Flooded Star Road

Chapter 629: Awakening


   The price of killing Xingtian is too great.

   At the very least, between the Wu Clan and the Monster Clan, a continuous ally of calamity will be broken.



   "Do you really think you won?"

   had a mocking smile on his face, Xing Tian replied faintly.

   He is not defeated yet!

   no mana, so what?

   He also has a strong origin, and that invincible belief.


   will always support Him,

   made it impossible for him to fall!



   Being in a disadvantaged position, not only did he fail to hit Xing Tian's fighting spirit, but on the contrary, he inspired his fierceness hidden in his bones.


   Seeing Xing Tian burst into a shout, his body shook, and boundless innate evil spirits gushed out of his body, almost swept through everything.


   The dark purple spirit of Wu Sha, centered on Xing Tian, ​​swept all around, mighty, eroding everything around it.

   Wherever he went, everything was turned into nothingness and was swallowed up by him. Even as powerful as Xuanyuan Sword, facing such a powerful Wu Sha Qi, he did not dare to face it head-on.

   That's why, as soon as the evil spirits spread, Xuanyuanjian converged his sword intent and returned to Xuanyuan's hands.

   The innate evil aura of the Witch Clan is much stronger than the innate evil aura inherited from the Chaos Demon God on the innate fierce beast.

   The evil spirit of witchcraft can be called the first evil spirit in the wild!

  Pangu's body is full of gods and evil spirits, which can be called the number one evil spirit in Chaos. The witch race who inherited his blood, the evil spirit entangled in his body, the strength of it can be imagined.

  In addition, at the beginning of its birth, the Wu Clan was even more contaminated with the evil spirit of openness.

  Therefore, two extremely high-level innate evil auras merged with each other in the body of the witch clan, and a more powerful and unique innate evil aura of the witch clan was born-the witch clan's innate evil aura!

  From the origin of the Witch Clan’s aura, one can see how powerful it is.

   If he is still contaminated with him, I am afraid that even if it is as powerful as Xuanyuan sword, it will not be better. Although it will not be destroyed, the spiritual damage is probably inevitable.

   For this reason, Xuanyuan quickly withdrew Xuanyuan Sword, not daring to let his sword body touch the spirit of Wu Sha, and instead attacked with sword energy.

   No matter how strong the evil spirits of witchcraft are, he still has a limit. He can't use the sword energy to erode Xuanyuan Sword without being able to touch Xuanyuan Sword, right?

  If the Witch Clan’s Qi can really do this, the Witch Clan would have dominated the prehistoric world a long time ago, and it would not end up with the Monster Clan.


  With the eruption of the evil spirits of Wu Sha, Xing Tian reversed his disadvantages in one fell swoop, and escaped from the blockade of Xuanyuan Sword.


   Once he was out of trouble, Xing Tian almost didn't hesitate, and directly slammed Xuanyuan.


   "Since you insist on doing this, don't blame the ruthless people!"

   Seeing Xing Tian like this, Xuanyuan knew that his mind was hard to change. At the moment, I am not hesitating, and I have a murderous intention to kill Xing Tianzhen!


   Kill if you can,

   Suppress it if you can't kill it!



   "The sword of humanity, kill!"

  'S heart was ruthless, Xuanyuan settled down, raised the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, and swung it down in the direction Xing Tian rushed towards.


   Over the long river of destiny, the human luck is shaking, and the boundless power hangs down, blessing on the Xuanyuan Sword!

  With this help, the power of Xuanyuan Sword suddenly exploded!

   Endless humane brilliance bloomed, extremely dazzling, blooming from Xuanyuanjian's body, turning into a fire, burning blazingly, igniting the sword light.


   A sword light surrounded by the fire, cut out from the Xuanyuan Sword, and slashed towards Xing Tian.

  In the burning of the fire, you can see that countless phantoms of races are emerging, creating various civilizations to deduce huge power.


   The fire is boiling, deducing the power of civilization development, powerful and unmatched, and blessed above the sword light. It made Jian Guang look like a torrent of humanity, rolling forward and unstoppable.

   powerful, extremely powerful!

   Xuanyuan this sword,

   It is not sword light, but civilization!

   This is the history of civilization formed by countless civilizations!

   He represents humanity!

   This is a sword of humanity!


   The dazzling humane splendor erupted, like the sun, illuminating the ancient, modern, future, and the endless universe, dazzling the great magicians who were watching the battle, and they couldn't help squinting their eyes.


   is as powerful as them, and cannot look directly at the brilliance of humanity!

   Humanity is so powerful, beyond imagination!



