Flooded Star Road

Chapter 623: The plan for the great supernatural powers

He escaped!

   Mu Xuan Taoist escaped!

  攫攫攫. Under the siege of a large number of supernatural powers, Mu Xuan Taoist escaped calmly.

   This is why Feng Zichen was shocked.

   A group of tigers surrounded a sheep and let the sheep escape. Isn’t that funny?

   Flying dragon riding face, how can it be possible to lose?

   "Brother Zhenyuanzi, what is going on?"

   was extremely surprised, Feng Zichen asked Zhen Yuanzi directly.


   "I also blame the poor Dao and others for their carelessness."

   "Unexpectedly, Daoist Mu Xuan actually left the innate Taoist talisman refined by the teacher in the previous years in the hands of Daoist Mu Xuan, and this gave him a chance to escape."

   At this point, Zhen Yuanzi looked sorrowful. Obviously, this result also exceeded his expectations. Before the incident, no one would have thought that Taoist Mu would have a chance to escape.

   "Innate Taoist Talisman refined by Dao Ancestor?"

   "No, when did Dao Ancestor refine Xian Dao Talisman? Why haven't the widows heard of it?"

   "Furthermore, why did the innate Taoist talisman refined by Taoist ancestors appear in the hands of Taoist Mu Xuan?"

   Hearing this, Feng Zichen became more puzzled. Why did the Taoist ancestor refine the innate Taoist amulet, why he has never heard of it, and has never seen anyone use it?

   like these treasures,

   shouldn’t be obscured,

   must be the treasure that is scrambled by everyone.

   He shouldn’t have heard of it.

   "This matter is normal if your Majesty does not know."

   "In fact, there are not many people who know about this in the entire Honghuang. It is the poor Tao. Before the Taoist Mu Xuan took out the innate Taoist talisman refined by the teacher, they did not know about this."

   shook his head, Zhen Yuanzi said helplessly. He really didn't know about Dao Ancestor's refining Xiantian Dao Talisman.


   "Why is this?"

   is related to the treasure that Dao ancestors have made, and Feng Zichen cannot be curious, so he continued to ask.

   "At the beginning, after the three preaching in Zixiao Palace, the teacher left a chance for the poor Dao and others on the Fenbao Rock, which can be regarded as fulfilling the mentorship friendship of our wait."

   "There are countless innate treasures listed on the treasure rock. Among them, many are the innate spiritual treasures collected by the teacher when he traveled through the prehistoric times."

   "There is also a part, it is some innate treasures with special functions refined by the teacher in his free time."

   "These innate treasures are extremely scarce, and their abilities are even stranger. They are hidden among the many innate spiritual treasures, and they are not available to those who are not lucky."

   "The Innate Taoist Talisman in the hands of the Profound Taoist Mu is a special treasure that belongs to this category."

   "Like this kind of treasure, it is extremely secretive. If it weren't for its owner to take the initiative to say it, outsiders would definitely not be aware of it."

   "Who would say if someone got such a treasure?"

   "That's why, no one knows that the Taoist Mu Xuan obtained the innate Taoist amulet refined by the ancestor, and no one knows that there is an innate Taoist amulet in this world."

   "If it weren't for the Mu Xuan Taoist to escape for his life this time, and thus use this Dao Talisman, I am afraid that this news will be buried forever."

   At this point, Zhen Yuanzi's tone is inevitably mixed with a bit of envy.

  The innate Taoist amulet refined by Dao ancestors, its power, must be quite terrifying. It is no exaggeration to say that having this talisman is equivalent to having a second life. Who can not envy it?

   At the very least, Jin Yuanzi can't.

   is Feng Zichen, after listening to these, I am also a little moved.

   But what he is more worried about is, since there is the first Taoist Taoist talisman refined, will there be a second and third one?

   Besides, even treasures like Xiantian Daofu have appeared. Who knows what other treasures with weird functions will emerge next?

   Thinking of this, Feng Zichen can't help but feel a headache.

   This wild water is really getting deeper and deeper.

   is also his carelessness.

   never thought about it,

   On the legendary Fafen Baoyan,

   In addition to the many innate spirit treasures, there are also some "gadgets" refined by the Taoist ancestors.

  This is...

   is very speechless.

   still Daozu can play!



   He sighed in his heart, Feng Zichen understood that in the future he would re-evaluate the great supernatural powers.

  Even the hands of the Taoist Mu Xuan, there are the innate Taoist amulet once refined by the ancestors. Who knows what other cards are in the hands of other people?

   Maybe, whoever has an attack jade talisman once refined by Dao ancestor in his hand, that would be exciting.

   thought this in his heart, but Feng Zichen comforted Zhen Yuanzi:

"I see!"

