Flooded Star Road

Chapter 746: Heavenly Army

But Pangu's power is different.

   He and Hou Tu are of the same origin, so if it is too much higher than the day after tomorrow, Hou Tu will not perceive his existence.

   On the occasion of the battle between the second family of the Lich, Sanqing suddenly joined forces and worked together to target the six reincarnation discs. Without even thinking about it, there must be some conspiracy in it.

   But apart from Sanqing, no one knows about this.

   In the Netherworld, Houtu was puzzled, and he simply didn't pay attention to the battle between the second family of Lich, and directly focused all his attention on the six reincarnation discs.

   He wanted to see what was wrong with these six reincarnation discs.

   can’t be seen in a day, but he will see it for a year;

   can't be seen in a year, He will look at a hundred years;

   Anyway, he has time, so I am not afraid of not seeing the problem.


   After Sanqing shot the Six Dao Samsara, he gradually fell into silence. Dispersed the Pangu Yuanshen and regained its original form.

   It's just that, in a corner where no one can see, Sanqing's spirit has languished a lot. Obviously, it is not easy for them to evolve the Pangu Yuanshen.

   does not respect Pangu, but has to forcefully evolve the Pangu Yuanshen. With his power, Sanqing will inevitably endure an unimaginable price.

   You must know that Sanqing is not a twelve group of witches. They regard Pangu as a belief and are willing to give everything for him. They only have themselves in their hearts.

   Therefore, as early as countless years ago, Sanqing cut off the connection between himself and Pangu.

   In other words, Sanqing simply did not have the ability to evolve the Pangu Yuanshen, and they voluntarily gave up this power.

   However, it was said that it was cut off, but in fact, it was not completely cut off.

   The connection between Sanqing and Pangu cannot be completely cut off at all. Well, otherwise, Sanqing would not be called Pangu Sanqing.

  The grace of health is greater than the sky, this is a connection that no matter what force can't let go. Therefore, Sanqing can only weaken this connection as much as possible.

   The original imprint of Sanqing was given to them by Pangu. They can achieve today's achievements, mostly by relying on Pangu's orthodox name.

   They can rely on their own way to kill the Pangu Yuanshen Qi in their bodies, but they cannot cut off the connection between their own mark of life and Pangu.

   That is the root of the Sanqing, if it is really going to be cut, they will be abolished.

   Therefore, even if there is no trace of Pangu Yuanshen Qi in the body, through the mark of life, Sanqing can still forcefully evolve Pangu Yuanshen with powerful strength.

   However, the price to be paid is too great. Otherwise, Sanqing wouldn't have never used this method.

   First of all, forcibly condense the Pangu Yuanshen, which consumes the origin of Sanqing. This is equivalent to saying that every time Pangu Yuanshen is condensed, Sanqing's strength will drop a little.

   How much fall depends on the time they condense the Pangu Yuanshen. The longer the time, the more falls.

  Secondly, it is the most dangerous place.

   Forcibly condensing Pangu Yuanshen will strengthen the connection between Sanqing and Pangu.

  In other words, once Sanqing chooses to condense the Pangu Yuanshen, all their previous efforts to get rid of Pangu's influence will be in vain.

   In addition, every time the power of Pangu Yuanshen is used, they will gradually become Pangu. If it is used more times, then Sanqing will probably not escape the end of being assimilated by Pangu Yuanshen.

   At that time, it is really hard to say whether Sanqing still exists.

   Therefore, for Sanqing, the use of Pangu Yuanshen is the last resort, it is a method of fighting for life, and it must not be used unless it is a last resort.

   Now, they have used this method, and it can be seen to what extent Feng Zichen has forced them.

   is really in desperation.



   With Sanqing's shot against the six-track reincarnation plate, an unknown change took place.

   When the six reincarnation discs were rotating, the strong man who had fallen a long time ago, the fragments of the innate immortal true spirit scattered between the heaven and the earth, suddenly moved.

   was pulled by an inexplicable force, continuously pouring into the six reincarnation discs, and then repaired by the power of reincarnation, following the mysterious and unpredictable passage of reincarnation, reincarnation was gone.

   And the direction of their reincarnation is Human Race!

   Sanqing, what is this going to do?

   first used the six reincarnation discs to reconsolidate the true spirit fragments of the strong men who had fallen, and then repair them and send them to the reincarnation human race.

   Is this helping the human race improve its strength?

   Obviously not, Sanqing is not so kind yet.

   Then why do they do this?

   Although I don't know the specific reason, there is no doubt that this is definitely not a good thing for Human Race.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   It's just that Feng Zichen didn't notice a trace of this. Because, at this moment, his attention was all attracted by the battle between the two ancient Lich races.

