Flooded Star Road

Chapter 743: life and death

The mentality has become younger, and the body is naturally younger.

   At the same time, this also shows Kunpeng's ambition.

   Young and full of vigor, it is the time to work hard to restore his youthful face, which shows Kunpeng's determination to dominate the world, and he wants to create another career.

   Looking at the spirited ancestor Kunpeng, Zhen Yuanzi's excitement calmed down instead.

"go back?"

   "Even if you can't do what the fellow Taoists wanted."

   "The enmity of Red Cloud Daoist Fellows has not lasted for many years since ancient times."

   "Today, it's time to make a break."

   shook his head, Zhen Yuanzi said calmly.

   Jin Yuanzi at this moment was really calm, so calm that he himself felt very surprised.

   He originally thought that he should be excited and excited when he came to seek revenge for the ancestors of Kunpeng this time. The pleasure of the revenge that is about to be repaid will bring him heartfelt joy.

   After really coming here, Zhen Yuanzi's heart did not have the waves as he had thought before, but was full of peace.

   Jin Motoko feels that her state is not right, but she can't tell whether it is good or bad. Because, in this calm state, although he has lost all emotions, he is closer to the Tao.

   "Please ask fellow Taoists on the road."

  In this weird state, Zhen Yuanzi straightened his clothes and bowed his hand to the ancestor Kunpeng, saying his final farewell.


   I saw him slowly withdrawing the Zichen sword.

   "The Emperor's Zichen Sword!"

   The ancestor Kunpeng, who didn't care much, couldn't help his brows jumping after seeing Zhen Yuanzi taking out the Zichen sword, revealing a solemn expression.

   Somehow, after seeing Zichen Sword, the ancestor Kunpeng had a bad feeling in vain.

   But how is it possible?

   Although the Zichen sword is strong, it is only the best innate spirit treasure, and it is not the innate treasure. How can it make him feel crisis?

   Although there was doubt in his heart, the ancestor Kunpeng did not dare to be careless, and quietly sacrificed to the Demon Master Palace to protect himself.

   "Zichen sword!"

   In the dark, the saint who came quietly after seeing Zhen Yuanzi take out the Zichen sword, he already understood why he wanted to seek revenge from the ancestor Kunpeng at this time.


   are all Gochen’s calculations!

   For a moment, the sage subconsciously turned his gaze towards the ancestral land of the human race.

   In the Palace of the Human Emperor, Feng Zichen seemed to have a sense, suddenly raised his head, and smiled in the direction of the Five Sages.

   "Friends of Taoism, this is a gift from the widow who asked you to ask the ancestor of Kunpeng, I wonder if you are satisfied?"

   chuckled, Feng Zichen said.



   "Yes, it's the Emperor's Zichen sword." Raising the Zichen sword in his hand, Zhen Yuanzi said slowly: "Friends, we should also make a break."

   The words fell, Zhen Yuanzi cut out with a sword.


   There is no flickering sword light, no anomaly, no wave of the road, and no trace of powerlessness.

   Zhen Yuanzi cut down with this sword, just like a mortal dancing sword, without the slightest ripple.

   After cutting the sword, Zhen Yuanzi turned around and left without showing any nostalgia.

   "Friend Kunpeng, the cause and effect between you and the poor Dao ends here." Although the person walked away, Zhen Yuanzi's voice floated from afar.

"what happened?"

"What's happening here?"

   "What is the purpose of Brother Zhen Yuanzi's sword?"

   After seeing Zhen Yuanzi's sword swing, he immediately turned around and left, and everyone's eyes were full of puzzlement.

   Zhen Yuanzi is here, didn’t he come to seek revenge from the ancestor Kunpeng? But why did he leave after swinging a sword?

  Also, how do you listen to the words that he said that the cause and effect ended, as if he had already killed the ancestor of Kunpeng?

  Kunpeng ancestor, don’t you still stand there?

  While they were puzzled, everyone looked at the ancestor Kunpeng again, but after watching for a long time, they didn't see anything wrong with him.

   Actually, not only them, but also the ancestor of Kunpeng himself is a little confused.

   Jin Motoko what does this mean, why did he leave like this? Also, what is the meaning of his sword swing?

  While doubting, the ancestor Kunpeng did not forget to check his body to see if there were any hidden dangers. But after checking for a long time, he didn't see any problems.

   "Jin Motoko, you..."

   Motivated by curiosity, the ancestor Kunpeng wanted to catch up with Zhen Yuanzi and asked Ming why.

