Flooded Star Road

Chapter 641: Sea of ​​law


   It is impossible to resist.

  Finding death is not the way to find it!


at this point,

   Even if the patriarch of the ten thousand tribes is reluctant, he dare not pick up and leave, so he has to bite the bullet and cooperate with Zhuan Xu to sacrifice the heaven and the earth.

   To win the favor of heaven.



   "Wang Tian Dao Jian Zhi!"

   In front of the nine-color altar, the patriarch of the ten thousand races endured the unwillingness in his heart, pretended to be pious, and shouted after Zhuan Xu.


   At the moment when the ten thousand tribes worshipped, on the altar, the nine-color brilliance of the sky burst into the sky.

That is,

   The power of sacrifice!


   At the moment when the power of the sacrificial rites rushed into the depths of the heavens and the earth, the primordial land unexpectedly changed inexplicably, and endless visions appeared, covering the sky and the sun.

   This is, humanity has manifested!


   is adding human race,

   almost encompasses all the creatures of the prehistoric world. They worshipped the heaven and the earth together. The first thing that was shocked was the humanity that is closely related to it, not the heavenly way.


   The manifestation of humanity, accompanied by infinite mighty power, and the brilliance of humanity, spilled over the entire wilderness, illuminating the hearts of everyone.


   "Has humanity manifested?"

   "It seems that the perfect connection is about to begin."

   On the purple star, Feng Zichen said silently, watching the abnormal changes on the wild land.

   At the same time, he quietly released his divine thoughts, covering the entire wilderness, in case the Chaos Demon suddenly took action and undermined the plan of the human race.

   is the enemy of nature,

  The great supernatural powers dare not,

   The primordial beings dare not.

   But the Chaos Demon God must dare.

   is the reason,

   Chaos Demon God, can't help but guard.

   As for whether it will affect Feng Zichen after the breakthrough of the world, it will definitely not be.

  He is Ziwei the Great, the supreme supreme of heaven and earth, and one of the most supreme masters. How could it be possible to restrict him if the world is in such a small area.

   In fact,

   Not only Feng Zichen, but the rest of the Four Royal Gods, and the top existence that occupies the position of heaven and earth, will not be restricted by Jue Tian Di Tong.

   After all,

   The world is connected,

   is still promoted by the wild world.

   The top existences who have the rank of heaven and earth are all the spokespersons chosen by the heaven and earth, the managers arranged by him, and their own people.

   Since this is the case, how can the limits of heaven and earth target one's own people?

   of course is invalid.




   Humanity appears,

   Endless power descends,

   Driven by the power of sacrificial rites, gathered at the junction of heaven and earth, forming a vast ocean of humanity.

   There is the brilliance of humanity, like a moat, which cuts off the connection between the sky and the earth.

can be seen,

  With the emergence of the humane ocean,

  The connection between heaven and earth is completely severed,

  Under the obstacles of humanity, any existence with life cannot cross this boundary.

   Heaven and Earth,

   is really separated!


   "Damn it!"

   Under the nine-color altar, the patriarch of the ten thousand clan saw this scene, and his heart was full of hatred, but he had to pretend to be happy on his face, really uncomfortable to death.


  The ancestors were forced to go to heaven,

   is enough to make the patriarch of the ten thousand tribes upset.

   But Zhuan Xu's doing this directly made them give up.

   Before the connection between heaven and earth was cut off, although the ancestor was in the heaven, if something happened in the clan, the ancestor could rush back at any time.

   But, with the success of Jue Tian Di Tong, everything is different. If the ancestors want to return to the clan, it is not that simple. The price to be paid must be extremely staggering.

   In this way, just wait for Ruowan clan to lose the biggest hole card directly.

  How can the patriarch of the ten thousand clan not hate it?



   is in the annoyance of the patriarch of the ten thousand clan,

  In the midst of the great famine, change and rebirth!


   After that humanity,

   The Heavenly Dao suddenly manifested, and the endless majesty spread over the entire wilderness, making people feel awe-inspiring.


   The heavens appear, ten thousand ways roar, and endless laws permeate out, converge towards the junction of heaven and earth, and form an even more expansive sea beyond that humane ocean.

   The sea made up of all laws!

  The Sea of ​​Laws!


   Seeing this scene,

   Don’t say it’s a prehistoric sentient being,

   Even the great supernatural powers were shocked and couldn't help exclaiming in exclamation.

   such power,

   has been able to threaten them.

   Earlier, the humane ocean appeared. Although magnificent, who is a great supernatural power?

   The existence that has already asked.

