Flooded Star Road

Chapter 593: Fall one after another



   The Chaos Demon God is not a fool. After the demon ancestor Luohu blew himself up, he found that the situation was a little wrong, and he withdrew almost without hesitation, and escaped into the sky and the chaos disappeared.


   "Count you guys walking fast."


   After confirming that the Chaos Demon God had really left, the quasi-sage avatar complained and rushed to the World Tree to help the Emperor Ziwei resist the power that could destroy the world.


   swish swish...


   In the sound of breaking through the sky, the quasi-saint incarnation came one after another.


   "The situation is a bit bad!"


   Seeing that under Feng Zichen's full resistance, that power still tends to vent outward, the brows of the quasi-sage incarnation can't help but frown.


   "Go ahead!"


   "I just gave up this incarnation, and I can't let this power spread to the prehistoric."


   The twelve saints hesitated for a moment, and then suddenly disintegrated into the Taoist body, turning into the purest source, rushing toward the center of the demon ancestor Luohu's self-destruction to weaken the power of self-destruction.


   Compared to Feng Zichen, the Quasi-Holy Incarnation was undoubtedly a lot more decisive because it was an incarnation. In order to prevent the explosion of the power from erupting, it directly sacrificed itself.


   After all, as long as the deity does not die, the avatar can condense at any time. Therefore, their lives are indeed not honorable by Feng Zichen.


   After getting the help of the quasi-saint incarnation, the pressure on Feng Zichen and the others was greatly reduced, and they were able to separate a trace of energy, calmly arrange the means, and weaken the power of self-destruction with layers.






   After a long time,


   With the joint efforts of everyone, the power of the demon ancestor Luo Hui's self-destruction gradually subsided. Feng Zichen and other nine people also showed up.


   But at this time, their condition is not good, they are all suffering heavy injuries.




  Especially Feng Zichen, Haotian, Gouchen, and Lei Ze, the four of them are the most seriously injured, and it can be said that they are life-threatening.


   After all, when the demon ancestor Luo Hui blew himself up, the incarnation of the emperor, composed of Fengzichen Haotian, was the most powerful.


  Yes, they are at the forefront, facing the most terrifying impact, and it is only natural that they are injured the most.


   After the self-detonation subsided, the four of them were so seriously injured that they could not even sustain the incarnation of the emperor. They disintegrated directly in the air, and turned into four people who fell into the air, their faces pale and vomiting blood.




   there is a thread of innate origin,


   Follow their wounds and escape outward.


   This is a sign of the Tao of Transformation, and it actually appeared on the four of Feng Zichen Haotian, which shows the seriousness of their injuries!


   By Feng Zichen's side, Zhou Tian Xingchen Tu fell weakly there, his whole body dimmed, and he obviously suffered a serious injury.


   Xiaobuzhou Mountain has also become bumpy. If it weren't for its special material, it would be crushed by the force of self-detonation.


   The condition of the Humane Emperor's Seal seems to be much better. There are no wounds on the outside, but it is not.


   His appearance is nothing, that is because of his special material, which is transformed by Pangu's finger bones, so it is naturally hard beyond imagination. However, inside, the divinity of the Humane Emperor's Seal was almost completely wiped out.


   It can even be said that without using the power of the Chaos Orb, the current Humane Emperor's Seal is an empty shell, with the level of the innate treasure, without a trace of the innate treasure.


   is almost useless except for being extremely hard and heavy.


   The damage to these three treasures alone is enough to make Feng Zichen's flesh pain, and I am afraid it will take a long time to repair.


   Not to mention, he himself suffered a fatal wound.






   is extremely miserable!


   It can be said that this time the injury was the most serious since Feng Zichen came to the land, and his life was already in danger.


   Feng Zichen was injured so badly, Haotian, Gouchen, and Lei Ze were naturally not relaxed.


   Especially Haotian, his injuries were the most serious among the four. Even Feng Zichen felt that Haotian was afraid that he would not be able to hold on for long and he would be forced to reincarnate in order to recover his original injury.


   Haotian was injured the most, and it was not without reason. Although his strength is not as good as Feng Zichen, his identity is higher than Feng Zichen.


   At this time, it has to be the particularity of the incarnation of the emperor.


   The four teamed up to summon the incarnation of the emperor with authority. Then the four of them have control over the incarnation of the emperor, naturally, there are big and small.


  Because the incarnation of the emperor is transformed by the power of authority, this size is not distinguished by strength, but by the size of authority.


