Flooded Star Road

Chapter 744: The next step of the saint's plan

"Daoist Kunpeng, don't think about it, you are my ally, what can I do to you?"

   "Just temporarily trouble you to stay with me for a while, wait until the time is right, and then let you go."

   Looking at the ancestor Kunpeng whose expressions are constantly changing, Feng Zichen said unhurriedly.

   The ancestor of Kunpeng who was originally "fallen" will become his new trump card.

   "Well, what the daoist said is what the daoist said. The poor way is all according to what the daoist said."

   Nowadays, it is naturally what Feng Zichen said and what Kunpeng ancestor listened to. He still has this wink.



   In the Yuxu Palace, the atmosphere became more and more depressed.

   The Five Saints were silent and did not speak.

   This is also nothing. They tried their best to come up with a plan for the human race. Not only did it not cause any harm to the human race, but it also contributed to the strength of the human race.

  This kind of thing, who can be happy on whom?

   "Kun Peng has fallen, and the situation has become more and more unfavorable for me." After a long silence, Yuan Shi Tianzun said with a calm face.

   "Let's start the next plan, take advantage of the Beihai Demon Race is not yet in chaos, can cause some trouble to the Human Race, just add some." The lead saint hesitated for a while, said.

  To this day, even the saints have some skills, and the methods they can use to target the human race are running out.

   Right now, if the next plan still fails, then they have only one way left, a path they are unwilling to choose, to revive the ancient demon gods.

   "Let's start then!"

   opened his eyes and scanned the people around, seeing that none of them showed any expressions of rejection, the Taiqing Saint spoke and made the final decision.

   The words fell, the bodies of the five sages shook together, and the majestic and vast aura gushed out of them, and in an instant, it swept through every corner of the sky, the earth, and the land.

  In an instant, the laws of heaven and earth changed, as if clouded with a layer of mist, becoming hazy. At the same time, within the territories of the human race, the celestial phenomena changed suddenly.

  At this moment, the sun seemed to be even hotter, causing the temperature to rise a lot in the territories of the human race, and the water level also dropped a little.

   The acquired aura that permeated the heavens and the earth gradually became infected with a trace of decay, giving people the feeling of decay and withered.

   Under the influence of this force, all the creatures in the human borders seemed to have lost their vitality and became listless.

   Even the low-level cultivators of the human race, like mortals, have completely lost their energy and spirit, and become a little decadent.

"This is……"

   The abnormalities in the territories of the human race were naturally felt by Feng Zichen in the first place.

   "Sage, really a poisonous method."

   released his spiritual thoughts, Feng Zichen perceives it carefully for a while, and then finds out the cause of the change.

   are saints, it is they who changed the laws of heaven and earth and distorted the celestial phenomena in the territories of human race.

   From now on, in the territories of the human race, the smooth weather will never be seen again, and extremely bad celestial phenomena will appear one after another.

   The summer will get hotter and hotter, the winter will get colder and colder, and the spring and autumn will slowly disappear.

   Hail, thunderstorm, gale, drought, flood...

   Such extreme disasters will appear one after another within the territory of the human race until Feng Zichen completely abdicates.

   The acquired air that permeated the heaven and the earth was also touched by the saint, and it was contaminated with a breath of decay of the heaven and the earth.

   Do not say that it is a mortal, even the immortal expects that in such an environment, it will also have discomfort, will gradually lose energy and spirit, and thus decline.

   Heaven and earth are going to decline, how can ordinary people avoid vulgarity? Naturally, it decayed along with it.


   In the Palace of the People, Feng Zichen's face turned blue with anger.

   Sage, this is an absolute household plan!

   They want to use this method to make the territories of the human race enter a period of decline in advance, thus forcing Feng Zichen to abdicate.

   If he does not abdicate, the environment in the human race will become worse and worse, until it is not suitable for all living beings to live.

in addition,

   Feng Zichen understood this, and he couldn't change anything. Because, he has no way to break the saint's means.

  It's not that he is inferior to the saint, but in this matter, the saint has an incomparable advantage.

  If this is the innate age, then everyone is equal before the innate way.

   Therefore, the saints dealt with the human race by changing the law of heaven and earth. When the wind and purple Chen thought, he could reverse the law of heaven and earth and restore the territories of human race to normal.

   But now, it is an acquired age.

