Flooded Star Road

Chapter 747: Back to earth

"It's finally resurrected. You didn't hide well, and even dared to come out and stir up this muddy water. Did you want to die again?"

   After the initial shock, the Ancestral Witch Xuan Ming regained his composure, staring at the sky ant and said coldly.

   Sky ants, who are people?

   One of the three thousand red dust visitors in the Zixiao Palace, the top power of the ancient monster race. Yes, yes, it is not a great supernatural power, but a top power.

   When the sky ant fell, his cultivation level was not in the mid-quasi-sage stage, of course he was not called a great supernatural power.

  The sky ant, the first ant born after the creation of the heavens and the earth, was born of the top innate gods and demons, and is also a rare existence in the way of cultivating power.

   The strength of his body is that the bear king of the earth, who has been beheaded by Feng Zichen, will also bow down to the wind.

  Sky ants, ants who move the sky!

   Its people have the power to move the sky.

A character like   , logically speaking, shouldn't be anonymous. But who makes the sky ants bad luck.

   He fell too early.

   Although he died at the hands of the Witch Clan, he did not fall to the decisive battle of the Lich.

   That was a period of time just after the three sermons of Zixiao Palace. At that time, the monster clan was not long established, and the heaven was also on the eve of its establishment.

   At this time, conflict broke out between the Wu Clan and the Yao Clan. During the war, the sky ants were torn to pieces by the Ancestor Witch Dijiang, and blood was spilled on the spot.

   When the sky ants fell, the demon clan had not yet risen. And after the rise of the monster clan, he had no idea how many years he had fallen, and everything about him was buried with the strength of the years.

   was killed by the two of Dijiang Zhujiuyin. It was Emperor Juntai who wanted to resurrect the sky ants, but he couldn't do it. Therefore, the sky ants naturally become obscure.

   The character, who has fallen for many years and is almost forgotten by the world, suddenly reappears in the world, can everyone not be surprised?


   "Haha, kill the poor way again?"

   "Daoist Xuanming, do you think that the witch clan is still the witch clan of the year, and the poor Dao is still the poor Dao of the year?"

   After Xuan Ming Zu Wu finished speaking, the sky ant laughed like he heard some joke.

   At the same time, a powerful breath permeated from his body, causing the world to tremble and the world to tremble.

  This breath...

   is a half-step Hunyuan realm!

   Perceiving this powerful breath, everyone's heart is shocked.

  The cultivation base of the sky ants has changed from the mid-stage quasi-sage to the half-step Hunyuan realm. What does this mean? It means that the sky ants were never resurrected at this time.

   Long before the endless years, he should have recovered, otherwise, the strength of the sky ant would never be so strong.

At least,

   When the Chaos Demon God's Tribulation broke out, the sky ants should have recovered.

   If it hadn't been for the true spirit that swallowed the Chaos Demon God, today's great supernatural powers would not have stepped into the half-step Hunyuan realm so quickly.

   After seeing the realm of the sky ants, Xuan Ming Ancestral Witch was a little surprised, but he didn't take it too seriously. Even if the same is in the half-step Hunyuan realm, strength is divided into strong and weak points.

   He has been standing in this realm for thousands of years, and has already reached the peak. He is only a short distance away from the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and he can be called one of the strongest in this realm.

   And the sky ant, although it has a half-step Hunyuan realm, its power fluctuates and is not stable. Obviously it hasn't been long since entering this realm.

  So, Xuan Ming Ancestral Witch is naturally not afraid of him.

   "The strength of the Taoist buddies has indeed been fully improved, but I don't know which Dao buddy it is, and he is willing to spend his blood so much and get you out of the long river of time and space."

   waved his hand to repel the momentum of the sky ants, Xuan Ming Ancestor Witch asked curiously.

   It is difficult to revive a great supernatural power, and the price to be paid is too great. But if it were to revive a great power, it would be much simpler.

   Moreover, this is not the point of the problem.

   The key is, who is so precautionary, who started layout countless years ago, revived the sky ants, and hides them until today.

   "Haha, I won't bother my fellow daoists at this point. Pang Dao came here for revenge. Brother Dijiang Dao's blow back then has made Pang Dao unforgettable for a long time."

   "Now that Poor Dao has returned, it is natural to settle the cause and effect with Him."

   did not answer Xuan Ming Ancestral Witch’s question, instead, the sky ant shifted the topic to revenge.


   Hearing the words, Xuan Ming Zu Wu was taken aback.

  Emperor Jiangdu has fallen for countless years, how can he get revenge?

   Thinking of this, Ancestor Xuan Ming's heart was shocked, and he couldn't help but think of a possibility. Isn't it bad in his heart, he hurriedly killed the sky ants.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   But, it's too late.

