Flooded Star Road

Chapter 636: Yangmou

Seeing that the three generations of powerhouses have planned a plan for nearly three million years, which must be realized in their own hands, the excitement in Shaohao's heart can be imagined.

   But who knows, at this critical moment, due to the shortage of human inventory, this great plan is about to be aborted.

   For this, Shaohao's heart collapsed.

  In this short moment, he experienced the ups and downs of his life. This huge sense of gap really made him helplessly tight.

  攫攫攫. However, helpless, we still have to think of a way. You can't keep this great plan aside forever, right?

   It is obviously unrealistic to continue to pass on to wait for future generations.

   You must know that the environment between heaven and earth will only get worse, not better.

   is the reason,

   Now I can't collect the materials for refining the Zhoutian Temple, and after that, I won't be able to collect it.

   Therefore, this plan must be completed in His hands and cannot be left to future generations. Continuing to delay will only make this plan gradually lost in the long river of years.


   must practice!

   is to do everything possible to refine the three hundred and sixty-five Zhoutian temples.


   Shaohao made up his mind in his heart.

   just as,

   This is the test of His enlightenment!

When    Fuxi was reigning, there was a chaos of congenital fierce beasts.

   When Shennong was reigning, there was an innate calamity.

   When Xuanyuan was reigning, there was a disaster of ten thousand soldiers.

   And he, Shaohao, since he took the throne, the whole world has risen to peace, and there hasn't been any disasters in the whole land. If nothing happens, he will pass his term of office smoothly and achieve the position of Five Emperors.

   The five emperors' achievements, although they can't be compared with the three emperors, but they are also one of the prehistoric and top fruit positions. How can they be easily obtained?

   Therefore, the matter of the Zhoutian Temple right now is the test of Heaven's Dao on Shaohao.

   It is finished, he is the five emperors of the wild!

If    is defeated, he can only be the five emperors of the human race!

   A gem between heaven and earth,

  The world’s top industry position,

   How can you easily allow people?

   It’s impossible to think about it,

   will definitely achieve a great achievement that will never be easy!



   In the Taimiao,

   Shaohao sat quietly for three thousand years,

   finally made him think of a way that was not a way.

That is,

   Use the hands of all races to refine the Zhoutian Temple!

   As an innate race that has been passed down from before endless years, even though it is now under the deliberate suppression of the human race, it has become a bit of a decline.

   But it is undeniable that their background is definitely much deeper than the human race.

   Even if they have never been wide, they were born early. As early as the ancient times, and even the ancient times, they already existed.

at that time,

   is a piece of grass that can be seen everywhere on the ground, and it is also an incredible treasure today.

   This means that in the ancient and primordial ages, the tens of thousands of tribes casually saved a little family property, and it remains a very precious treasure to this day.

   was born early,

   is the largest capital of the Ten Thousand Clan.

   Because of this, they must be able to gather all the materials for refining Zhoutian Temple, and they are still at the acquired treasure level.

   Of course, perhaps a single innate race does not have this ability, but the power of all races can definitely do this.



  According to the method that Shaohao came up with, first use the power of the human race to refine the Zhoutian Temple.

  This method first releases the benefits of owning the Zhoutian Temple, so that all races can learn about it, to attract their curiosity, and force them to take the initiative to come to the Human Race to inquire about the Zhoutian Temple.

   Then, the Human Race concealed it in every possible way and did not admit it at all. On the other hand, it is continuing to release news about the Zhoutian Temple, so that all races can confirm the authenticity of this matter.

   In the end, things are much simpler.

   After confirming the authenticity of the Zhoutian Temple, the ten thousand races will inevitably be tempted, and will do everything possible to have a Zhoutian Temple.

   Zhoutian Temple, has the ability to rebel against the innate. The cultivation environment is even more comparable to the famous mountains and rivers of the ancient times, and it can support Daluo Jinxian for cultivation.

   Such a powerful ability is exactly where the hope of the rise of a clan lies. Therefore, as long as the minds of the ten thousand races are okay, they will not fail to see the benefits of having Zhoutian Temple.

  The human race who owns the Zhoutian Temple can use this to take advantage of the ten thousand races and let them dedicate materials for the human race to refine the Zhoutian Temple.

   Of course, if you want all the races to give away willingly, enough materials to refine the Zhoutian Temple, that human race will also have to pay a part of the price.