   In the control of the laws of heaven and earth, Feng Zichen is far from being comparable to Sanqing. The entire law system of the acquired Tao was developed and constructed by the Sanqing, and they have absolute control over this.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   In other words, Sanqing is the pioneer of this era.

   What did Feng Zichen fight with them?

   From the hands of the developers, to seize the control of the law of heaven and earth, isn’t that a nuisance?

   If Feng Zichen had this ability, why would he need to fight against the saints in the human world? Wouldn’t it be enough to just kill the Kunlun Mountain Yuxu Palace?

   "Damn it!"

   Feng Zichen tried to reverse the celestial phenomenon, but the result was undoubtedly a failure.

   When He is shaking the laws of heaven and earth, you can see that there are five tall figures sitting cross-legged on the laws of the day and earth.

   The vast breath blooms from them, overlooking the ages, suppressing the past, the present, and the future.

  Under their suppression, the law of heaven and earth is as stable as a mountain, no matter how shaken by Feng Zichen, they cannot be shaken.

  So, even shaking can't be done, let alone the law of the world.


   After several trials, Feng Zichen calmed down when he realized that he couldn't change anything.

   I listened to him with a cold smile and said: "Do you think that you can deal with widows in this way? It's ridiculous!"

  As a qualified emperor, he naturally has to be fully prepared to prevent various accidents. Although the saint's method is fierce, Feng Zichen is not unprepared for anything.

   That human and supernatural power was born for this.


   Then rain with humanity and supernatural power.


   Then use humane and magical powers to control the water.

the weather is getting hotter? colder and colder?

   Then use humanity and magical powers to force the celestial phenomenon to be easier.

   The law of heaven and earth is in the hands of the enemy, how can Feng Zichen be without a trace of defense? He had anticipated that sooner or later, the saint would deal with him by changing the laws of heaven and earth.

   There is not much reason. It is him who has such a big advantage, and he will use it to weaken the enemy's power.

   Therefore, Feng Zichen will summon the Terran Five Hundred Innate Dao Sovereigns with great fanfare to come to the Terran ancestors to study the humanity and supernatural powers.

   Its purpose is to guard against this moment.

   Humane supernatural powers are supernatural powers that are completely dependent on humanity, integrated into all aspects of the human race, and perfectly embody the concept of God for human use.

   is the supernatural power that relies on humanity. No matter how easy the law of heaven and earth is, it will not affect their power in the slightest.

   Unless one day, the humanity is gone, otherwise, the humanity's magical powers will never be invalidated.

   Therefore, the celestial phenomenon has been changed, and Feng Zichen is not at all worried about its impact on the human race.

   After all, this is the mythical world of immortals and gods. Changes in celestial phenomena cannot be entirely attributed to nature, but can also be changed artificially.

   Only by surpassing the power of heaven and earth with manpower can the means of monks be demonstrated.


   is also in line with the human race's concept of conquering heaven.

   No matter how bad the weather is, the monks can restore it to normal. It can be said that as long as Feng Zichen is willing, the human race will be a smooth year every year.

   The change of the celestial phenomenon is not worth worrying about by Feng Zichen, but on the other hand, it embarrassed him a little bit.

   That is the acquired air, and the change of the rules of heaven and earth.

   And this is also the real method the saint uses to deal with Feng Zichen. The so-called change of the astronomical phenomenon has made the living environment in the territories of the human race worse and worse. It is only incidental.

   The real ultimate move of the saint lies in the change of the acquired aura and the rules of heaven and earth.

   Human beings with supernatural powers can change the celestial phenomena, but they cannot change the acquired aura and the rules of heaven and earth.

   The acquired aura is contaminated with the aura of decay of the heavens and the earth, which will make the environment in the territories of the human race worse and worse, until it completely loses its vitality.

   At this point, even if the human race can change the celestial phenomenon, it is irreversible.

  Because, the decay of heaven and earth destroys the origin of things, destroys everything fundamentally, and makes all things come to an end.

   Moreover, if the decay of heaven and earth is allowed to develop, then sooner or later, it will cause a large-scale catastrophe in the territory of life, the arrival of the five decays of heaven and man.

   Under the five decay of heaven and man, all living beings will decay and fall apart except the innate Taoist priest.

   At that time, without the saint's action, the human race will not attack and destroy itself.

   This plan can be called a household plan, and it is not ruthless.

   Do you think this is the saint’s last resort? No, no, the saint is even more ruthless.

