Flooded Star Road

Chapter 640: Sacrifice to Heaven and Earth

In order to solve these problems of the human race, Zhuan Xu decided to reform religion, personally and sincerely worship the ancestors of heaven and earth, and set an example for the people, so as to sweep all the fornication and evil sacrifices.

After   , Zhuan Xu appointed Nan Zheng Li Zhong to be responsible for offering sacrifices to the heavens, so as to make peace with the gods. Bei Zhengli was appointed to take charge of civil affairs to comfort the people, persuade the people to follow the laws of nature to engage in agricultural production, and encourage people to reclaim their fields.

   Strictly forbid the activities of the people to use fortune-telling to help people and gods, so as to restore the normal order of society.

   As soon as these measures were implemented, the problems of the human race were immediately resolved and the disputes between the major tribes were settled.

   But undoubtedly, this action severely offended the evil gods hiding behind the major tribes of the human race.

   As the Chaos Demon God, they don’t know what they are afraid of. In this regard, even if Zhuan Xu was the destined human emperor, the supreme ruler of the wild earth, he could not frighten the Chaos Demon God.

   They were wronged,

   must be revenge.

   is the reason,

   Not long after the sacrifice at Zhuan Xuzheng,

   Above the wild land, from time to time there are evil gods appearing, causing chaos in the world, forcing Zhuan Xu to take action to suppress it.

   Fortunately, the evil gods who emerged in the early stage were all small people, the minions of the Chaos Demon God.

   Although there are many in number, the strength is really not high. It is very simple to deal with, and it is really impossible to set off a big storm.

   Therefore, Zhuan Xu calmed down the evil spirits this time without much effort. But he did not let go of his heart because of this. On the contrary, his heart was even more worried.

  Because he knows that with the character that the chaos demon **** Jai Xuan must repay, it is impossible to do nothing after suffering such a big loss.

   There is no volatility now, obviously he is holding back some big move.

   This big trick,

   must be extremely deadly to the human race.

   Because of this worry, Zhuan Xu was particularly anxious during that time.

after all,

   The threat of Chaos Demon God,

  Who can't be afraid?

   is Feng Zichen. After offending the Chaos Demon God to death, he also hid in the endless starry sky for millions of years and did not dare to come out.

   Until the later life-saving means were upgraded, he dared to continue to run out and make waves.



  颛顼This worry has lasted for thousands of years.

   I'm living in fear every day, for fear that the Chaos Demon God will suddenly be killed and hit Human Race by surprise.

   For this reason, Zhuan Xu pulled the defense to the top level, and was always vigilant about the movement of the void, in case the Chaos Demon was too late to react.

   But, in this way, the consumption of mind is undoubtedly huge. However, after ten thousand years of work, Zhuan Xu's face showed fatigue, and it seemed to be much older.

   This situation is almost impossible for monks of Zhuan Xu's realm.

   He is comparable to a half-step Hunyuan-level existence, transcending time and space, standing at the end of the long river of years, and even as the years pass, he cannot take away even a trace of time.

   But that's the case. He still looked old. From this, it can be seen that in these short ten thousand years, Zhuan Xu's consumption of mind and energy has been so great that it has affected his Dao body.


   The ten thousand-year-old high-intensity central god, although not to the limit of Zhuan Xu, it can not be said that it has no influence on him.

   The most intuitive embodiment,

  颛顼 is very tired, very tired!

   It was also at this time that Zhuan Xu realized that he seemed to have done a stupid thing.

   In this world, only a thousand days can be a thief. He is here waiting for the Chaos Demon God to come to attack the human race. If they don't come, he will waste his energy without talking, and waste a lot of time.

   Especially, given his current situation, it's okay for the Chaos Demon God not to come. If he does, he would be wrong if he can show his strength.

   has already lost half before the battle.

  So, how can I fight this?

   is forced to defend, which means that the human race has fallen into a passive state. This is not good!


   is not the human style, it is the initiative.

  At this moment, Zhuan Xu had an idea in his mind and decided to change his strategy, turning passive into active, in order to gain the initiative.

   And Zhuan Xu's idea is also very simple, and that is to implement the great plan of Jue Tian Di Tong.

   Once the world succeeds,

   From then on, humans and gods were separated, and it was difficult for the great supernatural powers to intervene in the wild land.

   When the time comes, the Chaos Demon God wants to take action against the Human Race. What they have to face is not the Human Race, but the entire prehistoric law of heaven and earth.

   Well, isn't the Chaos Demon God holding back his big move?

   At this point, Human Race cannot stop it.

   That is the case, the Human Race will simply be a little bit more, and completely ignore the Chaos Demon God, and only want to complete the plan of the Heaven and Earth Communication before the Chaos Demon God takes action.

