be said that the masters of Xuanmen are not as good as pigs.

Forget it all stupid!


In short,

Competing with martial arts,

Daozu Hongjun is no longer an intervention.

He has been in harmony and has become a part of the way of heaven. Although the luck of Xuanmen is not a dispensable thing to him, it is of little use at all.

Moreover, any thing that is beneficial to Honghuang, even if it hinders the development of Xuanmen, he will support it.

This is the price of harmony, you can't help it!

Not to mention,

For Hongjun Daozu right now, the most important thing is to pursue the realm of Wuju Luojinxian. There are a few mundane things that shouldn't affect him.


Having said that,

Daozu Hongjun didn't do nothing.

Just as he retreats and practiced hard, the information about martial arts naturally appeared in the sea of ​​knowledge of the second generation of Xuanmen disciples.

After all, it was the avenue created by himself, Hongjun Taoist ancestor was a little selfish in the end.




"Ha ha!"

"very good!"

Somewhere in the main hall of the Heavenly Court, Feng Zichen looked at the stone tablet floating in the air, and couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction.

This stone monument is called the Martial Arts Monument, and the mysterious runes recorded on the monument are the general outline of the martial arts.

And there is no doubt that the so-called martial arts is a simplified version of the Tao of Gods and Demons.

Compared with the way of gods and demons, martial arts is undoubtedly too weak. Not only is the combat power far inferior, but even its rebellious innate ability is also eliminated.

This formed the martial art in front of you.

However, although martial arts is weak, its threshold has dropped too much. It is even lower than Immortal Dao.

Basically, individuals can enter the martial arts, and there is no qualification requirement at all.

It's just a little bad.

That is,

Easy to get started, but hard to come by!

If martial arts want great success, it is much more difficult than immortal mastery.

But it doesn't matter.

Martial arts is not for those who are talented.

The significance of martial arts is to facilitate those with insufficient qualifications to embark on the road of cultivation.

With good talents, they don't need to practice martial arts. At the end of that martial arts, there is the way of gods and demons waiting for them.

The end of martial arts is the beginning of God!

The end of martial arts here does not refer to enlightenment. But when the martial art is built, it reaches an extremely perfect state, and there is no way to enter.

In this way, it can break the shackles of martial arts and set foot in the realm of the way of gods and demons.

It can be said,

Martial art is the foundation of the way of gods and demons.

The meaning of its existence is that besides helping people with poor talents embark on the road of cultivation, it has another purpose.

That is to select talents for the way of gods and demons!

Only the best performers when the martial art is built can set foot on the way of the gods and demons.

Do not look at the way of gods and demons and martial arts are two avenues, but in fact, they are the same avenue.

The difference is,

One is taking the elite route,

One is taking the public route.

The way of gods and demons is where Feng Zichen's heart and soul lies. How can he give it up lightly? Naturally, I think of ways to keep it intact.

Even if you have martial arts, you can't break the inheritance of the way of gods and demons.

Therefore, He just came up with the best of both worlds. It not only preserved the way of gods and demons, but also derived martial arts more suitable for human race.



"Budo Tianbei, go!"

In the heaven, Feng Zichen raised his arm lightly and pointed out. Suddenly, the martial arts monument shook, and the true meaning of martial arts rose into the sky, running through the 33rd heaven.


I saw the martial arts monument breaking through the void of the heavens, passing directly through the sea of ​​law, carrying an unparalleled momentum, and crashing into the human temple.


At this moment, the human luck was shaken.

They arrived almost at the same time, and the martial arts cultivation method naturally appeared in the minds of all races.

Just a moment,

The martial arts spread throughout the human race!


Budo Tianbei,

It can be said to be Feng Zichen's proud work.

He is not only a preaching thing, but also a magical power, but also a magic weapon.

It is said that he is a preaching thing, because it records the martial arts principle.

It is said that he is a supernatural power, because, in order to carry the martial arts principle, Feng Zichen made a change of the supreme supernatural power, which was created by enlightening Bu Zhou Shan, and transformed it into a martial art through his immortal god. The body of the Tianbei.

It can be said,

A martial arts monument,

It is equivalent to a small Bu Zhou Mountain.

And it's the imperfect mountain that carries the true meaning of martial arts.

Its power can be imagined!

As for it is a magic weapon, it is because, at the moment when the martial arts was born, the immeasurable merits from the heavens all fell into the martial arts monument, and even the share of Feng Zichen was also penetrated into it.

to this end,

With the help of merit,

The martial arts monument can be turned into reality,

Become a top treasure of acquired merit!


The limit of the martial arts monument is not so much.

As a preacher, the martial arts monument carries martial arts on its body. For this reason, he is bound to be worshipped by the human race in the future.

In this way, the martial arts monument will be indispensable in the future of incense willpower.

Unlike human beings, the magic weapon does not have to worry about the hidden dangers in the incense power because of the lack of wisdom.

Therefore, under the blessing of incense aspiration, the martial arts monument can not be transformed into the innate treasure. But its power will become stronger and stronger, and sooner or later it will reach the point of being comparable to the innate treasure.

In this case,

The Terran will have one more treasure of the town clan!

And these will be the capital of the human race against the Xuanmen in the future.



"After the birth of martial arts, the luck of the human race has increased a lot."

"But ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ these are not important!"

"The important thing is that with the birth of martial arts, my human race will have the capital to contend with the immortal way, and will not become a puppet of the profound sect."

Seeing the changes in the human race, Feng Zichen's face showed an inexplicable expression.

Of course Hongjun Dao Ancestor could think of things. But what he thought was farther than Hongjun Daozu.

The times are always changing!

Therefore, in the prehistoric times, there is no way of cultivation that can guarantee that one can adapt to the times forever, and will not be abandoned by the times because of backwardness.

Therefore, even if it is as strong as immortality, there will be a day abandoned by the times.

At that time, it was an opportunity for martial arts.

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