   It’s just that His steps stopped just as soon as he started.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Just now, he suddenly felt his heartstrings vibrate. Then, he saw a bright sword light flashing before his eyes, and then he didn't know anything.

  Because he is dead!

   A generation of the most powerful, the North Sea Demon Emperor, the demon master of the demon clan, and the ancestor of Kunpeng, who have been in the wild for many years, have fallen so confused.

   And until he died, he didn't figure out how he died.

   Jin Yuanzi only swiped a sword gently, how could he kill him?

   Doubts, incomprehensions, filled the hearts of the ancestors of Kunpeng. But his doubts and incomprehensions are destined to be answered by no one, and no one can answer.

  Because, He has fallen. With the greatest doubts and incomprehension, he fell silently.

   "Daoist Kunpeng, what's wrong with you? Are you uncomfortable?"

Next to   , everyone saw that the ancestor Kunpeng suddenly became stunned, and couldn't help but ask curiously.

   However, in the face of their inquiry, the ancestor Kunpeng was doomed to be unable to answer.


  "Kunpeng Taoist friend, Kunpeng Taoist friend?"

   Seeing that the ancestor Kunpeng did not respond, the Master Tongtian realized that it was wrong and hurriedly stepped forward and shouted. As he spoke, his hand was already resting on the body of the ancestor Kunpeng.

   It’s just that the moment He met the ancestor Kunpeng, his face suddenly became difficult to look.

   The ancestor of Kunpeng died, but he died silently in front of them. In addition, before the incident, no one noticed the abnormality.

   You need to know that this place has gathered most of the masters, but that's it, no one has noticed the abnormality.

   This makes people think about it.

   "It is the power of causality. Daoist Zhenyuanzi's sword contains the power of causation. That is why he can quietly kill Daoist Kunpeng and directly kill his true spirit."

   In another place, the Taiqing sage hesitated for a long time before he slowly said, explaining the cause of the death of Kunpeng ancestor.

   It’s just that, even though he said so, there is still a trace of suspicion in his heart.

   The power to kill the ancestor of Kunpeng is indeed the power of cause and effect.

   However, the power of cause and effect is too strong, not to mention that it is easy to kill the masters of the level of Kunpeng ancestor, and it is even more concealed from their perception.

   Compared to the way of cause and effect that the saints of Taiqing are familiar with, it is really much more powerful. If the power of cause and effect were so strong, there wouldn't be so many conflicts between the day and the earth.

   The people of the world are jealous, and naturally they will not easily form cause and effect with others, so the conflict will naturally be much less.

   There is a problem with this causal power!

   Although there was suspicion in his heart, the Taiqing Saint did not say it.


   "Causal power?"

   When everyone heard the words, they all released their spiritual thoughts and looked carefully. As a result, as the Taiqing sage said, in the Kunpeng ancestor, they felt subtle causal fluctuations.


   "How powerful is this causal force to kill Daoist Kunpeng!"

   After understanding the truth, everyone exclaimed.

   The power of causality is not clear to them, but for the first time they have seen such a strong causal power, it is simply beyond their imagination.

   Since this method can kill the ancestor Kunpeng, it can also kill them.

   Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but become frightened by Feng Zichen. They were all human beings, and everyone would naturally be able to see that the key to Zhen Yuanzi's killing Kunpeng ancestor was with Zi Chen Jian.

   If there is no Zichen Sword, with Zhen Yuanzi's strength, he will definitely not be able to kill the ancestor of Kunpeng.

   "Human Sovereign, what a good method!"

  While their minds turned, everyone secretly made a decision in their hearts. If it is not a last resort, they must not have a cause and effect with the emperor.

   The lessons learned from the ancestors of Kunpeng are right in front of me.

   I don’t know what kind of cause and effect the ancestor Kunpeng had with the Emperor, and it was really terrifying that he could be killed by the power of cause and effect.



   "Friends, how does it feel to get revenge?" In the void, Feng Zichen walked up to Zhen Yuanzi and asked with a smile.

   "Oh, poor Dao is too persistent." Zhen Yuanzi sighed after returning the Zichen sword to Feng Zichen.

   After slaying the ancestor Kunpeng, he didn't get the slightest pleasure, and some were just relieved.

   Over the years, he has really become a little persistent.

   Concentrate on resurrecting Fellow Hongyun Daoist, why do you want to be obsessed with the hatred with Kunpeng?

   As for Fellow Hongyun’s enmity, Zhen Yuanzi only needs to resurrect him and let him avenge him.

   This kind of revenge is obviously because he takes the action more easily than the outsider does it for him.

