Flooded Star Road

Chapter 637: Pangu Dharma

This is Pangu God Man!

   No, it should be said that it is Pangu Dharma!

  The huge phenomena formed by combining the power of the entire primordial world, and then called the gods, are obviously inappropriate.

  Pangu Dharma image stands above the prehistoric state, suppressing everything, breathing out the chaotic air from all directions, and refining the purest heaven and earth source to help heaven and earth complete the great cycle and gradually enhance the foundation of heaven and earth.

  This is the way of promotion for the world!

   With the formation of the Pangu Faxiang, more and more chaotic air is absorbed and refined by the prehistoric world.

   With this help, the heaven and the earth will slowly grow up, and the boundless starry sky, heaven, earth, nether world, earth... everything will change accordingly.

  Everything is developing in a good direction.

   is just a little bit that makes people feel helpless.

   That is, after the Pangu Dharma phase takes shape, the heaven and the earth will undoubtedly become more prosperous. Affected by this, more innate auras should emerge between the heaven and the earth.

   But because of the change of the heavens and the earth, the wild land seems to have been cursed by some kind of curse. The spiritual veins and earth veins that should have given birth to the innate aura, under the restriction of the heavens, cannot give birth to innate aura.

   Whenever innate qi is born from the veins of the earth, an inexplicable force emerges between heaven and earth, twisting everything, and forcibly transforming the innate qi into acquired qi.

   Several times of breaking the barren land, finally made Heavenly Dao made up his mind and used coercive means to restrain the power on the land.

   The best and most effective way to transform the innate into the nurture is what God thinks.

  Why did Feng Zichen expel the great supernatural powers and the human race expelling the powerful people of the ten thousand races without being hindered in the slightest? The reason is that all of this is the reason for the acquiescence of heaven.

   For the Da Luo Jinxian, and the existence above the Da Luo Jinxian, leaving the prehistoric land one after another, Heaven is very happy to see.

   Therefore, not only will he not hinder him, but he will secretly help. This is also one of the reasons why the great supernatural powers do not have much resistance.

  In the predicament, defying the sky is not a trivial matter, but a terrible event.

   If it weren't for the fear of heaven, how could the great supernatural powers leave so easily?

   I really think that the names of Saints, Feng Zichen, and Jin Yuanzi are so easy to use?

   If their name is really so useful, Hong Huang would have been peaceful for a long time!



   the limit of heaven,

   is only for the wild land,

   The heavens, as well as the rest of the big world, are not within this range.

   Otherwise, if the Dao of Heaven dared to transform the innate aura of the entire prehistoric world into acquired aura. Then, the great supernatural powers who have lost hope, don't mind if they die with the heavens, and drag the whole world into extinction.

   Those who break my path are more than killing me!

   Transform the entire primordial world into the things of the acquired age, even the Dao of Heaven would not dare to do it.

   Therefore, the matter of heaven and earth easier, was restricted to the wild land.

  This action is undoubtedly a bad thing for countless monks on the earth. But for the great land, it is a big good thing. This is a kind of protection of heaven to the wild land.

  The weaker the monk's power is, the safer the prehistoric land will be. In the past, the ground was beaten to pieces, it will not happen again.

  In the eyes of Tiandao,

  The path of billions of cultivators can be compared with the comfort of the great land?

  Which is lighter and heavier, at a glance!


   The earth cannot give birth to innate aura, and the excess innate aura will not disappear out of thin air.

  Where can they go?

   Naturally, under the impetus of the heavenly way, it rushes to the heaven.


   is the center of the prehistoric power.

   Nowadays, with the decline of the earth, innate aura swarms in, which makes its status higher and higher, and has a faint tendency to become the center of the heavens.

   In terms of the content of innate aura alone, the current celestial realm, under the blessing of the entire prehistoric world, has surpassed the ancient celestial realm.


   Because of the shift of the center of gravity of the primordial land, the celestial realm takes up more and more proportions of the primordial land, and endless auras converge, causing the celestial realm to undergo a secondary evolution and have a momentum of continued promotion.

   Is there any ordinary truth in raising a world with the power of heaven and earth?

   The current prehistoric pattern has evolved into that the heaven is the strongest realm, and a large number of powerful people have gathered in the prehistoric world. And the earth has evolved from the paradise of the strong to the cradle of the strong.

  According to the idea of ​​heaven, the earth has become a tool for transporting the strong to the heavens.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   This is the general trend of the future!

   is also the best result.

