Flooded Star Road

Chapter 638: Feng Zichen's ambition

The ancestral land of the human race, where the Taimiao is located,

   All the elders of the human race, as well as the patriarch of the ten thousand races, gathered here, preparing to witness a major event related to the inheritance of the human race.


   Emperor Shaohao is going to the sky!

   In order to establish the Zhoutian Temple, Shaohao spent hundreds of thousands of years.

   Therefore, soon after the Zhoutian Temple was established, Emperor Shaohao's million-year tenure came to an end. He has completed his merits and is about to go to heaven!

   At this time, everyone gathered here to witness the grand occasion that Emperor Shaohao passed the throne to Zhuan Xu.

   "Yun Xu!"

   "From now on, Hong Huang will leave it to you."

   "Widow hope that the human race will prosper in your hands, far surpassing the ancestors."

   "In this way, you can live up to the widowhood and the trust of the ancestors in the past."

   In the Great Temple, Shaohao passed the Seal of the Humane Emperor, which represents the supreme power of the human race, to Zhuan Xu under the witness of the Virgin Mary, the Holy Emperor Zichen, the ancestral emperor Suiren clan, and the statues of the martyrs of the human race in the past.


   "We will live up to the trust of our ancestors!"

   took over the Seal of the Humane Emperor with a solemn face, and Zhuan Xu swore.


"Ha ha!"


   "From now on, Honghuang is yours!"

   In the sound of laughter, Emperor Shaohao walked out of the Taimiao. And with his footsteps, under his feet, wisps of colorful auspicious clouds emerged, slowly supporting him and rising into the air.


   "Can someone willing to walk with the widow?"

   In the midair, Shaohao first glanced deeply at the great mountains and rivers, and then asked the people below.

   Shaohao has been in power for millions of years. It is impossible for him to be deadly loyal under his hands, and these people have made great contributions to him.

   Now that he is about to ascend to the sky, he will enjoy the boundless and limitless position of the highest profession. Naturally, he will have a certain future for these people, so that he can live up to everyone.

   and heaven,

   is the future of these people.

   The center of great power and the gathering place of countless luck, if you can find an official and a half job there, even if it only takes a million years, it will be enough for these people to earn a lot of merit.

   These years, as the world has become more and more perfect, the merits are really getting worse and worse. And going to heaven as an official is currently known, the best way to gain merit.


   maintains where the heavens and the earth move.

   Therefore, the officials of the heavenly court do not manage the heaven and earth sentient beings, but the operation of the heaven and the earth.

   Maintaining the movement of the heaven and the earth, and forming great cause and effect with the heaven and the earth, naturally have merit.

   Shaohao asks everyone if they are willing to leave with him. The purpose is to ask everyone if they are willing to go to heaven to find a future.


   Shaohao's purpose is more than that.

  His veterans have been in power for too long and have hindered the promotion of the younger generation. Even the emperor's rule cannot exceed one million years, let alone these ministers.

   If these ministers have been occupying high positions, where is there any hope for the rise of young people?


   Shaohao, and when the Three Emperors ascended to the sky,

   will bring a group of subordinates to the heaven, the purpose is to make room for young people.

   This move is intended to maintain the vitality of the human race, so that the human race will remain prosperous.



   "Your Majesty wait a moment,"

   "Weichen wants to go with His Majesty."

   "The heaven is the center of the ten thousand realms, and the ministers have long been longing for it. Now, going with your majesty to the sky can just meet the wishes of the ministers."


   As soon as Shaohao's voice fell, many elders of the human race rose into the sky, following in his footsteps, and wanted to leave with him.

   Making room for young people is the foundation of the human race, and the elders of the human race understand this. Therefore, no matter whether they would like it or not, after Shaohao finished speaking, they had to make a choice.

   Is it to follow Shaohao to the heavens to enjoy the glory and wealth, or to stay in the wild land, transform into the human heritage, and hide in the Zhoutian Temple.

   Anyway, they can't be in power anymore.

   not greedy for power,

   Human race elders who do not love power are good human race elders.

   The emperor cannot remain in power forever, so how can all the ministers keep stealing the high position?

   greed for power, it is bound to pay the price.


   "Your Majesty,"

   "Please wait a minute, please!"

   After everyone had followed, Emperor Shaohao was about to drive away with them, but at this moment, a voice suddenly came from the void.

   Shaohao followed the prestige, and what caught his eye was an extremely surprising scene.

   Dozens of innate races came together under the leadership of the patriarch. Judging from their posture, it is obvious that they are leaving the wild land.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "Friends, this is..."

