Flooded Star Road

Chapter 634: The end of the 3 imperial era (Happy New Year's Eve)

Therefore, in a sense, Feng Zichen and the twelve ancestors of the Three Qing Dynasty and the Twelve Ancestor Witches are regarded as a family, and it is natural to be close to the Witch tribe.

   As for why he didn't get close to Sanqing, it was naturally because, many, many years ago, the connection between Sanqing and Pangu was divided.

   This is the result of Sanqing’s long-term efforts.

  攫攫攫. They have been using some means to dilute the connection between themselves and Pangu.

   It can be said that, except for the identity of Pangu authentic, Sanqing has nothing to do with Pangu.

   Sanqing did this. As Feng Zichen surrounded by Pangu, how could he be close to them.

   is the Wu clan on the contrary, because they are also surrounded by Pangu, Feng Zichen has a good relationship with them, they are natural allies.


   All this is reasonable!

   These words are completely for outsiders.

   Outsiders don’t know the relationship between Feng Zichen and Ziwei Great Emperor, so naturally they don’t understand why he helped the Witch Clan. But as soon as this sentence is spoken, those great supernatural powers will automatically come up with a reasonable explanation.



   "Friend Ziwei, since this matter has happened, the poor Dao first took Xing Tian to leave. After his transformation is completed, the poor Dao will bring him to visit in person, in order to thank Daoist for his help today."

   owed Feng Zichen to Feng Zichen, and Houtu Niangniang left with Xing Tian.

  This place, after all, is not a good place to retreat, and it is not safe. If you continue to stay, it is difficult to guarantee that no one will choose to take the risk.

   Therefore, Houtu decided to bring Xingtian back to Pangu Hall first. Only there is the most suitable place for Xing Tian's transformation.

   As a temple made of Pangu skulls, Pangu Temple has incredible capabilities and can be regarded as the safest place in the prehistoric times. There, even Tiandao couldn't interfere.

   To be precise, Tiandao can’t see Pangu Temple at all. Even if Pangu Temple is under the eyes of Tiandao, Tiandao can't find it.

   This is the power of Pangu.

   The means he left behind, even if the endless years have passed, the people of Honghuang are still incomprehensible.


   As the void rippled, the figures of Hou Tu and Xing Tian slowly disappeared, but they had already gone to Pangu Palace through the connection between them.

   After leaving Houtu, Feng Zichen glanced around, his figure flickered, but disappeared, and returned to Ziwei Star.



   The battle between Renhuang Xuanyuan and Dawu Xingtian broke out suddenly and ended rashly.


   Everyone thought,

   One of them must have fallen.

   No matter how bad,

   should also be the ending of both losers, and the relationship between the two races was broken even more because of this.

   The results are but unexpected.

   The two sides of the war, instead of falling because of this, they got a huge opportunity and became more powerful.

  Let’s say Xing Tian, ​​who was originally half-step in the realm of Hunyuan. After this battle, he surpassed the limit and broke his own shackles. Thus, he took a step closer and saw the hope of becoming a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

   And Xuanyuan, by virtue of this battle, completely stabilized his realm, and officially became one of the most prestigious great supernatural powers.

   has become more difficult to deal with.


   The most important thing is that after this battle, the two of them were not injured, but each gained something, and their strength has been greatly improved.

   This also made the scene of the breakdown of the relationship between the two races that everyone expected did not happen.

   The fact is exactly the opposite of what everyone expected. It is foreseeable that after this war, the relationship between the two races will inevitably become closer.

  Witch and Human,

   is definitely the most reliable ally.

   Such an unexpected scene completely shattered the confidence of the masters of the ten thousand races.

  Through this battle, the masters of the ten thousand races fully witnessed the strength of Xuanyuan, and while frightened, they quickly extinguished their thoughts of fighting with him.

too strong,

   is too strong.

   Judging from the strength Xuanyuan has shown, he is afraid that it is the full of the wealth of the tens of thousands of races, and it may not be his opponent. In this case, it is not a wise choice to fight with it.

Isn't    just leaving the wilderness and heading to the heaven?

   Just go, and there will be no less meat.

  Also, even a small piece of meat is better than leaving one's life on the wild land.

  Looking at Xuanyuan's determination, if they choose to stay in the land, they are afraid that he will really kill.

  So, in order to save your life, let's leave!



   Obviously, the masters of the ten thousand races were completely shocked by the strength Xuanyuan showed. Determined not to violate Xuanyuan's order, and leave the wild land with him to go to the heaven.