  The distant Netherworld,

   where the six reincarnation discs are,

   After seeing the grace of this sword,

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   is as powerful as Houtu Niang Niang, but she couldn't help changing her color and stood up from the futon.

   The power of Xuanyuan's sword, under the blessing of the glory of humanity, can threaten him, let alone Xing Tian.


   This sword can really hit Xingtian severely, or even kill him, not necessarily.

   The power of this sword has already reached the level of Hunyuan!


   Sword light came, and in a blink of an eye, Xing Tian was submerged.


   Accompanied by the brilliance of humanity, the fire of fire burned to the fullest, swallowing Xingtian whole, and wanted to purify him completely with the mighty power of humanity, and completely disappear into the wilderness.

   Humane destruction!

   This is real humanitarian destruction!

   It's just that Xuanyuan has a hole card and can cut a sword that hurt Hun Yuan. But Xing Tian has been able to live from ancient times to the present, after countless years without falling, the hole cards in his hand may not be bad.

   Seeing Xingtian surrounded by Xinhuo, he didn't show any fear at all, but he held the Xingtian axe in his hand even harder.

   "Open the sky!"

   struggling to raise the Xing Tian axe in his hand, Xing Tian roared, and slashed out in front of him.


  In an instant,

   Endless brilliance,

   bloomed from Xing Tianxue's body.

   That brilliance, like the light that opened up the world, is more dazzling and dazzling than the brilliance of humanity.

   And, in that glorious circulation, there is endless mystery, and there are hundreds of millions of roads in it, which seem to explain the profound meaning of opening up the world.


   The brilliance is beyond imagination!

   As soon as it emerged, it pierced the glory of humanity, opened the raging fire, and suppressed the sword light continuously.

   This is the power of opening the sky!

   There is no doubt that the brilliance that blooms from the Xingtian axe is exactly the radiance of the power of opening the sky. Only the power of opening up the world can overcome the glory of humanity.

   Humane glory is strong enough, right?

   appeared on the first day of the new year,

   then shook the great supernatural powers narrowed their eyes.

   But obviously, the power of opening the sky is even more domineering!

   Facing him, the great supernatural powers cannot even open their eyes, and will produce a burning sensation, as if to burn their eyes.

   even divine mind,

   Under the shining light of the open sky,

   is also like the melting of ice and snow, and quickly disappeared.


   As a top-grade innate spirit treasure transformed from the fragments of Pangu axe, Xingtian axe's body naturally bears a part of the celestial brand.

   And this is Xing Tian's biggest hole card!

  When the power of opening the sky is released, unless the opponent has overwhelming power, otherwise, he will definitely be defeated by Xingtian's hand!

   This is the power that can turn things around!

As soon as    came out, the situation immediately changed!


   "Isn't it enough?"

   "Then be stronger!"

   In the void in the distance, after seeing Xing Tian retreating the humane force with the power of opening the sky, Xuanyuan felt a little surprised in his heart, but he did not have any fear.

  Because, He could be stronger!

   The next attack is the real decisive strike.

   One blow, the winner is determined!

   If Xing Tian could really block it, then Xuanyuan would really have no move.



   After making a decision in his heart, Xuanyuan didn't keep his hand, and immediately used a life-threatening move to make the final blow.

   Then, I saw him sinking into his mind, quickly crossing the infinite time and space, entering the mysterious river of destiny, and blending with the fire of the incarnation of human luck.


   Xuanyuan followed the invisible connection, and got in touch with the phoenix that was transformed by the fate of the fate over the long river of fate.


   The phoenix felt it, flapping its wings and screaming, and its sound shook the entire river of fate.


   In the next moment, an extremely huge ancient power came across endless time and space and blessed on the Xuanyuan Sword in Xuanyuan's hands.

   "Humanistic Saint Phoenix, cut!"

   In a daze, Xuanyuan came back to his senses, and subconsciously raised the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, cutting out the strongest sword he has cultivated so far!


   Under the sword of Xuanyuan, there was a long phoenix sounding, resounding in the wild world, alarming countless great beings.


   The dazzling colorful glow bloomed from Xuanyuanjian's body, as if burning.

This is……

  Nirvana Holy Fire!

   Huang Zu’s natural magical powers!


   With the twisting of the Nirvana Holy Fire, a huge phoenix made up of colorful flames flew out from Xuanyuan Sword, and under the power of the bird's fate, it whizzed and flew towards Xing Tian.



the other side,

   The Humane Glory, which is being completely suppressed by the power of the open sky, is suddenly aided by the colorful lights, and the power immediately skyrocketed, directly opposing the power of the open sky.