   Among the four, Haotian has the most control over the incarnation of the emperor. Therefore, when the incarnation of the emperor was attacked, Haotian would bear the brunt and would suffer the most damage.


  As the saying goes, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.


   Haotian's authority is greater than that of Feng Zichen, so he naturally has to take more damage.


   Therefore, Haotian was injured the most.


   However, even though he said that, Haotian was indeed a little unlucky. He was completely used by Feng Zichen to resist thunder.


   His authority is great, and he has the greatest control over the incarnation of the emperor. However, the remaining three people, named three, are really one person.


   three people joined forces,


   directly overhead Haotian.


   In other words, even though Haotian is taking the biggest risk, the control of the incarnation of the emperor is in Feng Zichen's hands.


  He is totally taking risks for Feng Zichen.


   Therefore, Haotian Committee was a bit unlucky when he encountered such a scam as Feng Zichen.




   Compared with the miserable appearance of the Feng Zichen Haotian four, although the injuries of the Five Elements Saint Beast were also very serious, they were obviously not fatal.


   The incarnation of the Heavenly Emperor stood in the front and resisted the greatest damage. The five-element holy beast was behind him, and the injuries he suffered were undoubtedly smaller.


   What's more, the five-element holy beasts have been desperately maintaining the innate five-element and five-square formation, which also makes them easier than Feng Zichen when they resist the impact of the devil's self-detonation.




   is also for this reason,


   The trauma suffered by the Five Elements and Five Fang Qi, the most precious innate treasure, is also much lighter than that of the Zhou Tian Xing Chen Tu.


   Looking back at the World Tree, because everyone focused on protection, apart from breaking a few branches, they didn't suffer much damage.








  The dazzling brilliance bloomed, and it was vast and unpredictable. Thousands of innate spirit treasures emerged from the void, each turned into a divine light, and disappeared in the void.


  The incarnation of the Heavenly Emperor disappeared, and the Wanbao Great Array lost its carrier, and it was also broken. Those innate spirit treasures that had been called in response to the incarnation of the Heavenly Emperor were scattered in the void.


   As everything calmed down, these innate spirit treasures had completed their mission, and there was no need to stay, so they scattered all kinds of things, going back and forth.








  I was worried about the deterioration of the injury and that someone took advantage of the fire. Feng Zichen Haotian and the four others, after nodding with the Five Elements Saint Beast, quickly returned to the boundless starry sky and heaven.



   After returning to Ziwei Xing, Feng Zichen's injuries were no longer able to be suppressed, and violent evil spirits gushed out of his body, causing his body to split countless cracks in an instant.




   The strands of origin, along the cracks on Feng Zichen's body, can't stop gushing out.




   "Damn the ancestor!"


   After mobilizing the original power of Ziweixing, Feng Zichen couldn't help cursing in a low voice after the suffocating pressure in his body temporarily restrained him.


   is too cruel!


  Mozu Luohu is too cruel!


   is only the destructive power brought by the self-detonation. Although it is amazing, it will not endanger their lives.


   The real danger to Feng Zichen's lives is the overwhelming spirit of evil spirits.


   You must know that the method of body refining of the magic way is a bit different, different from the mainstream of the past, because it is the master of collecting evil energy and refining the body.


   This led to the accumulation of a lot of evil energy in the body of the master of the magic way.


   And where's the demon ancestor Luo Hu?


   His physical strength is the most powerful!


   It can be seen from this that what a terrifying evil spirit is accumulated in his body.


   Demon ancestor Luo Hui blew himself up, and the evil spirit that had accumulated in his body for many years also exploded, and Chaofeng Zichen and the others rushed towards the sky.


   The self-destructive power, combined with the terrifying evil aura, and the monstrous demon aura, several powers exploded in a day, which caused Feng Zichen and others to suffer fatal trauma.


   "Mozu Luohu!"


   "The cause of today, the fruit of tomorrow."


   "This matter, we are not over!"


   put a cruel word in his heart, and then Feng Zichen turned his attention to the incarnations of Lei Ze and Gouchen.


  Even He can't hold it anymore, let alone these two incarnations.


   In Feng Zichen's eyes, Lei Ze incarnation and Gouchen incarnation, the whole body is rising, and they are constantly eroding their innate origin. Even more wisps of demonic energy loomed in them.


   If they hadn't mobilized the original power of the South Pole Star and Gouchen Star in time to suppress the injury, they would have been eroded by the evil spirit. Become an irrational demon, or simply die.