   Therefore, Shaohao decided to take out part of the quota for refining the Zhoutian Temple and hand it over to the Ten Thousand Clan.



   After learning about the Zhoutian Temple, the ten thousand races will definitely want to know more news, so they will continue to inquire the human race.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   And seeing the ten thousand races like this, the human race naturally knows about the Zhoutian Temple, it has been completely exposed, and it is impossible to "hidden" the ten thousand races.

   At this time, it was necessary for Shaohao to appear at the right time, thinking about the hard work of all the races, the human race decided to take out a part of the quota for refining the Zhoutian Temple and give it to the all races.

   However, there are too many races of the ten thousand races, and the number of places is really limited, and they cannot be easily admitted. Therefore, the human race needs to be counted carefully, and which race is more suitable for these places.

  The words have ended,

  厺厽's literature bxwx.co 厺厽. Just let the Ten Thousand Races go back and wait for the news, and when the Human Race has made a decision, come and inform them.

  This move is tantamount to suggesting that the Ten Thousand Races will give benefits to the Human Race. After all, for no reason, why did Human Race give you a place?

   There is no cover like this. If Chi Guoguo's blackmailed plan, there will be countless capable people of all races, so naturally they will not fail to see it.

   But what can I see?

  For the future of the race, they were reluctant and had to grit their teeth and present gifts to the human race to obtain a place to refine the Zhoutian Temple.

   This is Yangmou!

   Knowing that it is a trick, it is inevitable.

   巘戅戅. As for Shaohao, with this plan, he could sit in the human race and wait for the treasures offered by all races for him to refine the Zhoutian Temple.

   After the gifts from the ten thousand races are consumed by Shaohao, the number of Zhoutian temples that have not been refined is the quota allocated to the ten thousand races by the human race.

   As for how to divide?

   That's easy.

   directly list the gift list of the ten thousand races, from high to low, whoever gives more, the quota will be assigned to whoever.

   Of course, in order to ensure the strength of the ten thousand races, there are naturally restrictions on the allocation of places in the Zhoutian Temple.

   That is, each clan can only have at most one Zhoutian Temple.

  攫攫攫. This is the limit.



   Shaohao is an actionist. After he has a scrutiny in his heart, he directly instructs everyone to take action.


   News about Zhoutian Temple spread throughout the entire prehistoric land.

   Ten thousand people naturally also got the news.

   At the beginning, they were a little bit skeptical about this news. But when someone ran to the Human Race secretly with curiosity, and saw the three hundred and sixty-five huge temples that stood in the Territory of the Human Race, they no longer doubted.

   The facts are right here,

   There is nothing to argue about,

   This is the greatest persuasive power.

   After the news was confirmed, for a while, the entire race was boiling, and they went to the Human Race to inquire about the Zhoutian Temple.

   In the beginning, the Human Race was naturally prevarication about this matter in every possible way, but as more and more evidence was taken out by the patriarch of the Ten Thousand Races, the Human Race had to admit the truth of the matter.

after all,

   The three hundred and sixty-five Zhoutian temples stood brightly in the territories of the human race, and the human race wanted to conceal it, but it was really unconvincing.


   Terran didn't even think about concealing it.

What happened after    was much simpler, everything was proceeding according to Shaohao's plan.



   Time is like flowing water, before you know it, hundreds of thousands of years have passed.

   And tens of thousands of years, it is enough to make the allocation of ten thousand races to refine the Zhoutian Temple quota completely come to an end.


   The final result of this matter,

   is slightly different from what Shaohao expected, but in general, it does not affect the overall situation, but is more perfect.

  According to the ending that Shaohao expected, the quota for refining the Zhoutian Temple should fall into the hands of several innate clans. After all, they are the most powerful and the most profound.

   shot, naturally also very generous.

   It is normal to refine the quota of Zhoutian Temple and fall into their hands.

   But the ending is often the most unexpected.

   Among the ten thousand races, some of the innate races whose strength is in the middle and upper classes, deeply realize that with their own strength, they are far from being compared with those innate big races.


   It is almost impossible for them to obtain the quota of refining the Zhoutian Temple this time, and they will definitely not be able to compete with those innate clans.

   But, if they let them give up, they are also unwilling.

   That is the hope of rising!

  On this wild land where the cultivation environment is getting worse and worse, I finally see the hope of rising, no matter who it is, he will not give up lightly!