   The level of life has long been transformed, and it has been sublimated to the level of Tao, free from the restriction of humanity.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Therefore, although humanity is strong, its influence on them is not great.

   The sea of ​​the law is different.

   Unless you can ignore the law, you will be affected by Him.

  In other words,

  With the emergence of the sea of ​​laws,

   is a great supernatural power, it is also difficult to manifest in the prehistoric.

at this point,

   makes it very difficult for the great supernatural powers to tolerate it.

  The wild land is the birthplace of them. It was humiliating enough to be forced to leave before. Now it has cut off their path of return, which is really deceiving.

   Is it true that a supernatural power has no temper?

   thought of this,

   The great supernatural powers are really out of anger, and they don’t care whether they are against the sky, they have to directly interrupt the formation of the sea of ​​laws.

   As for the punishment of God afterwards, they really don't care. Because there are really too many great supernatural powers born on the prehistoric land. Almost occupies more than 90% of the great supernatural powers.

  This power,

   Even the way of heaven cannot be underestimated.


   As long as there are enough great supernatural powers to shoot,

   can make Heavenly Dao feel jealous, so that he dare not pursue the matter.

   against a great supernatural power,

   For heaven, it is not difficult.

   can be ten, a hundred, it is enough to make Tiandao headache.


   The great supernatural powers holding such thoughts,

   I don't have to worry about Tiandao's liquidation afterwards, and when I get out, it's called a scrupulous person.




   Above the sky,

   Various avenues manifested,

   has an amazing vision,

   The boundless coercion spread.

   That is the fluctuation when the great supernatural powers make their moves. Their power is so strong that countless worlds can be born and destroyed in every thought. Once they make a move, they move with the power of heaven and earth.



   was guarding Feng Zichen of the Chaos Demon God. He didn't wait for the Chaos Demon God to take the shot, but instead waited for the great magical power behind to take the shot. He was really bluffed.

   Everyone joined hands,

   Even He didn't dare to insist on it!

   Not to mention the unformed sea of ​​laws, I'm afraid it will be bombarded by everyone on the spot.

   "Friends, please calm down for a while."

   In anxious situation, Feng Zichen directly persuaded everyone.

   "Your Majesty, don't say anything."

   "God is really bullying!"

   "Pan Dao and others left the wild land according to his instructions. But that is the case, he still refuses to give up."

   "Today, I would like to use the hands of all living beings to establish a sea of ​​laws, so as to break the hope of the poor and the others to return to the wild."

   "It's really bullying!"

   "Yes, today Pang Dao and others must ask for an explanation. In order to let the heaven know, we are not to be deceived."

   Feng Zichen's voice just fell off, when I heard a great supernatural power shout with an angry look.

   The hearts of the great magicians are really wronged. They felt that the purpose of the Way of Heaven was not to isolate the world, but simply to target them.

   Otherwise, why would they still have to lock the connection between the heaven and the earth after they retreat from the wild land, isn't it just cutting off their back road?

   is their retreat, which gives them the feeling of bullying. Therefore, this time they have to teach Heavenly Dao a lesson so that he can know that the great supernatural powers are not easy to bully.

   As for this matter is promoted by the human race, why don't they blame the human race?

   That's very simple.

   How many catties are there in the human race, how many taels do they still know? If there is no acquiescence of heaven's acquiescence, it would be impossible for ten more human races to change the great things like this.


   After hearing the words, Feng Zichen was speechless for a while.

   He didn't expect that the great supernatural power would get angry for this reason.


   know the reason,

   The matter is solved.

   "Friends of Taoism, please stay calm."

   "You are all great virtues who have contributed to the prehistoric world, how can the heavens force you to wait like this? So that you can't return to your ancestral land?"

   "Let's keep a look, Heavenly Dao will not chill all fellow Taoists."

   shook his head and smiled, Feng Zichen said to everyone.

   "Do you take this seriously?"

   Jin Yuanzi, who has a good relationship with Feng Zichen, couldn't help but speak.

   If you have no alternative,

   He didn't want to be an enemy of heaven.

   "Dear fellow Taoists, what kind of status is a widow, how can you deceive you?"

   Hearing this, Feng Zichen smiled faintly, and directly sacrificed Ziweixing. Suddenly, Ziwei Xing radiated a lot of light, making it difficult for everyone to open their eyes for a while.


   At this time, everyone just wanted to go, the identity of the person in front of them.

   Ziwei the Great, the most noble man born in Honghuang, shares the same clan with the Tao of Heaven, is the lord of heaven and earth, and he belongs to the line of Pangu.