   Then the sky ant took out a dark iron rod and slammed it directly towards the wild land.

   The goal is directed towards, Dijiang Temple!

   There is the resurrection place of Emperor Jiang Zuwu.


   "Friends of Dijiang Dao, the poor Dao was killed by you in the past, and now you return against the sky and ruin your place of resurrection, it is a reward for a reward."

In the cold voice of   , the iron rod slammed down.

  In the distance, Feng Zichen couldn't help his scalp tingling when he saw this scene. Although he didn't know the origin of that iron rod, he decided that it was the best innate spirit treasure.

   The best Xiantian Lingbao is in line with the heavenly ant's supernatural powers. What's not easy to say is that Feng Zichen will not feel good if it is too much now.

   Not to mention the Dijiang Temple.

   Seeing the sky ant swung down with a stick, violent fluctuations burst out, the void directly turned into powder, time and space disappeared, and the world was broken one after another.


  The fire, water, and wind were surging, intertwined with a mighty atmosphere of destruction, as if to destroy the sky and destroy the earth, directly submerging the Dijiang Temple.

"do not want!"

   Seeing this scene, Ancestral Witch Xuan Ming couldn't help exclaiming. The sky ants are too fast and too sudden, and he has no time to stop them.

   Seeing, the Dijiang Temple was about to be destroyed under the stick of Sky Ant. At a critical moment, a jade hand protruded from the void and directly held the iron stick of Sky Ant to block the blow.


   Accompanied by a cold scolding sound, the jade hand shook slightly, and it actually picked up the iron rod and flew the sky ant away fiercely.


   The sky ant's figure flew high, smashed into countless voids, and then flew directly into the chaos beyond the sky, and disappeared into the vast chaos.

   At this moment, the world collectively lost its voice, even the saint did not speak. Because they all know who the shot is.

   is Houtu empress.

  , who was observing the six reincarnation discs, noticed that the sky ants wanted to destroy the Dijiang Temple, so he shot out angrily and knocked the sky ants into the air with one blow.


  Since they have already taken action, then Hou Tu simply didn't keep his hands, and as soon as he pointed out, he wanted to kill all the demon races in this place.

   Facing the Xuanming Ancestral Witch, the ten demon saints still have room for resistance, but facing the Saint-level Houtu empress, they don't even have the power to resist.

   Seeing Hou Tu's guidance, the invisible fluctuations spread, directly sealing the world here, and confining the ten great demon saints, as well as the countless army of demon tribes behind them, in place.

   Fear, the shadow of death, at the same time struck the hearts of the ten demon saints.

   But they can't do anything. Under the power of Houtu Niangniang, they can't move at all. They can only watch the pointer and kill them all.

   Regret, unwillingness, all kinds of emotions filled the hearts of the ten great demon saints. In a flash, they filled them up, and finally all turned into despair, endless despair.

   "Friends of Houtu, please accept mercy."

   Seeing, Houtu's finger was about to click, and the voice of the Taiqing saint suddenly came from a distance.

   Then, I saw the Tai Chi diagram flying in, turning into a huge canopy, covering the ten great monsters and the countless army of monsters behind them.

   "Taoqing fellow, are you going to stop me?"

  Motion paused slightly, Houtu Empress said displeasedly.

   "Friends of the Houtu Daoist please calm down. It is not the poor Dao who wants to stop you, but has to stop."

   As he said, the Taiqing saint solemnly bowed to Houtu, "Also ask fellow Taoists to take a look at the Lich Gate, and bypass the Yaozu this time."

   After hearing this, Houtu was silent.

   If the Taiqing saint asked him to give face and let the demon clan go, then Hou Tu would naturally refuse it with disdain. But when the Taiqing saint talked about the Lich Gate, Houtu was really not good at attacking the monster race.

   The Lich’s Gate, the barrier of the prehistoric nowadays, is also the second family of the Lich, and countless masters have transformed it with their lives.

   This door is related to the safety of the great famine and it is very important. For this reason, after the birth of the Lich Gate, the fate of the Lich family, which had already lost all their destiny, was able to continue in an instant, and thus had the possibility of re-emergence.

   It can be said that as long as the Lich Gate is still there, the ancient monster race will not be in danger of being annihilated. Once the ancient monster clan was destroyed, the Lich Gate felt that it would collapse in half.

   In this way, I am afraid that it is giving the Chaos Demon God a chance to drive straight forward. At that time, it will really be a waste of life.

   In order to capture the Dao Dao Fruit, the Chaos Demon God did not intend to destroy the barren land, but they needed to seize the source of the barren land in order to obtain the first opportunity when Dao Dao fruit was born.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   The words of the Taiqing saint, Houtu Niangniang may not care, but he can't care less about the safety of the wild world.