   In this way, no matter what methods the Chaos Demon God has, he can't hit the human race.


  Isn’t the human crisis solved?

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   cut off all risks from the source, this is the real success.



  颛顼 is also an activist,

   this is not,

   just got an idea in my heart,

   After a short rest, he directly put into action.

   And the first thing He has to do is to settle the disputes between all races.

   If you want to achieve a perfect connection, let’s not talk about other conditions. At the very least, Honghuang has to stabilize first.

   What can be done in a messy prehistoric?

   It is not difficult for Zhuan Xu to restore peace to the prehistoric land.

   Ten thousand races are not human races, so they don't have so much scruples about them, just use their powerful strength to frighten them.

   After all, Honghuangtiandi is still a place to speak with strength.

   If you are strong, you can do whatever you want.

   So, it's okay for Zhuan Xu not to speak, but once Zhuan Xu came forward, all the tribes who had been rubbing constantly before, immediately calmed down, and no trouble occurred.

   For a time, the messy and wild land, with Zhuan Xu's voice, immediately restored its calm.

   The majesty accumulated by the four generations of human race emperors has already penetrated into the hearts of the creatures of the ten thousand races, making them dare not resist the orders of the human race.

   Of course, in addition to forcibly suppressing, Zhuan Xu also has some gentle methods that can settle disputes among the ten thousand races.

   It’s just that those methods, although mild, are too time-consuming. But now, the Chaos Demon God will be killed at no time. Zhuan Xu has time to spend with the ten thousand races. Naturally, the method takes the shortest time, which one to choose.


  Since the ten thousand races have been calmed down, Zhuan Xu has not been polite with them, and directly asked them to send representatives to worship the heaven and the earth together, in order to promote the project of Jue Tian Di Tong.

   The world is connected,

   As the name suggests,

   is to break the connection between heaven and earth.

  How do you say this kind of thing.

   If it only restricts ordinary immortals, then the matter is very simple. It doesn't use the power of the entire ten thousand clan at all, only Zhuan Xu is enough.

   But the Jue Tian Di Tong plan, from the beginning of its formulation, its purpose is not to restrict ordinary immortals, but all immortals, and the great supernatural powers.

   After the world is connected, man and **** are separated!

   This person refers to ordinary creatures and monks who have not become immortal. And that **** refers to the Immortal Dao and all the creatures above it.

   To do this, it is naturally difficult.

   Don't say it was Zhuan Xu, even if the power of the entire human race is combined, it is far from being able to do this.

   How strong the power of the great supernatural powers is, one or two can be seen from the means by which they can destroy the world.

   It is hard to imagine the difficulty of limiting the power of these characters to the wild land.

   It is impossible to do this without integrating the power of the entire predecessor.

   That's why Zhuan Xu called on all races to worship the heaven and earth together with him, so as to use the power of heaven and earth to promote the connection of heaven and earth.

   Without the help of the tens of thousands of people, Zhuan Xu would not be able to maximize the power of the world.


under normal circumstances,

   is the help of thousands of people,

It is also difficult for   颛顼 to do this.

   After all, the great supernatural powers of the Primordial Land are not muddled, all of them have a good temper and are dying, and can watch Zhuan Xu push forward the world without being indifferent.

   They will definitely be unhappy, and even secretly destroy them.

   But that is what happens under normal circumstances. The current situation is obviously abnormal.


   Tiandao was disappointed with the great supernatural powers.

   The great psychic might not want to see the fact that the world is connected to the earth, but the way of heaven is definitely willing to see it.

  颛顼's move is to walk in the sky, with heaven's help, is there any reason to fail?

   Those with great supernatural powers who dare to stop them are going against the sky and will be condemned by the heavens.


   In the case that the **** itself is not clean, if the great supernatural powers dare to act against the sky, the end will be even more worrying.

   and the great supernatural powers,

  Is the **** clean?

   That is obviously unclean.

   You need to know, of course, it was not only the ancestor witch, Emperor Jun, Taiyi, but also these great supernatural powers who could not interrupt Zhoushan during the Lich War.

   To be honest, there were too many great supernatural powers who shot at that time, almost including all the famous and unnamed great supernatural powers.

   This means that

  The great supernatural powers,

   There is one count, almost all of them are charged with destroying the world.

  How great is the crime of destroying the world?

   Enough for those great supernatural powers to die thousands of times.

   Although, because the great magical powers at that time made a timely remedy and made great contributions in salvation, Heaven did not settle the matter.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   but there is no liquidation,

   does not mean that the matter is over.