   In order to defeat the ancient monster clan army in the shortest time, Xuan Ming Zu Wu made a move. Seeing him taking a step forward, he came directly from the Netherworld to the wild land, and hit the ten monster gods with a punch.

  Xuanming Ancestral Witch, was originally the top supernatural power between heaven and earth. In recent years, he has devoted himself to cultivation in the Nether Realm. With the help of the Xuanming Temple, his cultivation has already broken through the half-step Hunyuan realm.

   is just one step away from the unfettered, unfettered and unrestrained Hunyuan Daluojin fairyland.

   His fist blasted out, and the terrifying power spurred out was enough to tear the barren land and destroy all acquired laws.

   There is no doubt that under the fist of Xuan Ming Ancestral Witch, even Da Luo Jinxian will also fall, there is absolutely no possibility of escape.

   But, endless years have passed, and the ten great demon gods, who are infinitely close to the realm of quasi-sages, how can they still stay in the realm of the big Luo demon god?

   Seeing Xuan Ming Ancestral Witch's punch, the ten monsters roared together, all transformed into their original form.

   In an instant, ten earth-shaking auras exploded, shaking the entire prehistoric world.

   Quasi-sage, the ten great demon gods seem to have already set foot in the realm of the quasi-sage. Among them, Bai Ze, headed by the quasi-sage, has the realm of the late stage of the quasi-sage, and barely touched the threshold of the great supernatural power.

   Now it is no longer appropriate to call them the Ten Great Demon Gods. It should be called the Ten Great Demon Gods.

   In the past few years, the Ten Great Demon Saints are not in vain, they have been practicing hard.

   If you are someone else, and you are affected by the aura of calamity, I am afraid that there will be no breakthrough.

   But the ten great demon saints are different. On the eve of the eruption of the Lich's calamity, Tai Yi did not hesitate to consume his own origin as a cost to wash away the calamity, and opened up their way to be promoted to quasi saints.

   It is precisely because of this that the Ten Demon Sages can advance by leaps and bounds after the end of the calamity, and step into the realm of quasi-sages in one fell swoop.


   Seeing ten people sighed, they joined forces to block Xuan Ming Zuwu’s punch.

   The ten Da Luo Dao Zun could not stop Xuan Ming Ancestral Witch’s punch, but the ten quasi-sages could.

   "Quasi Saint?"

   Seeing the realm of ten people, Xuan Ming Ancestral Witch was taken aback for a moment, seeming a little shocked, but that was all.

   If ten quasi-sage monsters of the late stage, together, they might be able to pose a huge threat to Xuan Ming Ancestral Witch. But the nine quasi-sages in the early and mid-term, plus a quasi-sage of the demon race, it is difficult to pose a threat to him.

   "Yes, you amazed me. I can't imagine that after the collapse of the heavenly court, there are still capable people in the monster race who can cultivate to the realm of quasi-sage."

   "However, it is not enough."

   gave a slight compliment, which was regarded as an expression of recognition of the ten great demon saints, and then Xuan Ming Zu Wu made a move.


   Between the sky and the earth, there was a majestic rain. At the same time, a chill swept towards the ten monster gods centered on the Xuanming Ancestral Witch.

   Xuan Ming Ancestral Witch, the Ancestral Witch of Rain, holds the power of rain and snow, and is the goddess of winter in the far north.

   As soon as he shot, an overwhelming congenital cold air emerged, and along with the majestic rain, all the vitality of the world was frozen.

   Moreover, the rainwater is not ordinary water, but congenital cold water, which contains the congenital extremely cold air. Even if Daluo Dao Zun is bathed in this rain for a long time, his body will be frozen and the real spirit will be destroyed and die.

   The heavy snow is merciless, and everything is frozen, and all vitality is frozen.

   This is Xuan Ming Zu Wu, the **** of the north!


   Feeling the powerful innate cold air, the face of the ten demon saints immediately changed wildly, and immediately did not dare to hesitate, and directly resorted to his strongest means.

   "God of heaven, get up!"

   I saw the ten great demon saints moving around, laying out the ancient demon clan’s unworldly formation, innately doing a great formation.

   As the overlord of the ancient demon race, the innate formations that they master naturally are not limited to the Zhoutian Xingdou Array, but the name of the Zhoutian Xingdou Array is too big, overwhelming the names of the rest of the innate formations.

   But this is not to say that the rest of the ancient monster race's innate formation is weak, but it can't be compared with Zhou Tianxing's great formation.

   The congenital formation is the second innate formation mastered by the ancient monster race, second only to the formation of Zhou Tianxingdou.

  Any formations related to time are not simple, and the innate formation is the formation that Emperor Jun comprehends from the long river of time and space. It contains the power of innate timing and is unpredictable.