  It’s just that, in their current situation, even with the suppression of the origin of the stars, if there is no external help, they will not be able to last long.


   In Feng Zichen's heart, the incarnation of Gouchen can fall to plan for the future, but Lei Ze can't get into trouble.


  'S heart moved slightly, Feng Zichen had an idea.




   Go up to Chen Xing,


  God Emperor Chen opened his eyes suddenly.


   Then, I saw him forcibly condensing a trace of mana, throwing the treasure of humanity to Fuxi in the lower realm, and asked him to nourish the emperor of humanity with the emperor's air to restore his shattered divinity.


   After finishing this, the Great Emperor Gouchen suddenly closed his eyes, disintegrated the Taoist body, and transformed it into the purest innate origin.


One part of    merged with Gou Chen Xing's origin, and the other part quietly flocked to the distant South Pole Star and merged into the body of Lei Ze's incarnation.




   On the South Pole Star, Lei Ze became the Great Emperor Changsheng of the South Pole. After obtaining the innate origin of the Great Emperor Gouchen, his aura surged, suppressing the rising evil aura in his body in one fell swoop.




   Lei Ze incarnation suddenly took a step forward,


   came to the deepest part of the Nine Heavens Thunder Territory, commemorating the eyes of the best congenital spirit treasure, and attracting endless congenital thunder, in order to baptize the flesh and obliterate the evil spirit and demonic energy in the body.




   And with the fall of Emperor Gouchen, the heaven and the earth suddenly felt the boundless rain of blood.




   The rain of blood fell, spreading across the entire wilderness.


   The gust of wind whistled, scrolling boundless sadness.




   There is another thunder roar, endlessly, as if the world is crying.


  The great fall, the world is in sorrow!


   For a while, all sentient beings in heaven and earth looked at the majestic rain of blood, and felt that they had lost something in their hearts, and couldn't help but shed tears.






   People's Palace!


   Fuxi looked at the humane emperor's seal in his hand, with a somewhat inexplicable expression. Especially when the vision of Emperor Gouchen's fall came, his expression became even stranger.


   Gouchen is dead,


   There was no trace of sadness on Fuxi's face.


  Because he didn't believe it at all, the grand Daoist would fall so easily. The emperor's fall at this time must have some unknown plan.


   Fuxi is not alone in thinking this way.


   Almost all great abilities in Honghuang think so. Probably because of this, Gouchen the Great had a criminal record.




   After dealing with the incarnation, Feng Zichen did not dare to delay, and immediately released the **** of happiness and merged with the **** of Pangu.


   Use his power to mobilize the origin of the endless starry sky to wipe out the evil spirit in his body, trying to recover his injuries as quickly as possible.


   The endless rumbling starlight radiated from the Zhoutian stars and hundreds of millions of stars, and under the mobilization of the Pangu gods, it converged on the purple star, forming a huge star vortex around it.


   At the same time, Pangu gods are also doing their best to swallow the chaotic energy from the great chaos outside the realm, so as to transform it into the purest origin of heaven and earth to make up for the loss of Feng Zichen's innate origin.


   Such a big movement,


   naturally shocked the powerful people everywhere.


   They all raised their heads and looked at the center of the endless starry sky with all their faces, where the purple star is.


   There is a star swirl that occupies most of the sky, which is turning around without any thought. The extraordinary beauty attracts everyone's eyes.


   is such a beautiful scenery~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When everyone sees it, their eyes are not intoxication, but fear.


   The power of the star swirl that occupies half of the sky is too strong. It is no exaggeration to say that a master who has just entered Hunyuan enters it, and it will be torn to pieces in a short time.


   Also, can the power of the star swirl formed by gathering the power of the entire endless starry sky be not strong?




   Feng Zichen does this without purpose. He is deterring and warning.


   warn those who are careful, put away the thoughts that shouldn't be.


   Today, the quasi-sage incarnation died in a collective sacrifice, and the emperor and the three gods are dead and wounded. It is hard to guarantee that no one will have the thought of taking advantage of the fire at this time.


   Therefore, Feng Zichen chose to show off his muscles at this moment, telling the world that even if he is seriously injured, he still has the strength to easily suppress the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.


  Looking at the endlessly powerful Star Swirl, I was afraid that no one would dare to give birth to a different mind.




   In fact,


is also like this,


   After seeing the star swirl,


   Some guys with ulterior motives quickly put away their minds and turned to observe the star swirl, trying to see some mystery about the stars from it, so as to deduce a supreme magical power.

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