   Heaven can always remember,

   just waiting for those great supernatural powers to make a mistake, and it is a good time to liquidate.

   The origin of a great supernatural power is more than that of a large world. If it returns to the world, it is still unknown how much benefit it will bring to the world.

  Heaven's Dao has been coveting this for a long time.

  He is now,

   I'm not afraid of mistakes made by great magicians,

   I am afraid that they will not make mistakes.

   In this case,

   Great magical powers are all in danger,

   How dare to touch the brow of Heaven easily?

   Isn’t that the one who got on the pole gave the gods a handle, so that he could trouble himself?


   Feng Zichen concluded,

  颛顼's plan to connect the world,

   can proceed very, very smoothly, no one dares to stop it.



   Flood Center,

  The ruins of the original Buzhou Mountain,

   shows where the world tree is.

  Ren Huang Zhuanxu, together with the elders of the human race, and the patriarchs of the ten thousand races, made sacrifices to the heaven and the earth here.

  This place is the place where Pangu fell and transformed into heaven and earth. It is also the center of the prehistoric world, and it is also a place away from the origin of heaven and earth. Therefore, this place has become the best place to worship heaven and earth.

   At the beginning, the Wu people sacrificed Pangu here.

   in the wild,

  Pangu is greater than the world,


   Even Pangu can worship here,

   Offering sacrifices to heaven and earth is naturally more than enough.

   This is the case. It is not only the Wu clan who worshipped Pangu here, but the demon clan established by Emperor Jun in the past also worshipped heaven and earth here.

It can be said,

   As long as there is a major event to report to the world,

  Here is the best choice.

   Today, Zhuan Xu wants to use the power of the heaven and the earth to connect the heaven and the earth. Of course, he must offer sacrifices to the heaven and the earth here to get the best response.



   Around the world tree,

   Before the realm of "nothing",

  颛顼 gathers the power of all races, collects the land of the desolate land, melts the blood of all living beings, and builds a nine-color altar to worship the heaven and the earth.

   "Heaven is here!"

   "Today Zhuan Xu, the human race, feels that people and gods live together on the wild land, and there is mutual intrusion, causing the earth to be out of order, the world is out of order..."

   "Therefore, Zhuan Xu deliberately brought the tens of thousands of people to plead for the way of heaven, using supreme means to connect the world and the earth, so that people and gods will be separated without intruding each other..."

   "Wang Tian Dao Jian Zhi!"

   in front of the nine-color altar, Zhuan Xu said respectfully.


   "Unparalleled in the world?!"

   It was also at this time that the patriarch of the ten thousand clan knew that Zhuan Xu had come here to worship the heaven and the earth.

   all of a sudden,

   Their faces all changed.

   The world is connected,

   no matter how you look at it,

   is not a good thing for all races.

   Therefore, if Zhuan Xu told the Ten Thousand Clan in advance, they would definitely not agree, and maybe some moth would come out.

  Considering this point, Zhuan Xu thought about it and decided not to tell the patriarch of the ten thousand clan about this, and directly called them to worship the heaven and the earth.

in this way,

   Once established facts are created~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Wanzu just wants to repent, and it is too late.


   In fact,

   is also true,

   The patriarchs of the ten thousand clan felt a little difficult to ride a tiger at this time.

   If you had known Zhuan Xu's purpose, it would be to kill them, and they would not come.

   But now, people are here,

   I was thinking about leaving, but that would be difficult.

   Especially at this moment, things have reached the last step, and they can't leave.

   If he left at this moment, let alone how Zhuan Xu would retaliate against them afterwards. Just talk about the heavens above the sky, now they will not be let go. It is bound to let them know the consequences of taking the heavenly way to open up.


   When the cultivation base reaches the Taiyi Golden Immortal, he has already obtained the Dao, and he can sense the existence of the Heavenly Dao in the dark. And those who can become the leader of a clan have the power of the late Taiyi Golden Immortal for the last time.

   Therefore, the patriarchs of the ten thousand clan can clearly perceive the increasingly excited Heavenly Dao following the end of Zhuan Xu's sacrifice.

  Heavenly Dao's performance, isn't it to show that Zhuan Xu's behavior is to follow the sky?

  So, how dare the patriarch of the ten thousand clan pat his **** and leave?

   Isn’t that offending the way of heaven?

   Compared to the great supernatural powers,

   Taiyi Jinxian is undoubtedly more afraid of heaven.

  Because the great supernatural powers have the ability to turn their faces with the heavens. If the great supernatural powers are really pressed, they will really dare to die with the heavens and the earth.

   And Taiyi Jinxian, obviously can't do this. Therefore, they are low-powered, they can only let the gods handle it.

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