Flooded Star Road

Chapter 745: Pangu Yuanshen

If it is not because there are too few innate creatures in the territories of the human race, then, being in the territory of the human race will inevitably give people an illusion, as if they have returned to the ancient times.

   "In this way, Human Race will not cause trouble for the time being."

   After carefully perceiving the surrounding world, Feng Zichen only breathed a sigh of relief.

   Of course, it was only a sigh of relief for the time being, and he did not completely resolve the problem that the saint gave him.

   Although Feng Zichen used the innate way instead of the acquired way, this method still has flaws after all and can only be regarded as a stopgap measure.

   The innate way is more difficult to cultivate than the afterward way.

   Feng Zichen doing this now will undoubtedly raise the threshold of cultivation greatly, which will cause many people with insufficient talents to lose their qualifications for cultivation.

   In a short time, this will not be a problem, but if it lasts for a long time, the number of mortals in the territories of the human race will greatly increase, which is very detrimental to the development of the human race.

   "Let’s stick to it for a while, when the human race has achieved the general trend, it is the time for a decisive battle with the saint."

   In the Palace of the Human Emperor, the long voice of Feng Zichen echoed.



at the same time,

   In a secret realm in the wild,

   Ten powerful figures, standing quietly, seem to be waiting for something, and behind them, there are millions of troops.

  The monster army!

   That is a monster elite who is more powerful than the North Sea monster elite.

   They are the top ten demon gods headed by Bai Ze, and behind them is naturally the remnant power of the demon clan heaven.

   Compared with the Beihai Monster Race, the subordinates of the Ten Great Monster Gods are the most orthodox Monster Race, and at the same time, they are the only remaining power in the ancient heaven.

   "Brother Dao, do we really want to cooperate with the saint?" After an unknown period of time, Yingzhao suddenly said to the leader of Bai Ze.

   "Apart from cooperating with them, do we have any other choice?" Bai Ze said without looking back at the heroic move, his tone full of helplessness.

   "Oh, it's okay to cooperate with them, but will the saints really fulfill their promises?" On the other side, Fei Lian sighed and said with a slight worry.

   "Yes, the saints will honor their promises to resurrect the queen mother."

   "Sanqing still disdains lying, and besides, they can't afford to lose that person."

   Bai Ze shook his head, still speaking plainly.

   Then, there was another silence.

   That's right, Sanqing found these remaining ancient monster races, and exchanged them for their shots at the price of resurrecting the queen Xihe.

   Resurrecting Taiyi Emperor Jun, Sanqing wouldn't do this kind of self-digging tomb, but Sanqing wouldn't matter if he resurrected Xi and this insignificant person.

The strength of    Xihe may not be considered the strongest of the monster clan, but the significance of its own existence is extremely important to the monster clan.

   After all, Xihe is a queen!

   Therefore, after hesitating for a while, Bai Ze and other ten demon gods agreed to the conditions of the saint and were willing to help him attack the human race.

   Of course, they have no room for rejection. Without Dijun and Taiyi, with their strength, why would they reject the conditions of the saints?

   "Damn it, if the two majesty are still there, how dare the saint insult me ​​like this." Thinking of the glory of the ancient monster race, the ghost car suddenly said with a look of resentment.

   "Hey, I don't know if we can find a chance to resurrect Your Majesty if we go out this time." Ji Meng said when he heard the ghost car mention the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

   "Let's take a look, now that the killing is approaching, the saint can't do everything, and there will always be flaws." Hearing this, Bai Ze's face finally fluctuated and said with a little excitement.

   The resurrection of Emperor Shun Taichi has always been the long-cherished wish of these people. Only when Emperor Taiyi recovers can he lead the Yaozu to glory again.

   "Well, this may be our last chance. Therefore, even if we sacrifice ourselves, we must call back the two majesty." After looking at each other, the ten people secretly made up their minds.

   The killing is approaching, and the saints have no other advantage besides being stronger than them. And this gave them the opportunity to resurrect Emperor Jun Taiichi.

  Unable to deduct the secret of heaven, the saint cannot count the plan of the ten monsters and gods. In this way, they have more opportunities to operate.

   Let them re-enter the wild land, perhaps the most wrong decision of the saints.

   The saint was a little dizzy.

   Sanqing will keep the promise, but how can the ancient monster race? The revival of Xihe is indeed of great significance, but how is it more significant than the revival of Emperor Jun Taiyi?

