Flooded Star Road

Chapter 633: kill

Killing intent,

  Unstoppable killing intent, 攫欝攫

   rises in Feng Zichen's body!

   was slapped in the face one after another, which has long made him angry. After that, the contempt of the three Chaos Demon Gods made him extremely angry.

   is the reason,

   Feng Zichen, moved to kill!

   He wants to use blood,

   to pour out the anger in his heart.




   "Did you forget something?"

   The deep words resounded clearly in the ears of the Chaos Demon God, blocking his progress.

   Under the pretentiously calm tone, there was an uncontrollable anger, which shows how angry the owner of the voice is.


   "You junior,"

   "Are you blocking the deity?"

   "Did you defeat a few Chaos Demon Gods before, giving you an illusion?"

   "So that it makes you think that Chaos Demon God is nothing more than that?"

   "It's ridiculous!"

   "Innate gods and demons are still strong and weak, let alone chaos and demons." Suyingwang.net Suyingwang.net

   The Chaos Demon God turned his head, held his hands, as if preaching, and said to Feng Zichen.

  Different from the nine Chaos Demon Gods that first appeared, the three of them are not the top Chaos Demon Gods, but they belong to the upper middle level and are extremely powerful.

   every one,

   all have the cultivation base of Hunyuan Sixth Heaven.

   Therefore, they have arrogant capital.

   Knowing Feng Zichen's record, he still doesn't care about it.


   Silence, another silence!

   The other party is so arrogant, and Feng Zichen really has nothing to say.


   After being exhausted, Feng Zichen didn't have much words, and he pressed it directly with a palm, trying to kill him.巘戅奇书网s戅

   It doesn’t matter whether the other party is really emboldened or bluffing.

   what he wants,

   just the other person died,

   That's it!



   Feng Zichen raised his hand, countless stars gathered together, in the starry sky, condensed into a dazzling grand handprint, covering the sky and the sun, and slammed toward the chaotic demon god.


Under the    handprint, everything is different.

  The invisible aura spreads out, the world is stagnant, the avenue stops turning, the years are stagnant, the endless common people all lose consciousness...

   At that time,

   Hong Huang can still stay awake,

   There are only those great supernatural powers standing at the end of the long river of years.

   But at this moment,

   Their state is a bit wrong.

   These great magicians all stared blankly at the huge handprints that fell from the sky, and their bodies trembled slightly.

   They are in fear!

   Fear of the huge handprint that fell from the sky.

  Because, from the breath of that handprint, they felt a sense of crisis that they hadn't seen for a long time.

   is like,

   No, it's not like,

   is true. Under that palm, they will really die and fall completely.

   The physical body vanishes in smoke, and the innate immortal true spirits are completely disintegrated. Even the road they have worked so hard to cultivate will also fall into silence.

The mark of the origin of    the avenue will also sink, and it will be difficult to resurface.

  This means that once they are killed by that handprint, they will become like the first generation of innate gods and demons who have fallen in the ancient times. Although they are not completely fallen, they will never return from the silence.

   and never return, how is it different from a complete fall?

  It can be said that this is the first time that a great supernatural power has experienced such a strong life and death crisis since proving the Tao.

   That mudra can threaten the foundation of their existence, it is terrible!

   But fortunately, that magical power is not directed at them, otherwise, they really don't know how to resist this level of attack.



   Facing Feng Zichen's palm, the great supernatural powers who were still watching the battle were all terrified, let alone the Chaos Demon God who was at the center of Feng Zichen's attack.

   At the moment that huge handprint fell, the Chaos Demon God knew badly, and could no longer maintain the previous arrogance, and the smile on his face was replaced by a thick color of horror.

   was almost subconscious, he wanted to get out of his way to avoid this magical power.

   But it's a pity that he can't move, he is stuck in place by the breath of that huge handprint, he can only resist the palm that fell from the sky!

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}  ……


   It can be seen that when the handprint is pressed down, there are five colors of brilliance blooming, and five vague emperor shadows are faintly formed in the sky above the handprint.

That is……

   The five emperors handprints of the supreme supernatural powers!

   Of course, although the power of the Five Emperors Handprints is strong, it would be too exaggerated to say that it can make a lot of great supernatural powers feel terrified, and the Chaos Demon God of the Sixth Layer of the Primal Chaos.

   That's why, Feng Zichen's five emperors handprints are completely different from what he had done before.

