Flooded Star Road

Chapter 594: Ogami commuter relations

Star Swirl is formed by the power of the entire endless starry sky, which contains endless good fortune. If you can comprehend a bit of mystery, whether it is creating techniques or deducing supernatural powers, there are no small benefits.


   Therefore, for people with ulterior motives, Star Swirl is undoubtedly extremely dangerous. But for those who are open-minded, Star Swirl is a great opportunity.






   Thirty-three Heavens, Yaochi.




   As soon as Haotian returned here, before he had time to speak, he spouted a big mouthful of blood.


  At the same time, when his body leaped, a raging demon flame rose, which was abnormally infiltrating.


   In the demon flame, more strands of evil aura emerged, tightly wrapped around Haotian's body, seeming to be completely integrated with him, making his foil even more terrifying.




   Haotian’s blood fell on the ground, and there was no divine glow, divine breath lingering and other amazing visions. Instead, it made a "sizzling" sound, eroding the ground into a hole.


   Upon closer inspection, one can find that Haotian's blood has long lost its former pale golden color, and has turned into a dark red color similar to that of the blood of the Demon Ancestor, with slivers of evil aura mixed in it.


   Obviously, his blood has been completely contaminated by evil spirits.


   The demon flames rose all over his body, and the blood was also infested by the evil aura. The situation shown by Haotian all means that he has been completely corroded by the evil aura of the demon ancestor Luo Hui.


  He is already hopeless.


   There are only two paths before Haotian, one is to clenched his teeth and persists until his spiritual wisdom has completely disappeared, and he completely degenerates into a demon with no wisdom at all.


   The other is to abandon everything about yourself, enter into reincarnation, and use the power of reincarnation to obliterate the evil spirit that has been tightly entangled with your own origin.






   "Your Majesty, what's wrong with you?"


   The empress Yaochi, who was resting in Yaochi, was really stunned when she saw Haotian's appearance.


   Then, almost subconsciously, Yao Chi rushed to Haotian's side, using various means to try to improve Haotian's condition.


   Even more, he also separated part of his own innate origin and injected it into Haotian's body, hoping to help him.


   It's just that Yaochi's deeds are destined to be useless.


   The evil spirit of the evil spirit has long been integrated with Haotian's innate origin. Regardless of each other, Hongjun Dao ancestors are close to each other, and they cannot be separated, let alone Yaochi.


   "Yao Chi, you don't have to be in vain."


   "In my case, I know myself that the evil spirit has invaded the source, and it is no longer saved, only the way to reincarnation."


   After absorbing the innate origin of Yaochi, although Haotian's injury has not been improved, his spirit is undoubtedly refreshed a lot, and he can speak normally.


   "Then your majesty......"


   "How can this be good?"


   "Yes, let's go to Tianwai to find Master."


   "Master has supernatural powers, and there is definitely a way to save you."


   After Haotian confided his situation, Yaochi was panicked all of a sudden, and there was a hint of crying when he spoke.


   Immediately, as if he had thought of something, he suddenly got excited, and he picked up Haotian and was about to go to the chaos outside the sky to find Hongjun Taoist ancestor to save him.


   Before he could do anything, Haotian stretched out his hand to stop him.


"It's useless."


   "My injury was left by the devil ancestor Luo Hui desperately, even if the master took it personally, it is of no avail."


   shook his head, Haotian said flatly.


   Death is approaching, and instead of having any fear, he feels that his state of mind is gradually sublimating and becoming more and more in line with the personality of the emperor.


   In this state, Haotian felt that his horizons were constantly rising, and now he gradually figured out many things that he could not understand before.


   Things that were not clearly seen before have become clearer.


   Faintly, Haotian saw his future, and felt that his fall this time may not be a bad thing. Perhaps it was his opportunity to make his way come to completion.


  The continuous improvement of the state of mind made Haotian more and more close to the essence of heaven and earth. At this moment, he seemed to be overwhelmed by the boundless Taoism, gradually indulging in it, and he didn't want to wake up.


  To the outside world, his eyes are gradually losing their luster.




   Haotian's situation is similar to that of Huadao, which is very dangerous. If one fails, it will be assimilated by the avenue, completely silent. In the future, I want to be resurrected, and it is also extremely troublesome.


  How easy is it to grab someone from the avenue?


   Between life and death, there are great horrors and great opportunities, not to mention. Haotian was on the verge of death this time, and he saw the avenue between life and death, and was able to get in touch with the essence of heaven and earth.


