Flooded Star Road

Chapter 639: Monster

Emperor of the Five Elements,

   is Feng Zichen’s plan,

   Take advantage of the great power of heaven and earth to achieve enlightenment.

Transforming these three supreme powers into their own advanced resources is bound to push Feng Zichen to the fourth level of Hunyuan, or even a higher realm, equalize the saints in one fell swoop, and become the existence that truly stands on the pinnacle of the prehistoric times. .

   Therefore, Feng Zichen cannot break through.

   Even with his current background, he can easily break into the Hunyuan realm, but as long as the Five Elements Heaven Emperor does not reach Consummation, he will not be able to break through.

   To tell the truth, this feeling of forbearing without breaking through is not good!

   Hunyuan's power is right in front of him, always attracting Feng Zichen's mind, and always tempting him to take a step closer.

How many people can resist the temptation to become stronger?

   But in order to have a stronger future, Feng Zichen couldn't help but have to bear it.

   is only about three million years, so long years have to endure, and I don't care about this time.

   is just the time of retreat. A little bit of forbearance will pass. You must not make any accidents that cause you to suddenly break through and enter the realm of mixed elements, so that all the years of hard work have turned into running water.




   During the reign of Emperor Shaohao, because he felt that the human race oppressed the ten thousand races too much, he treated the ten thousand races preferentially to soothe his heart.

   Affected by this, the ten thousand races were able to cultivate their health, and their strength was somewhat restored. But after the strength was strengthened, the old problems of the ten thousand races were committed again, and they started to cause trouble in the wild land in secret.

   Of course, although the strength of the ten thousand races has recovered a little, it is still far from being comparable to the human race.

   That's why, on the bright side, the ten thousand people dare not make trouble. But secretly, their little movements are constant.

  During Shaohao's period, the ten thousand clan still didn't dare to do too much because of Shaohao's majesty.

   But after Zhuan Xu succeeded to the throne, because of his benevolence and virtue spread throughout the entire prehistoric man, so many people thought that he was a good old man, and it was inevitable that he would be less scrupulous when he got involved.

   Plus, there are feuds among all races.

  Because of the joint dealing with the human race, they could not do anything to their allies, so that these hatreds were put aside for the time being.

   But now, as the human race is coming to the land and dominating all the races, the so-called innate alliance naturally exists in name only.

  The alliance is gone,

   Naturally, I can't be called an ally.

   Therefore, there was no scruples among the various races, and they began to enter the moment of revenge.

   Everyone has grudges and revenges, grievances and grievances!

   It’s hard to return to the peaceful prehistoric, and it has become messy as a result.

   There was a turmoil in the prehistoric land. It stands to reason that Zhuan Xu should come forward to stop the war. At the worst, he should also speak out against the ten thousand people and order them to act calmly.

   But in fact, Zhuan Xu never said a word from beginning to end.

   It's not because he doesn't want to control, but because the current Zhuan Xu is completely unable to free his hands and feet to mediate relations between the ten thousand races.

   Human race matters are enough for him, there are other thoughts there, to consider the ten thousand races.


   There is also a problem with the Terran...


   Ten thousand races continue to friction, and the human race is not peaceful.

   The hidden dangers planted in the Xuanyuan period suddenly broke out shortly after Zhuan Xu took the throne!

   It was this trouble that held all Zhuan Xu's energy, so that he had no time to look after all the races.

   The human race, which is already the overlord of the wild, can there be any trouble if the heaven does not intervene in the appointment?

   The answer is naturally from the inside.

   When a race becomes invincible, its enemies will move from the outside to the inside.

  In other words,

   The human race has a tendency to break out of civil strife.



   At the beginning, after the Emperor Xuanyuan defeated Chi You, in order to appease the hearts of other people, he did not cruelly attack the Jiuli tribe, but broke them up and dispersed them into the major tribes.

  This method, at the time, was indeed excellent.

   The Jiuli tribe is scattered, unable to condense into a big force, naturally it is impossible to make waves.

  So, the human race is determined!

   But apparently, Xuanyuan somewhat underestimated the means of interpersonal connection.

   At that time,

  The leader of a different line of people, seeing Chi You's defeat, the huge Jiuli tribe was also broken up, and the tribe scattered into the prehistoric places, they knew that the general situation was gone.

   Next, maybe because he was unwilling to be counseled, or because he was worried that Xuanyuan would liquidate the other person's line, the leader of the other person did a great thing.