  I haven't worked hard yet, how can I know that I won't succeed?

   As the saying goes, the poor will change, and the edge will lead to success!

   Under all urgency, it really made those innate races whose strength is in the middle and upper class, think of a way to defeat the innate big clans.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}  That is joint!

   The power of a family may not be able to compete with the innate family, but the power of the composite family is definitely far beyond the innate family.

   Based on this idea, among those races, the races that have a better relationship have formed one after another small interest groups, and joined hands to present gifts to the human race.

   is a member of the Innate Ten Thousand Clan, even if there is a difference in strength, it will not be too different. After all, the innate race with too weak strength has long been destroyed in the catastrophe of heaven and earth.

   Therefore, the combined forces of several clans definitely exceed the single innate clans.


   The congenital family overturned!

   With the combination of these mid-to-upper innate races, most of the confident inborn races have overturned.

   The gifts they gave are not as valuable as these races.

  厺厽 chase yo literature zhuiyo.com 厺厽. As for Shaohao,

   From the time he came up with this method, he had already made up his mind to be just axiology.

  In other words, he chooses whoever benefits more.

   As for whether this gift was given by one party or by multiple parties, he didn't care at all.

   It can even be said that Shaohao is happy to see the result of this scene.

The    family owns a Zhoutian Temple, and they share a Zhoutian Temple with several families. The meanings they represent are completely different.

   The former can make that clan rise again.

   While the latter can also allow those innate races to rise, it will undoubtedly take much longer.

   The same resources are shared by one person alone and shared with several people. The result is completely different.

   After this unexpected scene happened, Shaohao couldn't wait to give all the places for refining Zhoutian Temple to those benefit communities so that they could share the results.

   But it's a pity, Shaohao can't!

   To ask why, I can only say that the few innate clans gave too much, so Shaohao had no reason to refuse.


   It took more than 100,000 years. With the help of the human race, Shaohao, together with the resources offered by the ten thousand races, produced a total of 240 Zhoutian Temples!

   The number of days in the week, a total of three hundred and sixty-five.

   One set of Zhoutian Temple is three hundred and sixty-five. The Human Race has refined two hundred and forty, and there are 115 Zhoutian Temples that have not been refined.

   And these one hundred and fifteen Zhoutian temples are the quota allocated by the human race to the ten thousand races.

   With the completion of the Zhoutian Temple, Shaohao also left the customs and announced the list of quota allocation to the ten thousand clan.

  巘戅 chase yo literary 戅. As soon as this list came out, the clans were in an uproar!

  Especially those congenital families who overturned the car, it was really annoying. Before the incident, who would have thought that there would be a way to join forces?

   Of course, from chagrin to chagrin, they would still not dare to make those innate clans cause trouble.

   Not to mention that the human race will not allow it, that is, those innate races that join hands, they are not what they can deal with.

  Yes, it’s okay if you don’t make trouble. Once trouble occurs, they must be the ones who suffer.

   But anyway, losing the Zhoutian Temple is undoubtedly a huge loss for these innate clans ~www.wuxiaspot.com~.

   Others have it, but they don't.

   If nothing else, as time goes by, they will eventually be surpassed by others.

  I'm used to being aloof, how can I stand the look of others?

   The defeat this time eventually became the last straw that overwhelmed the camel, allowing those innate clans to accumulate the emotions of countless years and completely erupted.

   They have had enough!

   I'm fed up with the oppression of the human race.

   Therefore, they decided to leave, and wanted to follow the footsteps of their ancestors and head to the heaven.

   continue to stay in the wild land, they will never have the opportunity to surpass the human race, they can only live under the oppression of the human race. That being the case, it's better to go to the heavens and make a break!

   There is still maintaining the innate environment. Compared with the wild land, it is undoubtedly more suitable for their innate races. Of course, it is even more dangerous.

   But if they go there, according to their innate race identity, they can be famous for nothing. Isn't this better than staying in the wild land?


   is in the word "struggle"!

   Fighting with the heavens,

   compete with the land for luck,

   Compete with others for wealth!

   In the past, they did not fight, so today they ended up being bullied by the human race.

   Now, if there is no dispute, they will completely decline. Therefore, they are going to the heavens to compete, and try to surpass the human race.


   Just when some of the innate clans were preparing to evacuate from the prehistoric land, Shaohao did not idle, he started his own great cause of building the Zhoutian Temple.

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