Flooded Star Road

Chapter 630: 1 sword owl head


   "It's better for the widow to help him!"

   "This scene should come to an end."

On    Ziwei Star, Feng Zichen shook his head and decided to intervene in the battle to draw a perfect end to it.

   "Zichen sword, go!"

   With a move in his heart, Feng Zichen raised his hand.攫攝攫

   Suddenly, the boundless starlight gathered and turned into a purple transparent long sword, breaking through layers of void and flying towards Xuanyuan.

   Kendo condenses, starlight becomes a body.

   This is the phantom of Zichen sword, and the supreme kendo magical power of the ancestor of innate kendo!

  This sword is invincible under Hunyuan!


   During the battle between Xuanyuan and Xingtian, the phantom of Zichen sword came silently, and disappeared from the Xuanyuan sword in Xuanyuan's hand.


   Suddenly, Xuanyuan felt that the Xuanyuan sword in his hand was different!


too strong!

   held Him,

   is like holding the entire innate kendo, and it can easily destroy the world!


   almost subconsciously, Xuanyuan gently waved the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand.

   Then, a surprising scene happened.

   See you, an incomparably magnificent sword light, blooming from Xuanyuan Sword, like the trajectory of a great road, sweeping across Xing Tian mightily.

   where the sword light passes,

   Everything is turned into nothingness!


   Seeing the sword light hit, Xing Tian raised his axe to greet him.


   Then, he heard a bang, that sword's might, unexpectedly retreated Xing Tian.

   When Jianguang came into contact with Xingtian Axe in the first year, Xing Tian felt an incomparable strength, passed from Xingtian Axe, forcing him to retreat uncontrollably.

   Boom! boom! boom……

   The powerful eruption caused Xing Tian to retreat, his feet crushed everything, sinking into the void, leaving deep marks.

   It’s a long time,

   Xing Tian stopped his retreat!

   Tick! Tick! Tick...

   The red blood, dripping drop by drop, could not stop dripping from Xingtian's hand!

   His tiger's mouth was cracked.

   Xuanyuan's sword not only forced Xing Tian back, but also shattered Xing Tian's tiger's mouth.


   "This is definitely not Xuanyuan's power!"

   Looking at the blood of the tiger's mouth in a daze, Xing Tian couldn't help being a little surprised. This is because outsiders have intervened in his battle with Xuanyuan.

   Otherwise, Xuanyuan couldn't even shake him back, let alone shake him.

   After awakening the Pangu bloodline, Xing Tian has this confidence that he can suppress Xuanyuan Da!

   In fact, it is true.

   Before Feng Zichen made a move, was Xing Tian awakened by the Pangu bloodline, was he pressed and beaten?


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   "Give him a sword!"

   Feng Zichen's voice suddenly rang in Xuanyuan's ear.



   At the beginning, Xuanyuan was still stunned, but soon he realized who was talking to him.


   "Xuanyuan understands."

   Taking a deep breath, Xuanyuan lifted the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, and the tip of the sword pointed directly at Xing Tian in the distance.

   "Not good!"

   Opposite, at the moment Xuanyuan raised the sword, Xing Tian's heart suddenly hung up, and a strong sense of crisis was born in his heart, as if he was in danger of life.

   At this time, he knew that Xuanyuan's next sword would be very strong, and if it couldn't stop it, it would be enough to bring him the crisis of fall.

   So, the best way to fight this sword is to avoid it.

   But, in terms of Xingtian’s pride, how could he allow himself to avoid it?

  This sword, he will block it anyway!

  Because Xing Tian had a faint feeling that this sword was his sword of enlightenment!

   can't stop it, everything is gone!

   was blocked, Hunyuan Daoguo was right in front of him.

   From now on, his promotion to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian's road will be smooth.

to this end,

  This sword,

   He must stop,

   Block it at all costs!


   Taking a few deep breaths, Xing Tian clenched the Xing Tian axe in his hand and adjusted his state to the peak to deal with the next crucial sword.


   "Xingtian Daoyou,"

   "The war has been over thousands of years, and it is time to end this ridiculous battle."

   While talking, Xuanyuan held up the Xuanyuan Sword and swung it at Xing Tian.


   I saw a sword light flashing, and at a speed that surpassed time and space, it suddenly came to Xing Tian, ​​and before he could react, he directly cut it down.


   After a flash of blood, Xing Tian's head, separated from his body, was thrown high into the air.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   One sword 枭shou!