   I have to say that the leader of the alien is also a character. The combination of the witchcraft he learned from the witches and the medical skills handed down by Shennong created a line of witch doctors.

  This method,

  The director of the two meridians,

   has incredible capabilities.

   is much stronger than simple medical skills.

   But it has a fatal flaw, that is, the art of witch doctors, which can only be practiced by people with the blood of the witch clan.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   only this point,

   then restricted most people.

  If this is not the case, the leader of the stranger can become an ancestor of a party with this, gather no luck, and it may not be possible to cultivate into a great supernatural power in the future, and achieve his own brilliance.

   But it is this limitation that greatly reduces his achievements. It is a blessing to be able to cultivate into a quasi-sage, not to mention the great supernatural powers.


   After creating a witch doctor,

   That foreign leader,

   Oh no, it should be said that he is the ancestor of witch doctors.

   The ancestor of the witch doctor passed the witch doctor skills to the witch people.

   is this move. After the failure of the civil war, the Wuren family, whose status has declined, has greatly increased its importance in the human race. Not only has its status been improved again, but it even has a faint tendency to rival the royal family.

after all,

  Who can guarantee that he will never get hurt?

   After the spread of the witch doctor technique, the status of the witch people in the human race gradually became prominent, and even gained a great say.

   If you want to talk about the power of the witch people, how big it is can be explained by one thing.

   At this time, there are countless individual tribes, large and small, and most of these tribes have their own witch doctors.

The difference between    is just the amount, one or two less, and hundreds or thousands of them.

   And these witch doctors have great power in the tribe, which can be said to be second only to the tribe leader.

   Even in some small tribes, some witch doctors have more power than tribal leaders.

   Of course, a witch doctor with such power can no longer be called a witch doctor, but is called a "witch", and holds the power of sacrifice.

  The important event of the country is the sacrifice to the army!

   From this, it can be seen that the witches who have mastered the power of sacrifice have so much power in the human race.



   To say so, although the witch doctors have a large part of the power of the human race, they have no reason to split the human race and continue to provoke civil unrest.

   can this matter,

   If it's bad, it's bad,

   The customs of the witch people.

   As the descendants of the Witch and Humans, while the Witches have inherited the power of the Witches, they have also inherited some of the customs of the Witches.

   For example, advocating nature!

  Pangu became the world, and made a great achievement.

   Witch people believe that all things have spirits, that mountains, rivers, and seas... are all made by the flesh and blood of Father Pangu and should be enshrined.

   Therefore, the Wu clan likes sacrifices very much.

  The wind, rain and thunder...

   and other natural phenomena, or famous mountains and rivers, can be the objects of their sacrifices.


   The witch people inherited the characteristics of the witch clan, they like sacrifices very much, and want to sacrifice everything when they see it.


   As a descendant of Pangu, the witches are born with a law and can interact with the heavens and the earth. Therefore, no matter what they sacrifice to, they can get a response.

   can be a witch,

  Because of the impure blood, I don’t have this ability!

   In other words, the Wu Clan offered sacrifices to all things, and that was indeed a response. As for the witches to sacrifice everything in one line, then they are really taking the form.

  Fart is not used, but it is easy to give some people with ulterior motives a chance to take advantage of it.

for example,

   When some small tribes are offering sacrifices,

   If there are special creatures passing by here and coveting the offerings of the human race, they can respond through the sacrifices of the people.


   That special creature changed,

   became the sacrifice spirit of this tribe and enjoyed its worship.

   Actually, this is nothing.

   As the saying goes,

   Whatever you get, you have to give something.

  Since these special creatures have enjoyed the worship of the human tribe, they naturally want to shelter here to repay the cause and effect.

  The special creatures have benefited, and the safety of the human tribes have also been guaranteed. This is a good thing for mutual benefit and should not be too worried.

   But the trouble is, the prehistoric here is full of evil spirits.

  Human tribe sacrifices indiscriminately, it is inevitable to be sensed by the Chaos Demon God, and this gives the Chaos Demon God the opportunity to intervene in the wild.

   If you say that the person who is the best at deceiving people's hearts, of course, it must belong to the Chaos Demon God.

   There is no him, because the Chaos Demon God is strong enough.

  With this great wildness,

   No one can refuse a powerful temptation.

   As for cause and effect, if it is chaotic cause and effect, they may have concerns, but they don’t care about this kind of thing, such as prevalent cause and effect.