   Of course, the way of heaven is lacking. No matter what you do, you can’t be perfect. There will always be a trace of flaws, thinking that sentient beings will leave a ray of life.

  That's why, although Tiandao wants to completely transform the wild land into an acquired age, this matter may not be able to make full progress.

   Zhoutian Temple,

   is where all beings live.

   The Zhoutian Temple stands on the earth, inherits the Zhoutian stars, and connects the ancestral veins, uniting the power of the three talents of the heavens, the earth and the people, and deriving infinite good fortune.

   His ability is really amazing, with innate ability to rebel. Being able to forcibly distort the rules of heaven and earth under this general trend of easier heaven and earth, turning the impossible into possibility, and refining acquired qi into innate qi.

  In other words, in the Zhoutian Temple, there is no need to be affected by the easier world, and you can still enjoy the treatment of the ancient times.

   Using the power of the heavenly way, when I checked the Zhoutian Temple earlier, how could I not discover his function?

   But that's it, he didn't make any move to erase the function of the Zhoutian Temple. Obviously, Tiandao acquiesced in this situation.

   This means that the Heavenly Dao has recognized the legal status of the Zhoutian Temple, which is a ray of life left by the heavens and the earth for all beings.


   Zhoutian Temple is so easy to use, those innate races who have obtained the Zhoutian Temple are naturally extremely excited. And those innate races who didn't get Zhoutian Temple were secretly annoyed.

   Even, there are already some innate races that have moved the idea of ​​leaving the wild land. Now, they are waiting for Shaohao to ascend to the sky, so that they can follow him to the heaven and create a new foundation.

   However, if the Zhoutian Temple was established, the happiest one was none other than the Human Race.

   As for the reason for happiness, it is not that the human race has the most Zhoutian temples.

   Rather, along with the prehistoric land, the three hundred and sixty-five Zhoutian temples were erected, and the three hundred and sixty-five Zhoutian temples in the territories of the human race have also undergone inexplicable changes.

   These two Zhoutian temples, one large and one small, one positive and one negative, correspond to each other, just like the Tai Chi Yin-Yang diagram, corresponding to each other, deriving infinite good fortune.

   The establishment of the prehistoric Zhoutian Temple has undoubtedly greatly stimulated the Human Race’s Zhoutian Temple, causing its power to skyrocket.

   It can be seen that under the influence of the prehistoric Zhoutian Temple, the Human Race's Zhoutian Temple suddenly bloomed with divine light, and countless mysterious runes rose up, interpreting the pattern of the avenue, and seemed to be undergoing transformation.


   Amid the violent vibrations, the big runes on the Zhoutian Temple spread out, turning into a huge light curtain, covering the entire human border.

this moment,

  Under the curtain of light,

   The territories of the human race seem to be cut off from the prehistoric world.


   Within the territories of the human race, thunder roars, runes fly, rules manifest... all sorts of amazing visions emerge one after another.

   is like a supreme power, twisting everything and reshaping the world.



   I don't know how long it has passed, the Zhoutian Temple gradually calmed down, and the light curtain covering the entire human border disappeared.

   Everything has returned to calm.

   Looking closely, there seems to be no change in the territories of the human race compared with the time before the accident. It's as if everything that happened just now doesn't exist.

   But if you walk into the Territory of Human Race at this time and feel it carefully, you will find that the changes just now have really brought unparalleled changes to the Territory of Human Race.

   In the aura that spreads all over the void, in the territories of the human race, in addition to the acquired aura, there are also many strands of innate aura.

   That's right, it's innate aura!

   Although very few,

   But it really exists.

  In theory, this is impossible!

  Under the prohibition of heaven, there should be no innate aura on the wild land. Even if it is innate spiritual veins, innate qi cannot be born.

  Because, at the moment when the innate aura is born, the power of rules will emerge, distorting the innate aura and transforming it into acquired aura.

   From this point of view, it is incredible that innate aura can be born within the Territory of Human Race.

   And this is all the credit of Zhoutian Temple.

   Tracing back to its source, you will find that the strands of innate aura in the territories of the human race originated from the Zhoutian Temple of the human race, and escaped from their bodies and merged into the void.

   Under the blessing of the Primordial Zhoutian Temple, the power of the Human Race Zhoutian Temple skyrocketed, giving birth to more innate auras, so that the temple could not accommodate it and had to escape outward.

