Flooded Star Road

Chapter 624: Xuanyuan's hint

At the same time that Kunlun Mountain changed, the rest of the sage dojo, such as Shouyang Mountain, Jin'ao Island, and Xumi Mountain, also changed.

  攫攫攫. The endless lines blooming with divine light rose up from their bodies, illuminating the entire wilderness, and it was extremely bright.

"This is how the same thing?"

   "Is the saint coming back?"

   The sudden change in the saint’s dojo made the primordial beings confused. They could only simply think that this was the spontaneous vision of the saint’s coming back from the sky.

   It's just that the sentient beings don't understand the reason, but those great supernatural powers seem to understand something vaguely.

   "This is to isolate heaven and earth!"

  Thinking about Emperor Ziwei's plan, those great magicians made guesses.

   And the next actions of those saints' dojos undoubtedly confirmed their speculation.


   See you, those sage dojos began to slowly shrink their power shortly after the dazzling divine light was emitted. Almost visible to the naked eye, the rising divine light and Dao lines began to shrink quickly, and disappeared without a trace in a blink of an eye.

   This change does not mark the end of the vision, but shows that the saint’s dojo is shrinking its own power with all its strength and accumulating it in the body to explode stronger fluctuations.


   When the power accumulated to the limit, I heard a "bang", and several extremely terrifying fluctuations spewed out from the saint's dojo.


   That power exploded, like fireworks spread out, deriving countless mysterious runes, embedded in the void, densely packed, scattered around the several saint dojos.

   At this time, when the predecessors looked at the saint’s dojo, they would find that the supreme sacred place that was shrouded in the sacred spirit of the past is still indistinguishable today.


   in the void,

   Countless mysterious runes are densely covered, shining and mysterious, exuding shining divine light, like a net, completely covering the void where the saints exist, making people look at them.

"This is……"

   In the midst of everyone's doubts, change and rebirth.

   Boom! boom! boom! boom!

   In the distant chaos outside the sky, suddenly there are four supreme mana, breaking through the layers of the void, and falling into the four great saint dojos.

This is……

   Sanqing took Zhunti five saints to take action.

   As for the Nuwa Empress, why didn’t she make a move?

   That's because, after being sanctified, the Nuwa Empress directly moved the dojo to the chaos outside the sky, in the splendid heaven that he himself opened up.

  That's why, Nuwa Empress does not have a dojo in the wild land. It is precisely because of this that this time the great supernatural powers evacuated from the prehistoric, and it has nothing to do with him.

   After all, he is no longer in the prehistoric!


  巘戅奇书网戅. …………

   The saint's shot is naturally extraordinary.

   I saw the four powerful mana, and when they were about to approach the mysterious rune, they suddenly collapsed as a whole, turned into strands of innate origin, and blended into the mysterious rune.

   With the help of the saint, the power of the mysterious rune skyrocketed, and it became more and more bright, and the endless mystery breath bloomed, only for a moment, which was convenient for connecting the air.


   A series of bright light curtains emerged outside the major saints' dojos, completely isolating them from the prehistoric world.


   After the light curtain flickered for a while, it disappeared in the void. The towering Kunlun Mountain and the rest of the saint dojo resurfaced in front of everyone in turn.

   After this, Hong Huang also recovered his calm, as if everything that happened just now was an illusion.

   But all beings know that everything is different.

   Although the saint dojo still stands there, it seems to be separated from everyone by a layer of veil, becoming ethereal.

   The void they are in, under the isolation of that mysterious rune, has been completely separated from the prehistoric world.

   In other words, the sage dojo can be said to be self-contained, independent of heaven and earth.

   Their positions seem to have not moved, but in reality, they are separated by infinite time and space from all beings. A monk whose cultivation base hasn't reached Da Luo Jinxian, even if Kunlun Mountain is right in front of him, but he has spent his entire life, and he can't even get close to Kunlun Mountain.

The world where    is located is completely different.

   Kunlun Mountain and the rest of the sage dojo, in the eyes of all living beings, have become unattainable.

   This is also what it should be.

after all,

  厺厽奇书网 suyingwang.net 厺厽. Where they are,

   is not something that all beings should come into contact with.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}  ……


   The actions of the saint today can be said to have had a great impact on the land.

   At the very least, those great magicians who were still hesitant to evacuate the barren land, now they have a decision in their hearts.


   "It's hard for God's will!"

   "Wait, let's leave!"