  In an instant, the situation changed again, and the power of opening the sky was countered. Under the oppression of the glory of humanity, it shrank sharply, barely forming a defensive cover to protect Xing Tian.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Hu~~~~~~~~

   The fire is blazing, endless heat is radiating, and all of them flock to the Xing Tian that is enveloped by the power of the open sky.

   For a time, under the attack of the fire, the protective cover turned into by the power of the open sky immediately became precarious.

   Xing Tian Axe desperately blooms brilliance to keep the defensive cover unbreakable. But from his trembling axe, it can be seen that he can't hold on for long.

   Xingtian, we are about to lose!

   Under the joint siege of the human luck and the Phoenix luck, he might really fall.

  Of course, the power of opening the sky cannot resist the power of the glory of humanity. This does not mean that the power of opening the sky is weak, but the Xingtian axe is not good.

   After all, it is not transformed by the main body of the Heaven-opening Axe. The Heaven-opening Mark Xing Tian Axe obtains is limited, so there are not many Heaven-opening powers he can exert.

   This also led to,

   Xingtian was suppressed by Xuanyuan!



   "Are you going to lose?"

   "No, I can't lose!"

   "I haven't broken the limit, how can I lose now?"

   "Furthermore, if I lose and be killed by Xuanyuan. In the future, how will the Witch race and the Human race get along?"

   In a trance, Xing Tian shuddered as he thought of the situation after his failure, completely awake.

   He cannot be defeated!

   Even if it is not for himself, but for the Witch and Human races, he can still be defeated!

   "I'm unwilling..."

   Thinking of the terrible future, Xing Tian did not allow his own failure, so he stood up again.

   That is the power of faith!

   The unwavering conviction in his heart gave him tremendous strength and made him stand up again.

   Xingtian’s heart,

   Belief is completely substantive, and it turns into a light of faith that emerges, swaying the fire.


   At this moment, it happened!

   At the moment the light of faith emerged, the blood of Xing Tian, ​​the Xing Tian axe in his hand, gradually resonated.


   The sky-opening power gushing from Xingtian axe no longer spreads outward, but rushes into Xingtian's blood.

   bang bang bang bang...

   The huge heartbeat sounded from Xing Tian's chest, as if it resonated with the heavens and the earth, and every vibration echoed with the heavens and the earth.


   unparalleled power,

   emerged from Xingtian's heart, flowing along the blood to all parts of the body, smoothing the exhaustion of his physical body.

at this moment,

   Xingtian broke his limit,

   Awakened the Pangu bloodline in the body.

  The ancient and great bloodline revived in Xingtian's body, which brought him tremendous power and transformed him.

   To Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian's transformation!

   During the battle with Xuanyuan, Xing Tian saw the hope of being promoted to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

   But this is not enough!

   hope, just hope!

   Whether it can be realized or not is still unknown.

   Therefore, he needs a hearty battle to vent the enormous power in his body and confirm his own way so as to speed up the process of his own transformation.

   And Xing Tian's battle object was naturally Xuanyuan.



   With a deep sigh~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Xing Tian released the incomparable stalwart power in his body.


   The heaven and the earth wailed,

  The Law of the Great Way is even more trembling,

   seems to have encountered a very fearful existence.

   Under this stalwart power, the humane glory that submerged Xing Tian completely disappeared in an instant.

   Humane mighty force, although it is one of the three most powerful forces in the empire, it has the ability to suppress everything. But Pangu's power, even the chaos can break open, obviously beyond the scope of heaven and earth.

in this way,

  Under the same conditions,

   What does Humane Weili fight against Pangu's power?

   was completely crushed and beaten, good luck!

   "Xuanyuan, you have beaten me for so long, now it's my turn to shoot."

   With a big laugh, Xing Tian rushed to Xuanyuan and fought with him.

   This time, facing Xing Tian who had awakened the blood of Pangu, Xuanyuan was no opponent at all.

   His power, from beginning to end, is being restrained by Xingtian, how can he fight this?


   Xuanyuan was completely crushed and beaten by Xing Tian, ​​and he was quickly beaten to his body with cuts and bruises!

   also Xuanyuan has the blessing of human aura, the true spirit is immortal, no matter how badly he is injured, he can't hurt his roots.

   Otherwise, according to Xingtian's style of play, he would have been beaten long ago.


   "After Xing Tian awakens, Xuanyuan is no longer his opponent at all. Then, how can he bring enough pressure to help him accelerate the time of transformation?"

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