   Moreover, the power of the temple skyrocketed, resulting in the power of the Pangu **** man also increasing.

   The power that belongs to the Pangu gods and people permeated, distorting the rules of heaven and earth in the territories of the human race, breaking the limits of the heavens, and causing a little omission.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   and it is these flaws that make territorialization of the human race impossible. In this acquired age, strands of innate aura are born.

   It can also be said that the current human race retains a trace of the landform of the ancient times.

   Don't underestimate this. Although there are not many innate auras in the Territory of the Human Race, this is enough to let the race be on the starting line and throw off the Ten Thousand Races.

   together with gods and demons,

   The most important thing is to reverse the innate!

   In the acquired era, the exhaustion of innate aura will undoubtedly make the difficulty of rebelling against the innate rise to the level of hell.

   It can be said that with the advent of the acquired age, the way of gods and demons has shown signs of decline in the wild land.

   But now, with the re-emergence of innate aura in the territories of the human race, although it will not completely revive the way of the gods and demons, it can also preserve its inheritance. The masters of the past generations are endless.

   This alone is more than ten thousand races.

  The Way of Gods and Demons is extremely difficult to get started. Those who are not talented and peerless cannot get started. But in the same way, once the Way of Gods and Demons is introduced, the achievements will be far surpassed by other cultivation ways.

At least,

   In terms of combat power, the way of gods and demons can aspire to the top three.


   is the foundation of everything.

  The advantage of this point,

As time goes by,

   is enough to make the human race throw away a large part of the ten thousand races!

   This is the foundation of dominance.



The appearance of   Pangu Faxiang has undoubtedly had a huge impact on the prehistoric world.

  Yes, as soon as He appeared in the first day of the new year, the great supernatural powers of the Primordial Realm all had a feeling, and felt that the Primordial World was slightly different from before, and it seemed to be more vibrant.

   But then, no matter what methods they use, they will not be able to find out the origin of this change, as if it happened out of thin air.

  The traces of the Pangu God and Man, they can't find it, let alone the Pangu Dharma that is stronger than the Pangu God and Man.

   These great supernatural powers, if they can see the image of Pangu, then they will see a ghost.

   It has been a long time since it was impossible to ascertain the origin of the change, everyone had no choice but to give up, buried their doubts in their hearts, and waited for success in their cultivation in the future.


  Thinking that not long ago, Pangu's Will briefly regained consciousness and attacked the Chaos Demon God. It is inevitable in the hearts of everyone that this great change is related to this matter.

   I don't blame everyone for making such an association. It is really a coincidence that two things happened.

   Pangu's Will over there has just awakened, and the world has changed here. It's really hard not to make people think of it together.

  For this,

   Feng Zichen was also unexpected.

   Because, in his plan, he never imagined that Pangu's Will would suddenly wake up.

   After all, who would have thought that Pan Gu would respond to the sacrifices of all living beings and use this to attack the Chaos Demon God?

This is completely unexpected~www.wuxiaspot.com~ However, I have to say that this incident happened very coincidentally, which made the great supernatural powers connect the primordial change with it, avoiding Feng Zichen. Of exposure.

   Compared with Yu Feng Zichen's move to promote the process of the great famine, Pangu's move is obviously more reasonable.


   "Only the Pangu gods and men have powers comparable to those of Hunyuan Nine Heavens. How powerful is Pangu's Phenomenon that is stronger than that?"

   "I don't know who it is, who will have such good luck to be able to try the power of Pan Gu Dharma?"

   On the purple star, Feng Zichen slowly withdrew his mana, looked at the Pangu Dharma in an unknown time and space, and muttered to himself.

The formation of   Pangu Faxiang has undoubtedly added another powerful hole card to Feng Zichen. The power of the Pangu Dharma, formed by combining the power of the entire prehistoric state, must be beyond imagination.

   I just don’t know, what level of his power has reached, is it above Hunyuan or Wuji?

   However, although Feng Zichen was very curious in his heart, he had no intention of trying.

   The reason is that the power of Pangu Phenomenon is too strong!

  With Feng Zichen's current power, controlling such a powerful Pangu Dharma, no one knows what will happen?

   can't say,

   You can squeeze him dry all at once,

   even draws on his origin.


   Feng Zichen did not dare to try randomly.

   This is the trump card for life, unless it is a last resort, you can't use it. You can only use it when you are in a desperate situation and plan to save everything.

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