Flooded Star Road

Chapter 748: Dijun's backhand

Not long after the battle, the ten great demon saints were all wounded, and the blood on their bodies spewed out like a waterfall, dyeing the entire land red.

   It’s just that none of them cares, they still look like they are not afraid of death, fighting with ten great witches. At this point of the battle, it was already possible to see that it was sooner or later that the ten great demon saints were defeated and died.

   The trauma left by Xuan Ming Ancestral Witch to them is really too serious.

   seriously affected the combat power of the ten great monsters, so that when they faced the ten great witches, they fell into a passive state and had to support them with great difficulty.

   Knowing that he would die, the ten demon saints still did not choose to escape. Such a tragic and majestic atmosphere is really moving.

   Is this really the case?

   Seeing that the battle became more intense, Bai Ze fought and retreated, and gradually retreated to a secret realm in his memory.


   When he was not far from that secret realm, Bai Ze suddenly found an opportunity, and he was hit by Xiang Liu, and he was smashed out.

   And the direction in which he fell is also the secret realm.

   Dijun told him the secret world in the past.


   Seeing that Bai Ze was injured, with the idea of ​​taking your sickness to kill you, Jiufeng suddenly abandoned his opponent, joined forces with Xiang Liu, and killed Bai Ze who fell on the ground.


   Suddenly, overwhelming magical powers blasted out of the hands of the two of them, drowning the fallen Bai Ze on the ground.

   The other nine demon saints wanted to rescue, but they were desperately blocked by the eight great witches. They could only watch Bai Ze helplessly, and were torn into pieces by the two great witches of Xiang Liu and Jiufeng.

   But when I heard a bang, I saw a rain of blood falling in the sky, but it was the body of the demon saint Bai Ze, who was beaten to death.


   A breeze blew by, and the rain of blood fell, and Bai Ze's body resurfaced.

   It’s just that, compared with before, his breath has been wilted a lot, there are blood stains on the corners of his mouth, and his face is extremely pale.

   Obviously, he has been seriously injured.

   With a "wow", Bai Ze couldn't help but vomit a big mouthful of blood, but instead of the slightest sadness on his face, there was a strange smile on his face.

   Even afterwards, he just laughed out loud and laughed loudly.

"Ha ha!"

   Bai Ze suddenly appeared insane, but it made the two of Xiang Liu Jiufeng hesitate. They couldn't figure out the situation, and for a while they didn't dare to attack him.

   Could it be that Bai Ze was stupid by them?

   shouldn't be!

   Not only the Wu Clan, but also the Monster Clan was also confused by Bai Ze's actions, and he couldn't help but stop his movements.

  Boss, it's good, what are you laughing at?

   This is the battlefield. It’s a life-and-death battle. It’s better to get rid of you to be serious.

   The sudden change caused the battlefield to be strangely calm. For a while, Bai Ze's cheerful laughter reverberated in the silent battlefield.

   "Pretend to be a ghost, kill!"

   was silent for a long time, seeing that Bai Ze still did not move, Xiang Liu's heart sank, and he killed him again.


   At this moment, anomalies suddenly occurred.

   I saw Bai Ze suddenly put away his laughter, opened his mouth to spit out a large group of blood, and fell into the ordinary volcano under him.

next moment,

   Amazing changes have taken place.

   Endless eruption of divine light gushes out from the volcano, setting off the place into a brilliant golden color.

   Then, in the golden light, a series of **** patterns centered on the volcano were spread out quickly, and in an instant, they covered the void of millions of miles.


   Amidst the roar of heaven and earth, an overbearing emperor's aura burst forth, sweeping towards the ten great witches with a force of sweeping the world.

"not good!"

   Under this tyrannical force, the ten great witches, who had no resistance, were violently shaken out and fell into the deepest part of the void. When he got up again, he was already seriously injured.


   At the moment when this power emerged, the Houtu Niangniang who had originally left, and the two saints of Taiqing Sage, actually appeared at the same time, looking towards the volcano.

   The next moment, the rest of the saints, as well as the two Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, Emperor Feng Zichen and Ziwei, also rushed here.

After   , all the great supernatural powers in the prehistoric land have arrived.

   They all stood outside the golden light, looking suspiciously at the depths of the volcano, where the imperial aura came from.

   can make everyone take it so seriously, of course, because that breath comes from a god, a legendary god, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi!