   This is a supreme opportunity that can get people to enter the Hunyuan realm. However, Haotian's current state is really too bad, but it is not enough to support him to obtain this opportunity in its entirety.


   If Haotian was at its peak, relying on this opportunity, it would be enough to cultivate into a half-step Hunyuan realm in one fell swoop.


   Can Naihe,


   He who is today is about to fall.


   Even if I face the shocking opportunity, I still have more than enough energy.






   "Your Majesty, wake up!"


   "Wake up soon!"


   Seeing, Haotian was about to get lost in the endless wonders, gradually being swallowed by it, and found that his situation was not right next to him, and quickly awakened him.




   After being woken up by Yaochi, Haotian couldn't help being afraid for a while. If his mind is really assimilated by the Dao, then his fate will be much worse than it is now.


   "Yaochi, I have a hunch that this time I will enter the cycle of samsara, which may be my chance."


   "So, you don't have to worry about me at all. I will be fine. On the contrary, when I return, my strength is bound to be one step closer, thus turning the current situation in Heavenly Court."


   After regaining his senses, Haotian hurriedly calmed down the worried Yaochi in a low voice.


   "Your Majesty,"


   "After you leave, how will the heaven be?"


   Under Haotian's comfort, Yaochi gradually recovered his calm and asked him about the heavenly court.


   "After I enter the cycle of reincarnation, all matters of the heavenly court will be temporarily managed by you."


   Today's Heavenly Court still maintains its peak combat power, can hold the ground, and is deeply trusted by Haotian, only Yaochi is left.


   Therefore, without hesitation, he handed over the power of Heavenly Court to Yaochi.


   In fact, in the current Heavenly Court, all the four supreme heaven and earth with top combat power have been hit hard.


   Therefore, it doesn’t matter if you leave it to anyone.






   And just as the two talked, a majestic rain of blood suddenly began to fall between the heavens and the earth, and there was boundless sadness echoing.


   The heaven and earth have fallen!




   "It's Gouchen's fall."


   "Unexpectedly, Daoist Gou Chen was the first to be unable to hold it, and I fell one step ahead of me."


   "However, based on the calculations of my ‘Emperor’s brother’, I’m afraid it’s not another fraudulent death."

   Coughed a few times, Haotian said with a smile on his face.


   Obviously, he did not believe in the fall of Gouchen at all.


   "Okay, let's not talk about Him."


   "Yaochi, after I go to Samsara, if you encounter any problems that cannot be solved, you can go to Ziwei Star and ask Ziwei the Great."


   After a pause, Haotian said to Yaochi.


   In this battle against Demon Zu Luohu, all four of them suffered fatal injuries. But to say that in Haotian's heart, who has the greatest hope of surviving, it must be the Great Emperor Ziwei.


   Among the four,


   is the most noble in his identity, the most powerful, and he is accompanied by innate treasures.


   Even Haotian had to admit that Emperor Ziwei was more qualified to be the Emperor of Heaven than him. If it weren't for a coincidence, this heavenly emperor's position would not fall to him, but someone else's.


   Haotian would never believe it if this kind of character were to fall in this catastrophe.


  The movement of the boundless starry sky undoubtedly does not support Haotian's speculation, that Emperor Ziwei has the certainty of recovering from his injuries.


   And the Emperor Ziwei, although he is at odds with him, he is also one of the four gods of the heavens, and he will not sit and watch the heavens have problems.


   Therefore, Haotian will ask Yaochi to ask him for help when he encounters difficulties.


  As for worrying about his seizure of power?


   Stop laughing, Heaven’s power, how important is it to recover from an injury. For at least the next amount of calamity, if Emperor Ziwei wants to spend his time recovering from his injuries, how can he be distracted by the secular things?




   "I took it down on my concubine."


   Keeping Haotian's words in mind, Yao Chi nodded and said.


   "That's it,"


   "Then I will go."


   smiled at Yaochi, Haotian dissipated his innate Taoist body, leaving an innate immortal true spirit alone and entered the cycle of reincarnation.


  The reincarnation of the Emperor of Heaven is naturally extraordinary, and the treatment is completely different from that of others.


   The heavens and the earth are all manifested together, opening up a path of reincarnation for them. At the same time, the law of billions came, turned into a dazzling light, draped on Haotian's body to protect his safety.






