Flooded Star Road

Chapter 632: Doso Treasure

In that secret,

   I don’t know how many conspirators there are, looking forward to the complete decline of the Wu Clan.

   Still the same sentence, there are so many great luck. And the rise of every powerful force will diminish the luck in the hands of those big men.

   in this way,

  Who will see the rise of the new power?

  攫攫攫. This is a major event related to their own interests. Unless the relationship is particularly good, otherwise, when the new power rises, if you don't step on it, just stand by and watch, you will have performed well enough.

   It is the normal state to make secret moves to hinder the rise of new forces!

   Because of this, Feng Zichen can be sure that the other party will not blew himself up.

  Everyone is a great supernatural power in the wild, and they have the same interests as the wild world, how can they explode and destroy the wild world?

   That's why, even if they are driven to desperation, they will only sever themselves, and they will never be like the masters of the magical way, directly blew themselves up and died.


   Just when Feng Zichen shot the weird shadow, on the other side, the majestic power of reincarnation also came quietly, silently lurking aside to completely lock the opponent's retreat and ensure that he is suppressed.

  The invincible in the sky, and the invincible in the underground, shot at the same time, aiming at the weird shadow in the middle.

   Such a power, I am afraid that the ordinary Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is here, and it is impossible to escape.

   And the power of the weird shadow, but only half a step into the realm of the original state, is completely inadequate to fight against it.

   But that's it. When the weird shadow faced Feng Zichen and Houtu's attacks, he still looked unchanging, as if he didn't look at the two at all.

   "Friends of Taoism,"

   "What are you waiting for?"

   "Waiting for the poor Dao to be suppressed by the two of them, you really have no chance to make a move."

   Just when Feng Zichen thought the opponent had some powerful hole cards, and was about to open it, he saw the strange shadow suddenly shouting towards the void.


   Feng Zichen was very speechless about this.

   Do you think he has any cards?


That's it? That's it!

   While speechless in his heart, Feng Zichen's hand movement was not slow, and even accelerated a few minutes, pressing towards the weird shadow far away, wanting to completely suppress him.

   But at the moment when Feng Zichen's palm was about to be pressed, several violent fluctuations suddenly spread out in the void, carrying a horrible aura, surging toward his palm.


   "While shakes the tree, I can't help it!"

   Feeling the waves that hit, Feng Zichen smiled coldly in his heart, did not put it in his eyes at all, and continued to press against the strange shadow without avoiding it, letting those attacks hit.

   How could the power of the mere half-step Hunyuan level injure the palm of his hand gathered by the power of Zhou Tian's star?

in this way,

   Don’t you underestimate the endless starry sky?

   Boom boom boom...

   The wave hit, directly hitting Feng Zichen's palm, and the terrifying power erupted, causing ripples on it.

   But that's only the case.

   Except for the ripples, the palm of Zhou Tian's starlight condensed was not damaged in the slightest, not even the slightest pause, still with an irresistible aura, it crashed towards the weird shadow.

   Feng Zichen covered it with a palm, covering the sky and sun, completely covering and suppressing the weird shadow.

  巘戅LOL Novel Network lO戅. "seal up!"

   The words fell, and the boundless starlight radiated from the palm of the hand, turning into a dazzling chain of gods of order, heading toward the suppressed weird shadow, and entwining him firmly.

   "Friends, let the widows take a look,"

   "Who is your true face?"

   After locking the weird shadow, Feng Zichen pulled up the **** chain to pull him into the endless starry sky, so as to get a glimpse of his true face.

   But as if deliberately embarrassing Feng Zichen, accidents happen at critical moments.

"Ha ha!"

   "Your Majesty Ziwei, there is still something to do with the poor Dao, so I won't go to Ziwei Tiangong to disturb you."

   "Go to the poor way!"

   See you, the weird shadow locked by the chain of order, in the laughter, a purple jade talisman was sacrificed.

"not good!"

   After sensing the breath of the purple jade talisman, Feng Zichen suddenly realized that he was not good, and he wanted to remedy it.

   But it's a pity, everything is over!


   Countless mysterious runes gush out from the purple jade talisman, and in a blink of an eye, it shrouds the weird shadow.

After   , I saw a purple light flashing, and the strange shadow figure disappeared.

   Even if Feng Zichen released his spiritual thoughts in time, and searched the entire world, he never noticed the slightest breath of him.

   is like,

   This person has evaporated out of thin air.



