Flooded Star Road

Chapter 622: The origin of the mysterious man

Based on the above points, Feng Zichen then separated an incarnation, under the name of a peerless figure in Qi Yaozhou, and personally taught Chi You from the lower realms.

   After all, Feng Zichen also has the name of a wizard, and it is most appropriate for him to teach Chi You.

  The wizard, the wizard of the wizard family!




   "Born to work hard!"

   shook his head and sighed, Feng Zichen escaped into the void and disappeared.

   Next, he may be busy!

  At the beginning, in order for Houtu Empress to agree to the reincarnation of Witch Thirteen and enter the human race, Feng Zichen promised to give Witch Thirteen a great opportunity to help him become enlightened.


   Following Chi You's defeat and being captured by Xuanyuan, it was time for him to fulfill his promise.


  The ancestral land of human race, before Taimiao!

   Five thick chains of order gods stretched out from the void, firmly locked Chi You's limbs, and fixed him in the void, preventing him from contacting the earth.

   Standing on the ground, the power of the Witch Clan can be said to be endless. Chi You, the leader of the wizards, obviously inherited this. If he was allowed to touch the earth, he would not be able to get out of the trap.

   Therefore, everyone locked it in the void to prevent Chi You from gaining power from the earth.


   The purpose of everyone locking Chi You here is to execute his torture publicly and put him to death.

   Impose the punishment of dividing the body by five horses!

   Chiyou's move, called fighting for the position of the aliens, is actually splitting the human race. Because of this, Xuanyuan gave him a retribution and divided him into corpses.

   Those who split the human race shall be punished by dismemberment!

   "Xuanyuan, I'm not convinced, you yin to me..."

   "You can't win without war..."

   was locked in the void by the chain of order, Chi You still yelled unconvinced. From his point of view, Xuanyuan is far from his opponent. If he does not use conspiracy and tricks, how can he defeat him?

   Even capture him alive?

   Therefore, He is not convinced!


   "I don't know it when I die,"


   With a cold snort, Xuanyuan ignored Chi You, but coldly ordered.

   "Follow the purpose!"

   Xuanyuan gave an order, and among the people below, five people immediately came forward and led the way.

   That is a master from the five innate races, everyone has the cultivation base of Da Luo Jinxian.

   The five people came out without talking nonsense. They took out the five Innate God Chains, went to the five directions, and put the Inborn God Chains on Chi You's neck and limbs.


   After doing this, the five of them took a deep breath, then let out a deep cry, pulling the Innate God Chain in their hands with all their strength, and heading towards the direction opposite Chi You.

   As a Daluo Jinxian, and also a Daluo Jinxian from the five innate tribes, the power of these five people can be imagined. It is a huge world, unpreparedly placed in front of them, let it be pulled, and it will be pulled apart by them.

   Therefore, when the five people pulled the Innate God Chain that was wrapped around Chi You's body with all their strength, Chi You's body was pulled straight in an instant.

   lay straight in the void.

   But that's all.

   After Chi You's body was stretched straight, no matter how hard the five people tried, they couldn't move forward. Chi You's body is too powerful, far from what they can destroy.

"Ha ha!"

   "Xuanyuan, they just want to tear my body apart, then you really underestimated me."

"Give me……"


   In the void, Chi You couldn't help laughing as he looked at the five people who were struggling to pull the chain of innate gods in his hand. Then, I saw him yelling, violently, with varicose limbs, and he just pulled the five people back.

   bang bang bang bang!

   Unprepared, the five people were killed by Chi Yula on the spot.

"Ha ha!"

   Looking at the horror of the five people, Chi You couldn't help laughing out loud. He didn't think that Xuanyuan had the ability to kill him.

   I know my own situation.

   Chiyou's body was baptized with the blood of the ancestor witch essence, coupled with his understanding of the ways of gods and demons, his body has reached a state of immortality.

  Want to destroy his body, either use the innate treasure, or spend a lot of time and use the power of time to wipe it out.

   And these two points,

   Given the current situation of the human race, it is difficult to do so.



   "Chi You, a child, cultivates rampantly, let's watch the poor road come to kill you."

   Beside Xuanyuan, the Taoist Burning Lamp saw Chi You's prisoner, and he dared to be so arrogant, he couldn't help but yelled at him.

   At the same time, he sacrificed his companion spirit treasure, the top-grade innate spirit treasure Qiankun Ruler, and hit Chi You, hoping to kill him.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   boom!