   After making a decision in his heart, the actions of the great supernatural powers were simple, without any hesitation, they cut off the connection between their dojo and the wild land, like the saint’s dojo, completely isolated from the wild land.

   Since that day, there have been endless visions in the wild world. Almost every year, there are great supernatural powers who take the dojo to evacuate the wild land.

   This situation lasted for tens of thousands of years, and it was only when the primordial sentient beings were getting used to it, it gradually decreased, and even disappeared.



   After the saint took the lead and took the dojo and left the wild land, after the time of the Yuanhui, all the great supernatural powers of the wild finally left the wild land.

   For a time,

   The barren land calmed down directly.

   Without the suppression of the great supernatural powers, the primordial sentient beings only felt that a huge boulder pressed in their hearts disappeared, completely relaxed, and the whole person was transparent.

   Even the law of heaven and earth became more and more active after the great supernatural powers left.

   It's like when the great supernatural powers were there before, they were suppressed severely. Now, it's hard to come over easily. They want to be active at once.

   In fact, it is true.

   The strength of the great supernatural powers is really too strong, almost reaching the end of the avenue.

  Yes, even if they had no intention of suppressing the laws of heaven and earth, their avenues were there, and the powerful aura naturally affected the laws of heaven and earth and interfered with their normal operation.

   The strong are enough to change the world, not to laugh, but to really exist.


   Great supernatural powers possess this ability.

   The influence of one or two great supernatural powers on the law of heaven and earth may be limited, but when hundreds or even thousands of great supernatural powers appear in the prehistoric world at the same time, then their influence on the law of heaven and earth can be imagined.

   It can be said that the entire primordial sentient beings are living in the shadow of the great avenue of supernatural powers.攫攝攫

   This is obviously not a good thing for sentient beings. Living in the shadow of others, if you can't get rid of them in the future, how can you prove it?厺厽Miaobifang miaobifang.com厺厽

   This is also one of the reasons why there are fewer and fewer masters.

   Therefore, the departure of the great supernatural powers is also a good thing for all beings in the world.

   At the very least, without the suppression of the Great Supernatural Power Avenue, the cultivation of sentient beings is much easier than before.


   With the departure of the great supernatural powers, the laws of heaven and earth became more and more active, and the great land ushered in a long-lost practice period, and everyone was immersed in the practice.


   For Feng Zichen, it is just the beginning.

  Although the great supernatural powers have evacuated the wild land as a whole, this does not mean that they have completely cut off the connection with the wild land.

   The boundless time and space that straddles their dojo and the primordial land hinder the primordial beings, not them. With the ability of the great supernatural powers, it is completely possible to ignore the endless time and space and directly interfere with the prehistoric.

   The so-called evacuation from the wild land only means that their real bodies are not in the wild land, but their power can still affect the wild land.

   In other words, in fact, what they call evacuation from the wild land is only a situation, not a fact. But what is the use of withdrawal from the situation?

   Therefore, Feng Zichen's next plan is to promote the advancement of the world.

   With the almost invincible luck of the human race, the passage between the heaven and the earth was forcibly cut off, making the heaven and the earth no longer communicate.

   At that time, any existence outside the wild land, who wants to intervene in the wild land, is bound to usher in the backlash of human luck.

that time,

   The wild land is the real safety.

   After all, the luck of the protagonist of heaven and earth, even the saints are coveting, and they will not hesitate to lose their skin to fight for it.

  It can be seen from this that the horror of human luck is definitely not something that a great supernatural power can contend.



  The departure of the great supernatural powers has the greatest impact on the prehistoric, and it can be said that it is the non-human race.

   Thanks to the blessing of the human aura, Xuanyuan's strength has reached the level of a half-step Hunyuan, far surpassing Shennong's original quasi-sage great perfection.

   That's right!

   After this civil strife, the human race completely suppressed the tens of thousands of races, and integrated the qi fortune of the tens of thousands of races. It can be said that the fortune of qi has been unprecedentedly increased.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Affected by this, Xuanyuan's strength naturally rises with the tide, from the original state of Quasi Sage Great Perfection to the state of half-step Hunyuan.

   This kind of strength can definitely be called invincible in the era when the great supernatural powers collectively leave the prehistoric land.


   Really invincible in the world.

   The sky and the underground are not counted!

  With such masters in charge, who among the ten thousand races dares to make a difference?