   These principles were only figured out after Zhen Yuanzi killed Kunpeng. Had he figured it out earlier, he wouldn't have been so tired these years.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}  "Kunpeng ancestor is dead, and there is still the Stygian leader, but fellow daoists have trouble finding him? If fellow daoists really mean this, then I don't mind helping the daoists."

   Putting away the Zichen sword, Feng Zichen said slowly.

   There was more than one Kunpeng ancestor who killed the ancestor of Hongyun back then. There was also an ancestor of Styx. It was the two of them who joined forces to complete the lore of the ancestor of Hongyun.

   Otherwise, the ancestor Hongyun couldn't beat it, so wouldn't it be impossible?

   "No, poor Dao has already looked away. The life and death of Master Styghe will wait for the future Hongyun Daoist friend to return before making a decision."

   shook his head, Zhen Yuanzi replied.

   Since coming to Beihai, his heart knot has been loosened a bit, and his realm has also risen a little, and his view of things is obviously different from before.

   He has already touched the level of Dao, and looked at the problem from the perspective of Dao, not far from Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

   Only when the ancestor Hongyun returns, he can completely untie his knot, and he can take that crucial step, and be free and at ease.

   "It's good if you figure it out. As for the fellow Hongyun, I will help when the time is right." Seeing Zhenyuanzi's breakthrough, Feng Zichen felt very happy.

   After this incident, Jin Yuanzi has become his ally. And the stronger the allies are, the more help they bring to him.

   "Then I would like to thank the fellow daoists on behalf of Hongyun." Zhen Yuanzi was completely relieved when Feng Zichen said this.

   With Feng Zichen's assurance, the return of the ancestor of Hongyun is a matter of time.

"If there is nothing wrong with the Taoist fellow, the poor Dao should return to Wuzhuang Guan first. If there is something wrong, just inform the poor Dao directly, and the poor Dao will come." After paying a salute to Feng Zichen, Zhen Yuanzi proposed Goodbye

   Feng Zichen has nothing to do with this.



   Back to the Palace of Human Emperor, Feng Zichen raised the Zichen sword and watched for a long time before he said with emotion:

   "Under the avenue, there is no escape, no escape, Daoist Kunpeng, you are careless."

   The words fell, and suddenly a familiar figure appeared on the sword of Zi Chen Jian, who was the ancestor of Kunpeng.

   Yes, the ancestor Kunpeng did not die. Because Feng Zichen didn't intend to kill him at all.

   The ancestor of Kunpeng was tied to death by Dadao, and he can only become Feng Zichen's ally in this life. Otherwise, his life and death would fall into Feng Zichen's control.

   The oath of heaven may be broken, but the oath of the great road? Shu Feng Zichen is ignorant, but he has never heard of anyone who can get rid of it.

   Not even Pangu.

   In this case, this kind of ally who is destined to be incapable of betrayal is stronger than anything else. How could Feng Zichen be willing to kill him?

   Therefore, Zhen Yuanzi's sword did not kill his true spirit, but detained his true spirit.

   The owner of the Zichen sword, but Feng Zichen, even if it is held by Zhen Yuanzi, it still obeys Feng Zichen's orders.

   So ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When Zhen Yuanzi was swinging his sword, Feng Zichen used the power of the great oath to forcibly detain the true spirit of Kunpeng ancestor, and created the illusion that his true spirit was broken.


   "Yes, this time, it was really poor Dao carelessness. I didn't expect Dao friends to have the ability to communicate with Dao Dao and made a great oath with Poor Dao."

   "This kind of method is really convincing."

   On the Zichen sword, the true spirit of the ancestor Kunpeng said with a wry smile.

   He really regretted his death now.

   He should have thought of it a long time ago. When Feng Zichen handed over the runes of the avenue oven to him, he should have thought that Feng Zichen had a way to connect with the avenue.

   Otherwise, how did he get the Dao rune?

   It’s just that, under the desire for profit, the ancestor Kunpeng completely ignored this, so that he ended up like this.


   It's really too late to say anything now.

   People are swords and I am fish. He can only be slaughtered now.

   "How do you plan to deal with the poor Dao?" Kunpeng ancestor asked with a sigh of fate.

   Under the great oath, he has no strength to resist Feng Zichen at all. To blame, he can only be blamed for breaking his original promise, which is a price he must bear.

   Of course, if the ancestor Kunpeng chose to keep his promise, then his treatment would be another situation.

   is Fengzi’s guest,

   rather than the current prisoner.

   can only say that sometimes, choice is very important.

The right choice,

   will determine whether the future is brilliant.

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