   I saw a ruler with a clear light, flying out from the hands of the Taoist priest, turning into a huge universe, and crashing down towards Chi You.


   A vast world fell suddenly, hitting Chi You's body, and the power that erupted is one can imagine. On the spot, Chi You made a huge wailing sound.

  It hurts, it hurts!

   But that's it.

   Except for the pain, the attack of the Qiankun Ruler did not cause any harm to Chi You.

   Boom! boom! boom……

   Qiankun ruler smashed down again and again, roaring Chi You again and again, but his breath did not show the slightest weakness.

   After a while, because of the continuous full force of urging the Qiankun ruler, the Taoist Burning Lamp could not help but get a little tired, and then took back the magic weapon with a sad face.

   At this time, without the cover of Qiankun Ruler, Chi You appeared in front of everyone again.


   Compared with the previous, there is not much change.

   Under the frenzied attack of the Taoist Burning Lamp, Chi You was not hurt at all.

   Now, Fellow Taoist Burning Lamp is really embarrassed. The previous words were pretty, but now this result...


   "Your Majesty, this Chi You's body has been baptized with the blood of the ancestral witch, and it has reached an indestructible state. If you want to destroy it, I am afraid that it is difficult to do it with ordinary methods."

   In order to cover up his embarrassment, Taoist Taoist lightly coughed a few times before explaining to Xuanyuan.

   Boom! boom! boom……

   Just as the Taoist Burning Lantern was talking, several unbelieving mighty powers, using their own methods, blasted towards Chi You one after another.

   The result is the same as before.

   is useless!

"Ha ha!"

   "Trash, a bunch of trash!"

   "Just because you want to kill me, it's just a dream."

   Even if he was caught in the magical powers of everyone, Chi You still ridiculed everyone with leisurely words.


   Everyone was embarrassed when they heard the words, but everything that happened just now proved that what Chi You was talking about was the truth. For a while, everyone felt aggrieved in their hearts.

   "Chi You, Hugh is so arrogant, watching the widow come to kill you."

   "Xuanyuan sword, cut!"

   Seeing that Chi You was so arrogant, Xuanyuan couldn't help being a little angry, and when he sacrificed Xuanyuan sword, he cut off at Chi You.


   Five sword lights shot out from Xuanyuan Sword, and slashed towards Chi You's neck and limbs.

   It's strange to say that the body of Chi You, who was previously incapable of hurting him anyhow, was fragile like tofu under these five sword lights, and it was easily smashed by the sword light.

   In a blink of an eye, Chi You's head and limbs were separated from his body, and the whole person was transformed into six parts.

   This is no surprise.

The predecessor of    Xuanyuan Sword was the butchering sword specially refined by Emperor Jun to deal with the ancestral witch. The power of this sword, even the body of the ancestor witch can easily break open, not to mention Chi You's body.

   is simply his nemesis!




   Even if his body is six points, Chi You still hasn't fallen, but he looked at his split body a little in disbelief.

   His almost indestructible body was cut off so easily?


"not dead?"

   Just in Chi You's absence, he heard Xuanyuan's somewhat surprised voice passing through.

   "Come here!"

   "Suppress Chi You's body in all corners of the world, so that he can never gather."

   Then, without waiting for Chi You to react, he listened to Xuanyuan's majestic voice and continued.


After   , Chi You heard someone lead out and left with his broken body.

   After that, Chi You's consciousness fell into a deep sleep, completely unaware of what happened next.



   "Today, the widow is refining your broken body with the power of Liuhe, and when you break the seal in the future, you will have the confidence to become a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian."

   After everyone suppressed Chi You's incompleteness, Feng Zichen appeared silently, displayed the supreme supernatural powers, attracted the power of the innate Liuhe, and poured them into Chi You's six remnants.

   The robbery this time was also an opportunity for Chi You.

   As the saying goes, it doesn’t break or stand!

   Chi You's body is six points, but Feng Zichen draws innate Liuhe power for him to refine his body.

   In this way, when Chi You's body is reunited in the future, then, with the power of the innate Liuhe, he can attack the golden fairyland of Hunyuan Daluo.

   This is a great opportunity!

   is the price paid is a bit high.

   However, these costs are nothing compared to becoming a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}  ……

   After setting up everything, Feng Zichen left.