   From the beginning to the end, the ten monsters and gods had only one purpose, and that was to resurrect the emperor Taiyi, and the rest were not in their consideration at all.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   The reason why they agreed with the conditions of the saint was just to take this opportunity to re-enter the wild land, so as to prepare for the revival of Emperor Taiyi.

   If there is no support from the saints, as the remnants of the ancient monster race, they are afraid that they will be besieged to death by the human masters if they have not set foot on the prehistoric land.

   In the silence of the ten great monsters, an inexplicable fluctuation spread in vain and passed to their hearts.

   Suddenly, the expressions of the ten monsters were shocked. They understood that this was the signal of the saints, and they wanted them to go to the wild land to attack the human race.

   "Brothers, you can act."

   "Remember, this is our only chance, and we must never fail."

   "If I miss this opportunity, I don't know in this life, I will wait for the chance to set foot on the wild land again."

   With all the continuation of love, Bai Ze said to everyone.

   Then, I saw him give an order:

   "The whole army obeys the order, follow me to attack the human race."

   The words fell, an army of one million was dispatched, marching in neat steps, to kill the human race.

   "Let's go too." Seeing this, Bai Ze called everyone to follow.

   Hearing the words, the other nine demon gods did not speak, but took steps in a tacit understanding and followed the demon army.

   go here,

   They really have no way out.

   Inexplicably, Bai Ze sighed.

   However, even so, but in his heart, there is a certainty that it will happen. Going to the wild land, he will definitely be able to resurrect Emperor Jun Taiyi.

  The reason is very simple. There is a deep secret hidden in Bai Ze's heart, that is, even the nine monster gods who have a life and death relationship, he did not tell, he was deeply buried in his heart.

   That is, on the eve of the decisive battle of the Lich, Di Jun had secretly called him, secretly told him something, and told Bai Ze how to resurrect him after his fall.

  Emperor Jun, who is the man, the one-of-a-kind hero in the world, under the help of the powerful enemy of the Witch Clan, how could he not prepare early and leave himself with the resurrection?

   Long, long ago, Di Jun had considered what happened after his fall.

   He knows that after his fall, not only will no one be willing to help him resurrect, but there will be people falling into the pit and hindering his return.

   Therefore, He arranged a back-up in Honghuang early to help him recover after his fall.

   Moreover, Di Jun left more than one backhand, but many. One of those backhands was told by Him to Bai Ze.

  Everything has to be prepared with multiple hands, Feng Zichen is like this, so is Emperor Jun.

   It is precisely because he knows where Emperor Jun's backs are, that Bai Ze is sure to revive Emperor Jun.

  He is going to attack the human race is still secondary, mainly looking for opportunities to activate Dijun's back. It's just this, no one knows except Bai Ze.



   As soon as the monster army entered the wild land, it was sensed by Feng Zichen. For this, he only had a two-character evaluation, he was looking for death!

   The appearance of the ancient monster clan does not require him to do anything.

   also didn't see Feng Zichen any movement, the moment the ancient monster clan army entered the prehistoric land, the barrier between the nether world and the human world suddenly trembled violently.

   Then, a noble and tyrannical aura spread in vain and filled the space between heaven and earth.

   "This is the Wu Clan!"

   Although no one has been seen, from this familiar breath, everyone already knows what happened.

   is the witch clan, it is the witch clan that has reappeared.


   Accompanied by the cold killing air, a group of witch tribe army walked out from the nether world, stepped into the prehistoric land, and slew the ancient monster tribe army mightily.

   The ancient monster clan and the ancient witch clan are deadly enemies. The ancient monster clan army is dispatched, and Feng Zichen does not need to take action. After the Wu clan gets the news, it will send an army to fight them.

   "It's really funny, using the ancient monster race to deal with the human race, and I don't know what the saint thinks, I can come up with such a stupid way."

   "Did they forget that the ancient witches are still there?"

   In the Palace of the People, looking at the Lich Clan who had already started fighting, Feng Zichen couldn't help shook his head and smiled.

   He feels that the saint’s current methods are becoming more and more incomprehensible, and he is going further and further on the road of dementia.

   Alas, Feng Zichen can't see the current scene in Yuxu Palace now, otherwise, he wouldn't think so.


   "The two races have already started fighting, and everyone's attention has also been attracted. The three of us brothers should also take action."