  巘戅啃书居 kEnshUjU戅. "This matter is no wonder Daoyou and others."

   "Who would have imagined that the Taoist Mu Xuan actually held the innate Taoist talisman left by the Taoist ancestor in his hands."

   "Fortunately, the Mu Xuan Taoist used that innate Taoist talisman to escape his life, not to fight all the fellow Taoists. Otherwise, the consequences would be really unthinkable."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   How powerful is Feng Zichen, but since it can be related to Hongjun Daozu, his power is Can not be underestimated.

   From the Mu Xuan Taoist relying on him, he can calmly escape from the surrounding of many great magicians, and it can be seen that the power of the innate Taoist talisman is absolutely extremely powerful.

If the Mu Xuan Taoist did not use this Taoist Talisman to escape, but instead hit it at the Great Supernatural Powers, that is not good, the power of the Innate Taoist Talisman exploded, and if they were caught off guard, it would really make one or two of them completely complete. Fall.

   This time, the experience of the great supernatural powers was really exciting.

   "Who said no?"

   "It's also fortunate that there are so many people who go to Peng Dao and others. Otherwise, if one or two Daoists go alone, it's really impossible to come back."

   Thinking of the terrible consequences, even Zhen Yuanzi couldn't help but feel a little afraid.

  This action,

   Overall, it's really bad luck.

   The joint action of the people was supposed to be a good deal, but there was an accident. It's shameful to say that, there is almost a crisis to life, isn't it bad luck?



   "Brother Zhen Yuanzi Dao,"

   "There is a matter for the widow, and I need to discuss it with fellow daoists, and hope that brother Dao will convey it on his behalf."

   After a moment of silence, Feng Zichen suddenly said to Zhen Yuanzi with a solemn expression on his face.

  厺厽啃书居kenshuju.com厺厽. "If there is anything important, your Majesty said it's okay, the poor Dao will definitely be relayed to the fellow daoists!"

   Seeing Feng Zichen's face solemnly, Zhen Yuanzi also replied with a serious face.

   "Brother Dao, the failure to encircle and kill Mu Xuan Taoist this time will definitely intensify his determination to fall to the Chaos Demon God. From now on, the wild land will be in danger."

   "For this reason, the widow intends to gather all the big Luo Jinxians on the wild land and persuade them to take the initiative to leave the wild land in order to reduce the pressure on the wild land."

   "If there is no great Luo Jinxian in the prehistoric land, even if the wood mysterious Taoist is against the sky, he will not be able to provoke disputes in the prehistoric land."

   "In this way, the wild land is undoubtedly much safer than before."

  Speaking of this, Feng Zichen paused, then turned around, and pleaded towards Zhen Yuanzi:

   "And if you want to do this, you undoubtedly need the help of fellow Taoists, so Ziwei hereby asks Brother Taoist to help me."

   The less the top combat power on the wild land, the safer the wild land will be. There is nothing wrong with this.

   If the wild land is full of Taiyi Golden Immortals, then they will blew themselves together, and it is difficult to shake the wild land.

   But if the Daluo Jinxian, or even the quasi-sages, and the great supernatural powers blew up, it would be different, it is really possible to shake the fundamentals.

   It is precisely in order to prevent this from happening that Feng Zichen will use this opportunity to try to remove all the masters on the wild land.

   "Ah this..."

   After listening to Feng Zichen's words, Zhen Yuanzi didn't agree immediately, and he hesitated a little.


   He saw through Feng Zichen's true purpose.

   is only to relocate the Daluo Jinxian, and wherever he needs the help of Yuanzi from his town, relying on the strength of the Ziwei Great Emperor, with an order, who dare not to follow the wild Daluo Jinxian?

   Really being the Emperor Ziwei, can't kill people?

   Ming Ming Ziwei can easily do something, so why would he beg Zhen Yuanzi for help?


   His command is not aimed at the Daluo Jinxian, but the primordial great supernatural powers.

  When it comes to the instability of the prehistoric, of course, it must belong to the great supernatural powers. Throughout the several devastating catastrophes experienced by the predecessor, all were caused by great magical powers.

  Yes, as long as all the great supernatural powers of the prehistoric people leave the prehistoric land, not to mention that the predominant land is 100% safe, it is also countless times safer than before.

   As for the remaining big Luo Jinxians, what kind of waves can they make?

  Don't say that it is Feng Zichen, that is, any great magical power can kill them all between the palms of their hands.

   But Da Luo Jinxian is easy to deal with, but great magical powers are hard to deal with. There is no doubt that they belong to the top of Honghuang, one of the powers of Honghuang.

   They are the incarnation of the will of the Great Dao, extremely old and powerful, and they have countless cards.

   Even if the saints have the strength far surpassing them, they don't want to easily turn their faces with them.