   In fact, in addition to the Xiantianganqian, there is also a large array called Xiantiandizhi, which complements it. These two innate formations are the manifestation of the power of innate sequence in the world.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   If these two formations are combined, they can be transformed into a great formation of heavenly stems and earth, which is enough to rank into the top ten innate great formations.

   It's a pity that Emperor Jun struggled and only realized the congenital formation, but he had no idea about the congenital formation.

   Otherwise, the ancient monster clan will have a lot of background, and the ending of the decisive battle of the lich may not change.

   But, there is no such thing in this world. If you don’t understand it, you don’t understand it. Regrettably, it is useless.

   However, although Emperor Jun did not comprehend the innate and earthly formations, after countless years, when Emperor Fuxi made the twelve zodiac signs, he unexpectedly comprehended this formation.

   Dijun begged for it, but got nothing. Fuxi was unintentional, but he was pleased with this.

   I have to say that the fate is really wonderful.



   With the help of the Innate Heavenly Qiang Formation, the Ten Great Demon Saints temporarily gained the power to fight the Xuanming Ancestral Witch, but this was only temporary.

  Because Xuan Ming Ancestral Witch hasn't used any magic weapons yet.

  As the Xuanming Ancestral Witch, he was suspected of bullying the Ten Great Demon Sages. If he was using a magic weapon, he could easily win the victory, but in this way, his face would be lost.

   Therefore, at the very beginning, Xuan Ming Ancestral Witch did not choose to use magic weapons, but planned to defeat the ten demon saints in one blow.

   But the facts were beyond his expectations.

   He has been unable to fight the ten great monsters for a long time!

   For Xuan Ming Ancestral Witch, this is a shame in itself.

   Both left and right have lost face, if the Ancestral Witch Xuan Ming couldn't take down the ten demon saints, then he would really be a joke.

   Therefore, Xuan Ming Ancestral Witch has no worries, and if he moves in his heart, he will use his magic weapon to complete the lore on the ten demon saints.

   "Xuanming **** banner, come!"

   Seeing Xuanming Ancestor Witch waved his hand, the Xuanming Temple, which was located on the wild land, suddenly flew out of a **** banner and fell into his hands.

   is the magic weapon tailored by Feng Zichen for the twelve ancestor witches, the twelve capital **** banners.

   At this moment, after countless years of nourishment, the Twelve Capitals Heavenly God Banner has long been promoted to the top-quality innate spirit treasure, powerful beyond imagination, almost comparable to the twelve ancestral witches of the middle ancient times.


   As soon as the Xuanming **** banner was in his hand, the Xuanming Ancestor Witch felt a sense of joy connected by blood, and then, seeing his heart move, he sacrificed the Xuanming **** banner.

   Suddenly, the congenital cold and heavy rain between the sky and the earth have skyrocketed more than several times at the same time.

   suddenly, the innate cold air swept through, and the body of the ten monsters was covered with hoarfrost. Even with the guardian of the innate talents, there is still a tendency to be frozen again.

   Seeing this, the ten great demon saints know that with their own strength, there is absolutely no possibility to compete with Xuan Ming Ancestral Witch.

   After understanding this, Bai Ze didn't hesitate, and shouted directly to the sky: "You don't take action yet, do you really want to sit back and wait for me to be killed by Xuan Ming Ancestral Witch?"

   The loudness of that voice ~www.wuxiaspot.com~In an instant, it spread throughout the entire prehistoric land.


   "Is there any helper?"

   Hearing this, the ancestor Xuanming witch was taken aback for a moment, and then the motion of waving the Xuanming god's banner in his hand was a few minutes faster.

   Regardless of who their helpers are, and before they appear, let's kill all the last remnants of these ancient monster races first.

   Xuan Ming Ancestral Witch thought so, and did so, but he did not succeed.

  Because, at a critical moment, a burly man suddenly appeared in front of the top ten demon saints, blocking the attack of the Xuan Ming Ancestral Witch for them.

   "It's you, sky ants!"

   "You haven't fallen?"

   "No, that's not right, you have been resurrected by the saint!"

   Seeing the person coming, Ancestral Witch Xuan Ming shrank his pupils and exclaimed in an incredible way.

   "It's Lord Ant, but didn't he have fallen a long time ago? Why did he suddenly appear here?"

   Not only the Xuanming Ancestral Witch, on the other side, the Ten Great Demon Sages, after seeing the people coming, they also exclaimed in disbelief.

   In fact, not only them, but also the other great magicians who are watching this battle, after seeing the faces of the people who came, their faces showed an incredible look.

   Apparently, they all know this man.

   Only Feng Zichen, his face was blank.

   He really doesn't know this person.

   "It's a poor way!"

   "Pan Dao has recovered from the dead silence.

   nodded, the burly man who was called a sky ant by the ancestor Xuan Ming said.

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