  As everyone focused on the battlefield of the Lich II Clan, in the Yuxu Palace, Sanqing once again joined forces.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   I saw the three of them release their true spirits at the same time, rotating in a strange trajectory. Suddenly, an extremely stalwart power filled Sanqing's body.

   That power can be called the most virtuous and majestic, detached from everything, the stalwart is at its extreme, and it makes people unable to have any thoughts to contend with it.

   If it is normal, once this force appears, it will alarm the entire prehistoric land. Because that is the power of Pangu. As soon as it appears, it will resonate with heaven and earth.

   But now, I don’t know what method Sanqing has used. It actually limits this power to the Yuxu Palace, making it impossible to divulge it.

   Under the influence of this power, Sanqing's figure slowly faded, and then disappeared. Later, in the original position of Sanqing, a stalwart figure replaced them.


   There is no need to use words to describe, as long as you see the shocking figure, you will know that the person is the beginning of heaven and earth, the source of all things, Pangu Dadao Zun.

   To be precise, this is the soul of Pangu!

   The twelve ancestor witches joined forces to summon Pangu flesh. Those Sanqing teamed up, and naturally they could also summon Pangu Yuanshen.

   However, since the birth of Sanqing, no one has ever seen Sanqing use this trick. Therefore, many people think that Sanqing does not have the ability to summon Pangu Yuanshen.

   But now, Sanqing used facts to prove that their three brothers have joined forces and indeed have the ability to summon Pangu Yuanshen.


   No one saw this scene.

   With the strength of Sanqing, how strong is the Pangu Yuanshen summoned, just give an example.

   In the Yuxu Palace, in addition to Sanqing, there are also two saints who are here. However, the two of them turned a blind eye to the Pangu Yuanshen that suddenly appeared in front of them, without any reaction.

no no,

   They don’t want to ignore it.

   But they can't see or feel it.

  Yes, yes, just invisible.

   Even if Sanqing is the Pangu Yuanshen summoned in front of the two sages who received Zhunti. But the two of them couldn't feel the breath of that majesty at all, nor could they see the existence of Pangu Yuanshen.

   In their eyes, Sanqing was still sitting there, as if enlightening and contemplating.

   In short, there is no abnormality.

   The strength of Pangu Yuanshen is evident from this. As long as Sanqing is unwilling, even if it is the same sage who is invited to meet in person, he will not be aware of the seeming abnormality.

   This shows that Pangu Yuanshen has the power to easily suppress the two.

   What an incredible power, it is beyond imagination.

   There is no doubt that this is a force that surpasses the level of Hunyuan, and has absolutely reached the level of Luo Jinxian of Infinity. In the entire prehistoric world, perhaps only Taoist Hongjun can contend with it.



   Suddenly, Pangu Yuanshen moved ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The vastness of power beyond imagination, gushing out of his body, piercing through the layers of void, and actually came into the Netherworld.

   What is this going to do?

   Why did Sanqing attack the Netherworld?

   Boom boom boom!

   I saw the Pangu power, rushing into the deepest part of the Netherworld like a broken bamboo, where the six reincarnation disks are located.

   During this period, no one actually noticed the emergence of this force.

   Even Houtu is the same.

   With a boom, this Pangu power blasted firmly on the six reincarnation discs, causing it to undergo an unknown change.


   Inexplicably, Houtu jumped in his heart, opened his eyes and looked at the six reincarnation discs beside him.

   Just now, he seemed to feel that there was a problem with the six reincarnation discs. With doubts in his mind, he began to carefully examine the six reincarnations, but as a result, he found nothing.

   There is no problem with the six-track reincarnation plate.

   There is no problem, it is the biggest problem. In the future, the strength of the soil, it is impossible to have an illusion. Since he felt that there was something wrong with the six reincarnation disc, there must be something wrong with the six reincarnation disc.

   But he couldn't detect it.

   This can't help but make Houtu think more about it.

  Is the Father God taking action?

  In the midst of the predicament, only Pangu's move to shake the six reincarnation discs can conceal the perception of Houtu. In addition to him, even if Hongjun Daozu shots, Houtu will also be aware of it.

   If it is other power, even if it is the power of the infinite Luo Jinxian beyond the Hunyuan level, as long as it takes the six reincarnation discs, it will be sensed by Houtu.

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