   Following the fall of Emperor Gouchen, Emperor Haotian also fell.


   The rain of blood seen in the world is getting bigger and bigger.


   The entire prehistoric world has added a touch of blood.


   The sadness of the absence reverberates between the heaven and the earth, making people shed tears.






   The violent wind roars, the thunder roars, that is the sorrow of heaven and earth, can't bear the departure of the two supreme heaven and earth.






   "Has Haotian should be robbed?"


   On the purple star, Feng Zichen, who was healing, sensed the condition of Haotian, and couldn't help but glance at Yaochi.


   Yes, that's it.


   Right now, just as Haotian said, it's still important to recover from the injury, otherwise, if someone takes the opportunity to pick it up, it will be a real joke.






   There is no Jiazi in the mountains, no years of cultivation,


   In a blink of an eye, it has been a Yuanhui since the fall of Emperor Gouchen and Emperor Haotian.


   During this period, no catastrophe erupted from the prehistoric lands, the magic way had completely lurked, the heaven and the earth ushered in the long-lost peace, and the ten thousand races were able to cultivate their health and rest.


  Everything is developing in a good direction.




  In this Yuanhui,


   There is a good thing that I have to mention,


   That is, the great supernatural powers of the wild have left the customs one after another.




   In response to the chaos demon’s seizure,


   Almost all the great supernatural powers in Honghuang have fallen into retreat.


   And as the long years passed, these great supernatural powers also gradually divided the victory and defeat with the Chaos Demon God.


no doubt,


   has reached this time,


   The Chaos Demon God who has not yet succeeded in seizing the house, I am afraid it will be difficult to succeed. Therefore, these Chaos Demon Gods who failed to seize their homes have become further resources for those great supernatural powers, and have created a large number of masters for Honghuang.


   Those great supernatural powers who broke through the barriers have been fully improved in strength. Although no Hunyuan level has been born, most of them have entered the half-step Hunyuan level.


   I believe that after giving them a period of time, let them digest the remnants of the Chaos Demon God, and I am afraid that it will not take long before they can attack the Hunyuan level.


  Of course, among these great supernatural powers, there are also some unlucky ghosts. At this time, they are still taken over by the Chaos Demon God and completely replaced their existence.


   Even after winning the home, some Chaos Demon Gods did not reveal their identity. Instead, they chose to hide and continue to walk in the wilderness as a great supernatural power, waiting for the future.


   These are not impossible.


   Anyway, if the Chaos Demon God really replaces a person's identity, as long as he doesn't take the initiative to expose it, outsiders will not be able to see it.


   However, there are accidents, but after all, there are still a few, and more, they are great magicians with great strength.


   It is estimated that it will not be long before the strength of the predecessor will usher in a blowout period, and a large number of half-step Hunyuan masters will be born, and even the real Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian will be born.


   The prehistoric times at that time must be particularly wonderful. The masters from all walks of life come out together to discuss the Taoism in the prehistoric times, so that the saints are not exclusively beautiful.


   is Feng Zichen, and he is about to break through.


   In this battle with the Demon Ancestor Luo Hu, although he was extremely injured and suffered great losses, he was not without gain.


At the very least, after this battle, he has an extremely deep understanding of the realm of Hunyuan, and he has a full grasp of it, breaking through the bottleneck, taking the crucial half step, and being promoted from the half-step Hunyuan to the real Hunyuan. Luo Jinxian.


   However, there is a certainty, but the timing of the breakthrough is wrong~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The premise for a breakthrough is that Feng Zichen's injury is fully recovered.


   Otherwise, all this is the moon in the mirror, the flowers in the water, which can be seen but not touched.


   The road ahead has been opened up, and now I am waiting for Feng Zichen to recover from his injury, so that he can take that crucial step.




   Just, this has to wait.


   After all, Feng Zichen's injury is too serious.


   Haotian was forced to enter the cycle of reincarnation, Gou Chen sacrificed himself, and only then did he fight for Lei Ze's first line of life.


  From this we can see how serious their injuries are.






   this day,


   Feng Zichen woke up from the retreat,


   can't help but move my muscles and bones.


too long,


   is too long.


   The days when He came to the wilderness are not too short, but like this, there are not a few long-term retreats.


   Thanks to his patience.


   After a short rest, Feng Zichen was about to continue practicing in seclusion, but suddenly, his movements stopped, and he looked out of the star swirl with a stunned expression on his face.


  Someone is coming, visit him!

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