  His assurance,

   is really heavy!

   "Besides, even if the widows lie to you, it's not too late for you to make a move!"

   "Left and right are just a delay of a while, why not wait for a while and make a decision after seeing the result?"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Seeing everyone hesitated, Feng Zichen struck the iron while it was hot and continued.


   "If this is the case, the poor Dao and others will listen to your Majesty's words, wait for a while, and see what the purpose of the heavens is?"

   Everyone heard it, and ordered nodded and said.

  Wait for a while, it really won't take much time, just to see the final result.

   If it is dissatisfied, if everyone joins hands, even the prehistoric world can be destroyed, not to mention the unparalleled connection.

   Strong strength,

   is so emboldened!




   Seeing everyone withdraw their magical powers, Feng Zichen just breathed a sigh of relief, and accompanied everyone to observe the evolution of Jue Tian Di Tong.


   Without the interference of the great supernatural powers,

   Soon, the sea of ​​law will be completely formed, joining hands with the sea of ​​humanity, completely separating the connection between heaven and earth.

  At this moment, under the joint isolation of the power of heaven and the power of humanity, the heaven and the wild land are completely two worlds.

   The people of the heavens cannot go to the earth.

   People on the ground cannot go to the heaven.

   is like two unrelated worlds.

   The world is connected,

   absolutely thorough enough,

   directly cut the heavens and the earth into two worlds.



   "Your Majesty,"

   "Is this the ultimate goal of heaven?"

   "So, what else do you have to say?"

  Outside the world, a great supernatural power resisted his anger and asked Feng Zichen.

   For this result,

   They are very dissatisfied!

"Ha ha!"

   "Do not worry, fellow Taoists, look!"

   smiled, Feng Zichen put out his palm and grabbed it at the boundless starry sky.

   Suddenly, infinite stars bloomed, turning into strands of crystal ribbons, directly inserted into the sea of ​​law.

at the same time,

  The heavens trembled inexplicably, and the purple scents diffused from him, and gradually merged with the crystal ribbon formed by the starlight.

   For a time, in the sea of ​​laws, the stars are shining and the roads are shining, entangled with each other, releasing endless mystery.

   "At this moment..."

   Seeing this scene, the great supernatural powers seem to understand something vaguely.


   still continues.

   I don’t know how long has passed,

   Starlight and Daoguang gradually merged into one,

   formed a series of special lights that resembled ribbons.


   The inexplicable Taoist rhyme radiated from that light, resonating with the heaven and the earth, and deriving a number of mysterious runes, imprinted in the heaven and the earth.

   The light is shining and mysterious. With its appearance, the power of the sea of ​​laws has begun to slowly weaken.


  Under the influence of this ray of light,

   Between the sky and the earth, there is a passage again.


  This channel,

   only exists in the vicinity of Daoguang.


   "This power?"

   "A good student is familiar,"

   "It looks like..."

   A great magician, looking at the Daoguang rippling in the sea of ​​laws, frowned, and said with some doubts.

   He is like,

   saw this ray of light there.

   "Attract the light!"

   Suddenly, a voice rang in his ears, reminding him of the origin of this light~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is Feng Zichen's voice.


   "It is to attract the divine light. Pang Dao once felt a similar breath in the body of the Taoist friend."

   was awakened by someone, the person said excitedly.

   takes the divine light,

   draw the light of all beings!

   The only ability of this light, as the name suggests, is to attract.

   When the light comes out, it can lead everything.


   That is the highest level of receiving light,

   The attracting divine light here is obviously not up to this point, its ability is relatively single, and it can only attract immortals.

"This light is called the divine light, which is made by combining the power of the heavenly stars and the power of heaven. It is different from the divine light on the saints. It is not used to enlighten all living beings, but to attract immortals. of."

   "Under the suppression of the sea of ​​laws, the laws on the wild land have been compressed to the extreme, and the existence of the golden immortals is no longer allowed."

   "That is to say, once someone shows the power above the golden immortal, they will be sensed by the sea of ​​law, and will be led to the heaven by the divine light inside, and they are not allowed to stay in the earth."

   casually grabbed a ray of divine light, Feng Zichen explained to everyone.

   Very simple truth!

  Under the influence of the divine light, the sea of ​​law is not aimed at anyone, it is only aimed at the power above the golden immortal.

   As long as the power you show is not higher than the golden fairy, no matter what realm you are in, you can stay in the wild land.

   But once your power surpasses the Jinxian, then I am sorry, no matter who you are, you will be led by the divine light forcibly to the heaven.

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