Flooded Star Road

Chapter 635: Ten thousand people, leeks? (Happy New Year)

What is the protagonist of heaven and earth?

   The strongest race in the wild world!

   Since the human race has inherited this position, its strength will inevitably become the first in the wild.


   this first,

  攫攫攫. It does not refer to the number one in the present world, but the number one in the past, present and future, in countless time and space.

  To transcend all the forces of the prehistoric!

   In today's world, although the human race is the first race of the primordial race, the mark of the second family of the Lich still exists in the upper reaches of the long river of that time.

   That powerful aura, imprinted in the deepest part of time and space, is immortal, like two immortal monuments, suppressing the past, making countless races beyond reach.

   Lich family,

   are the two big mountains in front of the human race.

   The power of theirs has penetrated into the bones of a large number of supernatural powers.

   If the human race cannot surpass them, then in the eyes of the great supernatural powers, the human race is the puppet supported by the heavens, and it is not the real protagonist of the world.

   taller among the shorter ones, I'm talking about the human race!

   Therefore, only by surpassing the second family of the Lich, the Human Race can get rid of the current embarrassing situation, so that the great supernatural powers will have a heart of fear and dare not take the Human Race at will.

   But how difficult is it to surpass the Lich family?

   Since the birth of the prehistoric dynasties, there have been an endless stream of strong people, but there has never been one who is comparable to the second family of the Lich.


   represents the peak of the prehistoric, it is too strong, almost occupying the good fortune of the world.

  The time and place are right and the people are right,

   these three,

   is all occupied by the Lich family.

  It is almost impossible for future races to achieve what they have achieved.

   First of all, the environment of the world has already changed drastically, from the innate era to the acquired era, and the essence of the innate is hard to see. The difficulty of the birth of a master has undoubtedly increased countless times.

   only this point,

   then cut off the possibility of surpassing the second family of Lich.

   But it’s difficult,

   Terrans must do it too!

  巘戅Book warehouse nets. The truth is that man will conquer the sky!

   Turn the impossible into possible, only then can we show the talents of the human race!


  The distant heaven,

  With Xuanyuan’s ascension,

   has also undergone tremendous changes.

   Under the witness of a large number of supernatural powers, Emperor Yan Shennong passed on the position of the Heavenly Emperor to the Emperor Xuanyuan, and he was known as the Central Yellow Emperor in history!

   Emperor Yan abdicated, and Emperor Huang succeeded, and the great famine opened a new chapter.

   Affected by this, Feng Zichen, who was recovering from Ziweixing's injuries, was helped by the world and recovered all his injuries in one fell swoop.

   Chen hurts all away,

  厺厽shucang.cc 厺厽. Feng Zichen only felt relieved all over.

  'S state of mind has reached completion at this moment, and even the vague and unclear path ahead has gradually become clear.

   He is one step closer to becoming Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

   "There are still three million years!"

   "Three million years later, it will be the day when the widow will become the golden fairy of Hunyuan Daluo."

   clenched his fists secretly, Feng Zichen muttered to himself excitedly. One step closer to enlightenment is because of his state of mind, it also caused a lot of waves, and it is difficult to keep calm.

   The Yellow Emperor reigned for one million years,

   Baidi reigned for one million years,

  The Black Emperor reigned for one million years,

   The three emperors reigned for three million years in total.


   is the day when the Emperor of the Five Elements reaches Consummation,

   is also the day when Feng Zichen's merits and virtues are completed and further.

  What is enlightenment possible?

   This is it!

   Three million years, for mortals, it was a long period of time that was unimaginable.

   But for the great supernatural powers, it is not too long, and it is just a time for retreat.

  The day of enlightenment is really near.



   Unlike when Xuanyuan succeeded to the throne, the ten thousand races were somewhat despised. When Shaohao succeeded, the ten thousand races were respectful and did not dare to make any mistakes.

   Through the unremitting efforts of three generations of the human race, the strength of the ten thousand races has been weakened to the extreme, and the spirit of spirit is much worse than before, and there is no capital to compete with the human race.

  Under the huge gap, why should the ten thousand races despise the new generation of patriarchs of the human race? Do you feel that your life is too easy and want to stimulate yourself?

   Compared with the Three Emperors, the situation facing the Five Emperors is really too much happiness.

   The hidden dangers hidden in the wilderness were almost completely cleaned up by the Three Emperors. Next, as long as the five emperors develop step by step, the strength of the human race will become stronger and stronger.

   This is a benefit for younger generations!