   It was this idea that afterwards, when Xuanyuan summoned the masters of the ten thousand races, they were very cooperative.

  厺厽shucang.cc 厺厽. Um,

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   That’s right,

   Xuanyuan is about to complete his merits.

   Before the battle with Xingtian, Xuanyuan had been in power for nine hundred ninety thousand years, and he was only ten thousand years away before he was successful in his merits.

   And waiting for him to end his battle with Xingtian, nearly five thousand years have passed unconsciously.

  In other words,

   Xuanyuan’s reign,

   there are still five thousand years left.

   What about five thousand years?

   For an existence like Xuanyuan, it was really a blink of an eye.



   It's time for Xuanyuan to abdicate.


   On this day, in the one millionth year of the Human Emperor’s Calendar, the masters of the ten thousand races gathered in the ancestral land of the human race to fully display the grand occasion.

   "My son, Shaohao,"


   "Father, the human race was handed over to you."

   "You, don't let the father and all the sages of the human race disappointed."

   "We are all looking at you from above!"

In the Taimiao, under the witness of Our Lady of Nuwa, Saint Emperor Zichen, Ancestral Emperor Suiren, and even the statues of sages of the human race, Xuanyuan personally handed the innate treasure of the human race, which represents the supreme power of the human race, to the first human race. The Great, Shaohao!

  巘戅Book warehouse nets. "Yes!"

   "Shaohao will definitely live up to his father, and has been entrusted by generations of sages."

   solemnly took over the Humane Emperor's Seal, and Shaohao swears solemnly.

  The throne of the emperor, although represents the supreme power, but in the same way, it also represents unparalleled responsibility.

   There is a way,

   If you want to wear a crown, you must first bear its weight!

   As a human emperor, if one can't handle it well, it will cause problems for the human race. Under the backlash of human luck, it is bound to end in an irreversible end.


   Being an emperor is not without risk.

   This is also the reason why the human emperor must be outstanding. If he is not outstanding, it is really possible to be backlashed by the human luck.


   In the Taimiao,

  攫攫攫. With the change of ownership of the Humane Emperor's Seal, the supreme power of the human race has officially completed the handover.

   This also represents,

   Xuanyuan abdicated, and Shaohao succeeded.

   At the same time, this also marked the complete end of the era belonging to the Three Emperors, and the Human Race officially ushered in the era belonging to the Five Emperors.


   At the moment Xuanyuan abdicated, in the depths of unknown time and space, where the mysterious and unpredictable fate lay, unprecedented changes took place.

   Human luck is completely boiling!

  The fire of fire is rising slowly, bursting out with a bright light, even more dazzling than the sun, illuminating the entire river of destiny, and even the endless time and space of the past, the present and the future.


   The humanity shrouded in endless brilliance, manifested from nothingness, and gradually blended with the fire.

  Under the blessing of humanity, the fire is even brighter. An unknown force radiates from his body, and in a blink of an eye, it floods the entire river of fate.

   After that, this force passed through the endless time and space, spread out from it, and spread towards the prehistoric world.

   in an instant,

   This force covered the entire prehistoric world.

   And under the shroud of this power, the human race has also undergone wonderful changes.

   A ray of soft light blooms from the human body, filled with the brilliance of human nature, so warm and soft.

   This is the light of true nature and the light of spirituality!

   He is the foundation of the human race, and it is the key to the human race to evolve the innate true spirit. It can also be said that this light is related to whether the human race can turn from acquired to innate.

  The purer this light is, the more it fits with the world, and the easier it is to transform into the innate true spirit.

on the contrary,

  The more filthy the light, the more difficult it is to fit the avenue, and the more difficult it is to cultivate.

   The first birth of a person, pure mind, no good and no evil, can be said to be a chaos. At that time, it was also the purest moment of the light of true nature.

   But as people grow up, their minds will become complicated. If there is no strong mood assistance, the light of true nature will inevitably be affected by it, gradually losing its purity and becoming dirty.

   This is inevitable.

   Therefore, it is inevitable that monks will spend a lot of time polishing the light of spirituality to maintain its purity in the later stages of cultivation.

   It can be said that the level of polishing the light of spirituality, I don't know how many arrogances have been stuck, and they have delayed their rise.

   But now, everything is different.

   The power that diffused from the fire, reflected the spiritual light buried deep in the human body, clearly appeared in front of everyone, and baptized this light with the brilliance of humanity to restore its purity.

