Flooded Star Road

Chapter 752: Seize the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda

A bold idea suddenly appeared in Feng Zichen's mind. Since the Taiqing saint has taken away the luck of two adult races, let him make up for it with the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda.

   If you can get the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda, the loss of the luck of the two races is really nothing. It can even be said that the human race has made a lot of money.

   Although the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda is the acquired treasure, its power may not be worse than the innate treasure. Moreover, the most precious place of the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda, has never been its defensive power that can be called the day after tomorrow.

   The most precious thing about it lies in the layer of heaven-opening merit in its body. It is this layer of the Heaven-opening Merit that makes the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda extraordinary.

   Why does the heaven and earth Xuanhuang Pagoda hold on to the invincible place? That's why.

  A layer of kaitian merits can create a heavenly saint. That Sanqing, that Houtu, why can he become a saint of heaven? Why did Sanqing repeatedly break the rules of heaven without paying any price?

   It's all because they have 10% of the merits of opening the heavens. It is this kaitian merit that gives them unlimited capital.

   Although the two-layer human race has a lot of luck, it can't create a saint, and it is impossible to rely on it to become the capital of the predecessor.

   If it is possible to exchange the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda at the cost of losing the luck of two people, Feng Zichen believes that this transaction is completely worthwhile.

   Thinking of this, Feng Zichen and Ziwei the Great moved at the same time.

   I saw that they first punched out and forced the Taiqing saints back, and then, one step forward, they came to the side of the Tiandi Xuanhuang Pagoda, and they wanted to join forces to suppress it.

   Seeing this, the sage of Taiqing still didn't understand the plan of these two people. This is obviously because of his magic weapon, and he intends to grab it.

   How could this Taiqing saint be willing?

   That is the Xuanhuang Pagoda of Heaven and Earth. Since the destruction of the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler, it has ranked first among the treasures of the acquired day.

   Its value is immeasurable.

   "The thief dare you!"

   With a thought, the sage of Taiqing will search for the connection between himself and the Xuanhuang Pagoda of Heaven and Earth, and call it back.

   However, due to the previous impact of the Zhoutian Star Map, the power of the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda was disturbed, and temporarily lost contact with the Taiqing Saint.

   Facing his call, there was no response for a while.

   "Damn it!"

   Seeing this, the Taiqing Sage stomped straight, but he couldn't ignore the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda. When he saw that he was running his mana, he took out the Panlong and squat, and then killed the two.

   At the same time, he did not forget to secretly summon the Tai Chi diagram, turning it into a golden rainbow bridge, suppressing endless time and space.


   Seeing the Taiqing saint rushing, Feng Zichen and Ziwei Great Emperor, both without looking back, just blasted out with a punch.


  In an instant,

   In the void, the dragon roars endlessly.

   I saw the Human Dao Dragon Qi, and Ziwei Emperor Qi rushing out, carrying the mighty power to destroy everything, and heading straight for the Taiqing Saint.

   In the face of such powerful two punches, even if it is as strong as the Taiqing saint, he not only frowned, but felt tricky.

   But that's it.

   After all, He is also the first person of all saints.

   In this era when Hongjun Dao ancestors were not born, the Taiqing saints faintly held the title of the first person in the prehistoric world with the cultivation base of the Seventh Heaven of Hunyuan.

   He was worried that the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda would fall into the enemy's hands. At this moment, the Taiqing Saints had no reservations, and the cultivation of the Seventh Heaven of Hunyuan was undoubtedly displayed.

  In an instant, a powerful momentum rose from the body of the Taiqing Saint, and a huge wave of chaos swayed in the chaos outside the sky.


   I saw the Taiqing saints at an inflection point, and the vast and unpredictable moral mantras gushing out from his hands, turning into chains of order, entangled towards the front.

   At the same time, the Hongqiao that the Tai Chi picture turned into suddenly spread forward, blocking the front of the Taiqing Saint, and violently collided with the fist marks of the two Emperor Feng Zichen and Ziwei.


   After receiving this heavy blow, I saw the Hong Qiao transformed into a Tai Chi picture trembling, and then there was no more.

  , after all, is the treasure of opening the sky, how can it be shaken by the energy of the mere Hunyuan level? It can be repelled, but if you want to destroy the Taiji Tu, with Feng Zichen's current strength, this is absolutely impossible.

   At the same time that the fist seal was blocked, the chain of order gods transformed into the moral mantra suddenly rushed to Feng Zichen's side, and wanted to wrap around the heaven and earth Xuanhuang Pagoda and drag it away.