   The three emperors are in front, and there is no shadow of the ancestors to rely on, so they can only fight the world with their bare hands.

   They are the pioneers, just like opening up the world in the chaos, with their own punches and kicks, in this dangerous prehistoric, they opened up a paradise for the human race.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   And it is because of their efforts that completely opened up the situation for the later Five Emperors.

   It can be said that the three emperors are the rich generation. They started from scratch and laid a huge foundation.

  The five emperors are the rich second generation. Because of the hard work of the ancestors, they saved the time of accumulating primitive capital.

   Step by step, step by step!

   With advanced capital, the Five Emperors can open the situation easily, and the difficulties they have to face are naturally much easier than those of the Three Emperors.

   At the very least, during the Three Emperors period, the human race did not have as many powerful men as there are today.


   In the early days of Shaohao's reign, he established a strange system. He used all kinds of birds as civil and military officials. The specific division of labor is carried out according to the characteristics of different birds.

   The phoenix is ​​in charge of the birds, and then the swallow is in charge of the spring, the shrike is in charge of the summer, the parrot bird is in charge of the autumn, and the golden pheasant is in charge of the winter.

   In addition, He sent five more birds to manage daily affairs.

   The filial 鹁鹁 in charge of education,

   The ferocious bird of prey rules the military,

   Fair Cuckoo is in charge of architecture,

   The majestic eagle rules the law,

   The eloquent turtledove rules speech.

   There are nine other kinds of stilt birds in charge of agriculture, so that the people will not be licentious and debauched.

   The five pheasants are in charge of five types of work: woodwork, lacquer, potter, dyer, and leatherwork.


   This is the initial system of the human race, and it is also the source of various official positions of the human race in later generations.

   It is precisely by relying on these systems that the Human Race is developing in an orderly manner under Shaohao's governance, and its strength is growing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  The prosperous age of the human race begins here!

   Of course, while developing the human race, Shaohao did not forget the ten thousand races.

   Unlike his father, Emperor Xuanyuan, Shaohao did not blindly suppress the Ten Thousand Clan, but tried his best to promote their integration into the Human Clan, so as to jointly create a prosperous age of the wild land.

   Shaohao arranges them in suitable positions one by one according to the different characteristics of the ten thousand races, and uses their unique abilities to contribute to the great cause of the human race and the flourishing age.

   For example, for the Wood Spirits, who are naturally close to elixir, Shaohao arranged for them to cultivate elixir for the human race for their daily needs.

   The earth spirits are naturally close to the earth, but Shaohao asks them to sort out the ground veins and create a large spiritual field for the humans.

   There are also Fire Spirits who are good at controlling fire, and Shaohao asks them to refine weapons or alchemy for the use of Terran warriors.攫攝攫


   things like that,

   There are so many.


  Every race,

   Shaohao can find a suitable place for them.

   will not let them idle, so that they can shine for the great cause of the human race.

   Of course, Shaohao is not blindly oppressing the Ten Thousand Clan. He only collected part of the gains made by the ten thousand races, instead of confiscating all of them.

   If you really do this, even if the human race is strong, the ten thousand races will rebel.

   is leeks,

   can't cut too hard,

   Otherwise, it will be troublesome if it hurts the root.

   Leek is still so,

   Not to mention the ten thousand races.


  For the ten thousand races,

   Shaohao still has to comfort him from time to time.

   After all, when Xuanyuan suppressed the ten thousand races, it was so cruel that it almost broke their roots.

   Nowadays, with the rise of the human race and the decline of the ten thousand races, the set of that year is a bit outdated at this time and is not in line with the status quo.


   After Shaohao succeeded to the throne,

   The attitude of the human race towards the ten thousand races has changed drastically, goafoto.com 厺厽

   gave them the respect they deserve, so that they can do their best to contribute to the great cause of the human race.

   Let the descendants of all races work harder for the rise of the human race!


   The years have passed, and in a blink of an eye, seven hundred thousand years have passed.

at this time,

   has reached the late stage of Shaohao's rule.

   Compared with the previous year, the human race has undergone tremendous changes.

   Ten thousand races work together to develop the human race together, which makes the human race change all the time, and its background continues to increase, more masters are born, and the young generation of Tianjiao is endless, which is a great demeanor of the great race.


   any changes,

   has its limits.

   the strength of the human race,

   It is impossible to inflate indefinitely all the time.

   This is unrealistic and unreasonable.


   After the initial period of rapid expansion, the development of the human race gradually slowed down. Even by this time, it has fallen into a bottleneck period, and the momentum of expansion has completely stalled.