   The five emperor shadows behind that handprint are not the five-element holy beast, nor the five-element ancestor witch, nor the five-element demon god.

   is the way of heaven and immortals, the way of earth and immortals, the way of man and immortal, the way of gods, and the way of ghosts and immortals, the incarnation of these five immortal ways.

   These five immortal ways represent all the immortal ways of the prehistoric.

   Feng Zichen plays five corners for one person,

  Using Ziwei Great Emperor to evolve the way of heaven and immortals, Xuanqing incarnation to evolve the way of earth and immortals, Lei Ze incarnation to evolve the way of human beings and immortals, Gouchen incarnation to evolve the way of immortals, and Fengdu incarnation to evolve the way of ghosts and immortals.

   The five avatars respectively carry the five immortal ways, thus uniting the five immortal ways of air and luck into one, turning into a masterless mudra, and blasting toward the chaos demon god.

   It can be said that Feng Zichen's palm, called the Five Emperors Handprint, is actually the luck of the entire immortal Dao.

What is    Sendo?

   is the orthodoxy of the prehistoric, the mainstream of the prehistoric.

   His luck and power are so powerful that it is far beyond imagination.

   Pressed down with a palm, it is the entire Immortal Dao Qi Yun is pressed down, and the prehistoric orthodoxy is pressed down...

  With such power, who can contend?

  Don't say that it is the Chaos Demon God, I am afraid that the demon ancestor Luo Hui will come to him, and he can't resist it.

   This magical power is one of the strongest hole cards that Feng Zichen has put out at all costs after the battle with the demon ancestor Luo Hui, fearing his comeback, to save his life.

   Originally, this magical power, Feng Zichen was prepared to deal with the demon ancestor Luo Hu. But since this Chaos Demon God came to die on the pole, Feng Zichen was not incapable of satisfying him.

  Yes, when He shot, it was a lore.

  While establishing his own majesty, he also verified whether the power of this magical power can really defeat the demon ancestor Luo Hu.



   With the fall of the five emperor handprints, the five emperor shadows that followed became more and more clear, a sum of five elements, covering all things, the birth and death of palms, including all the breath, looming and radiating from his body.


  The handprints are dazzling, covering the whole world, and pressing down mercilessly towards the chaos demon who has been set in place.

   Silently, the universe is shattered, the avenue is shattered, and the endless air of destruction is surging out.

  Under the power of the entire immortal way, no matter how the Chaos Demon God struggled, it was in vain. His body began to disintegrate and shatter, turning into a rain of blood, and then being wiped out one by one.

   His chaotic true spirit also collapsed silently, turned into a dazzling light, merged into the heaven and the earth, in order to enhance the origin of the heaven and the earth.

at the same time,

   In the endless world, there is the immortal Dao origin manifested, turned into endless rules, imprinted in the endless void, covering the entire prehistoric world.

   is tightly entangled with the imprint of the Chaos Demon God engraved in the heavens and earth to prevent him from reuniting with the true spirit and resurrecting the fallen Chaos Demon God.

   At this point, the reincarnation of the Chaos Demon God, although not completely fallen, will never return.

   At the same time, this also means that this deity of the Chaos Demon God who is far away in the world has lost half of the true spirit of Chaos forever.

   Unless the primordial world is completely destroyed, he will never be able to retrieve this part of the chaotic true spirit from the suppression of the immortal imprint.


   "Damn it!"

   "Pangu Ziwei's,"

   "The deity remembered you!"

   "When the deity recovers, you must pay for what you do today."

   At the moment that the Chaos Demon God fell, somewhere in the vast world outside of endless time and space, a supreme being could not help but roar loudly.

   There is no doubt that he is the deity of the Chaos Demon God. The damage of half of the true spirit was enough to cause his vitality to be greatly injured.

   What's more, this is an irreversible injury.

   This kind of injury will continue to affect him before he retrieves the suppressed half of the chaos true spirit.

   in this way,

   How can you not hate the Chaos Demon God?

   is the He who is now, unable to go to the wild world, otherwise, He will desperately fight Feng Zichen desperately.



   "A threat?"


   "I just don't know, after the connection between the Great Thousand World and the prehistoric world is through, whether you are still eligible to fight against the widows."

   Feng Zichen at this time, with the blessing of Xiandao Qiyun, his strength has reached an incredible level. Therefore, if someone talks to him, he will feel inwardly.

  Of course, the Chaos Demon God is separated from him by endless time and space. Even if he feels it, he cannot fully understand what the Chaos Demon God thinks. What he senses is only the hostility of the Chaos Demon God.巘戅Miaoshuyuanxu

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   But that's enough, Feng Zichen can guess what the Chaos Demon God wants to express.

