Flooded Star Road

Chapter 749: The chaotic bell rings, reappearing too 1

Who could have imagined that Di Jun's backhand was not to resurrect himself, but to resurrect Tai One.

   This kind of brotherhood is really moving.

   However, it doesn't matter. The purpose of the Taiqing saint is only to determine the life and death of Eastern Emperor Taiyi. As for for whom this second hand was left, He didn't really care.


   At a certain moment, everyone shot, and at the same time exploded magical powers, blasting towards the core of the volcano.

  , including Emperor Feng Zichen Ziwei, a total of seven Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian-level figures, teamed up to attack a place, the power can be imagined.


   In an instant, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked.

   Unparalleled power burst out, almost drowning everything.

   Seeing, the seven terrifying magical powers are about to blast into the volcano.

   Suddenly, Feng Zichen and Taiqing Saints suddenly changed their attack directions, and they blasted toward the other demon army and the ten great demon saints.

   In Feng Zichen's hands, the Zichen sword flicked, and the bright light of the sword bloomed, covering the ten demon saints.

   In the hands of the sage of Taiqing, Taiyi flicked the dust, swaying vast and boundless fluctuations, drowning the countless army of monsters.

   There is no doubt that if the two magical powers of the two of them are realized, the ten great demon saints and the millions of demon tribe army will never be spared.

"This is……"

   Seeing this sudden change, the great supernatural powers on the side couldn't help but their hearts beat.

   What is this going to do?

   How did you deal with the ancient monster race well?

   and still a lore!

   If this kills all the ancient monster races, then the Lich Gate, I'm afraid it will collapse directly.

   When the time comes, it will be dangerous!


   Just as everyone was nervous about the destiny of the monster race, a bell suddenly rang in that unpredictable place.

   The long sound of bells cuts through the past, the present and the future, and the power that suppresses everything appears as soon as it appears in the first year.

   See you, Wan Dao stagnated at this moment, time and space stagnated at this moment, Feng Zichen and Taiqing saints' supernatural powers were also immortalized at the moment when they were about to approach the army of the demon clan and the ten great demon saints.


After   , another bell came.

  The magical powers of Feng Zichen and Taiqing saints suddenly vanished.

   "Chaos Clock!"

   "Taiyi, you really haven't fallen!"

   Hearing the familiar bell, Feng Zichen and Taiqing Sage actually shouted at the same time.

   Then, the two of them broke out directly, each offering sacrifices to the innate treasure and killing them toward the depths of the void.

   It turned out that Feng Zichen and Taiqing Saints had no intention of destroying Di Jun’s successors.

  Because, in the hearts of both of them, Tai 18% has been resurrected, or that he did not fall at all.

   If this is the case, it would ruin Di Jun’s back hand, and it would not necessarily be able to force Tai Yi out.

   At this point, Feng Zichen and the Taiqing saints were cruel, they were directly attacking the ancient monster race, and they wanted to force Taiyi out of their lives and deaths.

   Taiyi may not care about the success of Emperor Jun for him, but he can never not care about the survival of the ancient monster race.

   Therefore, if Tai Yi is still alive and sees someone trying to destroy the ancient monster race, then he will definitely show up to save him.

   This wave, Feng Zichen and Taiqing Sage thought of one place.

   Of course, the two are ruthless, and it is impossible for them to really destroy the ancient monster clan, so when they shot, they both reduced their strength.

   This is why, one easy blow can destroy the magical powers of the two.


   At this time, everyone hadn't figured out the specific situation, they saw Feng Zichen and Taiqing saints, and at the same time rushed into the depths of the void.


   was almost at the same time, and there were horrible fluctuations coming from the depths of the void. Obviously, an unimaginable battle was erupting inside.

   It was also at this time that everyone understood what had happened.

   Donghuang is not dead!

   Tokai Taiichi is not dead!

   Just now, when the Chaos Bell rang, it should be no doubt that Eastern Emperor Taiyi shot it. Otherwise, Feng Zichen and Taiqing Sage would not have such a big reaction, and directly rushed into the depths of the void regardless.


  Emperor Taiyi is fine, or has long been resurrected, this is absolutely amazing news. Where is he all these years? Why didn't he show up, is there any amazing plan?

   For a time, thoughts flew in everyone's minds.

   But at this moment, when I heard a bang, the void suddenly shattered, and the whole thing turned into powder.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Then, a powerful wave swept out, turning everything into nothingness.