   Seeing this, Feng Zichen drew up, and he slid across the middle of the chain of the **** of order and the Xuanhuang Pagoda of Heaven and Earth.

   With a brushing sound, the Zichen sword was unsheathed, and the dazzling sword light swept up the sword light, severing the chain of order.

   Although the Chain of Order God is strong, the Zichen sword in Feng Zichen's hands is a fusion of innate swordsmanship, and in the true sense it has achieved everything without cutting.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Not to mention the chain of the gods of order, even if the way of heaven appeared in front of Feng Zichen, he dared to cut it. Of course, it is one thing to be able to cut, but whether to be able to be cut is another matter.

   And when Feng Zichen blocked the Chain of Order God, Emperor Ziwei over there already sealed the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda with the Zhoutian Star Diagram.


   Just as soon as the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda was sealed, the Taiqing Sage killed him. I saw Hongqiao Hengkong, slamming into the Zhoutian Star Chart.

   Panlong squatted and waved, hitting the two emperor Ziwei and Feng Zichen respectively.

   "Go!" With a move in his heart, Feng Zichen offered sacrifices to the emperor's seal, blocking the Tai Chi diagram that hit it, and he himself, teamed up with Emperor Ziwei, to kill the sage of Taiqing.

   The Zhoutian star chart may not be able to block the Taiji chart, but the Humane Emperor Xi absolutely can.

  Because its core is Chaos Orb, it is also the fragment of Chaos Supreme Treasure. Who said that the fragment of Chaos Orb must be inferior to that of Pangu Axe?

   The two great innate treasures fought together in the chaos, and their masters also fought together in another place.

   And when Feng Zichen was fighting with the Taiqing saints, he didn't notice, taking advantage of the riots in the human race, there was a change and rebirth in the human race.

   A strong man who has long since fallen, reincarnated through the six reincarnation discs, and devoted himself to the human race.

   For a time, there were countless Tianjiaos born in the Human Race.

   Logically speaking, the reincarnation of the strong will inevitably have a vision to show their extraordinary.

   But at this moment, the way of heaven is not visible, and the human luck is violent, which disturbs the innate ways in the territory of the human race, and temporarily loses the ability to sense heaven and earth.

   can't interact with the heaven and the earth, the reincarnated bodies of those strong people naturally can't give birth to the corresponding vision.

   This is a good thing for them!

   Now, they don’t have to worry, because under the interaction between heaven and earth, their identities are at risk of exposure.

   As for the luck they carry, they have not been integrated into the human race. How can the saint make such a big mistake when he makes a shot?

  The luck of their previous lives has long been collected by the saints, entrusted in various treasures, and placed in the prehistoric places.

   After they grow up, follow the feeling in their hearts to find their own opportunities.

   In this wave, the plan of the saint is perfect.

   not only arranged the identities of the people, but also prepared the opportunities for them to cultivate, and waited for them to grow up so that they could be used by the saints.

  What exactly do you want them to do? It depends on the saint's thoughts and the future direction.

   However, burying these nails in the human race will always do no harm. Sooner or later, it will be useful.

   For all of this, Feng Zichen did not know.

   First of all, the fragmentation of the human luck caused him to temporarily lose his awareness of the human race.

   In addition, this place is the chaos outside the sky, and it is extremely far away from the wild land, and it has reduced his control of the human race to the freezing point.

   At this moment, his attention is all focused on the heaven and earth Xuanhuang Pagoda, and he is trying his best to get it. Where can he care about the human race?

  With so many kinds of things, he naturally couldn't sense the situation of the human race.

   And the Three Emperors and Five Emperors are doing their best to suppress the restlessness of the human race, so that it can return to normal, and by the way, sort out the loss of the human race this time.

   didn't have the energy to look after the human race today.

   It can be said that at this moment, all the peerless masters of the human race have been caught in their energy. It is precisely because of this that the saint was given the opportunity to plan.


   Sensing the completion of his plan, Taiqing Sage breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and at the same time decided not to accompany Feng Zichen and the others to continue playing.

   After so long, this boring battle should be over.

   At this point, I saw the Taiqing saint looking for an opportunity and suddenly withdrew.

   "Two fellow Taoists, how do you look at the supernatural power of the poor Dao?" When he stepped aside, he saw the sage of Taiqing waving his hand and said.

   Regarding this, Feng Zichen and Ziwei Great Emperor did not reply, but rushed up directly, not giving the Taiqing Saint a chance to breathe.