"very good!"

"very good!"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "The treasure bestowed by Taoist ancestors is really extraordinary!"

   On the purple star, Feng Zichen's face was completely black.


   The purple jade amulet in the hand of the weird shadow is one of the treasures refined by Dao Zu Hongjun back then. The breath he exudes is definitely the purest heavenly power, and Feng Zichen will never admit his mistakes.

   is by virtue of this treasure, the other party can escape from his hand.

  Although, when Hongjun Daozu refined those treasures, he hadn't just entered the Hunyuan Dao realm, or even entered the Hunyuan Dao realm.

   But after Hongjun Daozu conformed to the Tao, all things and things related to him became things of heaven, and their power was greatly improved and became extraordinary.

  厺厽LOL novel network lolxsw.com厺厽. It is for this reason that the treasures refined by Hongjun Taoist ancestors in the past have become one of the most special treasures in the prehistoric world.

   They have the power of heaven, have the power to break the rules, can turn decay into magic, turn the impossible into possibility, and their power is far beyond imagination.

   No, with the power of the purple jade talisman, the weird shadow easily escaped from Feng Zichen's hands.



   "The treasure left by Taoist ancestors is really troublesome."

   "It seems that after this incident, I have to find an opportunity to meet Dao Ancestor in Zixiao Palace, and ask him for a way to restrain those treasures."

   "Otherwise, you will inevitably suffer a big loss when facing these Taoist legacy in the future."

   "The best thing is to persuade the ancestors to take back all these treasures. Treasures that break the rules are the most unstable factor in the prehistoric world and shouldn't exist in the world."

   scattered the stars, Feng Zichen scolded with hatred.

  Of course, he also knew that it was absolutely impossible for Hongjun Daozu to take back those treasures. Daozu gave it all, how could he come back?

   Hongjun Daozu, can't afford to lose this person.

   But, 攫欝攫

   After this incident,

   In any case, Zixiao Palace Feng Zichen is going to visit.

   The time when the Taoist Mu Xuan was counted, he had suffered twice in the Taoist legacy.

   There is a saying, and you can’t repeat it again and again.

   He doesn’t want this to happen for the third time.

   Therefore, it is inevitable to go to Hongjun Daozu for a restraint.



   "He is gone,"

   "Then how do you get out?"

   On the purple star, Feng Zichen retracted his thoughts and turned to look at another void.

   There were a few people who had just rescued the weird shadow. Their actions just now did not save the weird shadow, but exposed themselves.


  The power of reincarnation continuously rotates in the void, opposing and unified, evolving all kinds of mysterious powers, locking this time and space, trapping those people in place, unable to leave.

   This is Houtu Niang Niang shot!

   After this happened, it was obvious that Houtu Niangniang was more angry than Zhifeng Zichen.

   is the same reason, Hou Tu and Xing Tian are the real people, and Feng Zichen can only be regarded as half of them.

in this way,

   Compared with Feng Zichen,

   Houtu Niangniang is naturally more nervous and Xingtian.


   In the starry sky, the star power condensed again, turning into a huge emperor seal, and pressing down on the few people trapped by Houtu.

   "This time, the widows want to see, how are you going to escape?"

   This time, Feng Zichen didn't believe it anymore. These people also had Dao ancestral treasures in their hands. That's not the Chinese cabbage on the side of the road, it can be seen everywhere.


   The reality actually slapped him in the face.

   Feng Zichen also forgot. The so-called Taoist legacy is not in the hands of the great supernatural powers?

   At the beginning, the existences who obtained the Taoist legacy from the Fenbao Rock, as long as they have not fallen now, should become the top supernatural powers of the prehistoric.


   Over there, Feng Zichen just finished saying that he will not suffer the third loss on the body of the Taoist legacy. Soon, the third loss came oncoming.

   Just in his unbelievable eyes, among the few people trapped by Houtu, one person suddenly sacrificed a small purple bell.


   The man gently shook the road clock, and boundless runes appeared, like a tide, spreading quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it spread all over the void.


   The Great Seal of Starlight crashed down, passing through the mysterious rune.

   was hit hard by this, and the rune shattered. But in the same place, where there are traces of those people, they have already run clean.

   There is no doubt that that small purple Taoist bell is also one of the treasures of Taoist ancestors. Otherwise, it would never be possible for everyone to leave safely under Feng Zichen and Houtu's joint attack.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   The power of Taoist legacy is really incredible.