   It is precisely because of this that the human race has entered a period of rapid development, and its strength has shown a geometric skyrocket.


   the reason for this result,

   are all based on the oppression of ten thousand races.

   In the past, although the Primordial Resources had many resources, the Primordial Races were more numerous. Everyone, you divide a point, I divide a point, and there are not many that actually got it.

   But now, things are completely different.

  As the human race becomes stronger and stronger, the previous model is obviously not applicable. Nowadays, most of the resources of Primordial Land are in the pockets of the human race.巘戅Miaobifang miAobi戅

   Ten thousand people dare not fight with it!

   After Xuanyuan defeated Chi You, the Ten Thousand Clan began to pay tribute to the Human Clan in order to obtain the forgiveness of the Human Clan. These tributes alone are a shocking wealth, enough to train a large number of masters for the human race.

   It can be said that this is the support of the human race by the ten thousand races with their own blood. In this way, it is difficult for Human Race to think it is strong.

   Logically speaking, all races have achieved this level, and Xuanyuan should be satisfied.

   But actually,

   Xuanyuan was far from satisfied. He really wanted to take this opportunity to swallow all the races in one fell swoop, so as to completely establish the supremacy of the human race.

   but reality,

   let him extinguish this crazy idea.

   Although the ten thousand clan is not the prestige of the enemy clan, this does not mean that the ten thousand clan does not have the power to fight against the human clan.

   I really want to start,

   Human race may be able to destroy all races,

   But the price to be paid is absolutely unbearable by the human race today.

  Perhaps, the Terran will be totally depressed.

   That's why, considering the consequences of doing this, Xuanyuan had to hold back the thoughts in his heart, and just vacillate with the ten thousand clan.

  This situation lasted until the ninety-five thousandth year of the imperial calendar, that is, the ninety-five thousandth year when Xuanyuan was in power, before it changed.

   The ninety-five-thousandth year of the human emperor's calendar has come to the end of the human emperor's reign. From this time on, the human emperor has gradually let go of his power and concentrate on cultivating the Tao.

   For this reason, the Emperor of Xuanyuan specially ordered the masters of the ten thousand races to come to the Palace of the Emperor to discuss the Tao, and everyone exchanged what is needed, in order to aspire to a higher realm.

   After receiving the order,

  The masters of the ten thousand race dare not neglect,

   one after another set off to the palace of the emperor.

   In the beginning, as the decree said, Emperor Xuanyuan invited everyone to come over to discuss the Tao with you fellow Taoists.

   But with the passage of time, this argument gradually changed its flavor.

   The reason is that during his discussion on Taoism, Emperor Xuanyuan said in a vague manner that he was reluctant to be with all his officials and hoped that after he ascended to the heavens, everyone could leave with him.

   Now, how could a master of ten thousand races agree.

  Everyone has a family and a career, so how can you abandon your family and abandon your career and follow the Emperor Xuanyuan to go to the heavens to work hard again? Isn't this troublesome?

   Say it again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If they really leave, what about their race? I'm afraid it wasn't that as soon as their front feet left, the human race on the back feet swallowed their race.

  Moreover, it is different from the great land after several variables, resulting in fewer and fewer masters. Celestial Realm, that is a gathering of most of the top masters.

  With their strength, it doesn’t hurt to rule the wild land. But once they reach the heavens, they are really nothing.

   The heavens are stronger than them, everywhere!

   There is a saying, I would rather be the head of the chicken than the queen.

   Don't they want to be the landlords in the wild land? Why do you want to run to the heavens and get angry?

   Based on the above-mentioned various reasons, the masters of the ten thousand races are unwilling to leave the wild land.

   As far as the world is easier,

   gradually became unsuitable for the life of Da Luo Jinxian, and the masters of the ten thousand races said that they didn't care at all.

  With the background of ten thousand races, it is impossible to contend against the general trend of the easier world, but it is still possible to provide for a few Daluo Jinxian.


   They have the conditions to stay in the wild land.

   Since this is the case, why are you leaving?

   but don’t leave,

   how to explain to the Emperor Xuanyuan?

   After all, people have already hinted that you can't just ignore it, right?

   For a while, the masters of ten thousand races were a little bit troubled.

and many more!

   ignore it...

   In a daze, the 10,000-clan master thought of a way.

   just pretend to be stupid!

   Anyway, if you Xuanyuan didn't say it directly, then we all assumed that we didn't hear your suggestion.

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