"not good……"

   The great supernatural powers close to here saw this, their connection was not good, they didn't dare to hesitate, they directly sacrificed the magic weapon, tried their best to shoot, trying to block the fluctuations that came from the depths of the void.

   This force is too strong, if it is allowed to spread, even the entire prehistoric world will be turned into nothingness by it.

   Hunyuan-level powerhouses have the ability to destroy the world, not to mention, they still hold the three Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian with the innate treasure.

   They fought in the depths of the void, and the aftermath of the magical powers diffused out, which could definitely lead to the destruction of the vast world.

   Everyone teamed up, although it was impossible to completely block the aftermath of the three-person fight, but it also limited it to a certain range, making it impossible to harm the prehistoric world.

   On the other side, all the saints joined forces to blast the attack on Emperor Jun leaving behind, which was also hindered.

   It can be seen that at the moment when the saint’s supernatural powers fell, a figure of a person slowly appeared in the center of that endless Dao pattern.

   In an instant, a supreme power permeated, shattering the supernatural powers of all the saints, transforming into a sky full of spiritual energy and dissipating.

   That Taoist is Hongjun Taoist!

   The treasure that Emperor Jun got from the Fenbao Rock played a role at this moment and blocked the magical powers of the sages.

   It was also at this time that the battle in the depths of the void suddenly stopped, and three indomitable figures appeared in front of everyone.

   One is holding a chaotic clock, the other is holding a Tai Chi picture, and the other is holding a vast seal, standing in the void, the vast aura permeates from them, suppressing the past, the present and the future.

   are Feng Zichen, Taiqing Sage, and Donghuang Taiyi three people.

   "Dear friends, I have seen you for a long time." Looking up at the crowd, Tokai Taiichi said hello.

   "I have seen brother Taiyi." When everyone saw this, they hurriedly responded. Only the saints, as well as the emperor Feng Zichen Ziwei, stood on the sidelines and said nothing.

   "The welcome ceremony of Taiqing Dao brother is really grand." After greeting everyone, Taiyi said to the Taiqing saint again.

   Then, before he waited for the Taiqing saint to reply, he turned his head and said in an admiring tone to Feng Zichen:

   "Human Zichen, Poor Dao remembers you. I never thought of you who were defeated by me casually, but now you have grown to a point where you can stand shoulder to shoulder with me."

After    said, Tai Yi's face inevitably showed a somewhat sorrowful look.

  Recall that when he first met Feng Zichen, he hit him severely with a single blow.

   And when he met Feng Zichen for the second time, through the chaos array, the other party was able to contend with him for a short time.

   Now that I think about it, I still feel incredible.

   Now, it is the third time Taiyi and Feng Zichen have met, and this time, Taiyi has been greatly shocked.

   The human youth of the past has actually reached this point. Without relying on any external force, just relying on your own strength, you can compete with him.

   Such a talent is really scary.

   was flattered by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, and Feng Zichen was inevitably a little proud, but he did not show it, but said solemnly, "Hunyuan Sixth Heaven!"

   "His Majesty the Eastern Emperor's strength is still amazing, and he deserves to be the No. 1 master in the past."

   That's right, the current strength shown by Donghuang Taiyi is the sixth layer of Hunyuan, which is still powerful and terrifying. Among all the saints, the Taiqing saints can overwhelm him in the realm.

   As for Feng Zichen, he is also the identity of Ziwei Great Emperor, who can stand shoulder to shoulder with him, and he is also in the Sixth Heaven Realm of Hunyuan.

   As for other identities, even the strongest one is still far from him in realm.

  East Emperor Taiyi is so strong, it can be seen from this.

   At the same time, this also shows that Donghuang Taiyi is definitely not resurrected now, he should have been resurrected countless years ago.

  In other words, in the decisive battle of the Lich that year, he didn't fall at all, but got away with the corpse.

  If it weren't for this, Donghuang Taiyi's realm would never be so strong.

  Especially remember that when the Eastern Emperor Taiyi fell, he was no more than the realm of the Hunyuan Triple Heaven, but now he has stopped in the Hunyuan Sixth Heaven, infinitely close to the realm of the Hunyuan Seventh Heaven.

   It means that he was resurrected recently. Isn’t that an insult to people’s IQ?

   was resurrected once, directly raising the realm of the three heavens. If so. The people still practiced fart, just sit-ups directly, and resurrected once after death.