   That's right, the means left by Emperor Jun is not to resurrect himself, but to resurrect Donghuang Taiyi.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "It's Lord Donghuang, not your majesty!"

   At this time, don't say it's someone else, even Bai Ze, who started the emperor's back hand, is also shocked.

   When Emperor Jun confessed to him, he didn't say that this was for Taiyi.

On that day, when Bai Ze was in retreat, Dijun suddenly appeared in front of him and handed him a mass of essence and blood, and said that if he fell, he could not be resurrected for a long time, he could use this mass of essence and blood to go to a secret realm. .

   And the secret realm that Emperor Jun said was the volcano at his feet.

   Countless years after the fall of Emperor Jun, there is still no tendency to resurrect. Bai Zesi and Emperor Jun took advantage of this opportunity to come here.

   As for that ball of blood, it is naturally the ball that Bai Ze spit out. No matter how bad Di Jun left behind, Bai Ze's blood could not be activated.

   In fact, the blood that Emperor Jun left behind is the origin of the innate sun that he collected from the sun star for hundreds of millions of years.

   The power contained in it is almost comparable to the existence of a half-step Hunyuan.

   And that volcano is not simple.

   It seems ordinary, but in fact, Dijun quietly laid a ten-day burning sky formation inside.

   In the big formation, what has been refined is the innate origin of all the strong men killed since the establishment of the monster clan.

   Since its establishment, the monster clan has killed many strong people who don't know, and the origins of those strong people have been secretly collected by Emperor Jun.

   is refined with the ten-day burning sky array, so that it can be traced back to the source and turned into the purest original thing.

  How many great supernatural powers died in the hands of the Yaozu? It is unbelievable. The innate origin of these strong people, even if it is only a part of them, is also outrageously powerful.

  I am adding God Jun’s essence and blood. These two forces are combined. The purpose of Emperor Jun is not only to resurrect the Tai One, but to resurrect the Supreme One Tai.

   Sudden change,

  What is the unexpected change since ancient times,

   This is it.

   Taiyi's resurrection, that is really an event beyond imagination.



   "Tsk tusk tusk, in order to deal with the widow, the Daoist is really willing to spend his blood, and he does not hesitate to resurrect the Eastern Emperor Taiyi."

   "I just don't know, after Taiyi returns, should I trouble my human race first, or trouble fellow daoists?"

   glanced at the congenital origin in the depths of the volcano, Feng Zichen shook his head, and sneered at Chao Sanqing and others.

   Of course he knew that even if the tribe had won, Sanqing would not be able to resurrect Donghuang Taiyi. In this situation right now, it is clear that they have messed up.

   This is not the original intention of the Five Saints.

   can be understood, but this does not affect Feng Zichen's use of ridicule the saint.

  Who let them mess up?

   Hearing the words, the face of the Five Saints went black directly, but there was no refutation.

  Because this time, they really did not play.

   Before asking the ancient monster clan to take action, the Five Sages, such as Sanqing and Zhunti, had carefully explored the prehistoric world countless times.

  Until the world was confirmed, and there was no backhand left by Emperor Shuntai, they were relieved to invite the ancient monster clan.

  Unexpectedly, even if they were fully guarded, they still did not guard against the monster clan and even had this hand.

   To be honest, they have not seen this volcano before, but before Emperor Jun’s backhand was activated, no matter how they looked at it, they did not find the anomaly here.

   I have to say, Di Jun deserves to be the emperor of heaven, this method of hiding things is really clever, even the saints have not concealed it.

   Thinking like this, Feng Zichen was marveling at the sophistication of Dijun's technique, but suddenly, he felt a familiar breath from the **** pattern.

   The breath is high and indifferent. If it is deeper, it is almost the same as the breath of Dao Ancestor.


   Daozu? !

   Thinking of this, Feng Zichen's heart was slightly shaken, and he thought of a possibility. Then, he turned his head and looked at Sanqing, and he saw that their faces were darker.

   Feng Zichen could sense the aura of Taoist ancestors, and Sanqing, who was their direct disciple, naturally felt it.

   At this point, the truth has been revealed.

   It's not that Dijun's methods are clever, and the saints can't find out, but Daozu's methods are too clever.

   Back then, out of his own evil taste, Daozu once left a lot of gadgets on Fenbao Rock.

   These things, how do you say, may not be very powerful, but the functions are definitely weird.

   There are ones for escape, for concealment, and for attacks... In short, there are only things you can't think of, and nothing can't be done without it.