   This is the feedback of human luck!

   The return of the three emperors brought the human luck to an unprecedented peak, completely ascending the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth, and crushing the entire prehistoric land.

   The human aura was so strong that it broke a certain limit and got in touch with the humanity in the dark, which led to his coming and blessing.

   In this way, the human race will naturally benefit from it.

  The baptismal spiritual light is only the beginning.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   If it is just a pure baptismal spiritual light, although it can be regarded as a benefit, it is only a one-time benefit, which is useless for future generations and has an extremely useful effect. limited.

   is the reason,

   As the humane force spreads, it gradually becomes one with the human luck and is imprinted in the fire.

   This also means that in the future, Xinhuo will have the ability to baptize spiritual light.

  Because of the existence of the Suiren Lantern, the human tool, anyone who inherits the human spirit can call the Suiren Lantern to carry the fire.

   Being able to attract the fire, means that it can baptize the light of spirituality with this fire, thereby increasing the speed of cultivation.

   This is undoubtedly a good thing for Human Race, and it can shorten the time for training masters.


  The most obvious benefit of enhanced air luck is that luck will become better, cultivation will become simpler, and breakthroughs will also become easier.

   The benefits of heaven and earth luck are really too much.

   Otherwise, it won't lead the saints to scramble without being cheesy.

   This is the root of the chaos and the most precious treasure.

   And this primordial treasure, now belongs to the human race.

   At this point, the human race has become a sage, and even a piece of fat in the eyes of many great magicians. Everyone wants to get a hand in order to seek luck.


   The peaceful days of the human race are not over!

   Feng Zichen will not be lonely anymore.

  In the years to come, he will fight with the saints and even many great magicians, using the human race as the battlefield, using various methods, and struggling to fight to determine the final destiny of the human race.

in the future,

   Will the human race continue to be the puppets in the hands of the saints, or will they detach themselves and become the real overlord between the heavens and the earth?

all of these,

   It depends on the relationship between Feng Zichen and the saint,

   Who is better at it?



   The changes in human luck can't hide Xuanyuan's perception, but this does not prevent him from leaving the wild land.

  厺厽League of Legends novel yxlmxsw.com厺厽. Because,

   He knows,

   is his departure,

   Human luck will have such a big change.

  The future belongs to young people after all.

   Of course, the older generation can immortal and protect the family forever, but if there is no rise of the younger generation, it means that this race has lost its vitality.

   What's the future of a race that lacks vitality?

   will eventually decay!

   That's why, the strong have risen throughout the ages, and Fang is a symbol of the eternal prosperity of the race.

  At this time, what the older generation has to do is to release power in time to make room for the younger generation, so that they have the opportunity to display their ambitions and prove their own way.

   At this point, the five innate tribes have done very well.

   After each calamity is over, the powers of the five innate tribes will give up their power and hand it over to the young people, and they will go to the four poles to pursue the supreme road.

at this point,

   is worth learning from the human race.



   "Everyone~www.wuxiaspot.com~ take a look at the majestic mountains and rivers, we should leave now."

   glanced at the wild land for the last time, Xuanyuan controlled the dragon ascending into the sky. And those who walk with him are masters from all races.

   At this point, the brilliance belonging to the ten thousand races has completely ended, and the prehistoric land has also ushered in the era of the human race.

  巘戅League of Legends novel yXLmXsW戅. ...

   It is the merits of the three emperors and their characters to sweep away all races, repeat civilizations, and establish the supreme foundation of the human race.

   Nowadays, the human race is overwhelming and prevalent, and all races dare not have anyone who can compete with them, and they must follow their orders.

   This is exactly the sign of the Three Emperors' merits.

   Three emperors succeeded,

  With their time,

   ascended to heaven.

   And under the human race, and even Honghuang, will usher in the age of the Five Emperors.

   The foreign troubles have been wiped out by the three emperors, and the predecessor is no longer an opponent of the uninhabited race. The task of the Five Emperors is to govern the human race and recreate glory.

   has the foundation left by the Three Emperors. What the Five Emperors should do is to work hard to develop the human race, continuously increase the human race's heritage, so that it will continue to grow, and create the glory of the human race in this huge predicament.

   Lich family,

   was never the goal of the human race,

   Transcending them is the goal of the human race.

  Wu Yao two clans are strong, but they are not the protagonists of heaven and earth.

   But the human race is!

   Therefore, if you can't surpass the Lich Race, then the human race's protagonist's name is not worthy of its name.

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