   They blocked the way of acquired from the human race, so that the monks of the human race could not practice the way of the acquired, and could only turn their heads to practice the way of the innate.

   Moreover, the supernatural powers that require the use of the rules of acquired heaven and earth will not be used by the human race ever since.

   There is nothing wrong with a glance at this matter. You can’t use the acquired way, but the human race can use the innate way.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   A long time ago, Innate Way was severely injured by the Sanqing and had to retreat to the source of heaven and earth for healing.

   After the innate way retreats, it will be difficult for sentient beings to perceive him. This undoubtedly makes it much more difficult to cultivate innate ways.

   It was also at this time that Sanqing opened up the way of the day after tomorrow.

   There is the acquired way traverses between the heaven and the earth, and the innate way that was difficult to cultivate is even more difficult to practice.

   At this time, you let people cultivate the innate way, don’t you want to kill people? I really think that everyone in the human race is the proud child of the sky, can you compare with the innate gods and demons?

   Let them practice the innate way at this time, fearing that they will have exhausted their lives before they have achieved success.

   In a short period of time, this matter may have little effect on Feng Zichen, but after a long time, as the earliest batch of monks age, they will definitely get into trouble.

   Under the threat of death, it was enough to make them lose their minds and make all sorts of incredible actions.

   is to take refuge in a saint, it is not impossible.

   Saint, this is to force against the human race.

   Forcing those human races who practice the acquired way to be opposed by Feng Zichen.

   This is Chi Luoluo's plan. Feng Zichen understands that in a short period of time, he can only try his best to remedy it, but there is no way to solve it.

   In fact, the solution to this matter is very simple, just redefine the way of acquired. Sanqing can open up the law of acquired nature, and so can Fengzichen.

   As long as all the acquired rules are broken up, and then reopened, the plan of Sanqing will be broken.

   But it takes time and opportunity.

   Now to break the acquired rules, it is equivalent to directly declaring war on the saint. But at this moment, it is not the best opportunity to get started.

  Because Feng Zichen's general momentum has not yet been accumulated, and his strength has not been restored to its peak.

   Now that a decisive battle with the saint broke out, all his previous preparations were wasted.


   Feng Zichen still needs to be patient for a while.

  When he becomes the general trend, and the decisive battle with the saint breaks out, it happens to be able to break the rules of the day after tomorrow and redefine the way of the day after tomorrow.

   Right now, I can only endure it.




   With a movement in his heart, Feng Zichen had enough mana and shocked. Suddenly, an invisible wave, centered on him, spread in all directions.

   Boom boom boom!

   At this moment, an endless storm rolled up in the territories of the human race, driving out all the acquired air that was in the air.

  In an instant, the entire Terran territory was cleared, and there was no trace of acquired aura, only the innate aura remained.

   Of course, the acquired aura disappeared, and the concentration of aura in the territories of the human race also decreased a lot.


at the same time,

   the endless starry sky, on the purple star,

   The Emperor Ziwei suddenly opened his eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then, seeing him wave his hand, Zhou Tianxingzhang immediately shined brightly, and the boundless starlight hung down.


   With an order, Zhou Tian's stars shook together, and the infinite starlight fell down and headed toward the wild land.

   At this moment, the wild white sun appeared, covering the entire sky, reflecting that rare wonder in ten thousand years.

   The starlight falls, transforms into boundless innate aura, flows into the territories of the human race to make up for the aura that has fallen due to the disappearance of acquired aura.


   At this time, Feng Zichen in the Palace of Human Emperor suddenly clenched his fists and blasted towards the void.


  The domineering fist print, carrying the mighty humane dragon aura, hit the void in front of him, erupting astonishing fluctuations.

   In an instant, the golden humane dragon aura surged out, boundlessly, spreading across every void in the human race.

   Then, there was a bang, that the acquired law shrouded in the territories of the human race was directly shattered, being stirred into fragments by the humane dragon energy, turned into dots, and disappeared.


   After doing all this, Feng Zichen gave a cold snort.

   At the same time, the innate way in the endless starry sky hung down and turned into an endless chain of gods of order, covering the entire human race territory, replacing the acquired way.

   At this moment, with the help of the endless starry sky, the acquired way in the territories of the human race was completely replaced with the innate way.

   for an instant,

   The environment within the territories of the human race has changed drastically,

   is more agile and full of vitality.

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