  Although he had some guesses in his mind, Shaohao was still not sure, so he asked with some doubts.

"Ha ha!"

   "I heard that your Majesty is going to the Heavenly Court to take up the post of Emperor of Heaven and rule the entire prehistoric world."

   "We are not talented, but I came here to be my majesty, in order to have a better future."

   "If you want to come, your Majesty will not dislike us, will you?"

   Among the crowd, the one headed, chuckled a few times, and said to Shaohao.

   "Friends of Daoist joked!"

   "When you wait to vote, Shaohao is too happy to be happy, so how can he dislike it?"

   "It's just that you can really afford to have a huge family business on the wild land?"

   Forgetting everyone's glance, Shaohao said inexplicably.

   "Are you willing?"


"at this point,"

   "What can I do if I can't bear it?"

   The man glanced at Ancestral Land with some sadness, and sighed towards Shaohao in a very melancholy and helpless tone.


   Hearing this, Shaohao choked for a while, not knowing how to reply.

   The reason why people leave their homes, isn’t it that they can’t be forced by the human race? If the human race gives them a little hope, it won't force them to move to heaven.

   Continue to stay in the wild land, and its future will definitely decline. But if you leave the wild land and go to the heavens, there will be a glimmer of life in the future.

   Such a simple multiple choice question, they are not stupid, they naturally know how to choose.



"Ha ha!"

   "Since you believe in me so much, I can't let you down."

   "When you reach the realm of heaven, the widows will definitely find a treasure place suitable for you to settle down for your fellow Taoists."

   As an emperor, one must have a thick skin. Therefore, after the initial embarrassment, Shaohao laughed and forcibly changed the subject, assuring everyone.

   "Since this is the case, we will thank your majesty for the people of the tribe."

   After getting Shaohao's assurance, everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and they also bowed respectfully to Shaohao.

   This ceremony is really from the heart.

  In the heavens, these innate races from the wild land are undoubtedly outsiders.

   Going rashly, it is bound to be suppressed by the aboriginals of the Celestial Realm. But with Shaohao's assurance, the situation they will face is undoubtedly much better.

   how to say,

   Shaohao is also the future emperor,

   The predecessor is nominally the most supreme master.

   With his assurance, even if the natives of the Celestial Realm are dissatisfied with these "outsiders", in the face of Shaohao, they dare not do too much.

if not,

   waiting for them,

   will be the anger of the emperor.

   Who is the Emperor of Heaven?

   In the predicament, no one except the great supernatural powers can bear his anger. Even the disciples of the saints are no exception.

   I’m not seeing you,

   The cause of the confession of the gods,

   is because the disciples of the three teachings are disrespectful to Haotian.

   Shaohao's guarantee can make it easier for these innate races to open the situation in the heaven realm. I don't know how much trouble they have saved.


   This prayer is really sincere.

   After receiving a bow from the crowd, Shaohao took the crowd and left.



   So far,

   Honghuang ushered in the reign of Zhuan Xu.


   is not wrong,

   is the prehistoric, not the human race.

   Just as Shaohao said to Zhuan Xu, "Honghuang is yours" instead of Xuanyuan said to Shaohao, "Humans are yours."

   The difference between Honghuang and Human Race is the difference between the Three Emperors and the Five Emperors.

   In the period of the Three Emperors, although the Three Emperors were strong enough, the human race was obviously not strong enough. Although they were considered to be the top of the prehistoric level, they could not be called the predecessor.


   The three emperors ascended the throne, first the emperor of the human race, and then after countless efforts, they became the prehistoric emperor.

   In the period of the Five Emperors, the human race has undergone tremendous changes in its strength after years of management by the Three Emperors, and it can be called a true overlord.

   Therefore, with the legacy of the three emperors, and the five emperors who succeed to the throne, they are the emperors of the wild. Rather than being like the Three Emperors, you need to subdue the 10,000 tribes before you can be the emperor.

   This is where the Five Emperors are inferior to the Three Emperors.

   Compared with the Three Emperors, the Five Emperors took too much advantage, and the difficulties they had to face were far less than those during the Three Emperors period. All the big obstacles have been smoothed by the Three Emperors, and the Five Emperors can lead the human race to glory by just developing step by step.

   The merits of the Three Emperors are not only in the present world, but also beneficial to all generations.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}  ……


   Above the heavenly court, great supernatural powers gathered, whether they are hidden in the world or still active in the wilderness, at this moment, as long as there is no closed life and death, all have gathered here.

   Even the Heavenly Dao has lowered a ray of will, always paying attention to this place.

   And all this,

   is all because of the handover of the emperor.