   The left and right are just to make him look good.

   How could Feng Zichen care about the threat of the Chaos Demon God. He is now, but in the growth stage, and is making progress all the time.

   No way, when the Chaos Demon God really appeared in front of him, his strength had already surpassed the Chaos Demon God.

   This is not impossible.



   "Two fellow Taoists, do you want to continue?"

   One blow to destroy the world's chaotic demon **** with six levels of mixed elements, Feng Zichen didn't have the slightest pride, but calmly held up his hands and said to the chaotic demon **** who was fighting Houtu Xuanyuan.

   It’s just that although he is very calm, the two Chaos Demon Gods don’t think so. After all, his action to kill the Chaos Demon God with a single blow had just passed. Who would dare to deceive his words?

   Feng Zichen at this moment does not need to make extra moves, the aura left from the blow just now is enough to deter all the great supernatural powers.

   At the very least, no one would dare to ignore Feng Zichen until the cause of the blow was completely figured out.

   Sure enough, Feng Zichen's voice just fell, and the two Chaos Demon Gods who were fighting against Hou Tu and Xuanyuan immediately withdrew and confronted Feng Zichen through the void.

   "What an amazing blow!"

   "With you in the wild, the future will be colorful. We will not be lonely!"

   After a long silence, a Chaos Demon God suddenly spoke.


   "The deity decided to give you a face, and I will leave it for the time being today."

   After finishing speaking, before Feng Zichen responded, the figures of the two Chaos Demon Gods slowly disappeared.

   Feng Zichen did not stop it either.

   has already killed a Chaos Demon God, if you are trying to leave them behind, it is forcing them to die. What's more, the remaining Chaos Demon Gods will not tolerate this happening.厺厽Miaoshuyuan miaoshuyuan.com厺厽

   The current predicament cannot withstand the full-scale war between the great supernatural powers and the Chaos Demon God, so Feng Zichen will allow them to leave.


  It’s not He who suffers!

   "Pangu Ziwei, the deity looks forward to seeing you next time. I hope you can bring more surprises to our Chaos Demon God."

   After the two chaotic demon gods disappeared completely, a misty voice suddenly came from the void to show that the matter was not over.

   "A boring trick!"

   waved his hand to disperse this sound, but Feng Zichen didn't take it to heart.

   Talking big talk saves face, it seems that every villain will do it.



   "Friends of Taoism, please give Ziwei a thin noodle, let's go away!"

After    forced the Chaos Demon God back, Feng Zichen walked straight down to Ziwei Star, came to Xing Tian in the depths of the void, and said to the great supernatural powers who were paying attention to this place.

   "Your Majesty said and laughed!"

   "Pan Dao and others, leave now!"

   chuckled a few times~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The great magicians withdrew their minds one after another.

   No matter what purpose they are watching the battle, after seeing the strength of Feng Zichen, they will withdraw the thoughts they shouldn't have, so as not to cause misunderstanding.


   The void shattered silently, a breath unique to the Netherworld emerged, and the power of reincarnation emerged surgingly, transforming into a huge roulette phantom, walking around protecting a peerless woman.

but it is……

   Houtu came here in person.

   First, the great supernatural powers attacked and killed, and then the Chaos Demon God killed, and finally made Hou Tu furious, and he personally walked out of the Netherworld to protect Xing Tian.

   In this way, Feng Zichen and Houtu stood on the side of Xing Tian's body, protecting the way for them.

   Seeing this scene, no matter who it is, he will not have the idea of ​​plotting against Xingtian.

   In a blink of an eye, thousands of years passed by.

   Xingtian's breath also gradually returned to calm.

   This also means that Feng Zichen's task of protecting the road is finally over.

   "This time,"

   "It's really annoying fellow Taoist."

   "The grace of fellow Daoists today is unforgettable for the Witches."

   Raised his hand to take Xing Tian away, Hou Tu earnestly thanked Feng Zichen.

   "You are polite, fellow Taoist Houtu."

   "We are in the same vein of Pangu, so we should help each other, why should you and I be polite?"

   waved his hand, Feng Zichen said with a smile.

   This is true. Feng Zichen's real name is Pangu Zichen, and the real name of Emperor Ziwei is Pangu Ziwei. Like the twelve ancestor witches of the Three Qing Dynasties, they are the most authentic Pangu descendants.

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