   Looking at the current situation, it is obvious that Emperor Jun has obtained a treasure that can hide his breath and used it here. It is no wonder that the saint can't find the problem.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   In this wave, Sanqing was scammed by his master, so it’s strange that his face is not black.



   "Friend Gouchen, don't want to talk coldly, would you like to see Taiyi return?" Suppressing his anger, Zhunti said the saint to Feng Zichen.

   If there are people in the field, who is the least willing to see Taiyi return, then the saint must be mentioned.

   Just as Feng Zichen said, after the return of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, if there is revenge, then the first target will not be the human race.

  The human race regards the Yao race as a deadly enemy, but the Yao race does not think so. Their deadly enemy is the witch race. If it is revenge, of course, the first one is to find the Wu clan.

  The second one, of course, is our quasi-sage saint. Without him, the ten golden crows would be released, and there would be so many things in the back.

  With this cause and effect, the quasi-speaking Taoist is naturally unhappy when the Eastern Emperor Taiyi has returned.


   After hearing the words, Feng Zichen gave a cold snort, but did not continue to speak.

   At this time, the human race is in a critical period, and of course he is not willing to return too at this time.

   "Everyone, take it."

   "While hesitating, Tai Yi will really come back."

   Glancing at everyone, the Taiqing Saint said. He wanted to unite everyone's strength to forcibly interrupt Di Jun's back hand.

   Resurrection takes time. The stronger the existence, the longer it will take. And this time, it gave outsiders a chance to destroy.

   Forcibly interrupting Emperor Jun’s left hand, even if he cannot stop Taiyi's return, it can weaken his strength and make it impossible to reappear in the peak state.

   "It should be like this." Everyone, the other five sages, Feng Zichen and Ziwei the Great, nodded and said yes.

   They don’t want to see Tai Yi return.

   However, when he nodded, Feng Zichen looked at the Taiqing saint in surprise. He felt that the Taiqing saint’s reaction was a bit wrong, too calm, as if he had anticipated this situation.

   This incident is weird everywhere. Involuntarily, Feng Zichen pondered to himself.

   Yes, the Taiqing saint is indeed very calm, because the situation in front of him is completely within his expectations.

  How could a saint make such a simple mistake?

   If they really want to stop Bai Ze, how can Bai Ze have the opportunity to mobilize Emperor Jun to stay behind?

   a thought,

   can hold Shirasawa in place.

   I still want to vomit blood, dreaming.

   The reason why Bai Ze was able to complete his plan so easily was the result of the saint's deliberate efforts.

   The saint has always tried to figure out the greatest malice for Emperor Jun. Therefore, even if they rummaged through the wild land, they did not think that they had completely destroyed the back hand left by Emperor Jun.

   There must be something left by Emperor Jun in the Great Wilderness, but they can't find it.

  Thinking about it, the saint felt that Emperor Jun’s successor should be related to the ancient monster clan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Therefore, they planned to use the ancient monster clan as a bait to elicit Emperor Jun’s successor.

   If it succeeds, you can abolish Dijun's back hand in one fell swoop, and solve the big troubles. If it fails, it doesn't matter, it just happens that the ancient monster race can be used to deal with the human race.

   Both left and right are in their favor, so why don't the saints use it?

   And this is the thoughts of the other saints.

   As for the Taiqing saint, he thought more deeply. He is using this method to verify a guess in his heart.

   A very bold guess.

   Taiqing saint suspects that Taiyi has been resurrected, but he has not shown up.

   Such speculation is not groundless.

   First of all, the Chaos Clock has disappeared since the fall of Taiyi. Then who can guarantee that the true spirit of Taiyi has dissipated, rather than hiding in the chaotic clock.

  Secondly, somehow, just a while ago, Taiqing saints always thought of Chaos Clock inexplicably.

   This is a whim!

   Otherwise, it's okay, what does he want to do with Chaos Clock?

   Recently, I am afraid that something major has happened about the Chaos Clock. As for the things related to the Chaos Clock, apart from Donghuang Taiyi, Taiqing Saints could not think of anything else.

   Therefore, he intends to take this opportunity to try the Eastern Emperor Taiyi to see if he has been resurrected.

   The brotherhood between Emperor Jun and Taiyi is very deep. If they attack Emperor Jun’s backhand, then Taiyi will definitely stop it.

   It’s just that things are often unexpected. The Taiqing Saint still underestimated the brotherhood of Emperor Taiyi.

   Source of this article:

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