   But fortunately, although the Taoist Legacy Treasures are strong, they are consumables and cannot be reused. They can be used two or three times, four or five times at most, and no more than nine times at most anyway.

   After this, they will be broken.

   Precisely because of this limitation, the prehistoric world will not be messed up. Otherwise, let the legacy of the Taoist ancestors wreak havoc, Hong Huang still doesn't know what will become?


   "Abominable Taoist legacy!"

   At this time, Feng Zichen only felt that his face was slapped and swollen.

   Of course, he is not the only one who has a dark face at this time. The expression on Empress Houtu's face was not much better.

   this time,

   The two of them can be regarded as ashamed of adults.

   under the teamwork, people escaped, which is really shameful.

   This shame also made Houtu secretly determined. After this incident, he must devote himself to the study of tunnels and the six reincarnation discs, so as to find a way to deal with the Taoist legacy.

   The status of the authentic path is equal to that of the heavenly path, and the six samsara disks are the treasures of chaos, transcending the heaven and the earth, and are not under the jurisdiction of the heavenly path.

   Therefore, the power of both has the ability to contend against the legacy of the Taoist ancestors. But how to do it depends on Houtu's understanding and methods.


   However, although he did not catch the person who sneaked in and the person who later rescued him, the two of them were not without gain.

   At the very least, they are sure that the people who shot are definitely the great supernatural powers of the predecessors.

   The Chaos Demon God uses the Dao Ancestor’s legacy, fearing that it will not be immediately understood by the Heavenly Dao, so he will descend Tianzhu and completely destroy it.

   From the fact that the great supernatural powers intervened in Xingtian Chengdao, it can be seen that many great supernatural powers are full of hostility towards the Wu Clan and do not want to see their re-emergence.

   In the future, I am afraid I will be annoying.

   But this has nothing to do with Feng Zichen, he can be said to be benevolent and righteous to the Wu Clan. It is the resurrection of the ancestral witch and the training of masters. It is completely worthy of the help the Witch Clan gave to the Human Clan back then.厺厽 wonderful pen library miaobiku.com 厺厽

   is the reason,

   After this incident,

   He will concentrate on developing the human race. Although he will not completely let go of the witch race, he is obviously not as concerned as he is now.



"Ha ha!"

   "The descendants of Pangu want to break through the Hunyuan Dao realm with peace of mind. They are simply dreaming."

   "The genius who can kill Pangu by himself is really exciting to think about!"

   "Pangu brings us the pain, let his descendants bear it on his behalf."


   Just between Feng Zichen and Houtu's meditation, the scene changed and regenerated, and the three Chaos Demon Gods walked out of the void carelessly and killed Xing Tian, ​​who was undergoing transformation.

   Its attitude is not arrogant.

   did not pay attention to Feng Zichen and Houtu who were paying attention to this place at all.

  What is being defiant?

   This is it!

   The arrogant attitude of these three Chaos Demon Gods~www.wuxiaspot.com~ really surprised Feng Zichen. I don't know if they are really stupid or really stupid.

   It was this stupefying skill that he could not stop the three of them in the first place.


   Xuanyuan, who was guarding Xing Tian's side, saw the three Chaos Demon Gods come to kill, and based on the principle of first attacking first and then suffering, he directly held the Xuanyuan sword in his hand and killed one of the Chaos Demon Gods.

   As for the strength of the three Chaos Demon Gods, they naturally set foot in the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

   However, these three Chaos Demon Gods are new faces and have never seen them before. Moreover, looking at its breath, there is obviously a sign of instability, and it is obvious that he has just been promoted to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

   But it doesn’t matter!

   across that hurdle, it represents the power of the culmination of the wild.

   The power of only one person surpasses the sum of the power of several people before. At this moment, a total of three people came, showing that the Chaos Demon God attaches great importance to Xing Tian.


   Xing Tian kills, and fights against one of the Chaos Demon Gods. It was also fortunate that Feng Zichen had granted him part of his innate kendo authority. Otherwise, Xuanyuan would really not be able to defeat this Chaos Demon God.

   On the other side, seeing Xuanyuan's move to stop someone, Hou Tu did not dare to show weakness, the power of reincarnation was so powerful that he also stopped a Chaos Demon God.



"I say……"

   On the purple star, Feng Zichen took a step forward and said in a low tone to the last person.巘戅MiaO戅

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