   As for when Chi You reunited, it was a matter of the Witch Clan and had nothing to do with him.


   Chi You reappeared again, no longer the Chi You of the Human race, but the Wu XIII of the Witch race.

   From the moment Chi You was dismembered by Xuanyuan, his fate with the human race was exhausted.


   With the defeat of the Jiuli tribe and the death of Chi You, Xuanyuan finally unified the human race and integrated all the power of the human race.

   At this time, Xuanyuan led an army of human races and began to conquer the ten thousand races.

   He is revenge!

   Ten thousand clan secretly helped other people and tried to split the human clan. As a human emperor, how could Xuanyuan easily let them go?

   Naturally, I want to teach the ten thousand races, and by the way, weaken some of their strength.

   is the reason,

   Xuanyuan, under the banner of clearing the traitors, led an army of human races to wipe out the tens of thousands of races.

   This is naturally dissatisfied in the hearts of Wanzu.

   But due to the fact that he was in the wrong, and the human race was so powerful that it was difficult to resist, everyone came to surrender with apologize.

   Next, there was a rant.

   It would be impossible to wipe out the 10,000 races with this, Xuanyuan naturally knew this.

   Therefore, his purpose is not to destroy all races, but to toss them and consume their power.

   This time, even if the races cannot be wiped out, they must be broken, so as to clear the obstacles for future generations.

   This is the purpose of Xuanyuan.

   And these have nothing to do with Feng Zichen.

   He believed that with Xuanyuan's means, he could handle all this.

  At this moment,

   Feng Zichen is dealing with another matter.




   "Under your siege, did people escape?"

   In the Ziwei Tiangong, Feng Zichen looked at Zhen Yuanzi incredulously, as if he couldn't believe what he said.

   Zhen Yuanzi came here to tell him about the identity of the mysterious person.

   After the hard reconnaissance of everyone, the identity of that person was finally determined, and he was the Mu Xuan Taoist, one of the three thousand red dust guests in the Purple Cloud Palace.

   This person is derived from the origin of the innate wood, and his achievements in the line of the innate wood are not much worse than that of Jumang.

   As the innate gods and demons bred by the origin of the innate wood, the Taoist Mu has always given people the impression that they are kind by nature and love life most.

  From this point of view, He should not make any destructive actions. But after repeated confirmation by everyone, it is indeed He is undoubtedly.

   This makes it difficult for everyone to accept.

   How can a good person suddenly become a great demon?

   With curiosity, everyone went to explore the path of the Mu Xuan Taoist, trying to discover the reason for his transformation.

   The power that a group of great supernatural powers have joined together is undoubtedly amazing. They are the incarnation of the laws of the Great Way, the darling of heaven and earth.

   Under their joint hands, the origin of heaven and earth will be alarmed, and even the saints must give way.

  From this we can see that they are powerful!

   So, under their joint exploration, they really found some clues ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ the transformation of the Mu Xuan Dao people,

   is related to the chaos demon who seizes him.

   At that time, the Chaos Demon God failed to seize the home, and he was about to be swallowed by the Taoist Mu, and he was extremely unwilling to make the Chaos Demon God make an amazing move.

   He tried his best to integrate his remnant spirit into the innate immortal spirit of Taoist Mu. Although this move greatly increased the strength of Taoist Mu, it also made him constantly under the influence of the remnant spirit of the Chaos Demon God.

   It is precisely because of this that Mu Xuan Dao talents will change their temperament drastically, give birth to a ruined land, and refine the grandiose purple energy to become a saint.

   As for the Chaos Demon God, he felt that a saint standing on his side would be helpful to their future plans, so he helped him.

   The previous action to destroy the world was caused by this.


   I found the reason for the fall of Taoist Mu Xuan. Although everyone felt it was a pity, they also knew that he couldn't stay.

   A person who knows the bottom of the world well, stands on the opposite side of the world, and the consequences are undoubtedly terrible.

   At this point, everyone is more attentive to finding the whereabouts of the Mu Xuan Taoist.

   With the concerted efforts of everyone, they soon found out the whereabouts of Taoist Mu Xuan.

   At that time, the Mu Xuan Taoist had just been resurrected, and before he could look around, he was surrounded by a group of great supernatural powers.

   Logically speaking, a great supernatural power who has lost his power faces dozens of great supernatural powers whose strength is at its peak. As a result, it is natural that there is no resistance to being captured.

   But the facts are often unexpected.

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