   Compared with the replacement of the Emperor of Humanity, the scene of the replacement of the Emperor of Heaven is undoubtedly more grand and solemn. Even the way of heaven will come personally.

   After all, the identity of the Emperor of Heaven is there, the highest in the predecessor, incomparable.

   His every move is a major event that affects the prehistoric, let alone such a major event of the emperor's change of ownership.

   The great supernatural powers will come, and the heaven will also come.

   That is, the saints are not in the prehistoric land. If it is not the case, they will also come to witness this scene.

   In this way, under the witness of a large number of supernatural powers and heaven, the Central Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan abdicated and passed the position of the Emperor of Heaven to Shaohao.

   is this emperor of heaven, known as the Western Golden Emperor in history, with the ancestral witches harvest as the patron saint.

  So, the Five Elements Heavenly Emperor has already reached the fourth place, and the first three Heavenly Emperors have been completed.

   Affected by this, invisibly, there is a general trend of heaven and earth emerging, descending on Feng Zichen's body, baptizing his body, not to mention, it also faintly opened the door of Hunyuan for him.

   At this moment, under the blessing of the general trend of the world, Feng Zichen really saw the scenery behind the Hunyuan Dao realm, and he was really close to the gateway. If you insist on describing it, you can only say it is within reach.

   But it was always so short that he couldn't really push the door open and was promoted to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

   Feng Zichen knew that that was the reason why the Emperor of the Five Elements hadn't reached Consummation, and that he had insufficient stamina and was unable to take that crucial half step.

   The Emperor of the Five Elements,

   That is the key to His enlightenment.

   Once the Emperor of the Five Elements reaches Consummation, Feng Zichen, who contributed to this matter, can gain infinite luck and break into the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in one fell swoop, and he will still be connected for several days to become a master in Hunyuan domain.

   It is precisely because of this that Feng Zichen has been struggling to suppress the realm of living and prevent himself from being promoted so early.

  Actually, as early as more than a million years ago, when Xuanyuan had just ascended the throne and Feng Zichen had recovered all his injuries, he would have been promoted to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian if he spared all his means.

   He is a great master!

   was promoted to Hun Yuan Da Luo Jin Xian,

   For others, it is extremely difficult.

   For Feng Zichen, although it is not an easy task, it just takes some time to settle.

   Fighting against the Chaos Demon God of the Hunyuan level several times has already enabled Feng Zichen to have the capital to be promoted to the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Especially after the battle with the demon ancestor Luo Hu, he broke and stood up, and his realm has been greatly sublimated.

   It can be said that at that time, he had a realm comparable to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. It was only because of the serious injury that he was not promoted to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

   With Xuanyuan ascending to the throne, Feng Zichen's injuries completely recovered, and he has grasped the essence of the Hunyuan realm.

   That is to say, the slightest distance between him and the Hunyuan realm does not need to wait for the Five Elements Heaven Emperor to complete, as long as he wants, he can use the power of the Dao Zun in his body ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ or the power of the boundless starry sky to break the mirror at any time.

   But Feng Zichen held back it!

   He was unwilling to break the mirror.

  His ambition is so great that he can no longer be satisfied with the first proof and the second proof. He wants to maximize the benefits in order to pursue greater results.

   Feng Zichen asked for three certificates of Hunyuan, which made him jump over the early stage of Hunyuan in one fell swoop.

  The more means prepared before enlightenment, the stronger after enlightenment.

   Why is it said that the deeper the foundation before the breakthrough, the better, because the breakthrough in the realm can transform all the foundation into strength.

  The more the foundation is,

  The benefits of a breakthrough will be greater,

   This is the only opportunity to advance by leaps and bounds.

   Accumulate thick and thin hair, that's it.

   And if you wait until the breakthrough, and you want to increase your strength explosively, then it will be impossible, you have to slowly accumulate step by step.

   Enlightenment three times is enough to make Feng Zichen enter the fourth level of Hunyuan, or even a higher realm.

   If it is now, with the help of the power of the Dao Zun in his body and the power of the boundless starry sky, he directly enters the realm of Hunyuan, then the highest achievement he has achieved is no more than the realm of the triple Hunyuan.

  How can Feng Zichen be satisfied?

To know,

   He is against the target, but he has always been a saint.

   And the saints are the weakest quasi-ti, and they all have the fourfold realm of Hunyuan.

   The realm of the Hunyuan Triple Heaven is not even comparable to that of Zhunzi. It's strange that Feng Zichen can be satisfied.

   Therefore, he wants to pursue a higher realm, not to surpass the saint, but to equalize the saint.

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