   This is what every race must experience in the process of development.

   Actually, Human Race should have encountered this situation many years ago.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   But no matter what,

   Shaohao's methods were too clever, and he thought of the method of supporting the human race with tens of thousands of races, and he raised the upper limit of the human race's development biologically, so that the strength of the human race can continue to expand rapidly.

until now,

  The potential of the ten thousand races is exhausted, and the bottleneck period of the human race has just resurfaced.


   The so-called bottleneck is not that the human race's strength is no longer increasing, but that it has reached a state of saturation, unable to expand rapidly as before.

   like this,

   Unless there is a big change,

   Otherwise, the next development of the human race can only rely on the passage of time, bit by bit.

   And for this situation,

   Shaohao had anticipated,

   also has a solution.巘戅戅


   began to count the treasure house of the human race.

   With the departure of the masters of the ten thousand races, it is time for the three hundred and sixty-five Zhoutian temples to be erected.


   Once the Zhoutian Temple is really set up and get in touch with the endless starry sky, that majestic land is bound to undergo tremendous changes.

   And this time,

   will definitely help Terran to break the bottleneck and enter a period of rapid expansion again.



   Three hundred and sixty-five Zhoutian temples were erected on the wild land. This was a plan that had been made during the Shennong era.

   It is a pity that although this plan is good, it has been delayed because of the wrong timing, and has to be delayed.

   And this one,

   is two million years!

   This great plan formulated in the Shennong era, after going through the Xuanyuan era, finally in the Shaohao era, when it was time for implementation, it was able to see the sun again.


   After two generations of emperors, one emperor, and three predecessors, this plan has been continuously improved, and it can be described as perfect.

  Once it is truly implemented, it will surely bring unprecedented changes to the human race and even the entire prehistoric land.

   Shaohao firmly thinks so!

   Of course, in fact, the same is true.

   Because this plan was not perfected in the hands of Shennong and Xuanyuan, but was formed in the hands of Feng Zichen and Fuxi.

  Why does Fuxi need someone?

   The founder of Xiantian Gossip, the great master of Honghuang deduction, the master of the way of gathering formation.

   And this is just the old Fuxi.

   Fuxi now is stronger than it was back then. First of all, in terms of cultivation, he has now achieved the sub-sage's fruit status, and his strength is enough to compare with the saints, much more than before.

   In terms of Lingbao, the original Fuxi had no conditions to own the Hetu Luoshu. But now, Hetu Luoshu has already been completely refined by Him.

  The top deduction power, combined with the top deduction treasure, double buff blessing, to what extent Fuxi's ability has been improved can be imagined.

   As for Feng Zichen,

   That's even more remarkable.

  Feng Zichen may not be as good as Fuxi in deducing an achievement, but he has something to do with it!

   Whether it is the Hongmeng Daozhong or the fragments of the jade disc of good fortune, they are all first-class treasures.

   Under the combined efforts of the two, Feng Zichen dare to say that in the predicament, the only one who can beat him in the way of deduction is Hongjun Daozu!

  Mozu Luohu is not good either!

  Because, He did not make jade discs.

  Think about it,

   Fuxi and Emperor Jun joined forces at the beginning,

   can push forward the star battle of Zhou Tiandou, a grand and top-level supreme array~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now, two more powerful people join forces to jointly deduce a perfect plan. How can it not be strong and perfect?

   If this happens, it is really a great achievement.



   It’s just that Shaohao thought very well, but obviously, he thought about this plan too simply.

   After he checked the treasure house of the human race, he was really dumbfounded.

   not enough!

   is not enough!

  With the current background of the human race, let alone refining three hundred and sixty-five Zhoutian temples, it is impossible to refine even half of it.

  According to Shaohao's estimation, even if the Human Race has given it all, it can only refine more than 100 Zhoutian Temples.

   But this is far from enough.

   Only then did Shaohao realize that he still overestimated the human race too much.

   is the world is different,

   Scenes of treasures everywhere in ancient times,

   is completely invisible now.

   Therefore, even if the human race occupies most of the resources of the predecessor, the gains obtained are only a drop in the bucket for refining the Zhoutian Temple.

   Compared with the ancient times, the quality of the current resources is undoubtedly worse.

   One is born, the other is acquired,

The difference between   ,

   is the difference.

   In the ancient times, a monk who took a sigh of relief would be better than today's tens of days of penance.

   This is the gap.

In this kind of environment,

   Even if the human race dominates the entire prehistoric land, it is impossible to collect any good things.

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