   The villain died of talkative truth, they still know it. Talk to the Taiqing saint for a while, who knows what changes will happen.

   "One Qi transforms three Qings!" Seeing the two rushing forward, the Taiqing Saint shook his head and flicked his hand, and the whole person suddenly turned into a clean breath.

   Then, I saw Qingqi Sanfen, who turned into three different Taoists. One looks young, one looks middle-aged, and one looks old.

   The young Taoist has the same face as the Master Tongtian.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   The face of the middle-aged Taoist is the same as Yuanshi Tianzun.

   The old Taoist is clearly the Taiqing Saint himself.

   The three of them stepped forward and introduced in order of age: "Poor Dao and Tai Qing Dao!"

   "Poor Dao Yu Qing Dao Ren!"

   "Plain Taoist on the poor road!"

   "I have seen two fellow Taoists!" ×3

   Seeing this scene, Feng Zichen and Emperor Ziwei couldn't help but stop.

"This is……"

   Feng Zichen recognized the origin of this magical power.

   This magical power is called Yiqihuasanqing, which is the supreme magical power created by the Taiqing saints. Three clones can be transformed, and each clone has a combat power no less than the deity.

   Feng Zichen has always sneered at this statement, thinking it is absolutely impossible.

  It is not difficult to make three clones, but to make them have the same combat power as the deity, one can barely do it, but it is almost impossible for the three.

   Feng Zichen has not tried it, but he has never done it. Therefore, the conceited He thinks that no one can do this.

  Unexpectedly, seeing the Taiqing saints using this supernatural power today, he really slapped him in the face.

   View these three breaths, except for Taiqing Taoists. The other two, although they cannot be compared with the Taiqing saints, their strengths are almost equal to those of Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Hierarch.

   In other words, the Taiqing saint alone can be regarded as three people.

   These supernatural powers are really amazing.

On the side of   , the other people who were fighting against each other showed their expressions of amazement after they noticed the changes here.

   Such magical powers, they will not.

   The expressions of the people are okay, but when the Master Tongtian and Yuanshi Tianzun saw the Shangqing Daoist and Yuqing Daoist whose faces were similar to them, their expressions became weird, and they didn't know what they were thinking about.

   "Two fellow daoists, how do you observe the supernatural power of the poor Dao?" The three of them stepped forward and said in unison.

   "It's wonderful, it's really wonderful."

   nodded, Feng Zichen praised. Then, he unceremoniously raised the Zichen sword and killed the three of them.

   The aura can be faked. Before getting started, who knows if the Sanqing illusioned by the Taiqing saint is a fake, or really capable.


   Innate swordsmanship emerged, turned into a dazzling sword light, and slashed toward the three of them mightily.

   Seeing the sword light slashed, the three Taoists did not evade, and saw them standing in place, with a fairy light rising from their bodies, forming a piece in front of them to block the sword light.

   That fairy light is surprisingly Sanqing’s natal magic power, Sanqing fairy light.

   Experts will know if they are there as soon as they make a move, and Feng Zichen will know that these three Taoists have real abilities, not appearances.

   "Since fellow Daoists have already made a move~www.wuxiaspot.com~ then it is the turn of the poor road." After blocking the sword light, the three said in unison.

   Then, without seeing what they were doing, I saw the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda, which was suppressed by the Zhoutian Star Diagram, suddenly trembling violently, and was about to break its seal.

   "Haha, fellow Taoists are really supernatural powers."

   "However, since I have already learned the magical powers of fellow Taoists, it is time for the fellow Taoists to learn and teach me the magical powers."

   didn't go to suppress the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda, so he heard the wind, Zichen laughed, and said to the Taiqing saint.

   "Please see, fellow daoists, how is my supernatural power?"

After    said, Feng Zichen's eyebrows suddenly showed a mysterious mark. In an instant, an incomparably stalwart aura filled everyone's minds.

   At the same time, in the center of Emperor Ziwei's eyebrows, there were also exactly the same mysterious imprints, which appeared, also exuding shocking power.


   The power of the two Taoist seals added together, and the vast and majestic breath became stronger. Everyone only felt a powerful pressure on their hearts, which actually made them give birth to irresistible thoughts.


   At this moment, a fixed character suddenly heard.

   It was the voice of Feng Zichen and Emperor Ziwei, and they were the one who made the move.

   rumbling, even more majestic power swept out, covering everything around.

   At this moment, under this force, the entire chaos outside the sky seemed to be stuck in stagnation. The Heaven and Earth Profound Yellow Pagoda, which was still struggling violently before, fell into calm once again only for a moment.

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