   Therefore, Houtu hesitated.

   "Fine, forgive them this time!" After a long silence, Hou Tu said.

   Then, I saw him slowly withdraw his hand.

   However, just as he was leaving, he suddenly thought of something and said: "That day the ant people wanted to destroy my elder brother's temple. The death penalty is unavoidable, but the living sin is inevitable, so please punish him to guard my elder brother's temple."

   "When my elder brother returns, let him be free again."

   The words fall, regardless of whether the Taiqing saints agree or not, Houtu Niangniang directly detained the Taoist Tianyi from the chaos outside the sky, turned it into a stone statue, and stood at the entrance of the Dijiang Temple.

   What is domineering, this is it!

  After this incident, Hong Huang is afraid that no one dared to use the idea of ​​the ancestral witch temple.

   "It's good if you are happy with fellow Taoists!" Seeing this, the sage of Taiqing twitched his mouth and said.

   As everyone knows, when he said this, his heart was bleeding. The person who resurrected the Taoist Sky Ant countless years ago is Him, the Taiqing Saint.

   It can be said that Taoist Sky Ant is one of the few trump cards in the hands of Taiqing Saints. But I didn't expect that as soon as the Tianyi Dao talents showed up, they would be suppressed by the Houtu Empress before they played any role.

   is really a heartbreaking drop of blood.

   I knew this a long time ago, the Taiqing Saint did not resuscitate the Taoist Sky Ant, and wasted so much of his energy.

   To be honest, the Taoist Heavenly Ant would take action to destroy the Dijiang Temple, the Taiqing Sage really didn't expect it. Knowing that Hou Tu was alive, how could he dare to attack the Dijiang Temple?

   is it really muddy?

   If the Temple of the Ancestral Witch was so easy to destroy, it would have been destroyed long ago, how could it have stood in the wild for so many years?

   This ant Taoist person is simply mentally retarded.

  The Taiqing saint let him come out to block Xuanming Ancestral Witch for a period of time. If you do this, you are observing the back soil of the six reincarnation discs, but you have no time to deal with him.

   It's a pity that he went to move the temple of the ancestor witch without knowing the life and death. It was the rebellious scale of Hou Tu, and it would die if it moved. In the past few years, the great magical powers who died because of it have not been one or two.

   I can only say that Taoist Tianyi is self-inflicted and cannot live.



   "Sister, go back."

   "Don't interfere in this battle."

   "My clan boys have not experienced the baptism of war for too long, so I can take this opportunity to let them experience the cruelty of ancient times."

   Before leaving, Empress Houtu suddenly said to Ancestral Witch Xuan Ming.

  Look at what he meant, this is to use the ancient monster clan army to sharpen the witch clan army!

   The new generation of Wu Clan has never experienced the turmoil of the ancients, and the quality is naturally far inferior to that of the ancient Wu Clan warriors.

Now that the ancient monster clan reappears, it is just by their hands that they can sharpen the clan, and by the way, let the people of the witch clan remember the hatred with the monster clan again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ time is enough to dilute everything, with the old man The dying, new people of the tribe, without that unforgettable feeling, will gradually forget the hatred of the past.

   Therefore, Houtu will let the Wu Clan fight against the Yao Clan. Only when they were hurt, hurt, and seeing blood, could they realize the feelings of the older generation of witches.

   "Yes, I understand."

  Xuanming Ancestor Witch's heart moved, he understood the meaning of Hou Tu, and did not see him refuse, put the Xuan Ming **** banner, and left with Hou Tu.

   And just as they were leaving, in the temple of the ancestor witch, there were a few very familiar figures of the Ten Great Demon Gods.

   Ten people including Jiufeng, Xiangliu and Tianhao.

   These are also masters of the quasi-sage level.

   Alas, there were originally twelve great witches, one for each tribe, but Houyi of the Dijiang tribe and Xingtian of the Houtu tribe were gone.

   Houyi is still in reincarnation, while Xing Tian is in a critical period of transformation and cannot appear.

   Otherwise, only Xing Tian can sweep the ten demon saints without using the formation of the ten demon gods.

   There are ten demon saints, and the great witch also has ten. The reunion after endless years, there is no miss between the two sides, and some are just full of hatred.

   After looking at each other, they immediately moved their hands. And once they played against each other, it was the most intense life-and-death fight.

   If you die, you die, I die.

   Not long after the outbreak of the Great War, the Ten Demon Saints gradually fell into the wind. It is not that they are inferior to the ten great witches, but because they were already injured when they fought with the Xuanming Ancestral Witch.

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