   Xuanyuan this sword,

   directly cut off Xingtian's head.

too fast,

   is too fast!

   This sword, ignoring time and distance, came to Xing Tian's face just as soon as it was issued, and put it at the head without giving him time to react.

   can be said to be extremely neat!



   The strength reached the state of Xingtian, not to mention that the head was cut off, or the whole was broken into pieces, and it was not life-threatening.

   Therefore, although Xing Tian's head was broken, he did not fall, and he still lived well.

   "Come on!"

   A huge sound came from Xing Tian's body, trying to summon the head that was severed by Xuanyuan to repair his body.

   But soon, He was disappointed.

  Because, no matter what method Xing Tian uses, he can't recall the chopped head. It seems that with the separation of the head and the body, the connection between the two is also completely cut off.

   He, headless!

   And this is not the most serious.

   Just as Xingtian tried to summon his head, he suddenly felt that a strange power was quietly growing in his wound.

   Moreover, this weird force is still starting from his wound, slowly spreading everywhere in the body.

"This is?"

   In surprise, Xing Tian suddenly felt that something was wrong.

   The goal of this strange power is the Pangu bloodline in his body.

   That power, pitch black as ink, overbearing, with an aura of hatred for everything, came straight to the Pangu bloodline, wanting to destroy it.

"Ha ha!"

   "Destroy it!"

   "Anything related to Pangu shouldn't exist in the world."

   In a trance, Xing Tian’s ears heard the whispers of the Demon God, as if describing his unwillingness.

   "The Chaos Demon God!"

   "That weird power originates from the Chaos Demon God!"

   The disgust that came from the depths of the bloodline immediately let Xing Tian understand the origin of the strange power in his body.

   belongs to the power of the Chaos Demon God!

  攫攫攫. That's right, Feng Zichen used Xuanyuan's hand to cut out the sword that contained the power of the Chaos Demon God.

   In this world, the one who hates Pangu most is the Chaos Demon God. Similarly, and Pangu is most afraid of the Chaos Demon God.

   Precisely because of its hostility, the power of the Chaos Demon God has become the power that can most stimulate the power of Pangu.

   Feng Zichen used the power of the Chaos Demon God to slash the sky, just to further stimulate the Pangu bloodline in his body, so as to speed up the process of his transformation.


   Sure enough, after feeling the power of the Chaos Demon God, the Pangu bloodline in Xing Tian's body immediately boiled.

   Countless mysterious runes spewed from the depths of the blood, swept toward the Chaos Demon God's power.

   In this way, the two supreme forces fought against Xing Tian's body as the battlefield.

   Boom! boom! boom!

   It can be seen that on Xing Tian's headless body, two brilliances suddenly rise up, one is sacred and stalwart, and the other is evil and weird, entangled with each other.

   Where the weird power passed, Xing Tian's body seemed to have suffered huge damage, beginning to disintegrate and decay.

   But often, as soon as Xing Tian's body showed signs of decay, the sacred power immediately surged in to repair his body.

  厺厽dingding novel dingdingxiaoshuo.com厺厽. Between this break and one stand, there is often great fortune, so that Xing Tian's body has been fully tempered, resulting in a violent transformation.


   When this metamorphosis reached a certain limit, Xing Tian suddenly roared and burst out with amazing power.

   Then, a mysterious change happened!

   See you, Xing Tian completely abandoned his head, using the breast as his eyes and the navel as his mouth, brandishing the Xingtian axe in his hand, and blatantly slaying Xuanyuan.



   Under the influence of the Chaos Demon God's power, Xing Tian temporarily lost his reason and became extremely crazy. His heart was full of destructive desires, and he wanted to destroy everything around him.


   hacked down with an axe,

   The tyrannical force came out wantonly,

   Tearing the space, breaking the rules of the world.


   Xuanyuan raised his sword to greet him, blocking Xing Tian's axe.

   After the madness, Xing Tian, ​​although his strength was much stronger than before, but because of the loss of reason, he was not as threatening as before.

  Because, his attack is without skill and can be avoided easily.

   But that's it, Xuanyuan couldn't avoid it.

   The general reason is that the more powerful Xing Tian has become more destructive to the surrounding area.

   If Xuanyuan escaped Xingtian's attack, his attack would hit the depths of the void, which would bring huge disasters to the common people.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}  This……

   How could Xuanyuan watch the innocent people being robbed?

  Yes, he can only stand up and resist Xing Tian with all his strength.


   Xuanyuan is not alone in struggling, behind him, there is Feng Zichen helping him.