  In the heart of the Chaos Demon God, Lao Tzu is going to destroy the vast world, you talk to me about cause and effect?

  What are you talking about?

   The predecessors are gone, what is the cause and effect?

  The floods return to the ruins, all things return to zero, naturally there is no cause and effect.

   Therefore, the Chaos Demon God has acted unscrupulously.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}  ……


   Under the bewitching of the Chaos Demon God, it is not surprising what happens.

   For a time,

   in the wild,

   is full of cows, ghosts and snakes, a mess!

   Moreover, under the fascination of chaos, the backlog of contradictions between the various tribes began to intensify, so that the disputes within the human race were not chaotic, and the situation was more chaotic than the ten thousand races.

   And this is the status quo of the human race.

   When there are more people, there are more things.

   The contradictions within the human race are much more complicated than the ten thousand races, and Zhuan Xu is a headache for this.


   This kind of thing is really not Zhuan Xu’s pot.

   When there is still a disharmonious relationship between brothers, let alone the relationship between the major tribes, the relationship has long been far away.

   There is no dispute, that's the hell.

   Even if there is no instigation from the Chaos Demon God, and conflicts erupt between the major tribes, that is bound to happen, the difference is only a matter of time.

   Chaos Demon God’s provocation can only be said to further intensify the contradiction and make it explode in advance.

   This is an unavoidable thing, and it is also a contradiction accumulated over the endless years. It will erupt at any time. Zhuan Xu can only be said to be bad luck, and happened to catch up with this incident during his tenure.


   Now that I have caught up,

   Then there is no reason to escape,

   Need to find a way to solve it.


   may be the test of heaven and earth to Zhuan Xu.




   calm this civil strife,

   is not difficult for Zhuan Xu.

   This is not relying on his invincible strength, but on the unique system of the human race.

   In order to ensure that there are no end to the masters of the human race, the masters of the human race often go out to find geniuses and bring them back to the human ancestors to cultivate.

   The accumulation of endless years has made the masters of the human race mostly concentrated in the ancestral land of the human race. They are absolutely loyal to the human race, they are the mainstay of the human race, and they are also the most powerful fighters of the human race.


   is the root of human race,

   There are no traces of great supernatural powers or even saints on his body.

   The children of the human race worshipped into the sect of the great supernatural powers, and even the sages, no matter how they look at it, it is a good thing, and they can take advantage of the human race.

   All of this is based on the harmony between the human race and the great supernatural powers.

  If one day, the human race and the great supernatural powers turn their faces and oppose each other, how should the human races who worship the great supernatural powers deal with themselves?

   Is it to help the human race, to help the teacher, or not to help each other?

   about this,

   Feng Zichen doesn’t know,

   don't want to know either.

   He only knows,

   The human heart cannot stand the test.

   Therefore, always plan for the worst in everything.

   In case, I said in case,

   In case those tribesmen are not useful at a critical moment, or even turn to battle, the tribe’s troubles will be great.

   Just in case, there are a group of masters in the ancestral land. The masters cultivated by these human races themselves are the most solid fortresses of human races.

   Although ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Feng Zichen can't guarantee their absolute loyalty, compared with those people who live outside all the year round, these people who have been cultivated by themselves are undoubtedly more trustworthy.



  No system can be absolutely perfect.

   Although Ancestral Land is trying its best to find geniuses, there will eventually be some fish that slip through the net.

   However, these "buried" geniuses are extremely rare and do not affect the overall situation.

   is relying on this system, so that the ancestral land of the human race gathered about 70% of the power of the human race.

   Then remove those clansmen who belong to the great supernatural powers, and the masters among the countless tribes, together, at most no more than 10% of the human masters.

   In this way, Zhuan Xu really wanted to calm down the riots, and he didn't take much effort at all.

   The disparity in each other's strength is too great.


   But that's it,

  颛顼 has never done anything.

   Although tribal riots are easy to quell, his actions will be meaningless unless the source is resolved.

   riots can be repeated at any time.


   want to solve this problem completely,

   can only eliminate its source.

   What is the source of tribal riots?

  颛顼 said that no matter what it was before, it will now be the provocation of Chaos Demon God.

   This is the internal contradiction,

   transfer to the outside.

   just don’t know,

   Now these evil gods that suddenly appeared,

   Is it easy to deal with or not?

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