  Okay, since it is determined that Taiyi is not resurrected recently, then the question arises, where is Taiyi in these years and what has he done?

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Why don’t you show up?

   However, despite the doubts in his heart, Feng Zichen did not ask, because someone is more curious than him, what Taiyi has done over the years.

   "Taiyi, since you have been resurrected a long time ago, why didn't you show up? What are your plans for hiding these years?" With a calm face, Zhun said the saint asked.

   At this time, He was already a little panicked.

   To be honest, Zhun mentioned that the saint actually thought that Tai Yi might be resurrected, but he never expected that Tai Yi's strength would be so strong after his resurrection.

   You must know that Zhun mentioned the current realm of the saint, and he is only the realm of the first entering the fifth heaven of Hunyuan. But Taiyi is the sixth layer of Hunyuan, which is a stronger realm than Him!

   He was no better than the one in the past, that's all. However, after countless years after the fall of the One, He is still no better than the One, which makes it somewhat difficult for Him to accept.

   Taiyi, why is it so strong!

   An anger burned fiercely in the heart of Saint Zhunti, almost overwhelming his reason. In his heart, unwillingness and hatred are intertwined, and he hates himself as much as the one.

   Not so much anger, in fact, in the heart of Saint Zhunti, there is more fear.

   Thinking of what he had done in the past, he was afraid that Taiyi would ask him to settle. Although the saint is immortal, he can also be hurt and injured.

   He can't beat the One, then the One can beat him and humiliate him. For the saint, this is simply more unacceptable than death.


   took a meaningful look at the sage Zhunti, and Donghuang Taiyi said slowly:

   "You fellow daoists, please rest assured, although the poor Dao has been resurrected for some time, it has been lost in the chaos, and there is no way to return to the prehistoric world."

   "Until recently, I only vaguely felt the coordinates of the prehistoric world, and embarked on the way home from the vast chaos."

   "It's a coincidence. Originally, Pan Dao wanted to return to the Primordial World and it would take a long time, but at this moment, a call suddenly came from the Primordial World, pulling Pan Dao back to the Primordial World."

   "For this reason, the poor Dao can appear in time, and from the hands of the two Taoist friends, I rescued my demon clan's son Lang."

   "Hey, I also want to thank my eldest brother for leaving behind. Otherwise, Pang Dao is afraid that he will be lost in the chaos for a while."

   After that, Tai Yichao took a look at the back hand left by Emperor Jun, and his eyes were moved. Although he didn't use the back hand left by Dijun, he felt the friendship in it.


   After listening to Taiyi’s explanation, everyone hesitated for a while, but chose to believe it.

   Taiyi never lied all his life!

  Because he disdains lying.

   He is such a proud person!

  Since Taiyi said he was lost in the chaos, then he must be lost in the chaos.

   "Friends of Daoist have never fallen, but because of Chaos Clock?"

   After thinking about it, Taiqing saint asked~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Other people who heard the words, also looked at Taiyi with curiosity, looking forward to his answer.

   It's really strange, Ming Taiyi has already sacrificed himself, why didn't he fall?

   It is almost impossible to say that Taiyi is a fraudulent death. At the beginning, Taiyi offered sacrifices in front of everyone. If this can make him succeed in deceiving his death, then everyone's eyes can be thrown away.

   I have concealed the ability of one or two people, Tai Yi must have. But to tell everyone the truth, if he really had this ability, the Lich decisive battle would not end in any way.

  Since it was not a fraudulent death, why did Taiyi resurrect so quickly?

   Everyone is very curious about Taiyi's resurrection method. Such a good method of resurrection may be used any day. Can everyone not be curious?

   "Yes, it's the Chaos Clock!"

   "It was He who sheltered me and allowed me to survive the decisive battle of the Lich."

   nodded, Tai Yi told everyone about his experience.

   When he sacrificed himself and turned into the Lich’s Gate, Taiyi also thought that he was bound to fall.

  Unexpectedly, at the last moment, the Chaos Clock suddenly burst out with all its strength, protecting him with a trace of immortality.

   Then, Chaos Clock took his only remaining trace of true spirit, passed through the barrier of heaven and earth, and came into the great chaos outside the world.

   Chaos Clock, the legendary treasure of opening the sky, has the mighty power to suppress chaos. When Pangu opened the sky, the chaotic clock was used to suppress the chaotic air of riots.

   And the chaotic air here refers to the chaotic air of the great chaos outside the realm, not the chaotic air of the chaos outside the sky.

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