  In order for Xuanyuan to have the power to resist Xingtian, Feng Zichen released the authority of the innate kendo to him, enabling him to mobilize the power of the innate kendo.

   After countless years of precipitation, Innate Swordsmanship is no longer as weak as it was when it was first born. It has already penetrated into the prehistoric places, becoming like the rest of the Innate Taoism, able to coexist with the source of heaven and earth.

   If it is a desperate explosion of Innate Sword Doctrine, its power is absolutely comparable to the realm above Hunyuan.

   But then, the price will be too great, and it will cause irreversible damage to the innate kendo. Therefore, if it were not for the most desperate moment, Feng Zichen would never use such methods.

at the moment,

   Opening part of the authority to Xuanyuan is enough to give him the power to fight against Xing Tian.

   In addition, in order to help Xing Tian suppress the power of the devil in his body, Xuanyuan sacrificed the innate treasure that had never been used in the war before—the Humane Emperor's Seal!

  Before, because he was uncertain about the influence of Pangu's bloodline on Pangu's phalanx, Xuanyuan did not dare to sacrifice this treasure for fear of being countered by the opponent.

   And now, at this moment, Xuanyuan is not a fool, and naturally guessed Xing Tian's intention to challenge him.

   At the moment, without hesitation, he directly sacrificed the innate treasure of the humane emperor's seal, and evolved the Pangu phalanx to help Xingtian suppress the power of the chaotic demon in his body.

   As for being used by Xing Tian, ​​will Xuanyuan be angry?

   To be honest, He didn't.

  Because, it’s him who wants to use the hands of others to break through the realm, and he will not speak bluntly to them.

   It is precisely because I don't know that he will kill him, so that the effect of this method can be maximized. If you know it in advance, you will inevitably retain your strength when you make a move, and you will not be able to achieve your goal.

   Therefore, this method cannot be informed in advance.


   An apology afterwards is indispensable.

   Moreover, there is another reason why Xuanyuan is not angry: that is the joy of harvest, which is greater than the anger in his heart.

   After this battle, his strength was completely stabilized, and he officially became the top supernatural power in the predecessor, and laid a firm foundation for the future, and the gains were not small.

  So, why is Xuanyuan angry?




   The Humane Emperor's Seal is indeed a treasure created by Pangu's finger bones. His suppression of the power of the Chaos Demon God can be regarded as the opponent's nemesis.

   Under his suppression, the power of the Chaos Demon God in Xing Tian's body gradually calmed down, and Xing Tian also quieted down, staying motionless in the void, waiting for the end of the change.


   Wait for the power of the Chaos Demon God in Xingtian's body to be completely refined by Pangu's bloodline, and he will then restore his intelligence and lay the foundation of the Supreme Dao.


  巘戅Dingding novels. Just go through endless years of transformation,

   Xingtian naturally became enlightened and was promoted to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

   After this battle, Xing Tian already had the capital to advance to Hunyuan. What he lacked right now was nothing more than Huo. But this alone is not anxious, it takes a long time to polish.


   No matter how you say it,

   Xingtian's promotion to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is already a certainty.

   The next step is to wait.



   "It's really enviable!"

   "Following the Tu Niangniang~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the Emperor Jiangzu Witch, the Witch Clan will soon usher in the third Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, which is really enviable."

   "I don't know, my human race, when will the real Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian be born?"

   Looking at Xing Tian who was undergoing transformation, Xuanyuan said with envy.

   Do you want to say that Human Race has a master of Hunyuan level?

   There are naturally, and there is more than one!

   But so what?

   The so-called Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in the human race is nothing more than a "pseudo Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian" that relies on heaven and earth karma. They can't be autonomous at all. How can they be called great carelessness and great freedom?

   What Xuanyuan longs for is the great Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian who is detached from the world, and enjoys great care and freedom.

   Not now, the Sanya Saint, who cannot defy the orders of Heaven!

  If one day, the way of heaven wants to destroy the human race, then the three emperors of them really don't even have the power to resist.

   But Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is different. They transcend the world, drift away from the long river of time and space, and can rebel against the heaven to a certain extent.


   They can ignore the orders of heaven.

   The big deal, after angering Heavenly Dao, they went into the chaos outside the realm for a while, so, what can Heavenly Dao do for them?

   No matter how strong the heaven is,

   his hands can't reach out of the chaos.

   It can be said that the most disliked and even disgusting thing of Heaven is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

  Because they are beyond the control of heaven.

   And this is the most unacceptable thing in heaven.

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