   The power they hold is enough to destroy the prehistoric land.

   You can imagine the difficulty of getting them to leave the wild land. It is precisely for this reason that Feng Zichen was scrupulous and asked Zhen Yuanzi for help instead.

   Speaking of it, if it were not for the defeat of Mu Xuan Taoist this time, Feng Zichen would not dare to put forward such a bold idea.

   Failed to encircle and kill the Mu Xuan Taoist, the great supernatural powers bear the unshirkable responsibility. Therefore, Feng Zichen used this as an excuse to implement this plan with a high probability.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   This is a rare opportunity,

   I missed this time, and I want to wait until the next time, but I don’t know how long it will take.

   Therefore, regardless of success or failure, Feng Zichen must give it a try.

   Moreover, He may not necessarily fail.

   Zhen Yuanzi is the key to the success of this plan. As long as he got his help, then this plan can be considered to be 60 to 70% certain.

   As for whether Zhen Yuanzi can agree, Feng Zichen is not worried at all. Zhen Yuanzi's temperament can be imagined to be able to become close friends with good old people like Hongyun ancestors.

   And, in order to prevent the desolation of the West from spreading, Zhen Yuanzi went to the border between the East and the West by herself, and set up a dojo there, hindering the desolation of the atmosphere for countless years.

   From this, it can be seen that Zhen Yuanzi is also a man who has a predominant heart.

   Feng Zichen persuaded him with great famine and safety, and with his temperament, it was difficult to refuse.

   This is how a gentleman can deceive!

   Although a little shameless, it works very well.


   "That's it!"

   "For the safety of the prehistoric land, Pang Dao gave up this old face and persuaded all old friends to leave the prehistoric land." Zhen Yuanzi hesitated for a moment before gritting his teeth.

   This is an offensive job.

   It’s a good idea to make people move, even if the reason is good, they will be disliked.

   this time,

   Jin Motoko really took a big risk.

   "Ziwei is here to wait for all living beings, thank you brother Dao Dao for his high-righteousness."

   After Zhen Yuanzi agreed, Feng Zichen hurriedly got up and bowed to him to thank him for his righteous act today.

   "This time, Ziwei owes Brother Dao a favor. If Brother Dao calls for something in the future, Ziwei will help him."

   Feng Zichen thought for a while, and felt that gratitude in words was far less direct than actions. Therefore, he directly assured Zhen Yuanzi.

   As soon as this remark comes out, it means that in the future, Feng Zichen will make an all-out effort for Zhen Yuanzi.


   In terms of Feng Zichen's strength, he is not defeated by any saint. His all-out effort is to suppress a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

   From this we can see the weight of His promise this time.厺厽 Tianlai novel tianlaixsw.com 厺厽

   If it is an ordinary period, this is the result that the best innate spirit treasure can't be exchanged.

"Ha ha!"

   "Your Majesty is serious!"

   "It's not too late, I'll go in a hurry."

   With a chuckle, Zhen Yuanzi said goodbye to Feng Zichen, then turned and left Ziwei Tiangong.



   It is not difficult to persuade the great supernatural powers to leave the wilderness. As long as the great supernatural powers ranked in the forefront of the prehistoric all agree, the remaining great supernatural powers will be resolved.


   It is not an easy task to get the top supernatural powers to agree.

   But fortunately, Feng Zichen will not let Zhen Yuanzi fight alone. He asked Fuxi and Zhen Yuanzi to persuade the great supernatural power ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ while trying to contact the saints far away.

   Moving away from the wild land, there must always be a leader, and the leader must have a large weight.

   In this way, it can play an exemplary role.

   And this candidate, among the prehistoric, can there be someone more suitable than the saint?

  The saints are the spokespersons of the heavenly way, and their every move represents the will of heaven. If the saint is the first to evacuate from the wilderness, then it means that God’s will is so.

   When the rest of the great supernatural powers saw it, the resistance to it would not be so strong.

   Providence, who dares to violate?

   There is no reason for the saints to disagree with this kind of matter which is related to the prevalence and safety. Even if they disagree, the way of heaven does not force them to agree.


   Feng Zichen is not worried that the saint will refuse.


  …………巘戅 novel tiAn戅


   this day,

   The land that has been peaceful for many years,

   There was a huge movement suddenly, and the whole earth was shaking.

   is so strange that it naturally attracted the attention of countless people.

   Then, everyone followed the prestige.

   But then, they were shocked.

   As far as the eye can see, it is an incredible scene.

   See you...

   The towering Kunlun Mountains, where the ancestral veins of the East are located, the Taoist Temple of Yuanshi Tianzun, suddenly trembled violently, bursting with endless rays of light, as if to rise from the ground.

   But the changes are more than that.

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